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GAO Reports by subject "Pennsylvania"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 27, 1985 Report No. RCED-85-105 Title

Agriculture and Food: Need To Foster Optimal Use of Resources in the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

BY THE US. GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Agriculture Need To Foster Optimal Use Of Resources In The Special Supplemental Food Program For Women, Infants, And Children (WIC) The WIC Program for fiscal year 1984 provided supplemental food and nutrition counseling to 3 million women, infants, and children who met income criteria and were judged to be at nutritional risk. Because...
Date April 3, 1985 Report No. HRD-85-46 Title

Block Grants: Overview of Experiences to Date and Emerging Issues

- OF THEUNITEDSTATES Block Grants: Overview ei f Experiences To ,,” Date I#Knd Emerging Issues GAO/HRO-85-48 APRIL 3,198s 03/77d / /266P7 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE D.C. 20548 UNITED STATES 3-217787 To The President Speaker of the of the House of Senate and the Representatives In recent years the amount and character of federal aid to state and local governments have significantly cha...
Date Feb. 12, 1985 Report No. HRD-85-10 Title

Health: Improved Efforts Needed To Relieve Medicaid From Paying for Services Covered by Private Insurers

I. . fl. ~26216 BY THECOMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Improved Efforts Needed To Relieve Medicaid From Paying For Services Covered $v Private Insurers Medicaid, a federally aided, state-administered medical assistance program for lowincome people, should be relieved of healt’h care costs if some other party is legally responsible to pay. Nevertheless, states receive ...
Date Feb. 13, 1984 Report No. 123386 Title

Energy: Natural Gas Prices

Date Nov. 29, 1982 Report No. 120022 Title

Transportation: Better Estimates and State Action Needed on Coal-Haul Roads

AN0 tit SLIURCES. COMMUNITV. fC;ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION NOV 2 9 7982 Administrator Mr. Ray A. Barnhart, Federal Highway Administration Department of Transportation Dear Mr. Barnhart: Subject: Better Needed Estimates and State on Coal Haul Roads Action 120022 In our brief survey of the coal road system, we discovered several areas of concern. Past congressional efforts to establish and finance ...
Date Feb. 14, 1979 Report No. CED-79-25 Title

Natural Resources: Alternatives To Protect Property Owners From Damages Caused by Mine Subsidence

. . REPORTBY THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES f?fikEASED > ic : Property Owners From Damages Caused By Mine Subsidence Underground coal mining can cause subsidence--the displacement or sinking of the ground surface--which in turn can damage surface structures in urban areas and result in serious financial consequences for property owners. GAO identifies five alternatives to protect prop...
Date Sept. 6, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-157 Title

Income Security: Payment of Black Lung Benefits to Widows Who Also Receive State Workmen's Compensation Payments

DOCUOIIT RE3Q8E 07336 - ([2507522] (Payment of Blae. Vorkmen's Conpens..Aion Payments]. Jiag Benefit, to widows who also Receive State 4 pp. BRD-?7a-157; B-1'4j031(4). Septeiber 6, 1978. Report to Rep. Carl D. Perkins, Chairman, Bouse Committee un Bducation and Labor; Sen. Harrison A. Iilliar i, Jr., Senate coiaittee on Hunan Resources; b7y leer B. Staats, Comptroller GeueraA. Issue Area: Federall...
Date July 17, 1978 Report No. CED-78-150 Title

Housing: Department of Housing and Urban Development Decision To Cancel 300 Units of Section 8 Housing for the Elderly in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

DOCUNENT 07145 - SUSE B26877381 [Department of ousing and Urban Deve.opuent Decision To ancel arisburg, 300 Units of Section 8 Housing for the ldierly in Pennsylvania]. CBD-78-150; -17163C. July 17, 1978. Released p. 1978. July 2 irkle (for enry Report to Rep. Allen . rtel; by altas . irector, Community and Economic Development Div.). Eschwege, Issue rea: Domestic ousing and Community Develcpment:...
Date May 16, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-109 Title

