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Drug Use Measurement: Strengths, Limitations, and Recommendations for Improvement

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Report Type Reports and Testimonies
Report Date June 25, 1993
Report No. PEMD-93-18

Is drug use declining in American households, schools, and prisons? Is heroin use on the rise? Are Americans still using marijuana, a "gateway" drug, in large numbers? National drug control policy demands answers to these questions. But, in obtaining responses, it must also be asked: How valid are the data? GAO concludes that three leading federally funded annual surveys of national drug use patterns and trends yielded questionable results because of various methodological weaknesses, such as excluding groups at high risk for drug use and relying on self-reported data. Promising new methodologies, such as hair sample analysis, deserve attention as ways to validate self-reports and determine drug use over an extended period. Expanding the subsamples of current surveys and conducting new studies aimed at hard-to-reach, high-risk groups should improve the coverage of underrepresented target populations.

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