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GAO Reports by subject "Law enforcement agencies"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Aug. 18, 1978 Report No. 106869 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Law Enforcement Policy and Practice Regarding Bank Robberies

DOC URET RESUMU) 06869 - [B23473961 Federal Law Enforceaent Poljcy and Practice Eegerding Berk Robberies. August 18, 1978. 13 pp. Testimaoy before the Senate Committee cn the Judiciary; ky william 3. Anderson, Depdty Director, Gneral Governaent Div. Contact: General Government Div. Organization Concerned: Department of Justice; Eeceral Bureau of Inve-t iyation. Ccngressional Relevance: Seaate Comm...
Date Aug. 18, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-87 Title

Bank Robbery: The Federal Law Enforcement Role Should Be Reduced

DOCUMBNT RESUME 07162 - [ 24q27469] Bank Rotbery: The Federal Law Eforcrment Bole Reduced. GGD-78-87; B-179296. August 18, 1978. Should Be 35 pp. * appendix (4 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Eler B. Sth.~., comptroller General. Issue Area: Lev Enforcement and Criame Prevention (500). Ccntact: General Government Div. Budget Function: Law Bnforceaent and Justice (750). Organization Concerned: Depa...
Date July 20, 1978 Report No. 106566 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Law Enforcement Policy and Practice Regarding Bank Robberies

DOCUMENT RESUME 06566 - r B212711 7 1 Practice regarding PorK Federal Law Enforcement Policy and Robberies. July 20, 1973. 13 pp. Testimotty before the Hcuse Committee on tte Judiciary: Constitutional Riqbts Subcommittee; by Victor i. Lowe, General Government Div. Civil and rirector, Contact: General Government Div. Eureau of Organization Concerned: Department of Justice; Federal In vestigation. ....
Date July 3, 1978 Report No. 107164 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Survey of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration's Restitution Experiment

‘de cond-Lcted this sorvev _ 3t 13.U Sadzuar+ers, at four 3f :he s e ‘Jen restitution ;rojec:s !‘.‘assac33set:s; Denver, Colorado; and ?ort?3A, CIr?gc~--nd 3: t5e Crkical Justice 1esearc~ 223:er in Xi5any , New ?srI;. Ye Zerloz-ed our iieldl;ork between Se ceder 1977 and Narch 1975. Weaknesses in planning and anaging tSe experke;23t, difficulties ix!e=entl2g the projects, and failure :o de...
Date June 16, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-119 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Data on Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act Provided by Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

Date May 9, 1978 Report No. 106020 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Efforts To Stem the Flow of Drugs Across the U.S.-Mexican Border

DOCUIBENT BESUHE 06020 B1366375 Federal Efforts To Stem the Flow of Drugs across the U.S.-Mexican Border. lay 9, 1978. 5 pp. Testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations: International Operations Subcommittee; by illiam J. Anderson, Deputy Director, General Government Div. Contact: General Government Div. Organization Concerned: Drug Enforcement Administration; Immigration and latura...
Date April 24, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-88 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Are Federal Programs Adequate To Deal with Arson Problems?

D'.CUHENT BESUHE 05727 - r1'466107) VAwW i _ " R&E4NSE (7 Are Federal Programs Adequate To Deal itn Arson Problems? PSAD-78-88; B-171019. April 24, 1978. 7 pp. + 4 apper4ices pp.). Report to Sen. Charles . Percy, Ranking Minority Member, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs: Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Science and Technology: A...
Date April 10, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-51 Title

Information Management: Timeliness and Completeness of FBI Responses to Requests Under Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Have Improved

DOCUIENT RESUME 05726 - [B1025965] Timeliness and Completeness of FBI Responses to Bequests under Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts have Improved. GGD-78-51; B-179296. april 10, 1978. 76 pp. + 6 appendices (15 pp.) Report to the Congress; by Elmer 8. Stasts, Ccmptrcller General. Issue Area: Federal Information: Implementing the Privacy Act of 1974 (1401); Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention...
Date April 5, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-47 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Authority, Activities, and Plans of Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Regarding "Arson for Profit" Crimes

DOC'.IJNT RISUME 05725 - [B1025975] RCL4S5ir [Authority, Activities, and Plans of Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Reqarding "Arson for Profit" Crimes]. GGD-78-47; B-171019. April 5, 1978. Released April 24, 1978. 7 yp., 2 enclosures (4 pp.). Report to Sen. Charles H. Percy, Ranking Minority Member, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; by Blnet B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Law ...
Date Feb. 27, 1978 Report No. GGD-77-86 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: U.S. Attorneys Do Not Prosecute Many Suspected Violators of Federal Laws

