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GAO Reports by subject "Real property acquisition"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 5, 1979 Report No. 094343 Title

Government Operations: Proposed Amendments to the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970

Date Sept. 5, 1979 Report No. 110311 Title

Government Operations: Proposed Amendments to the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970

SLnnmary of Statement by the Comptroller General of the Unlted States before the Senate Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations on S.1108 Mr. Chalrman, views on Senate Bill we are pleased 1108, which to be here amends the to present Uniform our Relocation Act this of morning, Assistance 1970. and Real Property that Acquisition a tight Policies schedule I understand interest 1978, you face I wi...
Date July 30, 1979 Report No. CED-79-114 Title

Agriculture and Food: Foreign Investment in U.S. Agricultural Land--How It Shapes Up

c * . REPORTBY THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Foreign Investment In U.S. Agricultural Land--How It Shapes Up This report, requested by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, provides an indepth perspective on foreign investment in U.S. agricultural land. Foreign buyers from at least 30 countries bought about 8 percent (248,146 acres) of the 3 million acres of ag...
Date June 15, 1979 Report No. CED-79-95 Title

Natural Resources: Validity of Payments by the Fish and Wildlife Service to Tenants Residing on a Boatyard Acquired by the FWS in Alviso, California

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING WASH 1NGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE B-114841 The Honorable Don Edwards House of Representatives Dear Mr. Edwards: RELEASED b" o"3 c7 1. As agreed with your office, we inquir / d into the validity of Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Department of the Interior, payments to tenants residing in a boatyard acquired by FWS at Alviso, California. The Uniform Relocation Assista...
Date April 20, 1979 Report No. CED-79-49 Title

Coal Slurry Pipelines: Progress and Problems for New Ones

* , a NW? REPORTBY THE L Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Coal Slurry Pipelines: Progress And Problems For New Ones This report briefly summarizes information on some of the key issues concerning coal slurry pipelines--pipelines that carry a mixture of coal and water--and whether pipeline companies need Federal eminent domain legislation to help acquire rights-of-way along proposed routes. ...
Date Nov. 1, 1978 Report No. CED-79-6 Title

Natural Resources: Acquisition of Kealia Pond in Hawaii

DOCUMENT RESUME 07665 C306 1] [Acquisition of Kealia Pond in Hawaii]. CE-79-6; November 1, 1978. 4 pp. B-118307. Report to Cecil D. Andrus, Secretary, Department of te Interior; by Henry Eschwege, Director, Ccmmunity and Economic Development Div. Issue Area: Land se Planning and Control: anagemeut of Federal Lands and Related Resources (2306). Contact: Community and Economic Development Div. nviro...
Date July 31, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-42 Title

IRS Seizure of Taxpayer Property: Effective, but Not Uniformly Applied

DOCUMENT RESCUE 06829 - (B21471861 (Restricted) IRS Seizure of Taxpayer Property: Effective, but Not Uniformly Applied. GGD-78-42; B-137762. July 31, 1978. 84 pp. + 3 appendices (12 pp.). Report to Sen. Russell B. Long, Chairman, Joint Committee on Taxation; Rep. Al Ullman, vice Chairsat; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Tax Administration (2700); Tax Policy (1500). Contact: Ge...
Date July 12, 1978 Report No. ID-78-16 Title

International Affairs: The Department of State Has Continuing Problems in Managing Real Estate Overseas

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THEUNITED STATES IlllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM106548 The State Department is responsible for acquiring, constructing, selling, maintaining, and operating about $3 billion worth of U.S. Government-owned and leased properties in 215 cities end 135 cointries. it is a huge and difficult task. Managenrent is fragmented and there has been ineffective use of ...
Date April 7, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-93 Title

Health: Development, Funding, and Operations of Kiski Valley Medical Facilities, Inc., North Apollo, Pa.

