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GAO Reports by subject "Missiles"

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Date Dec. 1, 1981 Report No. PLRD-82-19 Title

National Defense: The Army Should Improve Its Requirements Determination System

BYTHEUS GENERALACCOWTiNG CWCE Report ToTheSecretary Of TheArmy TheArmy Should Improve Its equirements Determination System This report discusses needed actions by the U S Army to Improve Its requirements determmatlon system GAO found that the Army Missile Command misstated requirements for Items In a buy po sltlon In August 1980 by $13 mIllIon because of Inaccurate, unrealistic, and arbitrary lead...
Date May 15, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-29 Title

National Defense: Improving the Weapon Systems Acquisition Process

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF D.C. THE ?Qo UNITED STATES B-203043 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. MAY l&l981 Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Assistant for Audit Reports Secretary: Improving the Weapon Systems Subject: Acquisition Process MASAD-81-29) We are pleased to note the initiatives Secretary Frank Carlucci have your the weapon systems acquisition process. In his...
Date May 15, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-30 Title

NORAD's Missile Warning System: What Went Wrong?

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Chairman Committee On Government House Of Representatives OF THE UNITED STATES RELEASED Operations NORAD’s Missile Warning System: What Went Wrong? The importance and criticality of the North American Air Defense Command’s (NORAD’s) computer system have recently been emphasized when false missile warning messages were generated and the Nation’s nucl...
Date May 14, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-26 Title

Acquiring Weapon Systems in a Period of Rising Expenditures: Implications for Defense Management

/3/c/ uBY, THECOMPTl?OLLER GENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES / / I - RteportToThe Congress Acquiring Weapon Systems In A Period Of Rising Expenditures: Implications For Defense Management The planned rapid growth in defense expenditures in the next few years makes it especially important for the Department of Defense to exercise tight control over the development and acquisition of weapon systems. In a s...
Date Feb. 28, 1981 Report No. C-MASAD-81-11 Title

National Defense: Issues Affecting the Navy's Antiship Cruise Missile Programs

UNCLASSIFIED REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES ISSUES AFFECTING THE NAVY'S ANTISHIE' CRUISE MISSILE PROGRAMS DIGEST m----m The Navy, to meet existing and projected threats from enemy surface ships armed with long-range missiles, has three antiship cruise missiles in various stages of development. These missiles are designed to provide the Navy with a standoff capability agains...
Date Feb. 28, 1981 Report No. C-MASAD-81-8 Title

National Defense: Opportunities for Improving Management of the Navy's Aegis Cruiser Program

‘d’JCiASSIF!ED REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED ST.\I'ES OPPORTUNITIES FOR IMPROVING IVIANAGEMENT OF THE NAVY'S AEGIS CRUISER PROGRAM DIGEST -----The Aegis weapon system is the antiair warfare weapon designed to protect tne Navy's carrier battle groups from Soviet airand sea-launched missiles. It is comprised of an advanced design radar and related hardware and software. (See p....
Date Feb. 28, 1981 Report No. C-MASAD-81-9 Title

National Defense: Some Land Attack Cruise Missile Acquisition Programs Need To Be Slowed Down

1 UNCLASSIFIED I (A-2 3? REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES SOME LAND ATTACK CRUISE MISSILE GRAMSNEED TO BE SLOWEDDOWN ACQUISITION PRO- DIGEST --w--e Cruise missiles are subsonic, jet-powered airframes that are being acquired to deliver nuclear or conventional warheads against a variDuring the last 8 years or ety of targets. so, development efforts have been focused on versions...
Date Feb. 23, 1981 Report No. C-MASAD-81-6 Title

National Defense: Progress and Problems of the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile Program

‘* - / rn/ UNCLASSIFIED PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS OF THE ADVANCED MEDIUM RANGE AIR-TO-AIR MISSILE PROGRAM .m-.. - - REPORT BY THE.COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF 'THE UNITED STATES . DIGEST -----The Advanced Medium,Range Air-to-Air Missile (-AMRAAM) is being developed as an all-weather, air-to-air missile responding to Air Force and Navy operational requirements for the 1985-2005 Operating both within and be...
Date Feb. 12, 1981 Report No. C-MASAD-81-1 Title

