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GAO Reports by subject "High speed antiradiation missiles"

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Date Report No. Title
Date July 19, 1989 Report No. NSIAD-89-120 Title

Countermeasures: Survivability of U.S. Radars Needs More Emphasis

I -, JnEf..__“..l I-_---_wl S1,;~l.w (;vltc~ral .-.... .--._....-. .._. _ __” I.. . 1,l-.“ll.l” _.._-_.^ -._. -. -I Accounting Office i GAO July . l!M!J ------ htport, t,o t,k Chairman, kgislat,ion and Nat,ional Security Subcommi ttw, Clc~mmittw on Government, Operations, House 0 f’ Representatives COUNTERMEASURES Survivability of U.S. Radars Needs More Emphasis
Date March 24, 1988 Report No. NSIAD-88-104 Title

Quality Assurance: Concerns About Four Navy Missile Systems

United States General Accounting Office GAO March 1988 Report to the Honorable John D. Dingell, Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives QUALITY ’ ASSURANCE Concern About Four Navy Missile Systems RESTBXTEIL-N ot t o be released outside the General z Accounting Office except on the !msis of the specific appd b; the Office ...
Date Sept. 12, 1983 Report No. NSIAD-83-59 Title

National Defense: Analysis of HARM Procurement Strategies

UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON. DC 20548 NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS AND DIVISION B-205940 The Honorable Ted Stevens Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations 1Jnited States Senate Sub]ect* Analysis of HARMProcurement Strategies (GAO/NSIAD-83-59) September 12, 1983 Dear Mr. Chairman: I As requested in your letter of June 24, 1983, we have made an a...
Date June 10, 1983 Report No. MASAD-83-28 Title

National Defense: Navy's F/A-18 Program Faces Budget Concerns and Performance Limitations as Aircraft Enter the Fleet

BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Chairman, Subcommittee On Defense, Committee On Appropriations House Of Representatives - Navy’s F/A-18 Program Faces Budget Concerns And Performance Limitations As Aircraft Enter The Fleet As the new dual-purpose F/A-l8 naval strike fighter begins to enter the fleet, it faces controversies over budgeting, testing, and fleet introduction. To cov...
Date June 6, 1983 Report No. MASAD-83-29 Title

National Defense: Evaluation of the Unit Cost Exception Reports on the High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile

UNITED SPATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 NATIONAL SECURITY INTERNATIONALAFFALRS AND OIVISION B-206836 JUNE 6,1963 The Honorable John G..Tower Chairman, Committee on Armed Services United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: 'I' Evaluation of the Unit Cost Exception Reports on the High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (GAO/MASAD-83-29) Subject: The High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (H...
Date Feb. 28, 1981 Report No. C-MASAD-81-7 Title

National Defense: Review of the High Speed Antiradiation Missile Program

REPORT BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES DIGEST -----e REVIEW OF THE HIGH SPEED ANTIRADIATION MISSILE PROGRAM . The High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM) is being developed to give aircraft performing surface attack missions a better chance of penetrating enemy radar defenses by destroying or suppressing radars which direct enemy surface-to-air missiles and antiaircraft guns.1 The...
Date June 2, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-52 Title

National Defense: High Altitude, High Speed Target Program Should Either Be Modified To Realistically Simulate the Threat or Be Killed

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT ACQUlSlTlON AND SYSTEMS DIVISION B-198928 JUNE 2,198O The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Harold Brown of Defense Assistant for Audit Room 3A336 ASD (Comptroller) Reports lllllllllllllll 112418 Dear Mr. Secretary: High Speed Target Program The r High Altitude, Should Either Be Modified w Realistically Simulate the Threat...
Date March 27, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-26 Title

Government Operations: Status of the High-Speed Antiradiation Missile System

DOCUMENT RESUME 07568 - [B2647691] (Secret) Status of the High-Speed AntiraO tion Missile System. PSAD-78-26; B-163058. March 27 1978. Report to the Congress; by Elmor B. Staats, Cosptroller General. Unclassified Digest Not Available, Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Engineering Development before Producing (1903); Science and Tecbnolcgy (2000). Contact: Procurement and Syste...