DOCUHENT RESUME 05701 - fa1045980j (a"sP a uC6A ICe Development, Funding, and Cperations of Kiski Valley medical Facilities, Inc., North Apollo, Pa. BCE-78-93; E-164C31(5). April 7, 19f7. 2 pp. + enclosure (15 FE.). Beport to Rep. John P. aurth&; by Greacr7 J. Ahart, Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Health Programs: Health Facilities (1203); Health Programs: Fraud and Abuse In the Financ...
Date March 8, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-6 Title

Financial Management: Changes Needed in the Relocation Act To Achieve More Uniform Treatment of Persons Displaced by Federal Programs

DOCUBENT REBSUO 05128 - [B0685612 Changes Needed i the Relocation Act To Achieve ore Uniform Treatment of Persons Displaced by Federal Programs. GGD-78-6; B-148044. flarth 8, 1978. 36 pp. + 3 appendices (23 pp.). Report to the Congress; b Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller eneral. Issue Area: omestic Housing and CommunitJ Development: Assisting Urban Communities to Prevent and Eliminate Blight and Deter...
Date Aug. 16, 1977 Report No. CED-77-122 Title

Natural Resources: Information on the Acquisition of Lands for Redwood National Park

REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES RElEASED ~~lli\\lillliiillllllllllllll LM103091 Information On The Acquisition Of Lands For Redwood National Park Department Department of the Interior of Justice In 1968 the Congress authorized $92 million for the acquisition of lands for the establishment of Redwood National Park. As of July 1977, expenditures for the acquisition of lands ha...
Date Aug. 5, 1977 Report No. CED-77-115 Title

Financial Management: Review of Department of Agriculture Audits and Investigations of the Farmers Home Administration Activities in the State of Maine

DOCUMENT RES'-P 03118 - rA22123151 (Pestricted) r[eviow of Dopart-ent of Agriculture Audits and Investigations of the Farmers Home Administration Activities in the State of Maino1. CFD-~"-115; B-11t4873. August 5, 1977, 7 pp. 9por'r *o Pep. David Genmral. Issuo .v Emery; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller Area: T'trernal Auditing Systems: Audit reports Quality and Followup (203). Contact: Communi*y a...
Date July 19, 1977 Report No. 102835 Title

Government Operations: Site Selection by the Postal Service

DOCUMENT RESUME 02835 - [A2033128] (Restricted) [Site Selection by the Postal Service]. Jujy 19, 1977. 8 pp., Repcrt to Alfred C. Maevis, Assistant Postmaster General, Postal Service: Real Estate and Buildings Dept.; by Arnold P..Jones, Associate Director, General Government Div. Issue Area: Facilities and Material Management: Building, Buying, or Leasing Federal Facilities and Equipment (706). Co...
Date Sept. 20, 1976 Report No. CED-76-144 Title

Private Land Acquisition in National Parks: Improvements Needed

r4 i -i . REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES @,RARY SYSTEM i t Private Land Acq u isition In National Parks:. Improvements Needed National Park Service Department of the Interior The National Park Service began a land acquisition program in fiscal year 1969, the Opportunity Inholding Program, to acquire private lands within the boundaries of certain national parks. Prices the N...
Date Sept. 8, 1976 Report No. CED-76-143 Title

Environmental Protection: Alleged Damage Being Done to the Big Thicket National Preserve in Eastern Texas

‘B-125035 SEP8 1976 / The Honorable Alan Steelman House of Representatives Dear Mr. Steelman: -’ - d 31,s ‘/ I In January 1976 you expressed concern aboutglleged damage being done to the Big Thicket National Preserve in eastern Texasyand asked if anything could have been done by the National Park Service to help prevent additional damage. Accordingly, you asked us to review the Park Servi.ce...
Date May 21, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-329 Title

