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GAO Reports by subject "Military operations"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Nov. 30, 1976 Report No. ID-77-2 Title

International Affairs: American Personnel Working on Military or Military-Related Projects in Saudi Arabia

, . . . . . -- . . ..-,*-, .l...---. , -I‘--, :‘.A......*. 6. . .-. ‘_ . -. . _.._. . . . . D-167420 i; - .- 1...:3 02 t-.-,.. _ . f]OV 3 0 1976 -- -.. -._ --__-._ _.- __ _ _ ._____ _. _ ._ _. - -- .-. . - -_ ____ The f!onorable Dante a Fziscell , Chairman International Politic.11 and Military Affairs Subcommittee . Committee .on International Relations House of Representatives Dear hr. Chai...
Date Oct. 1, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-219 Title

National Defense: The Army Should Evaluate Effectiveness of the Direct Support System and Make Improvements

3’ B-146828 To the Presidect ckf the Speaker of the House of Senate and the Representatives This report evaluates the effectiveness of the Army’s direct supply support system and whether it is working as St discusses the need for a current cosg benafit intended. analysis ard for improvements in the system’s operation. We made our examination pursuant Accounting Act, 1921 (31 U.S.C. 533, Audi...
Date July 23, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-452 Title

National Defense: Readiness of First Line U.S. Combat Armored Units in Europe

- .I i :- ;$($.J 5 i#r,e-a* d +ky , ):’ 3’ixAL. ,,T‘T by-[ 1 on sage 30. Army officials the imi;por=ance of gauges to monitor various funcrecognize tions; however, they believe the fact that these gauges are inoperative or missing would not hinder their abrlity to take the vehicle into combat. : 33 “TFJ- . Some required checks are complicated; for example, the serviceability of the track o...
Date April 20, 1976 Report No. RED-76-76 Title

Transportation: Federal Efforts To Extend Winter Navigation on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway--Status and Problems To Be Resolved

Y THE co OF THE UNITED &ENERAL STATE§ APR 22 1976 LIBRARYSYSTEM LMO99366 _~ __ ._. l~llll~llil~lulllllallllllnllln~lllll tion On During the 4 years of feasibility of extending winter traffic has been the Great Lakes. Much er, is not a direct result the program to show the navigation season, extended in some of of the traffic, howevof the program. Major problems to be resolved before conclusive ju...
Date Oct. 31, 1975 Report No. ID-76-1 Title

International Affairs: Assessment of Overseas Advisory Efforts of the U.S. Security Assistance Program

LIBRARY SYSTEIJ BYTHECOMPTROLLER GENERAL OF-THE UNITED STATES ~I\II~llllll~l~lll~~ LM099992 Assessment Of Overseas Advisory. Efforts Of The U.S. Security Assistance Program Departments of Defense and State The U.S. reportedly spent $70 million in 1974 for military advisory assistance to 49 countries under the Security Assistance Program. GAO believes the advisory groups activities were principally...
Date Oct. 3, 1975 Report No. LCD-75-402 Title

The Reserves: Can They Effectively Augment the Active Forces?

...,-. * . - 1.. , i L n. . t -rj ii c *.. ,. . . .. . ;...' _ . - 1 . _ I . w i t h t h e exception of chaptc!r 4 QR the t r a i n i n g ddvisiona, t h e Ass:stnn& Secretary of Defense ; & 3 a n ~ v e t and Reserve &;%fairs;) s g r e d with CAO'a conclusions and ~ ~ C Q W Z O dationo. He s a i d t h a t for ER+ most p a r t mDeS eotal f O P C f 2 Study Pclei3Sedl t o the Csnqaess fw June 1475 cov...
Date Aug. 26, 1975 Report No. LCD-75-346 Title

Government Operations: The Use Of And Need For Fort Story, Virginia

d c . &P, J . k . COMPTRQLIER GENERAL OF THE UNLlED SFATES WR5HINGTON. DC . 20348 C 3-168700 Tr?e Honorable G. William W h i t e h u r s t House of R e p r e s e n t a t i T e s Rear Mr. N h i t e h u r s t : As yoa asked on Zuly 2 9 , 1 9 7 4 , w e a r e r e p o r t i n g an t h e u s e of ar?d need f o r F o r t S t o r y , V i r g i f i i a . W evaluatsd e t h e Army's use of t h e f o r t , i ...
Date Aug. 18, 1975 Report No. FGMSD-76-4 Title

