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GAO Reports by subject "Aid for education"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Jan. 20, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-36 Title

Employment: Better Criteria Needed for Awarding Grants for School Desegregation

f.-u,.4.· ~:~ 04779 - [ B0245102 ] s,?, DOCUHENT RESUME Better Criteria Neede,.or Awarding Grants for School Desegregation. HRD-78-3.6; B-164031(1). January 20, 1978. 3 pp. + appendix (29 pp.). ' * Report to Rep. Carl Perkins, C Chairman, House Committee on Education and Labor: .. rnentary, Seccndary and Vocational l Education Subcommitttp by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Non-...
Date Dec. 19, 1977 Report No. HRD-78-11 Title

Education: Reevaluation Needed of Educational Assistance for Institutionalized Neglected or Delinquent Children

DOCUMENT ESUME 04251 - B3554814] Reevaluation Needed of Educational Assistance for eglected or Delinquent Children. HPD-78-11; Institutionalized B-164031(1). December 19, 1977. 39 pp. + 8 appendices (28 p?.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federally Sponsored or Assisted Education Programs (3300); Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention (500);Law Enforcem...
Date Oct. 17, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-146 Title

Financial Management: Financial Difficulties and Funding at D-Q University

DCCUMENT BESUME eAX 03695 - [B2914161] /i/ > e 4 .al Difficulties and Funding at D-Q University. k:.n -·- .-146; B-164031(a). October 17, 1977. 34 pp. + appendix (1 HRED pp.). Report to Rep. General. B. F. Sisk; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Education, Manpower, and Social Services: Higher Education (502). Organizattim Concerned; Department of Heal...
Date Oct. 5, 1977 Report No. 103697 Title

Education: Educational Assistance for Institutionalized Neglected or Delinquent Children

DCCUNENT RESUME 03697 - [B2834067] Educational Assistance for Institutionalized Neglected or Delinquent Children. October 5, 1977. Si pp. Testimony before the House Committee on Education and Labor: Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education Subcommittee; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Education, Training, and Employment Programs: Programs for Specific Target G...
Date Sept. 21, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-91 Title

Education: Office of Education's Basic Grant Program Can Be Improved

DOCUBENT RESUME 03406 A2653829] Office of Education's Basic Grant Progra3 Can Be Improved. HRD-77-91; B-1640 1(1). September 21, 1977. 43 pp. + 7 appendices (18 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Education, Training, and Employment Programs: Student Assistance Programs for Post-Secondary Education (1101). Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function...
Date Sept. 20, 1977 Report No. 103405 Title

Veterans Affairs: Survey of the Veterans Administration Veterans Representative on Campus Program

DOCUMENT RESUME 03405 - [A2713906] (Survey of the Veterans Administration Veterans Representative on Campus Program]. September 20, 1977. 4 pp. Report to Wallace E. Busbee, Director, Veterans Administration: Internal Audit Service; by George D. Peck, Assistant Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Education, Training, and Employment Programs (1100). Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Functi...
Date Sept. 20, 1977 Report No. 090182 Title

Veterans Affairs: VA's Veterans Representative on Campus Program

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFKE D.C. 20548 WASHINGTON, WUMAN RESOURCES DIYlSlON Mr. Wallace E. Busbee, Internal Audit Service Veterans Administration Dear Mr. Busbee: Director The General Accounting Office has surveyed the Veterans Administration (VA) Veterans Representative (Vet-Rep) on Campus program administered by VA"s Department of Veterans Benefits Our survey was conducted at VA's cen...
Date Aug. 11, 1977 Report No. CD-77-1 Title

Education: Collection Efforts Not Keeping Pace With Growing Number of Defaulted Student Loans

DOCUENT RESUME 03085 - rA22734071 Collection Efforts No': eeping Pace with Growing Number of Defaulted Student Loans C-77-1: -117604. August 11, 1977. 25 pp, + 3 appendices (8 pp.). Peport to Secretary, Depart ment of Health, Education, and Welfare; by James D. Martin (for Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human esources Div.'). Issue Area: Education, Trainin, ':d Employment Programs: Student Assistance...
Date June 27, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-109 Title

Education: The National Direct Student Loan Program Requires More Attention by the Office of Education and Participating Institutions

DOCUMENT RESUME 02445 - [A18128463 The National Direct Student Loan Program Requires Fore Attention by the Office of Education and Participating Institutions. HAD-77-109; B-164031(1). June 27, 1977. 18 pp. Report to Secretary, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human Resources Div. Issue Area: Education, Training, and Employment Programs: Student Assistanc...
Date June 17, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-108 Title

Education: The Lummi Indian School of Aquaculture

DOCUMENT RESUME / / 7 02446 - A1752778] (V-tuiote , (The Lummi Indian School of Aquaculture]. HRD-77-108; B-164031(1). June 17, 1977. 6 pp. + 8 enclosures (12 pp.). Report to Rep. Lloyd Resources Div. eeds; by Gregory J. Ahart, Director, Human Issue Area: Education, Training, ad Employment Programs: Relation of Students' Educational xperiences to Society and the Work World (105); Education, Traini...
Date May 5, 1977 Report No. HRD-76-167 Title

