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GAO Reports by subject "Work measurement"

Full-text search of 51,868 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date June 3, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-46 Title

Government Operations: Military Standard on Work Measurement--A Way To Control Cost and Increase Productivity

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Military Standard On Work Measurement--A Way To Control Cost And Increase Productivity The Air Force’s Military Standard 1567 work measurement holds the key to significant improvements in contractors’ productivity and cost control. One Air Force study pegged the potential savings for acquisition of Air Force major weapon system...
Date April 18, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-41 Title

National Defense: Productivity Measurement in the Defense Logistics Agency Must Be Supported, Improved, and Used

BY THE COMPTROliER GENERAL OF THE UNITEDSTATES - m Report ToThe Congress Productivity Measurement In The Defense Logistics Agency Must Be Supported, Improved, And Used The Defense Logistics Agency has one of the best designed productivity measurement systems in the Government but does not base its budget requests on data from the system and makes only limited use of the data for other management p...
Date April 9, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-43 Title

National Defense: Navy Missile Maintenance Can Be Done Cheaper by Improving Productivity

-FM+ //&gl& .,,, * BY THE U.S.GENERAL AiCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of The Navy Navy Missile Maintenance Can Be Done Cheaper By Improving Productivity The Navy has not missile maintenance meet its needs. tailored its intermediate resource5 to effectively This report shows that the Navy’s intermediate missile maintenance facilities capacity is more than needed. Also, the Navy does not...
Date Jan. 28, 1980 Report No. FPCD-80-36 Title

Government Operations: Handbook for Government Work Force Requirements

PREFACE Most organizations find it hard to determine how many Government workers they need for a given period of time. agencies are especially reluctant to quantify this because their outputs are often indistinct, reversible, and seem unWe have issued sevrelated to changes in their work force. eral reports recommending improvements in the Federal work force requirements process and many agencies ...
Date Nov. 26, 1979 Report No. FPCD-80-5 Title

Government Operations: Estimated Personnel Needs of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service--Are They Reliable?

/;f//Xi1o 7So REPORT BY THE Comptroller Not to be released outside the Generai RESTRICTED Accounting Office except on the basis of specific approval by C isoalRlations. effic e I RELEASED OF THE UNITED STATES Estimated Personnel Needs Of The Agricultural Stabilization And Conservation Service--Are They Reliable? The Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service's budget request for personnel...
Date June 15, 1979 Report No. 109641 Title

Social Services: Comments on GAO Report on the Administrative Efficiency of the Aid to Families With Dependent Children Program in Contra Costa County, California (HRD-78-159)

United States General Accounting D.C. 20548 Office Washington, 1 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY EXPECTED AT 9:OO a.m. EDT JUNE 15, 1979 1 STATEMENT OF Michael Zimmerman, Assistant Division the on Oversight on Ways and Means House of Representatives on +3v/~~ Director Human Resources Before Subcommittee Committee United States Aid To Families In Contra With Costa Dependent County, September Children Calif...
Date May 21, 1979 Report No. FPCD-79-32 Title

Government Operations: Improvements Needed in Army's Determination of Manpower Requirements for Support and Administrative Functions

REPORTBYTHEU.S. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM109425 Needecl In Army’s s For Support And Army survey teams determine manpower needs for support and administrative functions. They do not provide the Army with information needed to --support its manpower budget to the Office of Management and Budget and the Congress, --allocate authorized manpower spaces to installations and work centers, and ...
Date Nov. 22, 1978 Report No. FPCD-78-26 Title

Government Operations: Federal Agencies Should Use Good Measures of Performance To Hold Managers Accountable

Date July 24, 1978 Report No. FPCD-78-63 Title

Government Operations: OMB Needs To Intensify Its Work Measurement Effort

DCCUMENT 06575 i387098 1 PISUME OMB Needs To Intensify Its Work easurement Effort. B-161931. July 24, 1978. 7 pp. + aFpendix (3 ju.). PCD-78-63; Report to James T. McIntyre, Jr., Director, Office of anagement and udqe:- by H.L. Krieger, Director, federal Perscnnel and Compensaticn Div. Issue Area: Personnel anagement nd Ccmpensaticn 300). Contact: Fedeoral Personnel and Coipensation Div. Budqet Fu...
Date June 16, 1978 Report No. CED-78-125 Title

Government Operations: Need for Improving Management of U.S. Oceanographic Assets