Education: Policies And Scope Of Air Installation Compatible Use Zones Program

f Policies And Scope O f Air Insta Ilation Com pati tale Use ones Program Department of Defense The Department of Defense started this program in 1973 to carry out a policy of insuring its continued flight cperational capability. For the 194 bases now in the program, the Air Force estimated $57 million t o achieve compatible land uses around i t s bases while Army and Navy estimates await further ...
Date April 16, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-304 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Acquisition of Public Buildings by Leasing and Purchase Contracting

THE C ESS09Y3’0 gy THE @OMPTROLLER GEIWfLU OF THE UNITED STATES LMO99368 ~~llilllllllllllllllllllllllllll~llllll GENfu4L ()FflCE AmlffnlyG LiBm?y SYST&f @R22 #76 Acquisition Of, P~?f’lYl~ Buildings By Leasing And Purchase Contracting General Services Administration General Services Administration ten did not show lease files of- --whether negotiations had taken with other than the lessor or --...
Date Feb. 12, 1976 Report No. GGD-76-44 Title

Government Operations: Postal Service Acquisition of Land in Hamilton Township, New Jersey

” - .- J . Postal Service kquisition Of Land In Hamikm Township, New Jersey The Post,il Service chose the proper economic altcrnatlve from among those considered in dccidlng to construct a new postal faclllty to I rnpl ovc rn,lll proccsscng capability In the Trenton area. Of the sites ser,ouslv considorcd, the Service chose the bzst frc,m the stdndjlolnts of both operations aIla construction. Ho...
Date Jan. 7, 1976 Report No. ID-76-30 Title

National Defense: Financial and Legal Aspects of the Agreement on the Availability of Certain Indian Ocean Islands for Defense Purposes

1 . . I JJY the 0fJiG.C of Cc3gressional Re:ations. RELEASED REPORT OF THE OF THE UNITED STATES LM090826 coMpTRoLEEn GENERAL 111111111111111llll I’ + . Financial And. Legal Aspects Of The Agreement On The Availability Of Certain Indian Ocean Islands For Defense Purposes Departments of Defense and State A classified note to this December 30, 1966, agreement provides for the United States to pay $...
Date June 26, 1975 Report No. RED-75-386 Title

Natural Resources: Policies and Practices for Acquiring Land at Three Missouri Water Resources Projects

I’ ., COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED B.C. 2oS48 SrATES B-164844 . * d The Honorable LVThe Honorable The Honorable 4 / Stuart Thomas William Symington, United States Senate F. Eagleton, United States Senate LT. Randall, House of Representatives Pursuant to your joint request of September 18, 1974, and subsequent discussions with our representatives, this is our report on the specif...
Date May 1, 1975 Report No. RED-75-362 Title

Government Operations: Propriety of Allegations Made About the Land Acquisition Practices of the Corps of Engineers at the Tocks Island Lake Project in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

The Honorable Joseph It7 Cornelia Street Boonton, New Jersey Dear Mr. Maraziti: 2. Maraziti 0700s This is in reply to your request that we examine into the propriety of allegations made about the land acquisition practices of the Corps of Engineers at the Tacks Island Lake project in. New Jersey and Pennsylvania, As agreed with your office, we selected for review 17 of the land acquisition abuses....
Date June 7, 1973 Report No. B-148044 Title

Government Operations: Differences in Administration of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970

m z 0 z ;5 t 0 .t .E 73 2 a s m aJ .0 .0 CL COMPTROLLER GENERAL WA§HINGTON. OF THE UNITED 20548 STATES D.C. B-148044 3t /c The Honorable Edmund S. Muskie Chairman, Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations Committee on Government Operations United States Senate Chairman: r * s- . -L -. +- Dear Mr. we are reporting on differences in As you requested, administration of the Uniform Relocation Assi...
Date Dec. 4, 1972 Report No. 089498 Title

Natural Resources: Federal Policies and Procedures for Land Acquisition at Water Resources Projects

Date Nov. 22, 1972 Report No. B-176942 Title

Government Operations: Review of the Department of Justice's Standards and Instructions for Preparing Acceptable Title Evidence for Land Acquisitions

