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GAO Reports by subject "Supplemental security income"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Aug. 9, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-104 Title

Income Security: Flaws in Controls Over the Supplemental Security Income Computerized System Cause Millions in Erroneous Payments

REPORT THEU.S. BY counting Office ontrols Over The Supplemental income Computerized System illions In Erroneous Payments The Social Security Administration uses a highly complex computerized system to compute benefit payments for more than 4 million needy aged, blind, and disabled persons currently on the Supplemental Security Income program. Over $25 million has been paid out erroneously because ...
Date April 25, 1979 Report No. 109203 Title

Income Security: Regulation of Boarding Homes Where Supplemental Security Income Recipients Reside

Date April 11, 1979 Report No. 120244 Title

Income Security: Accuracy of Benefits Paid to Supplemental Security Income Recipients

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING‘OFFICE WASHINGTQN, D.C.’ 20548 Ht,lMAN RESOURCES DIVISION ._ . Mr. Stanford G. Ross Commissioner of Social Security Departmen t of Health, Education, and Welfare f+&v Dear Mr. Ross; AF'Ri 1.1979 03-2-- . We are furnishing you information on the results of our review of the r accuracy of benefits paid to Supplemental Security Income @YS%$ recipients who also rece...
Date April 11, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-59 Title

Income Security: State Programs for Delivering Title XX Social Services to Supplemental Security Income Beneficiaries Can Be Improved

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES am-p? ,* y&j s’::jr”:~l, Report ToThe Congress State Programs For Delivering Title XX Social Services To Supplemental Security Income Beneficiaries Can Be Improved GAO reviewed social services programs funded under title XX of the Social Security Act in seven States to determine the extent to wmh the programs were serving elderly Supplemen tal Securi...
Date Feb. 22, 1979 Report No. 094393 Title

Budget and Spending: Supplemental Appropriation Request for FY 1979

I,. . llllllllll \I II 094393 ELMER R. STAATS, OF y/ THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL S;“A”ES iJNI”‘EJJ BEFORE THE LEGISLATIVE SUBCO!~~I'!!TEE /- 3" APPRO?RIA~IOF?S COMMITTEE UNITED STATES SENATE 'ON SUPPLEMENTAL APP!?OPRIATION RE(?UESm . FOR FISCAL YEAR 1979 reauesting supplemental fundinq to finance 63 We are operations in FY 1979 as follows: (In Millions) $ 7.3 5.5 $12.8 each of these separately...
Date Feb. 16, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-4 Title

Income Security: Erroneous Supplemental Security Income Payments Result From Problems in Processing Changes in Recipients' Circumstances

General Accounting Office Erroneous Supplemental Security Income Payments Result From Problems In Processing Changes In Recipients’ Circumstances Recipients of Supplemental Security Income are required to report to the Social Security Administration changes in income, resources, and other circumstances affecting their benefit payment amount or continued eligibility for assistance. Millions of do...
Date Feb. 6, 1979 Report No. 120144 Title

Income Security: Improvements Needed in the SSI Oral Inquiry Process

,, (!," l1 " Ioo/- UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE 'WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ~;~'-"' HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION FEB 6 1979 Mr. Stanford G. Ross Commissioner, Social Security A, coo Administration Department of Health, Education, and Welfare -DearMr. Ross: 120144 rityjAdministration (SSA) implemented In April 1978, the Soci a proposed regulation (20 C.F.R. 416.336) which affords persons making ...
Date Jan. 16, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-21 Title

Income Security: Social Security Should Improve Its Collection of Overpayments to Supplemental Security Income Recipients

Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES aa@ Social Security Should Improve Its Collection Of Overpayments To Supplemental Security Income Recipients Efficient resolution of Supplemental Security Income overpayments requires that they be acted upon quickly and uniformly so that the debts are collected promptly and that the overpaid recipients are treated fairly. The Social Security Administration h...
Date Dec. 11, 1978 Report No. HRD-79-26 Title

Income Security: Improvements Needed To Insure the Accuracy of Supplemental Security Income Retroactive Payments

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 HUMAN R[(URCCS DIVISION B-164031(4) December 11, 1978 The Honorable Joseph A. Califano, Jr. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Dear Mr. Secretary: During fiscal year 1977, the Social Security Administration (SSA) overpaid an estimated 462,195 recipients of retroactive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits about $75 m...
Date Sept. 18, 1978 Report No. 107361 Title