DOCUIBNi 06437 - [B1726757 BBSUI! Need for Improving Managesent of U.S. Ocemosgraepic Assets. CED-7d-125; B-145C99. June 16, 1978. 22 Pp. + 2 appendices (3 PP.) . Leport to Rep. John Breaux, Chairmar, Bouse Committee on meicbant Marine and Fisheries: Oceancgraphy Subcoadittee; b7 Sobert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Contact: Community and Bconomic Developseat Div. Budqet Function: Nationa...
Date May 2, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-48 Title

Government Operations: Customs' Efforts To Develop a System for Assigning Inspectors Need Top Management Support

DOCUMENT RESUIE 05738 - r[B1286230 Customs' Efforts To Develop a System for Assigning nspectors ay 2, 1978. Need Top Management Support. GGD-78-48; B-11E4SE. 36 PP. * 2 appendices (3 pp.;, Report to Secretary, Department of the reasury; by illism J. Anderson (for Victor L. Love, Director, General Governmert Div.). Contact: Genural Government Div. Budqet Function: (neral Government: Executive Direc...
Date Feb. 16, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-312 Title

National Defense: U.S. Army in Europe's Work Measurement System for Real Property Maintenance

DOCOIWBT R8s0aA 05216 - [80525R311 [ 0.. Uaintenance]. Army in Buropeas York measurerent System fur Raal Property LCD-78-312a; -163762. February 16, 1978. 7 pp. Report to Secretary, Departest of tke Army; by Robert 6. Rothuell (for Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and Comaunications Div.). Issue Area: Facilities and material Eanagoeeatt Operation and mainteaance of Facilities (708). Con=ct: Loq...
Date Feb. 14, 1978 Report No. 094714 Title

Budget and Spending: Status of the Use of Productivity Data in the Budget Process

* . .z .. . _ . . ,W’ .@ UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Washington, D. C. 20548 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY EXPECTED AT 9:3G A.M. EST FEBRUARY 14, 1978 Statement Elmer Comptroller Task Force of United States B. Staats General of the Before the on Expenditures, and Reorganization House Budget Committee on Regulations Status Mr . Chairman of the Use of Productivity in the Budget Process and M...
Date Oct. 18, 1977 Report No. FPCD-77-72 Title

Development and Use of Military Services' Staffing Standards: More Direction, Emphasis, and Consistency Needed

DCCUMENT FE-UME 03781 - UB2934207] L" / Development and Use of Military Sertices' Staffing Standards: More Direction, Emphasis, and Consistency Needed. FPCD-77-72; B-183257. October 18, 1977. 36 pp. * 4 appendices (10 pp.). Report to Rep. Richard C. White, Chairman, House Committee Armed Services: Military Personnel Subcommittee; by Elmer on B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Pers...
Date June 15, 1977 Report No. FPCD-77-53 Title

Government Operations: The Work Measurement System of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Has Potential but Needs Further Work to Increase Its Reliability

@ 7eqeccl DOCUMENT 02557 - [A175-27851 The Work Measuremerit System of the Department cf Housing and Urban Development Has Potential but Needs Further Work to Increase Its Reliability. FPCD-77--53; B-183124. released June 20, 1977. June 15, 1977. 29 pp. + 4 appendices (8 pp.). Report to Sen. William Proxmire, Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations: HUD-Independent Agencies Subcommittee; B. S...
Date Dec. 8, 1976 Report No. 100678 Title

Government Operations: Time and Attendance Practices of Group III of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

/oob70 DOCUENDT RESUME 00678 - 1A0751351] (Restricted) (Time and attendance Practices of Group Inm of Egqual Employment Opportunity Commission]. December 8, 1976. 4 pp. Report to George a. Darden, Assistant General Counsel, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; by Irwin a. DOAddario, Regional manager, Field operations Div.: Regional Oftice (Denver). Issue Area: Personnel Hanageeaet and Compensi...
Date Oct. 26, 1976 Report No. PSAD-77-1 Title

National Defense: Opportunities for Improving Productivity at Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant

UNiTED STATE~GENERALACCOUNTING OFFiCE WASHINGTON, i . PROCUREMENT AcouIslTloN rl *ND-S DlvlsloN D.C. 20548 B-175462 LMIOIIOS 1111111111111111111 The Honorable The Secretary of the Army Dear Mr. Secretary: We reviewed operations at the Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant located in Texarkana, Texas. Lone Star is a Government-owned, contractor-operated industrial activity under the jurisdiction of the C...
Date June 15, 1976 Report No. 094652 Title

Personnel Management: The Starting Place

Date Jan. 1, 1975 Report No. 095131 Title

Special Publications: Can Federal Productivity Be Measured?