Financial Management: Industrial Fund Accounting System for Printing Duplicating Services in the Department of the Air Force

De:ir :;r. Secretary: system for printing 8ic sllr\‘d~cd the industrial fund accounting d duplicating services in the Depsrmcnt of the .1ir Force to deteroperated in accordance wi::? the sysrm design rnirl~ :f it was being approved by the Comptroller General in Fc5nary 1979. Based on our work at the Ail: Forcz Fyin’cing and dul>licati,lg plant we concluded that the accounting at !loI,lns ,\tr ...
Date July 29, 1975 Report No. FGMSD-75-51 Title

National Defense: Tariff Rate Structure Used by the Industrially Funded Military Sealift Command (MSC) for Recovering Costs for Sealifting Cargo

‘ffic The Dear !ionornLie Spcrctary Mr. of Defense :;ccrctary: ,.2’; WC evaluated the tariff rate structure used by the indusLrially (MSC ) to determine whether the rates funded Hi 1 itary Stalift Cannand cirdr!;( (1 c.u:, weie co:rme:i;suriite with the cost o: scrv;ces provided. Wg.. ! In, b cd ~,II r ::urvey to the structure used for 1-cccvsring cii\ts for **rgdI i f tinq ca...
Date June 9, 1975 Report No. ID-75-66 Title

Acquiring and Managing Nonexpendable Personal Property Overseas: A Follow-up Review

JUN9 197% LtBRARY SYSTEM lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM097010 Acquiring And Managing Nonexpendable Personal Overseas: A Followup Department of State Property UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING ID-7546 OFFICE JUNE 9,19?5 UNITED STATESGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 INTERNATIONAL DIVISION B-165867 I The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. of State 3-, i “ Secretary:...
Date Feb. 1, 1975 Report No. 093069 Title

National Defense: Armored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle

.1. ..-- -e-w. .- _ lillllPlllllllllllll Allllllllllllllllll #LhK’93069 L . . 1 . *. .. - D In !!arch recxainin3tiot~ Scout Study 1’374, of Cite the jLll&OO project Cavalry/Scout that the scout ni:;ht was mission suspended during a complete Tlrc Cavalry/ hy the Amy. is concluded e.g., 3 requiremat vision si::hts, for ancillary and not uquipncslt, sarily far binoculars, of uniqw of tk 1974, etc...
Date Dec. 28, 1973 Report No. B-179152 Title

International Affairs: Allegations Concerning the Assignment of Two Officers to Parachute Positions and the Use of Army Troops and Equipment in Constructing a Privately Owned Golf Course in Germany

COMPTROLLER t GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES The Honorable United States Dear Senator William Senate Proxmire: Proxmire llllllml~lllllllllllll LM095989 In response to your request of July 10, 1973, we have examined allegations concerning (1) two off.ice_ra;la%signe~~t~‘~e~,s~~~~~tion ,~~~~;b~"~w~~d~;,dr~~.~~~achute .gw y$i Le. Ply one wo&d=, Rg_r,~, n...
Date June 19, 1972 Report No. B-176139 Title

National Defense: Survey of the Worldwide Ammunition Distribution System of the Department of Defense

LOGISTICS AND COMMUNICATION8 DIVISION B-176139 Dear Mr. Secretary: lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM096524 7 We have completed our survey of the worldwide ammunition __._-.~." 1 \ distribution-sys-tern of the Department ofTfense(DOD). We d / found that the'"system had been responsive to military requirements and that ammunition had moved with relatively few delays en route. We believe...
Date May 11, 1972 Report No. B-160683 Title

National Defense: Opportunities To Consolidate Support Functions in the Pacific To Reduce Military Costs

