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GAO Reports by subject "National School Lunch Program"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Dec. 31, 1991 Report No. RCED-92-67 Title

Food Assistance: Processing of USDA Commodities Donated to the National School Lunch Program

U@WR Stat&s General Accaunthg Office GAO December 1991 Report to the Congressional Committees : _., ! ‘ , &gj gg;{y%tgfice , -a Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-243558 December 31,199l Congressional Recipients This report, mandated by Section 1173(f) of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 (P.L. lOf-624), discusses the processing of commodities dona...
Date Sept. 24, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-224BR Title

Food Assistance: Information on the Private Sponsors in the 1990 Summer Food Service Program

Information on the Private Sponsors in the 1990 Summer Food Service Program GAO United States General Accounting O!Tlce Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-242508 September 24,lOOl The Honorable William D. Ford Chairman, Committee on Education House of Representatives The Honorable William F. Goodling Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Education and ...
Date May 23, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-82 Title

Food Assistance: Readmitting Private Nonprofit Sponsors into the Summer Food Service Program

--.--__ IJnit,cvl St,at,ttts Getrltbral Acv.wurlt,ing --_---.....- Office .I ----..-._l.-L-.. ,’ --- ~--- F(llOD ASSISTA Readm itting Private Nonprofit Sponsors Into the Sum m er Food Service Program ~-I~ -- ----- -_____- GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division united states B-242608 May 23,199l The Honorable William D. Ford Ch...
Date May 13, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-81 Title

Food Distribution Program: USDA's Canned Beef and Pork Can Be Improved

I j .-_.-_.-_--- t’s (;t~lrt~r;kl Atw~trnt~il~g Of’f’iw -~I I~crport t,o Cor~grwsional Requesters ._.-_-__ ...- ._. .II -..-._l---._l-...- FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM USDA’s Canned Beef and Pork Can Be Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-242609 May 13, 1991 The Honorable Tony P. Hall, Chairman The Honorable Bill Emerson, Vice Chairman Select Committee on Hu...
Date March 8, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-36FS Title

Asian Americans: A Status Report

; ^*_ i United States General Accounting Office * ; -GA!0 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Select Committee on Hunger, House of ‘;, : .: Representatives .:.i ‘-.‘..,’ ,I,’1
Date March 2, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-119FS Title

Federal Dairy Programs: Information on Inventory Management Activities

I Jnitd .._..____.._.. .._. ..-_..._._.._ _ St&w General Accounting Offke .. . -__-__ __-_ 1 k%zt Sheet fbr the Chairman, Committee . on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, 1J. S. Senak _ _. ._. _ ..- ...-.-. -.-._- ._~ .._ .-- ..~ ~..- - .---.._ .__ .--- .---__ -_.... ---.- M iwd~ 1!)!)O FEDERAL DAIRY PROGRAMS Information on Inventory Management Activities ..,. ..._._ .^.---- _ -_.. I--.------....
Date Dec. 5, 1989 Report No. RCED-90-12 Title

Food Assistance: USDA's Implementation of Legislated Commodity Distribution Reforms

f United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1989 Report to Congressional Committees ’ ., FOOD ASSISTANCE USDA’s Implementation of Legislated Commodity Distribution Reforms : : -c . ., I. ,? GAO/RCED90-12 .1. 1 ‘2 : Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-237263 December 5, 1989 The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Fores...
Date Sept. 26, 1989 Report No. RCED-89-218 Title

School Lunch Program: Buy American Procedures at Commodity Schools

E5u.y American Procedures at, Commodity Schools .. . GiO GeneralAccounting Offlce Wadingfan, D.C. 20648 Re~ource8, Community, and Economic Development Division Udted states B-222207 September26,198Q The Honorable William D. Ford Committee on Education and Labor House of Representatives The Honorable William F. Goodling Ranking Minority Member Committee on Education and Labor House of Representativ...
Date Aug. 9, 1989 Report No. RCED-89-183 Title

