Martial Law in Poland (CRS Report for Congress)
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Release Date |
Jan. 21, 1983 |
Report Number |
IB81181 |
Authors |
Stuart D. Goldman, Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division; Victoria L. Engle, Office of Senior Specialists |
Source Agency |
Congressional Research Service |
With the declaration of martial law in Poland on December 12, 1981, Polish authorities successfully invoked force and the threat of force to suppress the independent trade union, Solidarity, and to reverse the "renewal" movement sparked by the creation of Solidarity in the summer of 1980. The regime's future political course is uncertain, as is its ability to revive its failing economy and carry its $26 billion foreign debt. Opinions differ as to the most appropriate Western economic policy toward Poland: to help the Polish people or to penalize the Polish government. U.S. and West European decisions regarding the Polish debt, default, and economic assistance will be strongly influenced by Warsaw's political and economic performand and by the general context of East-West relations.