National Defense: Problems Affecting the Procurement and Operation of the Army's AH-64 Attack Helicopter and Associated Systems

UNCLASSl FI ED REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENE= .OF THE UNITED STATES . PROBLEMS AFFECTING THE PROCUREMEL~TAND OPERATION OF THE ARMY'S AH-64 ATTACK HELICOPTER AND ASSOCIATED SYSTEMS DIGEST ------The attack helicopter, with its guided missiles and other armament, plays a key role in supporting ground troops battling enemy armored units concentrated'around the forward edge of the battle area. The Arm...
Date Nov. 13, 1980 Report No. C-PSAD-81-4 Title

National Defense: Future Procurements of Army's Copperhead Projectile Should Be Contingent on Improvements in Performance and Reliability

UMCIASWIED ( REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES FUTURE PROCUREMENTS OF ARMY'S COPPERHEAD PROJECTILE SHOULD BE CONTINGENT ON IMPROVEMENTS IN PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY 1 1 DIGEST -----a laser-guided, antiarmor projecCopperhead, tile launched from 155-mm. howitzers, entered It is a $1 billimited production this year. The Army plans to procure over lion program. 44,000 rounds by ...
Date April 9, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-43 Title

National Defense: Navy Missile Maintenance Can Be Done Cheaper by Improving Productivity

-FM+ //&gl& .,,, * BY THE U.S.GENERAL AiCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of The Navy Navy Missile Maintenance Can Be Done Cheaper By Improving Productivity The Navy has not missile maintenance meet its needs. tailored its intermediate resource5 to effectively This report shows that the Navy’s intermediate missile maintenance facilities capacity is more than needed. Also, the Navy does not...
Date Aug. 17, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-100 Title

Government Operations: Evaluation of the Decision To Begin Production of the Roland Missile System

retis OF THE UNITEDSTATES Evaluation Of The Decision To Begin Production Of The System The Chairman of the House Special Subcommittee on NATO Standardization, Interoperability and Readiness asked GAO to review the Department of Defense’s decision to produce the Roland missile system and related questions. The decision to begin producing Roland was based on the assumption that the system has suff...
Date Aug. 10, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-101 Title

Government Operations: Mission Need for Advanced Strategic Air Launched Missile Should Be Reaffirmed Before Contracts Are Awarded

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHIMGTCN’I, D.C. 20548 I11111111Ill1 11111 Ill Ill11 11111111 11111 LMil0098 PROCUREMENT ACCUISITION AND SYSTEMS DIVISION AUG 10 1979 B-163058 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Room 3A336 ASD (Comptroller) Reports 110098 Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: .. Mission Need for Advanced Strategic Air Launched Missil...
Date June 25, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-86 Title

Government Operations: Effectiveness of DOD Development Test and Evaluation

OFFICE UNITEDSTATES GENERALACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-163058 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Room 3~336 ASD (Comptroller) Reports JUNE 25, 1979 Dear Mr. Secretary: (and individually During calendar year 1978, we reviewed reported on) the military services' development test and evaluation (DT&E) of six weapon systems totaling an estimated ...
Date June 11, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-65 Title

Aerial Fire Support Weapons: How Useful Would They Be in a European Conflict?

4s & ‘, &e?fJ A~fid~d This is an undssified digest furnished in lieu of a report containing classifiedsecurity informatior LM109593 IQ9s1$3 Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll BE IN REPORTBY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES DIGEST ------ r'AERIAL FIRE SUPPORT WEAPONS: HOW USEFUL WOULDTH A EUROPEAN The effectiveness and survivability of aerial fire support weapons which are to assist gr...
Date April 25, 1979 Report No. PSAD-79-64 Title

Government Operations: Digests of Major Weapon System Reports Issued January and February 1979

.. I. a roq23~ BY “W THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES c I VP++ Report To The Congress _ Digests Of Major Weapon System Reports Issued January And February 1979 Each year billions of dollars are requested by the Department of Defense for funding individual major weapon system programs. GAO’s reporting to the Congress on annual weapon system programs has been one method of providing info...
Date Nov. 7, 1978 Report No. PSAD-79-4 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Department of Energy Participation in Defense System Acquisition Review Council Review

