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Government Operations: [Comments on H.R. 18]

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Report Type Reports and Testimonies
Report Date March 3, 1981
Report No. B-197793

Comments are provided on proposed legislation which would establish a Commission on More Effective Government. The size of the commission is of concern in that studies have shown that smaller commissions tend to meet more often, work harder, resolve their differences more constructively, and produce a report more rapidly than large commissions. A section of the legislation requires that six members of the commission be individuals with no affiliation with any political party. This could exclude individuals who are merely registered in a party but hold no office or exercise similar responsibilities in the party. GAO believes that it would be preferable to require that the six individuals not be engaged in party leadership activities or hold positions in a party. The section providing that commission members be only members of the executive branch and Congress or from private life would preclude the appointment of members of the judicial branch, the legislative branch support agencies, and State and local governments. GAO believes that this type of commission should not be precluded from drawing upon appropriate talent and expertise from any sector.

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