School Lunch Program: Buy American Procedures at Schools With Cash or Credit in Lieu of Food

_~I( SCHOOL LUNC PROGRAM Buy American Procedures at Schools With Cash or Credit in Lieu of Food United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-222207 August 9,1989 The Honorable Tom Harkin Chairman, Subcommittee on Nutrition and Investigations Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry United States Senate The Honorabl...
Date June 14, 1989 Report No. T-RCED-89-49 Title

Agriculture and Food: Use of Surplus Dairy Products in the National School Lunch Program

., 1 United States General Accounting Oilke / 3 ‘ 0 b 3 6 *GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 3:00 p.m. EDT June 14, 1989 Testimony’ * Ill11111 II I 138863 Use of Surplus Daby Products School Lunch Program in the National Statement Associate of William E. Gahr Food & Agriculture Director, and Economic on Nutrition Nutrition, Issues Resources, Community, Development Division Before the Sub...
Date Feb. 23, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-108FS Title

Federally Owned Dairy Products: Inventories and Distributions, Fiscal Years 1982-88

8 ’ ,I,*, ,, U d te d ..-I .-------~ - S -s General Accom~ -- O fTice ~-__~~~--- GAO Februw 1088 F a c t S h e e t fo r th e C h a irm a n , S e le c t C o m m itte e o n H u n g e r, H o u s e o f R e p r e s e n ta tive s _. . _. . -. _ ......_._._-_..-.--.,-_-~ --_- _..._.. FEDERALLYO W NED DAIRYPRODUCTS In v e n to ries a n d D istrib u tio n s, Fisca l Y e a rs 1 9 8 2 - 8 8 IIllllllllllll ...
Date Jan. 27, 1988 Report No. AFMD-88-30 Title

Fund Accountability: Procedures Used for Selected Benefit/Mandatory Spending Programs Are Adequate

,,,,, * 8’ 8, .“” I.. “I,___..... United States _“-ll*--“.-.“---l_.-_- General Accounting I-sa1aI Office i$AO J~~~~Lw~’ i 9NS 4 ,1”,1” ,,...._ . ..--... _.“ll_l -.-I- Report to the Chairman, Committee on --- * Government Operations, House of Representatives .I_---.-pm-....-- FUND ACCOUNTABILITY * Procedures Used for Selected Benefit/ Mandatory Spending Programs Are Adequate ...
Date June 11, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-113 Title

School Lunch Program: Evaluation of Alternatives to Commodity Donations

United States Genaal Accounting Office / -GA!0 Junre 1987 Report to Congressional Requesters SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM Evaluation of Alternatives to Commodity Donations lllsllI IllIll 133213 /_73d--/ GAO/RC~I-118 3 General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 ltesourcee, Community, and Economic Development Division 0222207 united states June 11, 1987 . The Honorable William F. Goodling House of Rep...
Date March 17, 1987 Report No. AFMD-87-20 Title

Anti-Deficiency Act: Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service Violates the Anti-Deficiency Act

. United States General Accounting Of’flcfi 35 Report to CongressionalRequesters . Ma&h 1987 ANTI-DEFICIENCY ACT Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service Violates the An& Deficiency Act llllllllllllll I 132596 GAO/AFMD437-20 united states General Accounting Ofllce! Washington, D.C. 20548 Acconn~ and Financial Management Division BaelWIl March 17,1987 The Honorable John C. Stennis Chairman, Com...
Date July 9, 1986 Report No. HRD-86-107FS Title

Needs-Based Programs: Eligibility and Benefit Factors

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1986 Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters NEEDS-BASED PROGRAMS Eligibility and Benefit Factors RESTRJCTED--Not to be released out&de the Genti Accounting Office except on the basis of specifio , epproval by the Office of Congressional Rel8tio1KL GAO/HRD-86107FS UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 HUMAN RCSOURCE8 DIVISIO...
Date March 17, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-122BR Title

School Meal Program: Options for Improving the Verification of Student Eligibility