Government Operations: Replacing the SSA-8080 and SSA-8081 With the Redesigned SSIRD

DOCUBENT RBESON 07361 - [C2847944] (Restricted) [Eeplacing the SSA-8080 and SSA-8081 with the Redesigned SSIRD]. September 18, 1978. 5 pp. Report to Donald I. wortuan, Acting Cosmissioner, Social Security adninistration; by lichael Zimmerman, assistant Director, Hunan Resources Div. Contact: Human Resources Div. Authority: =20 C.?.R. 416. The Supplemental Security Income Record Display (SSIRD) con...
Date Aug. 22, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-28 Title

Replacing Missing Supplemental Security Income Checks: Recipients Waiting Longer Than Necessary

DOCUMENT RESUME 07014 B2367430] Eeplacinq issing Supplemental Security Income Checks: Recipients Waiting Longer than Necessary. HRD-78-28; B-164031(4). August 22, 1970. 28 pp. 3 appcadices (7 Ff.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptrcller General. Issue Arta: Income Security Programs: Program Monitoring and Administration (1303). Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Income...
Date July 18, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-136 Title

Income Security: Questions on Recently Reported Projection of Newly Arrived Aliens Receiving Supplemental Security Income

DOCUMENT RESUME 06747 - r B20270371 (Restricted) [Questions on Recently Reported Projection of Newly Arrived Aliens Receiving Supplemental Security Inccue]. HRD-78-136; -164031(4) . July 18, 1978. 10 pp. + enclosure (5 pp.). Report to Rep. Edwarl B. Roybal; by Glegory J. Ahart, Director, Human r.esources Div. Issue Area: Income Security Programs (1300); Income Security Programs: Eligibility Determ...
Date July 14, 1978 Report No. 095397 Title

International Affairs: The Pending Social Security Totalization Agreement With Italy

Date July 14, 1978 Report No. 106748 Title

International Affairs: The Pending Social Security Totalization Agreement with Italy

DOCUMENT RESLDE 06748 fB2027030] Agreement with Italy. The Pendingq Social Security Totalization July 14, 1978. 7 pp. Testimony kefore the Hcuse Committee cn Wajs and Hieaas: Social Security Subcommittee; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human Hesources Div. Contact: Human Resources Div. Orqanization Concerned: Department of Health, Education, and Welf a re. Congressional Relevance: House Committee ...
Date June 13, 1978 Report No. CED-78-113 Title

Federal Domestic Food Assistance Programs: A Time for Assessment and Change

1 a-1 .II..s* .,-“/1+3.a ...lm7.,.-~-ll-~~~~..~ ,,..-, _ “.-__( ,.__“_” -._- ~=tXIXII.L* -ivan----....-.,.wsm- lllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllll LM106439 i . L -.-. . . R ii The executive zdeqllate Cjl-amS. data COFiSeqUeilt%y~ branch does Qr-6 al 1 sttnajor the not yeriodicalby food assistance exact extent and gather p53amount of ovesall food benefit gaps and oiaerf~ps typ...
Date May 26, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-114 Title

Income Security: Supplemental Security Income Quarterly Accounting Period for Determining Eligibility and Benefit Payment Accounts

DOCUMENT REeUBE 07012 B2267295] [Supplemental Security Income Quarterly Accounting Period for Determining Eligibility and Benefit Payment Accounts]. HRD-/8-114; B-164031(4). ay 26, 1978. 10 FP. Report to Sen. Russell B. Long, Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance; Rep. Al Ullman, Chairman, ouse Ccmmitteo cz Ways eand Means; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptrcller General. Issue Area: Income Security rogra...
Date May 23, 1978 Report No. HRD-77-126 Title

Supplemental Security Income Quality Assurance System: An Assessment of Its Problems and Potential for Reducing Erroneous Payments

s managcmt3nt of tire Suf~f~iemental Stctirity Income pt-cgr,irn ~vould be iin ~risur nlountat,‘~ task wrtllout al effectrve cfualrty assura-ice system for rcbiewing .til proyarn asfwts and a firm coniniitnwt by the Social Sccurrty Atlnrrnrstratror. to USC’ that system to its fullest potcntidi. GAO’s rt’view of this sy!:!em was done at :!w request of Senator Birch Bayh. Wtlrle m;lny posrtr...
Date May 23, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-110 Title

