Technology Transfer And National Security Issues (CRS Report for Congress)
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Release Date |
July 1, 1982 |
Report Number |
IP0209T |
Source Agency |
Congressional Research Service |
The transfer of technology from the West to the East has been an
issue of serious debate since the introduction of detente in the 1970s.
Recent disclosures by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) indicate
that the Soviet and East European intelligence services have,been so
successful in acquiring U.S. technology that there now exists a significant
threat to the national security of the United States. The CIA
speculates that the Soviets and East Europeans will increase their
efforts for legal and illegal acquisition of U.S. technology in several
areas :
o Computers -- systems designs, concepts, hardware and software
o Microelectronics -- complete industrial processes and equipment
for Soviet military requirementa
o Lasers -- optical, pulsed power and other laser-related components
for laser weapons
o Radars -- air defense radars for missile systems
The Reagan Administration has proposed a package of countermeasures
to curtail the flow of military-related technology. This includes:
strengthening U.S. export controls, increasing efforts against foreign
industrial espionage, expanding the list of "military critical technologies"
which should not be exported, and influencing the academic
community to reduce Soviet access to U.S. research through the free
exchange of information.
This Info Pack provides unclassified, background information and
analysis of the politico-military impact of technology transfers on the
United States and the NATO allies. It contains proposals by the Reagan
Administration to redress the problems posed to the national security
by the loss of U.S. technology to the Soviet Union.