FOREWORD From t h e days when Yankee ingenuity was a household word, Americans have known that increased productivity meant a higher standard of living. And our productivity has increased surely but steadily for decades. This is why for many years we have been able t o compete successfully in world markets and why the people of the United States have one of the highest standards of living in t h ...
Date Dec. 13, 1974 Report No. 093073 Title

Government Operations: Industrial Management Activities at a Government-Owned and Operated Facility

REGiONAL ROOM 403. U.S CUSTOMHOUSE, OFFICE 610 SOUTH CANALSTREEX CHICAGO, ILLINOE SO607 U. S, Amy Armamant Command Rack Island, Illinois 61201 Daar Ganeral Raaan: Tk have: completed a suwoy of industrial management activities at Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois. Although WQ. do not plan to do additional work at this time, w.s would like to call your attention to our observations which, i...
Date July 28, 1974 Report No. 089916 Title

Government Operations: Review of Letter Sorting Machine Operations in Detroit

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUFITING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVIS104( The Honorable Edward V Dorsey Semor Assistant Postmaster General for Operations U S Postal Service Ja&~Q Dear Mr Dorsey z ci /----- The General Accountmg Offrce has completed a survey of lettersortmg machme (LSM) operations at the Detroit Post Offlce. Our observations at that post office were not Included i...
Date Jan. 11, 1974 Report No. 089483 Title

Government Operations: Administration of Research Contracts Made by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

UNITED STATES GENERAL AMOUNTING WASHINGTON, / DC 20548 OFFICE Dr. David J. Sencer Director, Center for Disease Control Department of Health, Education, and WAWelfare Dear Dr. Sencer: b369r 3 The General Accounting Offxe has completed Its revrew of the NatIonal Instrtute for Occupational Safety and Health's (NIOSH G adrmnxstratlon and monltorlng of contracts for research in connec- b &i-s7 3 tlon w...
Date April 23, 1973 Report No. B-177791 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Government Contractors' Activities

B-177791 The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen I United States Senate .b-\: Dear Senator Bentsen: K In accordance with your December 27, 1972, request, we have considered the matters in Mr. Eugene L. Berger’s December 7, 1972, letter. Mr. Berger’s letter emphasizes that when we audit Government contractors, we count contractor em*yees>Vmi-ng -and ,,.t.ak~ing,, long ,lunch hou?%‘“‘lY~~‘*?hZt we w...
Date April 12, 1973 Report No. B-178238 Title

National Defense: Effect of Workload Changes on Civilian Manpower Authorizations at the Major Commodity Commands of the Army Materiel Command

t . UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC. 20548 . FEDERAL PERSONNEL AND COMPENSATION DIVISION B-178238 LM096403 IllllllllIllllllllllllll The Honorable Robert F. Froehlke The Secretary of the Army Dear Mr. Secretary: The General Accounting Office (GAO) has completed its review to determine thel?ffect of worklo~~~civi~~_an~~owerau~horI izations ..aL,the-major -commodity,cnm,~~e~ Ar...
Date Jan. 1, 1972 Report No. 090902 Title

Special Publications: Utilizing Engineering Principles in Auditing

Date April 20, 1971 Report No. 093018 Title

National Defense: Utilization of the Coast Guard Yard for Vessel Repairs and Alterations

CIVIL DIVISION Dear Admiral Bender: We have made a survey of selected activities at the Coast Guard Yard in which we examined into the use being made (Yard), Curtis Bay, Maryland, of Yard facilities. Yard activity has amounted to approximately $17 million annually during the last several years, but the scheduled workload for fiscal year 1971 was the lowest since fiscal year 1960. Moreover, even lo...
Date Dec. 29, 1969 Report No. B-167982 Title

National Defense: Need To Improve Performance Standards For More Efficient Use Of Civilian Production Personnel In The Department Of Defense

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS Need TQ Improve Performance Standards For erson ne I O f Civilian Produ In The epartm f Defense 8-167982 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES D EC. 29,19 S 6 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B- 167982 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This is our report on the need to improve performance s...
Date July 30, 1969 Report No. 092668 Title

Government Operations: Review of the Work Measurement System, U.S. Postal Service

7 UNITED STATES G&J\; WASHINGT6N,bD ACCOUNTING OFFICE C 20548 ClViL DIVISION hb r- 05 tP c DemMr. Nunllst. system (WMS) of the an examrnatron of POD responsible postal We haye made acevrew of the work measurement Post Offrce Department (Ps 7 Our review included and dlscussrons with po11cres, handbooks, reports, offlclals. Our review of the appllcatlon of the WMSwas made prlmarlly at the we made lr...