Income Security: Review of the Better Jobs and Income Bill

0~ THE UNITED STATES The Senate Commjttee on Human Resources requested GAO to review the administration’s welfare reform proposal. The bill is a major step forJvard its goals and principles may because --its costs may be higher but not ntsny of be met than estimated, existing depen- --it may not significantly reduce work disincentives and welfare dency incentives, and __ it may be hard to carry ...
Date May 22, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-118 Title

Income Security: Need for SSA To Assess Penalties Against SSI Recipients That Fail To Report Changes in Their Circumstances

DOIUENIT RESUME 061)9 - (B1e4462: j ,Need for SS& To Assess Penalties against SSI Recipients Than Fail To Report Changes in Their Circumstances]. BRD-78-118; B-164031(4i,. Sa7 22, 1978. 5 pp. Report to Secretary, Department of Realth, Education, and welfare; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Hunan Resources Div. Issue Area: Income Security Programs: Eligitility Determination (1301); Income Security P...
Date May 15, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-145 Title

Income Security: States Should Be Fully Reimbursed for Interim Assistance to Supplemental Security Income Recipients

DOCUMENT RESUME 06197 B1386414] States Should Be Fully Reimbursed for Interim Assistance to Supplerental Security Income Recipients. HRD-78-145; B-164031(4). ay 15, 1978. 30 pp. + 2 appendices (7 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elder B8 Staats, Comptrollec General. Issue Area: Income Security Programs: Program Monitoring and Administration (1303); Income Security Programs: Consolidating, Streamli...
Date April 18, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-97 Title

Income Security: Review of the Eligibility of Persons Converted From State Disability Rolls to the Supplemental Security Income Program

DOC UIIT RB SUI 05891 - r11060681 seviev of the Eligibility of Persons Converted from State Disability Rolls to the Supplesental Security Income Program. HRD-78-97; B-164031(4). April 18, 1978. 7 pp. + eclosaure (1 pP.) · Report to Secretary, Depairtant of Health, Iducationa, VlX Welfare; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human 8lsmources iv. Issue Area: Income Security trograss: Eligibility Doet*ei...
Date April 6, 1978 Report No. 105897 Title

Civil Rights: The Impact of Aliens on Federal Programs

D CIJ ENT Ri SUN 05897 - 8B1226164] April 6, 1978. 11 pp. The Impact of Aliens on Federal Prograss. + 5 enclosures (18 pp.). Testimony before the House Select Committee on Fopulation. Contact: General Government Div. Orqanization Concerned: Immigration and Naturalization Sezvice. Congressional Relevance: House Select Committee on PopUlation. Authority: Alien Adjustment and Employ]ent Act of 1977. ...
Date Feb. 22, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-50 Title

Income Security: Number of Newly Arrived Aliens Who Receive Supplemental Security Income Needs To Be Reduced

DOCUKENT RB 01 05318 - rb05855051 Number of Nawly Arrived liens ho eceive Supplemental Secrity Income Needs To Be Reduced. RD-78-50; -164031¢4). ebruary 22, 1978. 21 pp. + 3 appendicei (3 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller 6eneral, Issae Area: Income Security Programs (1300); Income Security Programs: ligibility Determination (1301). Contact: Human Resources Div. Dudget...
Date Feb. 16, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-40 Title

Income Security: The Social Security Administration Needs To Improve Its Disability Claims Process

DOC:UIRIT U&S1B 05317 - f0r525s351 J P1ff4- The Social Security DisabiLity Claims ProcWss. H1tD-78-C; d-1&6031'(j). February 16, 1978. Released February 21, 1978. 18 PF. + 3 appnldices (% pp.). Report to Rep. elizabeth Holtzin; by EMer B5. Stsats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Iacone Security Prograes: Bligibility Determiaation (1301); Income Security Progrrams: PogrE to Protect Contact: Humas ...
Date Dec. 1, 1977 Report No. GGD-78-20 Title

Impact of Illegal Aliens on Public Assistance Programs: Too Little Is Known

DOCUMENT 04526 - (B3394627] // ESO[E it Impact of Illegal Aliens on Public Assistance Programs: Too Little Is Known. GGD-78-20; B-125051. December 1, 1977. 3 pp. + 6 appendices (32 pp.). Report to Sen. Edmund S. Muskie,, Senate Committee on Budget; Sen. Henry Bellmon, Ranking inority Member; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Income Security Programs (1300). Contact: Gen...
Date Nov. 17, 1977 Report No. HRD-78-12 Title

