Bomber Options for Replacing B52s (CRS Report for Congress)
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Release Date |
Revised May 3, 1982 |
Report Number |
IB81107 |
Authors |
Douglas D. Mitchell, Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division |
Source Agency |
Congressional Research Service |
Older Revisions |
Premium June 17, 1981 (25 pages, $24.95)
To deter a nuclear attack against this country and its allies, the UnitedStates maintains a strategic force of land-based missiles (ICBMs),submarine-based missiles (SLBMs), and bombers. The bomber leg of this"triad" primarily consists of about 343 B-52 bombers operated by theStrategic Air Command (SAC). Many believe that by 1990, the B-52'svulnerability to improving Soviet air defenses will imperil its effectivenessas a penetrating bomber. There is strong sentiment in Congress and in theDepartment of Defense to replace the B-52s before that time.