DCCUOENT RESUME 07659 - [C318 29 r Department of Energy Participation in Defense System Acquisition Review Council Review]. ESAD-79-4; B-165546. November 7, 1978. 2 pp. Report to Harold Brown, Secretary, Department of Defense; by Jerome H. Stolarow, Director, Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div. Issue Area: Science and Technology: Management and Oversight of Programs (2004); Federal Procuremen...
Date Oct. 23, 1978 Report No. PSAD-79-2 Title

Government Operations: Concurrent Development and Production of MK-12A Reentry Vehicle

DOCUbmT RESUHE 073?3 C297807] (C:oncurrent Development and Production of nK-12A Reentry Vrthicle]. PSAD-79-2; 8-163058. October 23, 1978. 3 pp. Roport to Harold BrovA, Secretary, Department of Defense; by Joerome . Stolarow, Director, ProcuremeTt and Systems A:quisition Div. Iasue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and ervices: Engineering Development before Producing (1903), Science and Technolog...
Date April 28, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-39 Title

Government Operations: Status of the Cruise Missile Programs

DOCUMENT RESUME 05807 - [812261791 (Restricted/Confidential) PSAL-78-39; Gensral. B-16305P. Status of the Cruise Missile Prograes. April 28, 1978. Report by Blmer B. Staats, Comptrcllet Unclassified Digest Not Available. Issue Area: Federal Procuresent of Gcods and Services: Definition of Performance Requirements in Relaticn tc Need of the Procuring Agency (1902); Science and Technology (2000). Co...
Date April 7, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-31 Title

The Navy's TRIDENT Fleet: Some Success but Several Major Problems

REPORT BY THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITED STATES The Navy's TRIDENT Fleet--Some Success But Several Major Problems The TRIDENT submarine and missile fleet will replace the POLARIS/POSEiDON ballist;c missile fleet. GAO's cost estimate for 21 and 29 TRIDENT submarines exceed the Navy's $30 and S40 billion estimates by S7 and S10 billion, respectively. The ship contractor--Electric Boat--is exp...
Date March 27, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-26 Title

Government Operations: Status of the High-Speed Antiradiation Missile System

DOCUMENT RESUME 07568 - [B2647691] (Secret) Status of the High-Speed AntiraO tion Missile System. PSAD-78-26; B-163058. March 27 1978. Report to the Congress; by Elmor B. Staats, Cosptroller General. Unclassified Digest Not Available, Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Engineering Development before Producing (1903); Science and Tecbnolcgy (2000). Contact: Procurement and Syste...
Date March 21, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-19 Title

Government Operations: Status of the Army's Hellfire Air-to-Surface Missile Program

DOCUBSIT RBSU0! 07066 - [12647689] (3ecret) Status of the Army's Beilfire kir-to-Surface lissile Frograu. PSAD-7E-19; 8-163058. Barch 21, 1978. Report to the Congress; by Blecr B. Staats, Comptroller General. Unclassified Digest lot lvailaLle. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Notifying the Congrwss of Status of Important Procurement Programs (1905 . Contact- Procurement and S...
Date March 20, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-79 Title

Government Operations: The Department of Defense's Application of the Design-to-Cost Concept

DOCUABET RESUNE 06782 Concept]. B2267294] PSAD-78-79; B-163058. arcb 0, 178. 7 pp. [The Department of Defense s Application of the Design-tc-Cost Report to Secretary, Department of Defease; by Richard U. Gutmann, Director, Procurement ad Systems Acquisition Div. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900). Contact: Procureient and Syste;~s Auisition Die. Budget Function: Nat.obal ...
Date March 15, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-28 Title

Government Operations: Status of the FFG-7 Guided Missile Frigate Shipbuilding Program

DOCUBIFT B. SU 07062 - [ B2647686 (Secret) Status of the FpG-7 Guided misih Frigate Shipbuilding P-roras. PSAD-78-28; B-16305d. larch 15, $98. aReport to the Congress; by BIl.* B, Staats, Cc¢ptrolltr General. Unclassifisd Digest lot Available. Issue Are.: Federal Prcureaent of Goods and Services (1900); Federal Procurement of Goods and services: Notifying the Contact: Pzccurement and Systems Acqu...
Date Feb. 15, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-59 Title

