Federal Real Property: Inventory and Disposal Initiatives (CRS Report for Congress)
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Release Date |
Jan. 27, 1983 |
Report Number |
IB82051 |
Authors |
Malcolm Simmons, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division; Pamela Baldwin, American Law Division; Keith A. Bea, Government Division |
Source Agency |
Congressional Research Service |
This report provides background and discusses the inventory and disposal of public lands and other Federal property. For many years the Federal Government has
operated under a statutory policy of retaining public domain lands and has
disposed of the proceeds from the sale of surplus property other than by the
reduction of the national debt. Under the present system, the Government
disposes of some types of land when it is determined to be surplus to
Government needs, or, in the case of public lands, when it is determined that
the national interest would best be served by the sale or exchange of
particular tracts of land.