Income Security: Need for the Social Security Administration To Obtain Accurate Data on State Workmen's Compensation Payments for Computing Black Lung Benefits

DOCURENT RESUME 06198 - 1366384J1 R 4SD4 [Need for the Social Security dministration To Obtain Accurate Data o State orkmen's Compensation Payents for Computing Black Lung Benefits]. HRD-78-109; B-164031(4). ay 16, 1978. Released ay 19, 1978. 6 pp. Report to Rep. John N. Erlenborn; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Federally Sponsored or Assisted Incons Security Progr...
Date May 9, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-53 Title

Employment: Adjustment Assistance Under the Trade Act of 1974 to Pennsylvania Apparel Workers Often Has Been Untimely and Inaccurate

DOCUBENT RBESUe 06196 - [01306296] AdjuStment Assistance under the Trade Act cf 1974 to Pennsylvaaia apparel morkers Often Has Been Untimely and Inaccerete. SRD-7S6-3; B-152183. May 9, 1J70. 20 pp. + 6 appendices (11 pp.). Report to the Congsess; by Blaer L?. Staats, rowptrnller General. Issue Area: BmBloyment and Tr'iniag Procrams. tgport on the Trade Act of 1974 (3208); Income Secuxity Programs:...
Date Feb. 28, 1978 Report No. 105077 Title

Energy: Energy Costs and Their Potential Impact on Small Business Relocations in New York, Michigan, and Pennsylvania

DOCf! ENT RESUME 05077 BG6855)5 1 [Energy Costs and Their Potential ITpact oiJ Small Business Relocetions in New York, ichigin, and Penrnylvania]. ebsuary 28, 1978. 7 pp. Testimony before the Hous* Comm.-ttee on Small Business: Impact of Energy Problems, Envi-onaent and Safety equiresents and Government esaarch; the Hcose-Committee on Small Business: Minority Enterprise and General Oversight Subco...
Date Feb. 6, 1978 Report No. EMD-78-33 Title

Energy: Energy Costs and Their Impact on Small Business Operations

B-17 8 20 S The- Eionorable Josepk P. Addahba Subcommittee on Minority Enterprises and General Oversight Bouse-.- Committee ____. ..____. on Small Btsiness .-_- -.- -.. _ __ _. Dear Mr, Chairman: FER 6 ‘9* -- .- - -. --..--.- -_. ..-.- __.. In response to your request dated Octotar 2t, 1977, the General Accounting Office reviewed certain _cossible impacts energy costs may have on small businesse...
Date June 27, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-121 Title

Employment: Information on the Summer Youth Employment Program

DOCUMENT RESUME 02542 - [(1852874] [Information on the Summer Youth Employment Proqram]. HRD-77-121; B-163922. June 27, 1977. 3 pp. + enclosure (22 pp.). Report to Rep. Parren J Mitchell, Chairman, uman esources Task Force, ouse Committee on Budget; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Education, Training, and Employment Programs (1100). Contact: Human Resources Div. Bud...
Date June 16, 1977 Report No. CED-77-84 Title

Housing: Aspects of Section 8 Fair Market Rents for New Construction in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

COMF’TROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 2054B B-171630 Illllli~lllll llllllllll Il~~~mJ llllllll JUN 16 1977 The Honorable Robert S. Walker House of Representatives Dear Mr. Walker: In accordance with your request of January 12, 1977, we have reviewed certain aspects of the fair market rents established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for T.@.@ new housing u...
Date May 6, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-44 Title

Health: Lack of Coordination between Medicaid and Medicare at John J. Kane Hospital

DOCUMENT RFSUME 02224 - [A1332328] (];1c "-r Lack of Coordination between Medicaid and Medicare at John J. Kane Hospital. HRD-77-44; B-164031(3). May 6, 1977. 44 pp. Report to Sen. Frank Church, Chair an, Senate Special Committee on Aging; by Elmer 8. Staat:;, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Health Programs: CompliaLce With Financing Laws and Regulations (1207). Contact: Human Resources and Devel...