Iran: Congressional Reporting Requirements (CRS Report for Congress)
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Release Date |
Nov. 22, 2024 |
Report Number |
R48282 |
Report Type |
Report |
Authors |
Clayton Thomas |
Source Agency |
Congressional Research Service |
Congress has mandated that the executive branch provide it with significant amounts of
information related to Iran via singular and recurring reporting requirements. Iran-related issues
about which Congress has mandated executive branch reporting include
• Iran’s missile and drone activities and the capability of U.S. forces and U.S. partners to
counter those threats;
• Iran’s support for terrorist and other armed groups across the Middle East, including the
resources Iran dedicates to supporting those groups;
• Iran’s nuclear program, including uranium enrichment and possible nuclear weapons development;
• U.S. sanctions on Iran;
• Human rights in Iran and the Iranian government’s efforts to target dissidents at home and abroad;
• Iran’s relations with North Korea, the People’s Republic of China (China or PRC), and other countries; and
• Iranian leaders’ assets.
Reflecting the broad array of Iran-related topics of interest to Congress, nearly half of all congressional committees have
received a report related to Iran in the past decade. Some reports are available to the general public, though most, while
unclassified, are only accessible to the committees to which the executive branch is required to submit them.
In reviewing the reports to which Congress formerly had, and presently has, access, Members of Congress could consider
how those reports have or have not impacted U.S. policymaking, and whether or not to expand, restrict, or otherwise amend
the Iran-related information they require from the executive branch.