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Budget and Spending: Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year 1979

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Report Type Reports and Testimonies
Report Date March 20, 1978
Report No. 105387

The GAO budget request for fiscal year (FY) 1979 was $187,843,000, an increase of $11,863,000 over the 1978 appropriation. It will support 5,264 average positions in FY 1979, an increase of 120 over the 5,144 authorized for FY 1978. The requested increase is needed to meet increased workloads and to avoid reducing or eliminating work. Increased workloads will result from legislation and other congressional actions including legislation giving specific assignments to GAO, legislation creating new or expanding existing programs, and the likely effects of pending legislation. Staff requirements will increase in most program categories. The largest category, and the one that will require the largest increase, is in reviews of economy, efficiency, and program effectiveness. Increases will also be needed in the second largest category, direct assistance to Congress (specific mandates and Committee and Member requests). Other program categories are: examination of agencies' financial systems, transactions, accounts, and reports; financial management improvement; claims settlement and debt collection activities; legal services and decisions; and executive direction and management services. During the past year, GAO recommendations acted on by Federal agencies saved $4.4 billion, and those acted upon by the Congress saved $1.2 billion. GAO accomplishments also included management improvements, debt collection, and improvements in program effectiveness.

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