, United States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to the Honorable William F. Goodling House of Representatives rch 1986 ’ SCHOOLMEAL PROGRAMS Options for Improving the Verification of Student Eligibility Ill lllllllllllll 129552 EE;ESTRTCTED- Not ta be released outside the benm%l Acm.mting OffiCC CxCCpt on the bais of spedfic approvrd by thf3Office of Congrefslonal Rclatlon.3 RELEASED O...
Date Dec. 5, 1985 Report No. RCED-86-11 Title

Food Inventories: Inventory Management of Federally Owned and Donated Surplus Foods

United Stakes General Accounting Office a=fwbB . Report to L&gressional Requestors - December 1985 FOOD INVEN+ORIES Inventory Management of FederaUy Owned and Donated Surplus Foods GAO/RCED-W11 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-219014 December 5, 1985 The Honorable Thad Cochran Chairman, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural ...
Date March 30, 1984 Report No. RCED-84-132 Title

Agriculture and Food: Participation in the National School Lunch Program

Report To The Chairman, Committee Agriculture, Nutrition, And Forestry United States Senate Participation In The National School Lunch Program Legislative changes to the National School Lunch Program in 1980 and 1981 tightened eligibility requirements for schools and students and reduced the federal reimbursement rates for free, reduced-price, and full-price school lunches. GAO analyzed participat...
Date Sept. 7, 1983 Report No. 124037 Title

Agriculture and Food: Observations on the National School Lunch Program's Assessment, Improvement, and Monitoring System

UNITED STATES GENERAL WASHINGTON, ACCOUNTING D.C. 20548 OFFICE SEP ‘ 1963 i Administrator Mr. Robert E. Leard, Food and Nutrition Service Department of Agriculture DeaK Mr. Leard: Observations on the National School Lunch Program's Assessment, Improvement, and Monitoring System Subject: We recently completed a survey to obtain information on the operation of the Food and Nutrition Service's Asse...
Date Jan. 26, 1981 Report No. B-200555 Title

Agriculture and Food: Accounting Procedures Used by the Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service for the Child Nutrition Programs

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES * .4', .s / ' WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 January 26, 1981 B-200555 The Honorable Jesse Helms Chairman Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: On October 30, 1980, your staff verbally requested that we provide information to supplement our October 9, 1980, letter to you. That letter responded to your request for u...
Date Oct. 14, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-16 Title

Income Security: Alleged Intervention of the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) Into Certain Food Stamp Program Activities

&ct;>r!~ QAO bytd&) .,.C. _,I., : .' " . .. .4 RELEIa Human Resources Division United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 ~-200213 October 14, 1980 The Honorable Paul Findley House of Representatives Dear Mr. Findley: Alleged Intervention of the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) into Certain Food Stamp Program Activities (HRD-81-16) 113656 Subjects you and 19 other Members I...
Date May 6, 1980 Report No. CED-80-33 Title

Efforts To Control Fraud, Abuse, and Mismanagement in Domestic Food Assistance Programs: Progress Made--More Needed

r/G2 -* b - BY THECOlvll’TROLLER-&i’flERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES I l3W.4 Report ToThe Congress EffortsTo Control Fraud, Abuse, And Mismanagement In Domestic Food Assistance Programs: Progress Made-More Needed GAO has made numerous recommendations for dealing with fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in domestic food assistance programs budgeted by the Department of Agriculture at over $13 billion for ...
Date Dec. 26, 1978 Report No. CED-79-12 Title

Formulated Grain-Fruit Products: Proposed Restrictions on Use in School Breakfast Program Should Be Reevaluated

REPORTBY THE OF THE UNITEDSTATES ((0 6+ Formulated Grain-Fruit Products: Proposed Restrictions On Use In School Breakfast Program Should Be Reevaluated The Department of Agriculture has proposed to prohibit using the two-component meal of formulated gram-fruit products (fortlfled pastries) and milk in the school breakfast program Although gram fruit products are not used widely or frequently, some...