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School Age Demographics: Recent Trends Pose New Educational Challenges

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Report Type Reports and Testimonies
Report Date Aug. 5, 1993
Report No. HRD-93-105BR

GAO found that the school-age population--children age five to 17--declined by 2.3 million during the 1980s. But during this period, the number of poor school-age children increased and became more racially and ethnically diverse; the numbers of poor Hispanic and Asian children grew at the fastest rates. Between 1980 and 1990, the poor school-age population grew and became more concentrated in the West and the Southwest, although significant numbers of school-age poor remain in other areas, the South especially. The poor school-age population also increased and became more concentrated in the nation's largest cities. With no changes in the chapter 1 formula for allocating funds to educate low-achieving children in high poverty areas, these patterns will substantially affect the distribution of money to states and counties. With the shift to 1990 census data in the chapter 1 allocation formula, many western and southwestern states will gain funds while other areas, especially those with very high poverty concentrations, are likely to lose funds. Other trends GAO identified have consequences for federal education programs, like those funded under the Bilingual Education Act, that serve other specially targeted child populations.

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