, - ‘. Illllllll IllIIll1 IIlllyl~yj III1 lllll Department of Defense COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.6. THE UNITED 20348 STATES B-160683 To the Speaker President of the Senate and the of the House of Representatives report in the on the Pacific opportunities to reduce to consolidate military costs. and Acand Au- This is our support functions Our review was made pursuant to the Budget count...
Date March 7, 1972 Report No. 092416 Title

National Defense: Military Traffic Management Information Systems and Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures

2Q) UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE INTERNATIONAL DIVISION FAR EAST BRANCH 1833 KALAKAUA AVENUE HONOLULU, HAWAII 96815 MAR 8 Commander Pacific Air Forces Base Command 15th Air Base Wing Hickam AFB, Hawaii 96553 Attention: Dear Sir; Comptroller 972 Our office has completed surveys of the application of Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP) and other traffic man...
Date Jan. 13, 1972 Report No. B-163806 Title

National Defense: Military Supply Management in Korea

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D. RELEASED B-163806 r il. Dear Senator _I’ Moss: In reply to your letter of October 13, 1971, asking for our views on Mr. William B. Jacky’s statements concerning certain poor management practices and other unsatisfactory conditions in Koreab we submit the following information. d We interviewed Mr. Jacky at his home to obtain any specifics which would provi...
Date Dec. 8, 1971 Report No. B-173850 Title

Close Air Support: Principal Issues and Aircraft Choices

“I. 3 7s t I REPORT T $ A OPRUTIONS ARMED SERVICES CONGRESS OF C Close Air Principal I Department of Defense ircr ok B-173850 BY THE CQMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES B-173850 .‘r,’ and impractical to conceal them in a woods where snow or mud makes it time consuming and difficult to extricate them. There may be problems ...
Date Nov. 11, 1971 Report No. B-169353 Title

National Defense: Inquiry Into Whether the Merger of Ground Electronics Engineering Installation Agency With Air Force Communications Service Would Require Expansion of the On-Base Telephone System

rr 1 rCOMPTROLLER GENERAL 0 B-1 69353 Dear Mr. Moss: On August 19, 1970, the merger of Headquarters, Installation Agency, with Service (AFCS). You had the Air Force to further Richards-Gebaur Air Force we reported to you on our inquiry into Ground Electronics Engineering Headquarters, Air Force Communications asked whether the merger would require expand the on-base telephone system at i
Date July 15, 1971 Report No. B-169268 Title

National Defense: Proposed Transfer of the Operations of the Hickam Air Force Base Clothing Sales Store to the Hawaii Regional Exchange

3 COMFTROUER GENERAL WASHINGTON. l OF D.C. c -I- B-169268 7 III further response to your letter of May 26, 1970, and as indicated in our letter of December 17, 1970, we are reporting on the proposed transfer of the operations of the i%ckam Air Force Base sales store to the Hawaii Regional Exchange. The earlier interim reply advised you of our intention to continue / monitoring act...
Date July 14, 1971 Report No. B-165731 Title

National Defense: Liquidation of the Foreign Military Sales Fund

lN,-ERNATlONAL DIVISION B-165731 Dear Mr. Secretary: The General Accounting Office has madea review of selected activities relating to the liquidation of the Foreign Military Sales Fund. Our review was perfo~~d“pr&5pally at the Office of the Xssistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs and, to a limited extent, at the Treasury Department and the ExportImport Bank of the Unit...
Date Feb. 23, 1971 Report No. B-171896 Title

National Defense: Review of the Management of the Defense Retail Interservice Logistics Support Program at Selected Department of Defense Installations in the United States and in Europe

DEFENSE DIVISION B-171896 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Secretary: LM095710 of Defense Assistant Secretary (Comptroller) of Defense We have made aGeview of the management of the Defense Retail Interservice Logistics Support ram at selected Department of Defense (DOD) installations d States and in 3urope.I"4 Our review concerned the effectiveness of ...
Date May 10, 1968 Report No. B-163453 Title

National Defense: Need For Improvement In Management of Mission Support Aircraft

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Need For Improvement In ana orf Aircr ft 8-763453 Department of the Army BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL QF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D C 20548 .. B- 163453 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives The management of nearly 500 (mission support) a i r c r a f t used by Department of the Army personn...