Income Security: Social Security Administration's Procedures for Allocating Administrative Costs to the Supplemental Security Income Program

DCCU 04236 B3254493] ENT RESUME Social Security Admini;tration's rocedures or Allocating Administrative Costs to the Supplemental Security Income Proqram. HRD--76 12; B-16{1031(4). ovemker 17, 1977. 13 rF. appendices (7 pp.). Report to Rep. Charles A. aniK; by Elmer B. Staat., + 5 Comptroller General. Issue Area: Income Security Programs: Erogram cnitcring and Admini: tration (1303). Contact: Huma...
Date Nov. 15, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-110 Title

Income Security: Privacy Issues and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

DCCUM NT RESUMEI 0437 B319443 6 ] d.), , /C 2 Privacy Issues and Supplemental Security IcomE Benefits. HBD-77-110; B-Ir4031(4). November 15, 1977. 12 pp. + 3 appendices (4 pp.). Report to Rep. John E. Moss; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccmptrcller Gen iral. issue Area: InCome Security Progr4ms: Program Eftectiveness (1302) Federal Records anagement 1400). Contact: Human Resources Div. Income Scurity: Publi...
Date Aug. 23, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-131 Title

Income Security: Supplemental Security Income Overpayments to Medicaid Nursing Home Residents Can Be Reduced

DOCUMENT RESUME 03365 A23735171 Supplemental Security Income Overpayments to Medicaid Nursing Rome esidents Can Be Reduced. RD-77-131; B-164031 (4). August 23, 1977. 12 pp. + 2 appendices (3 pp.),. Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staatj, Comptroller General. Issue Aree- Income Security Programs: Program Monitoring and Administration (130). Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Income ...
Date July 19, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-65 Title

Replacing Lost or Stolen Government Checks: Expedited Service Versus Costs and Risks

1OCUMENT RESUME 03056 - [A2033'127 48h g14 NI.el 1 Replacing Lost or Stolen c7vernnent Checks: Expedited Service versus Costs and Risks. GGD-77-65: B-164L031t14). Jujy 19, 1977. 18 pp, + appendix (2 pp.j. Report to Rep. Elizabeth Comptroller General. atirzman; by Elmer B. Staats, Issue Area' Income Security Irogrems: Program and Administratinn (1303). Contact: General Government Div. B...
Date June 23, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-114 Title

Income Security: Need to Change Income Criteria of the Supplemental Security Income Program

DOCUMENT 02745 A1852878) BESUME [Need to Change Income Criteria of the Supplemental Security Income Program]. HRD-77-101; HRD-77-114; HRD-77-113; B-164031(4). June 23, 1977. 7 pp. + enclosure (1 pp.). Report to Sen. Russell B. Long, Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance; Rep. James C. Corman, chairman, House Committee on Ways and Means: Public Assistance and Unemployment Compensation Ways Subcommi...
Date June 23, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-101 Title

Income Security: Need to Change Income Criteria of the Supplemental Security Income Program

DOCUMENT 02745 A1852878) BESUME [Need to Change Income Criteria of the Supplemental Security Income Program]. HRD-77-101; HRD-77-114; HRD-77-113; B-164031(4). June 23, 1977. 7 pp. + enclosure (1 pp.). Report to Sen. Russell B. Long, Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance; Rep. James C. Corman, chairman, House Committee on Ways and Means: Public Assistance and Unemployment Compensation Ways Subcommi...
Date June 23, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-113 Title

Income Security: Need to Change Income Criteria of the Supplemental Security Income Program

DOCUMENT 02745 A1852878) BESUME [Need to Change Income Criteria of the Supplemental Security Income Program]. HRD-77-101; HRD-77-114; HRD-77-113; B-164031(4). June 23, 1977. 7 pp. + enclosure (1 pp.). Report to Sen. Russell B. Long, Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance; Rep. James C. Corman, chairman, House Committee on Ways and Means: Public Assistance and Unemployment Compensation Ways Subcommi...
Date May 20, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-88 Title

Health: Effect on Medicaid of Restoring Eligibility to Those Who Lost It because of Cost-of-Living Increases in Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

