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Defense IRM: Management Commitment Needed to Achieve Defense Data Administration Goals

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Report Type Reports and Testimonies
Report Date Jan. 21, 1994
Report No. AIMD-94-14

The Pentagon, challenged with maintaining a strong military at a time of shrinking resources, began its Corporate Information Management (CIM) initiative to help streamline operations and manage resources more efficiently. Despite two years of effort, the Defense Department (DOD) has made little progress toward achieving its corporate data administration goals. DOD functional managers have not uniformly followed the CIM model to document their business goals, methods, and performance measures--the essential first step to pinpointing the data they need to support their missions. Rather than resolving this fundamental problem, DOD personnel are pursuing data administration activities that are wasteful and ineffective and do not support the Pentagon's corporate data administration goals. Unless DOD's functional managers follow through on CIM implementation within their respective mission areas, DOD will not achieve its data administration goals.

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