Summary: In a statement before a congressional subcommittee, GAO stated that teenage prostitution has increased over the past 5 years, and few believe that the number of children involved in pornography has decreased despite the drop in commercial child pornography which has occurred as a result of the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act, tougher State laws, stricter law enforcement, media attention, and international actions to curtail the pornography trade. Studies show that many sexually exploited children have histories of abuse and neglect and underachievement in school. Many run away from unhappy homes and become involved in prostitution or pornography either in search of fulfillment or simply to survive. Sexually exploited children suffer emotionally and physically from their experiences. While services such as crisis intervention, counseling, food and shelter, medical care, and job training may be available through several sources, children who want to change their way of life must generally seek out these services on their own.