DOCUMENT RESUME 02220 - [A1452461] rEffect on Medicaid of Restoring Eligibility to Those Who Lost It because of Cost-of-Living Increases in Old-Age, Survivors, and Disabil my Insurance]. HRD-77-88; B-164031(3). May 20, 1977. Released May 27, 1977. 10 pp. Report to Sen. John Melcher; by Comptroller General. obert F. Keller, Acting Issue Area: Health Programs (1200). Contact: Human Resources and Dev...
Date May 9, 1977 Report No. CED-77-65 Title

Agriculture and Food: Review of Delays in Issuance of Food Stamp Authorization-To-Purchase Cards in Chicago, Illinois

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES -~ 2054B The Honorable Cardiss Collins House of Representatives Dear Ms. Collins: REiEAsED In accordance with your August 10, 1976, request, we inquired into complaints you had received from some elderly They complained that they received food stamp recipients. food stamp authorization-to-purchase cards later in the month than Federal Suppl...
Date April 28, 1977 Report No. HRD-76-163 Title

Health: Progress and Problems in Treating Alcohol Abusers

llllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM101947 In Treating National institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Problems noted in the planning procedures and coordination of the National Institute on Alcoirol Abuse and Aicaholism have kept available resources from being applied to areas of greatest need and have slowed the develupment of a concert...
Date April 19, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-70 Title

Income Security: The Well-Being of Older People in Cleveland, Ohio

L1 S THE WELL-BEING OF OLDER PEOPLE IN CLEVELAND, OHIO I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE/AND OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES I *.,. HRD-77-70 4f19177 We have identified at least 134 Federal programs which assist the elderly. To measure the impact of such programs, we interviewed a random sample of more than 1,600 people, 65 years or older, in Cleveland, using a questionnaire designed to determ...
Date Dec. 6, 1976 Report No. HRD-76-176 Title

Income Security: Efforts Made to Locate and Enroll Potential Recipients of the Supplemental Security Income Program for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled

DOCUMENT RSUBE~ ,/ 01740 A0590614) Efforts Made to Locate and Enroll Potential Recipients of the Supplemental Security Income Program for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled. -164031(4); HRD-76-176. December 6, 1976. Released December 8, 1976. 14 pp. appendices (4 pp.). Report to Rep. Donald M. Fraser; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccmptroller General. Issue Area: Income Security Programs (1300). Contact: Human e...
Date Nov. 18, 1976 Report No. HRD-76-159 Title

Income Security: Supplemental Security Income Payment Errors Can Be Reduced

. - - &PORT TO THE CONGRESS **c.,* y\‘7 llllIlMlllllIIllllllllllllllllllllll LM101738 Supplemental Security Income Payment Errors Can Be Weduced * Social Security Administration Department of Health, Education, and Welfare The Social Sect& Administration has been computing Supplemental Security Income payments on the basis of inaccurate Vsterarts Administration and Railroed Retirement Board bene...
Date June 11, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-73 Title

Income Security: Problems in Administering Supplemental Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled

.4 I REPORT TO THE COl’?if?kESS BY THE CQMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES - Problems Administering Supplemental Security Income For The Aged, Blind, And Disabled Social Security Administration Department df Health, Education, and Welfare After over 2 years the Social Security Administration still faces considerable difficulties in making the Supplemental Security Income program an effectiv...
Date May 11, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-131 Title

Income Security: Differences Identified in Five Aspects of the Food Stamp, Aid to Families With Dependent Children, and Supplemental Security Income Programs

COMPTROiLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.c. THE UNITED ‘TA\rEs W(-ja __._ ,. -. 20S4E A-51604 r r i The Honorable Thomas S. Foley, Committee on Agriculture Rouse of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Chairman In your letter of December 5, 1975, you requested that the General Accounting Office identify differences'in five aspects of the Food Stamp, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), and ...
Date Oct. 16, 1975 Report No. MWD-76-2 Title

Civil Rights: Need for More Uniform Application of the Presumptive Disability Provision of the Supplemental Security Income Program

,, 8~5~~~__i .C......-.g..-.. by U;ece ;fC ;id G -- *. i5x ~n ~I ,i; -TA- 5 b,Z 5s x.i;' tsd r4r i- el neral t e of specific apprval F cZatioss.; ~a~ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Need For More Uniform Application Of The Presumptive Disability Provision Of The Supplemental Security Income Program Social Security Administration Department of Health, Education, and Welfare U...