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Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996: Status of Selected Agencies' Implementation of Administrative Wage Garnishment

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Report Type Reports and Testimonies
Report Date Feb. 28, 2002
Report No. GAO-02-313

To improve federal debt collection, the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 established a framework of debt collection tools, including administrative wage garnishment (AWG). This report discusses the extent to which nine agencies use or plan to use AWG to collect delinquent nontax federal debt and provides GAO's perspective on ways to make AWG more widespread and effective. GAO found that none of the nine agencies had yet implemented AWG. Although AWG is not mandatory, by failing to use this tool--more than five years after the act's enactment and more than three years after the Department of the Treasury issued implementing regulations--agencies have missed an opportunity to maximize collection of delinquent debt. Agencies identified various reasons for not yet implementing AWG or for deciding not to do so, including the need to focus their resources on implementing the act's mandatory provisions. Although some agencies or programs may have valid reasons for not implementing wage garnishment, all of the larger programs that deal with individuals and that have a demonstrated risk of financial loss resulting from unpaid debt should have AWG as a viable debt collection option. Reliance on the Financial Management Service (FMS) to perform AWG as part of cross-servicing might be prudent for some agencies, provided the collection tool is used as early as practicable to maximize its collection potential. However, the act does not require that agencies refer debts for cross-servicing until they are more than 180 days delinquent, and FMS, which views wage garnishment as a tool of last resort, does not contemplate initiating AWG in most cases until the debt has been with FMS for at least 90 days. As a result, FMS's use of AWG could be significantly limited and delayed.

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