Health: Controls over Vocational Rehabilitation Training Services Need Improvement

DOCUMENT RESUME 02246 - [A1332332] Controls over Vocational Rehabilitation Training Services Need Improvement. HRD-76-167; B-164031(1). May 5, 1977. 58 pp. Report to the Congress; by EImer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Education, Training. and Employment Programs: Programs for Specific Target Groups (1108), Contact. Human Resources and Development Div. Budget Function: Education, Man...
Date May 4, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-85 Title

Employment: Inquiry Into Certain Alleged Irregularities in Programs in Berkeley, California, Under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973

Date April 15, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-49 Title

Education: Questions Persist about Federal Support for Development of Curriculum Materials and Behavior Modification Techniques Used in Local Schools

DCCUMENT Bl!UME 01902 A1092091] Questions Persist about Federal Support for Development of Curriculum aterials and Behavior odification Techniques Used in Local Schools. HD-77-49; B-164031(1). April 15, 1977. 83 pp. Report to Rep. Daniel J. Flood, Chairman, ouse Committee on Appropriations: Labor-Health, Education and elfare Subcommittee; Rep. Albert H. Quie; by Robert P. Keller, Acting Comptrolle...
Date April 15, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-80 Title

Education: Study of Guaranteed Student Loan Bankruptcy

Date Dec. 1, 1976 Report No. 100131 Title

Education: Assistance Provided for the Construction of Higher Education Academic Facilities

* UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. ZE48 _ RELEASED The a Commissioner of Education Office of EducatLon Department of Health, EdrIcation, and Welfare Dear Dr. AgJirre: Bcriorable Edward Aauirro RELEASED 7e have completed our survey of assistance crovrded to institutions of higher education for academic facilities conAct, as struction under title VII cf the Higher Education ame...
Date Dec. 1, 1976 Report No. 100130 Title

Education: Federal Assistance Provided to Institutions of Higher Education

UNITED STATESGENERAL AcCOw DING OFFICE WA!SHINGTON, 0.C. 20548 ’ llllllllllllllillilllil~ll~lll LM100130 The Honorable James L. Young Assistant Secretary for Housing Department of Housing and Urban Development Dear Mr. Young:.,., in- RELEASED c'?lr survey of assistance provided to We have completed institutions of higher education for academic facilities construction under title VII of the Highe...
Date Nov. 26, 1976 Report No. HRD-77-20 Title

Education: Problems in the Administration of Third-Party Funds under the Vocational Rehabilitation Program in Indiana

Umm StAtEsGENERAL ACCOUNtli4G OFFICE WASHINGTON, 2O!XB .D.C. WUMAH OIVISION B-164031il) . . -The Honorable The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Dear &. Secretary: NW 26 I976 Xe surveyed the use of cooperative agreements in the vocational rehabilitation program administered by the Rehabilitation Services Administration.. The survey's purpose was to determine whether the provisions of-the...
Date Nov. 5, 1976 Report No. HRD-77-17 Title

Education: Report to the Secretary, HEW, on the National Direct Student Loan Delinquency Rate

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 nUMAN OURC B-164031(1) The Honorable The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Dear Mr. Secretary: NOV 51976 We are currently surveying the Office of Education's National Direct Student Loan (NDSL) program, authorized by pFrt E of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as This program provides for the establishment of amen...
Date May 5, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-122 Title

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Two Military Physician Procurement Programs: The Scholarship Program and the University Program

8. .* D-76- iota.--y-.-J?y-76 CONGRiSS \’ -i\”‘1.4, OLLER GENERAL BY THE CQ OF THE UNITED STATES ~043 3w Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Of Two Military Physicia rocurement Programs: The Scholarship Program And The University Program Department of Defense GAO’s analysis compares the cost effectiveness of the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program and the Uniformed Services Univers...
Date April 16, 1976 Report No. PSAD-76-94 Title

Education: Geographical Distribution Of Federal Science Funds To Colleges And Universities

, . REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES eographical Distribution f Federal Science Funds o Colleges And Universities %?4n!2/7 ~ This report provides data on the geographical distribution patterns of Federal research and development and other funds to colleges and universities, information on Federal programs established in the 1960s t o strengthen academic science, and factors a...
Date March 19, 1976 Report No. MWD-76-109 Title

Education: Educational Assistance Overpayments, a Billion Dollar Problem--A Look at the Causes, Solutions, and Collection Efforts

Veterans Administration In the9-l/2-year period ended December 31, 1975, VA made almost $1.4 billion in educational assistance overpayments to veterans and dependents. If current trends continue, overpayments in fiscal year 1976 alone could total more than $800 million. VA’s collection system is not keeping up with the overpayments. As a result, those remaining uncollected at June 30, 1976, coul...
Date May 16, 1975 Report No. MWD-75-77 Title

Education: Expenditures for Consulting Services Under Two Federally Funded Education Programs

