Equal Rights Amendment (Proposed) (CRS Report for Congress)
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Release Date |
Revised July 8, 1982 |
Report Number |
IB74122 |
Authors |
Leslie Gladstone, Government Division |
Source Agency |
Congressional Research Service |
Older Revisions |
Premium Revised June 20, 1980 (18 pages, $24.95)
Premium Revised Sept. 11, 1975 (10 pages, $24.95)
Premium Oct. 18, 1974 (9 pages, $24.95)
The proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was first introduced in 1923, and was passed by the Congress in 1972. In 1978, Congress extended the origian deadline for ratification of the ERA. Thus, if it receives approval in the form of ratification by 38 states before June 30, 1982, the measure will become the 27th Amendment to the Constitution, and will require equal treatment under federal and state laws and practices for all persons, regardless of sex. While some Americans would welcome a constitutional quarantee of equal rights and responsibilities for persons of both sexes, others view the proposed amendment as a potential threat to family life and to the traditional roles of men and women.