Government Operations: Performance of the Monopulse Seeker and Active Fuse for the AIM-7F Missile and the British Sky Flash Missile Program

DOCUMENT RESUME 05800 [B1045991] the (Restricted/contidevt al) Monopulse Seeker 15, and Active fuse for the Performance of PSAD-78-59; Report AIM-7F Missile and the British Sky Flarh missile Prxgcar. B-163058. February 19-e. to the House CoLiittee on Arsed Staats, Comptroiler Gene/Al. Unclassified Digest Nct Available. Services; by Elmer E. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Gccds and Services: De...
Date Jan. 1, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-16 Title

Government Operations: Issues To Be Resolved Before Committing the Army's Roland Missile System to Production

DOCUNEH1T RBSUME 05809 - r B1025982] (Restricted/Confidectial) Issues To Be Resolved Before Cosrittirg the Army's Roland Missile System to Production. PSAD-76-16; B-163058. Report to the Congress; by Eluer B. Staatst Comptroller General. Unclassified Digest Not Available. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Se-vices. Notifying the Conqress of Status of I[portant Ercurement Programs (1905)...
Date Dec. 16, 1977 Report No. PSAD-78-44 Title

Government Operations: Rationale Justifying the Stated Mission Needs for Cruise Missile

DOCUMENT 04250 B3554811] ESUME () (Rationale Justifying the Stated Mission Needs for Cruise Missile]. PSAD-78-44; B-163058. December 16, 1977. 3 pp. P-port to Sen. William Proxmire, Chairman, Department of D:fense; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Gooas and Services (1 9 00 ; F'deral Procurement of Goods and Services- Notifying the Congress of Status of I...
Date Nov. 23, 1977 Report No. LCD-78-403 Title

Air Force Maintenance Depots: The Need for More Responsiveness to Mobilization as well as Peacetime Efficiency (Unclassified Version of a Secret Report)

Date Nov. 7, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-438 Title

Government Operations: Improving Logistical Support at Kwajalein Missile Range

DCCUMENT 03997 [b31343791 EUME SUE (Restricted) Improvinq Loqistical Support at Kwajalein Miseile Range. LCD-7.'-.38; B-152538. November 7, 1977. 43 pp. + appendices (2 pp.) Report to 5se., William Proxmire; by icbert F. Keller, Acting Ccmptroller Gen ral. Issu;; Area: Facilities and Material Management -700). Contact: Logistics and Communications Liv. Budget Function: National Defense: Department...
Date Jan. 24, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-51 Title

Government Operations: Comparison of the Pershing II Program with the Acquisition Plan Recommended by the Commission on Government Procurement

DOCUMENT RESUME 00091 - [A0751048] Comparison of the Pershing II Program with the Acquisition Flan Recommended by the Commisrion on Government Procurement. B-182956; PSAD-77-51. January 24, 1977. 15 pp. + appendices (9 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900). Contact: Procurement and Systems Acquisition Di....
Date Jan. 24, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-49 Title

Government Operations: Comparison of the Shipboard Intermediate Range Combat System with the Acquisition Plan Recommended by the Commission on Government Procurement

DOCUMENT 00092 - [A07510431 ASOME comparison of the Shipboard Intermediate Range Combat System with the Acquisition Plan Recommended by the Commission on Governrent Procurement. 8-182956; PSAD-77-49. Januacy 24, 1977. 28 pp. Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900). Contact: Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div...
Date Aug. 6, 1974 Report No. 093127 Title

National Defense: Proposed Prices for 1972 MINUTEMAN III Missile Procurement

Date Aug. 6, 1974 Report No. 093129 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Subcontract Estimates Included in Prime Contract Prices at Amphenol Space and Missile Systems Division

. ROOM 300 NORTH 7068. FEDERAL LOS ANGELES BUlLDiNG STREEI. LOSANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90012 Mr. Peter Van Benschoten Vice President - Operations Amphenol SAMS Operations The Bunker-Ram0 Corporation 9201 Independence Avenue Chatsworth, California 91311 Dear Mr. Van Benschoten: Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I* LM093129 '! As part of a nationwide review of the effectiveness of Defense procurem...
Date July 19, 1974 Report No. 093156 Title