COMPTROLLER GENERAL. WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED D.C. 20548 STATES B-164031(1) (?.l i: The Honorable Silvio 0. Conte iI House of Representatives J k. Dear Mr. Conte:' 9 : Your January 15, 1975, letter asked us to inquire into_expenditures Qr consulting services under two federally funded education programs4 The expenditures involved grants made by the Massachusetts j State Department of Education fo...
Date April 25, 1975 Report No. RED-75-353 Title

Budget and Spending: Bureau of Indian Affairs' Planning and Budgeting System

CDMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-161468 ;! q-l, The Honorable 4 United States Dear Senator Paul J. Fannin Senate Fannin: r, /--' ,' : ., In accordance with your request of July 31, 1974, and subsequent agreements with your office, we obtained information on planning and budgeting system, 1 the Bureau of Indian Affairs' called band analysis, and the determinations o...
Date Feb. 12, 1975 Report No. FOD-75-8 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Financial Statements of Student Loan Insurance Fund, Fiscal Year 1974

Examination Of Financial Statements Of Student Loan Insurance Fund Fiscal Year 1974 Office and of Education of Health, Education, Welfare Department BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES FOD-75-8 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED DC. 20538 STATES B- 164031(l) I, i To the Speaker President of the of the House of Senate and the Representatives our examination of the Student of ...
Date Dec. 30, 1974 Report No. MWD-75-4 Title

Federal Library Support Programs: Progress and Problems

Office of Education Department of Health, and Welfare Education, MWD-75-4 DEC.30,1374 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED D.C. 20848 STATES B-164031(1) To the Speaker of the and the President pro House of Representatives tempore of the Senate This is our report on the progress and problems of The largest portion of Federal library support programs. Federal support for library programs is...
Date April 29, 1974 Report No. 094587 Title

Education: Survival of Higher Education in the Years Ahead

', - k, . w -_ 1111111111l I111111111ll llllIlllll l1 094587 i ADDRESS BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL O THE UNITED STATES F BEFORE THE ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNING BOARDS OF UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA APRIL 29, 1974 ,.< - 'SURVIVAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION I N THE YEARS AHEAD" I accepted your i n v i t a t i o n i n p a r t because I wanted t o emphasize, a l o n g w i t h many o t h e r ...
Date July 30, 1973 Report No. B-133283 Title

U.S. Foreign Aid to Education: Does Brazil Need It?

I i - . e r I ‘i .‘n RESORT Td THE CONGRESS U. S. Foreign Aid To Education: Does Brazil Need It? 13.733283 Department of State Agency for lnternatlonal Department of Treasury ACTION Development BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES JULY30,1973 COMPTROLLER GENERAL. WASHINGTON OF THE cl C UNITED 20548 STATES B-133283 c To the Speaker President of the Senate and the of the House of Repr...
Date Oct. 12, 1972 Report No. 094553 Title

Special Publications: GAO Role in the Evaluation of Federally Funded Education Programs

ADDRESS BY THE COWTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES BEFOM~T H ~ EDUCATIONAL STAFF SEMINAR WASHINGTON, D.C., OCTOBER 12, 1972 "THE ROLE O THE GENERAL ACCOUNTING F OFFICE I N THE EVALUATION OF FEDERALLY FUNDED EDUCATION PROGRAMS" Over t h e p a s t decade funds expended f o r e d u c a t i o n by a l l s e c t o r s l o c a l , State, F e d e r a l , and private-have i n c r e a s e d t h r e e f...
Date Aug. 3, 1972 Report No. 088953 Title

Education: Administration of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 in the Michigan and Ohio State Departments of Education

l UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC MANPOWER AND DIViSlON WELFARE 20548 AUG 3 1972 Dear Dr, Marland This letter 1s to advise you that we have completed a survey of the Federal assistance provided to Mlchlgan and Ohlo under title V of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, For fiscal years 1969 through 1972 both States received grants totaling about $4 mtlllon to ass...
Date April 27, 1972 Report No. B-161468 Title

Civil Rights: Opportunity To Improve Indian Education in Schools Operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs

i O‘PC-5rS. . ‘. =- , REPORT TO THE CONGRESS lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM096588 Opportunity To Improve Indian Education In Schools Operated By The IBureau Of Indian Affairs a-76:468 Department of the Interior BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED 2OS48 !3TATE!3 D.C. B- 161468 [I/ To the Speaker President of the of the Senate...
Date March 5, 1971 Report No. B-118638 Title

Budget and Spending: Estimated Federal Assistance to the District of Columbia for Fiscal Years 1970, 1971, and 1972

RESTRICTED - No, t1~o 1* released outside the General Accounting GCfce e"-. e t!e basis of specific approval .s' on, a record of which is lipt by the Office of Lg - . : . b tie Distribution Section, Pullicaton.s Branch, QAS REPORT TO- THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS cUNITED STATES SENATE RELEASED Estimated, FederalI Assistance To The District Of Columbia Fo...