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Special Publications: GAO Performance and Accountability Highlights

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Report Type Reports and Testimonies
Report Date March 1, 2002
Report No. GAO-02-429SP

This annual performance and accountability report assesses GAO's accomplishments in fiscal year 2001 and describes the agency's plans for continued progress through fiscal year 2003. In the last year, GAO's work resulted in a number of significant improvements to government that will benefit all Americans. By acting on GAO's recommendations, the government achieved a number of significant improvements to government, including (1) protecting patients in mental health facilities, (2) reducing nuclear waste treatment costs, (3) controlling pollution, (4) informing the debate over aviation security, (5) improving accountability over defense inventory, (6) strengthening federal information security, (7) improving collection of nontax debt, (8) focusing attention on major management challenges and high-risk issues, (9) identifying strategies for a more cost-effective census, (10) strengthening relationships with GAO's clients and stakeholders, (11) aligning GAO's resources with its strategic goals, and (12) aligning human capital policies and practices to support GAO's mission. GAO also provided information critical to the public debate on counterterrorism efforts and called attention to looming problems, such as the human capital crisis facing the federal workforce and information technology issues. Taxpayers benefited from the $26 billion in savings identified through GAO's work--a $69 return on every dollar invested in GAO. GAO realigned its organization to better meet its goals and objectives, and it continued to institute new ways of doing business. Looking forward to fiscal year 2003, GAO plans to increase its investments in maximizing the productivity of its workforce by continuing to address two of its critical management challenges: human capital and information technology.

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