Financial Management: Pricing of Contract N00019-72-C-0154

REGIONAL 8112 FEDERAL FIFTH AND MAIN OFFiCE OFFiCE BUILDING STREETS CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 Commaqler, daval Ax Systems Command Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20360 Dear Commander As part of a broad review of the reasonableness of noncompetitive prime contract prices negotiated under the provisions of Public Law 87-653, we have examined into the prices proposed and negotiated for fixed-pri...
Date March 1, 1974 Report No. 093066 Title

National Defense: CVAN-68/69 and CVN-70 Nuclear Aircraft Carriers

U.S. GENERAIL ACCOUNTING OFFICE STAFF STUDY LCVAN-68/69 AND CVN-70 NUCLEAR AIRCRAFT CARRIERS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY MARCH 1974 B~~~~-.t~fi~ lo6'v JcY3 .0~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 i~* '4 iK. 3 i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 A- c~~ I ,E ~ :··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 I i r · I ' i, 14 I i.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;~~~ii; ''4 1/ 13~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 4 £ I. if4 I'4 I4 I ~ I a ,` i I i...
Date April 1, 1973 Report No. 093802 Title

National Defense: The F-14/PHOENIX Aircraft Program

Illllllll1111 llll lllll Ill11 Ill lllll Ill11 lllllllll LM093802 i U. S. GEiY3B-U ACdOUJJTXNG OFFICE STAFFSTUDY ON [ THE F44/PHOmx 4 AIRCRAFTPROGRAM --( DEPARTMENT THE NAVY OF 4 APRIL J-973 ABBREVIATIONS NPE SAR GAO BIS DOD OPEVAL TECHEVAL NAVAIR PM0 CONEVAL ECCM NTR PPM WBS PMIS AFPRQ Navy Preliminary Selected Evaluation Report Office and Survey Acquisition General Accounting Board of Inspection...
Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 093815 Title

National Defense: B-1 Weapon System

U.S. GENEML ACCOUNTINGOFFICE STAFF STUDY P B-l WEAPONSYSTEM 3 DEPARTMENTOF THE AIR FORCE FEBRUARY1973 Contents Page SUMMARY 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION System descrlptlon Hmtory of the program Scope 2 7 7 9 10 12 12 15 15 15 20 21 22 22 WEAPON SYSTEM STATUS B-l avlonlcs status Other avlonlcs effort Cost, fundlng, schedule, and performance experience Cost experience F'undlng experience Schedule experx...
Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 093804 Title

National Defense: DLGN-38 Nuclear Guided Missile Frigate

U. S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFFICE STAFF STUDY GN-38 NUCLEAR GUIDED MISSILE FRIGATE > DEPARTMENTOF THE NAVY Contents Page SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION System description Status of acquisition Reduction in quantity Scope WEAPONSYSTEM STATUS System cost experience Appropriated and obligated funds System schedule experience System performance experience Selected acquisition reporting COST ESTIMATING ...
Date Jan. 1, 1972 Report No. 091017 Title

Special Publications: A Method and Format for Proposal Studies

Date Nov. 16, 1971 Report No. B-163435 Title

National Defense: Army's Purchase of PERSHING Missile Launch System Test Sets From Mohawk Industries, Inc., Easton, Pennsylvania

COh4FTRbLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE U D.C.-Z$M *, B-163435 Dear Mr. Rooney : ci -jr- &.3,,, *,..z”..4 1. As requested in your lettei of September 7, 1971, we reviewed the Army’s purchase of PERSHING Missile Launch System \ test sets from Moh~~~*ndustries, Inc., Easton, Pennsylvania, ,iV to determine whether defective test sets were being purchased. .*““m-.- ..“--~-~“w.; You furnishe...
Date May 27, 1968 Report No. B-163706 Title

National Defense: Need To Improve Requirements Computations For Expensive Missile Repair Parts

\- & REPORT TO THE CONGRESS LAW BRANCH hE ARMY LIBRNRY Need To Improve Requirements Computations For Expensive Missile Repair Parts 163706 Department of the Army BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES i}7 [CAY27 1 ,1-8 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B- 163706 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives The General Account...