WAS#INGTON, D.C. 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIWISION B-176942 Dear \ Mr. Attorney General : I1111111 Ill1 lllll Ill11 Ill1 Ill lllll lllll Ill11 lllll LM096241 37 We reviewed the Deoartment of Justice’s standards and instructions for preparing acceptable t~l~Z~~e~$..d~e~ti@~ s and examined the different types of land title d by selected offices of the Corps of EngiDepartment of Agriculthe Forest S...
Date Aug. 22, 1972 Report No. B-135232 Title

Economic Development: Plans for Staging the 1976 Winter Olympic Games in Colorado

REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSU.AR AFFAIRS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Plans For taging The 1976 Winter Olympic Games h Colorado B 735232 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WAsHIN+~oN, OF THE UNITED a c. 20548 STATES B- 135232 Dear Mr Chairman to your request staging the 1976 of April 28, winter Olympic 1972, this 1s our report games m Colorado on the In ...
Date Feb. 16, 1972 Report No. B-174594 Title

Government Operations: Disposition of the Castner Range Area Before Its Transfer to the Jurisdiction of GSA

B-174594 r ? .2- Dear Mr. White: Your letter of November 15, 1971, requested that we undertake a review of the preliminary negotiations between the General Services Administration (GSA) and other parties concerning the ‘disposition of the Castner Range area before its : transfer to the jurisdiction of GSA. The Castner Range, adjacent to the city of El Paso, Tgxas, and now a part of Fort Bliss, c...
Date Oct. 27, 1971 Report No. B-147652,B-147655 Title

Agriculture and Food: Information on Federally Owned Submarginal Land Proposed To Be Held in Trust for the Stockbridge Munsee Indian Community in Wisconsin

REPORT TO COMMITTEE ON IN IOR AND INSULAR UNITED STATES SENAXE. . . ov 9 793 AFFAIRS . Information. On Federally Owned < 1’ Fx-%T Submarginal Land Proposed -To B&---. Held In Trust For The Stockbridge Munsee Indian Community In Wisconsin v B- 147652, B- 147655 Bureau of Indian Affairs Department of the Interior E-147652 B-147655 Dear Mrc c;JL ChaiTman: In accordance with your request of April 1,...
Date March 12, 1971 Report No. B-145650 Title

Government Operations: Leasing Versus Buying Small and Medium Size Post Office Buildings

a =- B-145650 Dear Mr. Chairman: This is in response to the Committee’s request of September 30, 1970, that we inform you of the results of our review of the Post Office Department’s method of acquiring small and medium size post office buildings. According to the Postmaster General’s annual report for fiscal year 1969, at June 30, 1969, the Department was occupying about 141 million square ...
Date Feb. 25, 1969 Report No. 089450 Title

Government Operations: Coast Guard Management of Construction Projects

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 ffm CIVIL DIVISION 2 5 ?4t3w Dear Admiral Smith. The General Accounting Office has made a review of selected proJects for the construction of shore unit and avlatlon facLlLtles rncluded In the Coast Guardts AcqulsltLon, Construction, and Improvement (AC&I) Program for fiscal years 1965 through 1968. Our review was directed prlmar1l.y t...
Date Feb. 2, 1968 Report No. B-118653 Title

Government Operations: Need for Improved Controls Over Appraisal Reports Supporting Prices Paid To Acquire Land for Highways in the States of South Carolina and Tennessee

B-118653 To the Speaker President of the of the Senate and the House of Representatives Accounting Administration’s highway has reviewed certain aspects right-of-way acquisition activities program in the States of South Carolina Office of the unand The General Federal Highway der the Federal-aid Tennessee, We have issued numerous reports to the Congress in past years on deficiencies in appraisa...
Date Sept. 29, 1967 Report No. B-162106 Title

Energy: Need for Procedures To Preclude More Than Just Compensation in Acquiring Oil Interests