DOCUBlIT RESUMI 051i4 - [ B0665576 1 U.S. ttorneys Do ot Prosecute many Suspected Violators of etruacr 27, 1978. 29 pp. + 3 federal Laws. GGD-77-86; B-178618. appendices (10 pp. ). Report to Departmeot of Justice; by Blmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Law enforcement and Crise Prevention (500). Contact: General governnent Div. Budqet Function: Law Enforcement and Justice: ederal Law...
Date Dec. 26, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-93 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: FBI Taking Actions To Comply Fully With the Privacy Act

DOCUMENT RESUME 04618 - [B0024921] ( e (i, < e'twek FBI Taking Actions to Comply uith the Privacy Act. GGD-77-93; B-179296. December 26, 1977. 18 pp. + ' appendi.ces (88 pp.). Report to Rep. Richardson Preyer, Chairman, House Government Operations: Government Information and Committee on Individual Rights Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Records Man...
Date Dec. 27, 1976 Report No. ID-76-77 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: United States Participation in INTERPOL, the International Criminal Police Organization

Date July 27, 1976 Report No. GGD-76-77 Title

Government Operations: U.S. Marshals Service--Actions Needed To Enhance Effectiveness

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL / OF THE UNITED STATES US. Marshals ServiceActions Needed To Enhance Effectiveness Department of Justice The Marshals Service is responsible for the security of Federal judicial areas and for the personal safety of judges. Many judges believe the security provided is not adequate. The problem is difficult to gauge, since court facility security has not been comprehensive...
Date Feb. 19, 1976 Report No. ID-76-5 Title

International Affairs: Stopping U.S. Assistance to Foreign Police and Prisons

I REPORT TO F&I &j/b 26 BY THE COMPTROLLER’@m&&AL OF THE UNITED STATES LM098291 ~~lll~lllllllllllllilllllllll Stopping US. Assistance To Foreign Police And Prisons Departments Agency of Defense and State Development for International ln December 1973 and December 1974, the Congress passed legislation stopping US. assistance to foreign police forces and prisons, except in the area of narcotics co...
Date May 29, 1975 Report No. GGD-75-94 Title

Government Operations: Review of Certain Issues Related to the Chicago Police Department's Domestic Intelligence Operations

B-171019 (I ” < ~l3a.EASED Charles Senate Percy: N, f)ercy May 2% 2975 The I-Honorable United States Senator Your . I Dear i !’ ; March 24, 1975, letter requested that we review certain issues related to the Chicago Police Dspartmont’s domestic intelligence operations. Specifically, you requested that we determine (1) the extent to which any Federal funds or resources have been applied to su...
Date Feb. 3, 1975 Report No. GGD-75-16 Title

Pilot Cities Program: Phaseout Needed Due To Limited National Benefits

REPORT TO THE CONGRESS OTJW The Pilot Cities Program: Phaseout Needed Due To Limited National Benefits Law Enforcement Department Assistance Administration of Justice BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES GGD-75 16 Fi33. 3,19‘75 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-171019 4 ;, To the President of the Senate and the ,Speaker of the House of Representatives /...
Date Dec. 23, 1974 Report No. GGD-75-1 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Long-Term Impact of Law Enforcement Assistance Grants Can Be Improved

L.awL Enforcement Assistance Department of Justice Administration GGD-75-1 DEC.23J.974 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF THE UNITED D.C. 20548 STATES B-171019 c/ To the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate This is our report on the need to improve the long-term impact of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration grant program. We made our review ...
Date June 5, 1974 Report No. 093170 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Development of State Comprehensive Law Enforcement Plans

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCNJNTING OFFICE WASHINGTQF, D C 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION JUM 5 1974 Mr. Donald E. Santarellr v Administrator Law Enforcement Assrstance Administration Department of JustIce Dear Mr. Santarellr* We have reviewed the way that selected States--Loulslana, Mlchrgan, Pennsylvanla, Texas, and Wrsconsln--have developed their comprehensive law enforcement plans and the exte...
Date May 21, 1971 Report No. B-164935 Title

Government Operations: Cost to the Federal Government for Supplying the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, With a New Car Every Year

Dear Mr. Dlngell Further reference 1s made to your letter dated March 31, 1971, requesting a report that would Include lnformatlon on the cost to the Government of supplylng a new armored vehicle, each year during the last 10 years or so, for the use of the Dlrector of the Federal Bureau of Investzgation. We have obtanned the following lnformatlon from dlscussrons with offlclals of the General Ser...
Date June 30, 1969 Report No. 092696 Title

Financial Management: Settlement of Accounts, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Date May 26, 1969 Report No. 092703 Title

Government Operations: Need To Improve Management Control and Utilization of Copying Machines