Summary: In response to a congressional request, GAO reviewed supply management practices at the 90th Army Reserve Command (ARCOM), focusing on: (1) actions taken to correct supply management problems identified in an Army Audit Agency report; and (2) allegations of theft and diversion of government property.
GAO found that: (1) 90th ARCOM and its parent unit, 5th Army, are acting to correct the deficiencies noted in the audit report; (2) to improve its inventory control, 90th ARCOM developed a computerized system for tracking assigned inventories and revised the guidelines and inventory reporting format to include actions taken to resolve discrepancies; (3) unit-level property records still contain inaccuracies because of clerical and administrative errors; (4) 5th Army found that 90th ARCOM was not maintaining satisfactory property accountability; (5) reserve units may not have full-time administrative support or adequately trained supply management staff, which could cause accountability problems; and (6) numerous federal and legal investigations found no evidence of criminal activity associated with 90th ARCOM property management.