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GAO Reports by subject "Electronic funds transfer"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Dec. 12, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-91-9 Title

Tax System Modernization: Status of IRS' Input Processing Initiative

I. ,““l l _ _.“.“.__“-_,-~~--“... -_-_.-_“--.l. “l . .“_l . ” ...--“.--l . l - -_ .-... I-.. _--“.“_--__ Ih w ~ rrl l w r I!~ 9 0 T AX SYST EM M O D E R N IZ A T IO N S ta tu s o f IR S ’ In p u t P ro c e s s i n g In i ti a ti v e /I 142926 REL EASED N o t to b e re l e a s e d o u ts i d e th e R E S T R IC T E D -G e n e ra l A c c o u n ti n g O ffi c e u n l e s s...
Date Feb. 21, 1990 Report No. T-IMTEC-90-2 Title

Financial System: Federal Oversight of Computer Security Needs to Be Strengthened

Testimony Fbr BdtZase on Delivery Expectedat 1:OOp.m. EST Wednesday Feb. 21, 1990 FINANCIAL SYSTEMS:Federal Oversight of Canputer Security Needs to be Strengthen& statementof HowardG. Rhke, Director ernment Information Systems, General Gov Information Manag-t and Technology Division Before the House Camittee on Energy and Camuzrce SubtxnnitteeonTel ecarmunications and Finance House of Representati...
Date Feb. 16, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-109BR Title

South Africa: Debt Rescheduling and Potential for Financial Sanctions

Lwnited States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters . February 1990 SOUTH AFRICA Debt Rescheduling and Potential for Financial Sanctions :,& I, GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-226687 February 16, 1990 The Honorable Paul Simon Chairman, Subcommittee on African Affairs Committee...
Date Jan. 4, 1990 Report No. IMTEC-90-14 Title

Electronic Funds Transfer: Oversight of Critical Banking Systems Should Be Strengthened

J;trrllilry I!)!)0 ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER Oversight of Critical Banking Systems Should Be Strengthened (;A(),, IM’l’lS( :-W-I 4 United States General Accounting Offke Washington, D.C. 20648 Information Management and Technology Division B-233685 January 4,1QQ0 The Honorable Edward J. Markey Chairman, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Re...
Date Feb. 24, 1989 Report No. IMTEC-89-34 Title

Electronic Funds Transfer: Analysis of Proposal for Direct Deposit of Income Tax Refunds

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Honorable Daniel K. Inouye, U.S. Senate _I Febrauplssa) ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER Analysis of F!roposal for Direct Deposit of Income Tax Refunds GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Information Technology Management Division and B-227683 February 24,1989 The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye United States Senate Dear Sena...
Date Feb. 1, 1989 Report No. IMTEC-89-25BR Title

Electronic Funds Transfer: Information on Three Critical Banking Systems

GAO February 1989 Briefing Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER Information on Three Critical Banking Systems -- - S;AO/IMTEC-89 -25BR About Our New Cover. .. The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentation of our repor...
Date March 13, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-112BR Title

Superfund: Funding for the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

I . l .* c United State8 General Accounting Office -(&+ll!ll Briefing Report to the Ranking M inority Member, Com m ittee on Environment and Public Works, U. S. Senate lbqBrcn.1987 SUPERFUND Funding for the Agency for Toxic Substancesand ~ DiseaseRegistry a IllIll I I Ill1 132595 . ,O/RCED-87-112BR GAO United States General Accounting Of&e Washington, D.C. 20548 Rewurces, Economic Community, Devel...
Date May 2, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-108BR Title

The Philippines: Accountability and Control of U.S. Economic Assistance

. * ,’ (I,, : . . +!+(,d /I United Sthes General Accounthg Of&e Briefing Report to Senator Edward M. Kennedy May 1986 THE PHILIPPINES Accountability and Control of US. EconomicAssistance 1 i 4 1111111 129797 , G~O/NSIAD436108BR pi9197 - 0353aa- , . * UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 kAllONA1 International SECURITY AffAIRS AND DIVISION May 2, 1986 B-222719 The Honora...
Date Jan. 6, 1986 Report No. OGC-86-3 Title

Budget and Spending: President's Second Special Message for Fiscal Year 1986

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE D.C. UNITED STATES 2OS48 January B-220532 6, 1986 128803 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives second special On November 25, 1985, the President's message for fiscal year 1986 was submitted to the Congress pursuant to the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The special message proposes eight new deferrals totalling Our re...
Date June 19, 1985 Report No. AFMD-85-63 Title

Financial Management: Transfer of Interest of U.S. Investment in the Panama Canal

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASWNOTON Of THE W UNITED STATES D.C. June 19, 1985 B-114839 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Lawton Chiles Senate Chiles: Transfer of Interest on U.S. Investment the Panama Canal (GAO/AFMD-85-63) 1111111 lslll 127364 in Your letter of March 6, 1985, requested that we review the ca;sh flow requirements of the Panama Canal Commission (Commission) to: determine t...
Date Oct. 6, 1981 Report No. 116597 Title

Natural Resources: Problems Confronting the Geological Survey in Collecting Oil and Gas Royalties

Date Oct. 1, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-68 Title

Financial Management: Millions Paid Out in Duplicate and Forged Government Checks

r i?~’ COMPTROLLER GENER THE 1I&~ Report To The Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES Millions Paid Out In Duplicate And Forged Government Checks Over the last several years, the Treasury disbursed millions of dollars for duplicate and forqed Government checks which were not charged to appropriations and were not handled in accord with all applicable laws. The Treasury’ s handling of these payments rai...
Date Sept. 19, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-80 Title

Information Management: Electronic Funds Transfer--Its Potential for Improving Cash Management in Government

. . . I BY THE&/lPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Electronic Funds Transfer --Its Potential For Improving Cash Management In Government The Federal Government is making increasing use of electronic funds transfer for many of its payments and receipts. The Office of Management and Budget and the Department of the Treasury expect this technology to save millions of dollars. ...
Date July 17, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-69 Title

Financial Management: Improvements Are Needed in the Department of Agriculture's Centralized Payroll System

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DIVISION GENERAL OF PlNANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND STUOIES B-199187 JULY 17.1980 Dr. Joan S. Wallace Assistant Secretary for Administration Department of Agriculture Dear Dr. Wallace: /'Improvements Are Needed in the Department "xgriculturels Centralized Payroll Syst ..* (FGMSD-80-69) of Subject: Weaknesses in the U.S. Department of Agricultu...
Date April 13, 1978 Report No. 105694 Title

Government Operations: United States Postal Service

DCCU!NYT RBSUNE 05694 - [B12261921 United States Postal Service. April 13, 1978. 12 pp. +*.nclosure (1 pp.). Testimony before the House Comm.ttee cn Post Office and Civil Service: Postal Personnel and Modernization Subcommittee; by William J. Anderson, Deputy Director, General Governdent Div. C ntact: General Government Div. Or:qanization Concerned: Postal Service. Congressional Relevance: House C...
Date Nov. 7, 1977 Report No. FGMSD-76-82 Title

Information Management: New Methods Needed for Checking Payments Made by Computers