Federal Citations to the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases (CRS Report for Congress)
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Release Date |
Revised March 21, 2017 |
Report Number |
R44657 |
Report Type |
Report |
Authors |
Jane A. Leggett, Specialist in Energy and Environmental Policy |
Source Agency |
Congressional Research Service |
Older Revisions |
Premium Revised Dec. 6, 2016 (18 pages, $24.95)
Premium Oct. 19, 2016 (18 pages, $24.95)
Executive Order 12866 requires that federal agencies assess the cost and the benefits of intended
regulations as part of their regulatory impact analyses (RIAs). The 1993 executive order stated
that “recognizing that some costs and benefits are difficult to quantify, [each agency shall]
propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned determination that the benefits of the intended
regulation justify its costs.”1
In 2008, a federal appeals court remanded a rule in part because,
despite acknowledging the uncertainty, the agency did not monetize climate-related benefits of
anticipated emission reductions in its RIA.
In response, in 2008, federal agencies began using
various values of the social cost of carbon (SCC or SC-CO2) as a means to estimate the climaterelated
benefits of abating emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). Since then, they have begun using
similar estimates for the benefits of reducing emissions of other greenhouse gases (GHG),
including methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).
The SC-CO2 is an “estimate of the monetized damages associated with an incremental increase in
carbon emissions in a given year,” according to a federal Interagency Working Group (IWG).
This group developed a range of SC-CO2 values “to make it possible for agencies to incorporate
the social benefits from reducing carbon dioxide emissions into cost-benefit analyses of
regulatory actions that have small, or ‘marginal,’ impacts on cumulative global emissions.”
In the
United States, the SC-CO2 has been expressed as U.S. dollars per metric ton of carbon dioxide
($/t CO2) for a given year’s emissions. Agencies primarily used their own, differing SC-CO2
values until the IWG recommended in 2009 a set of values to improve consistency across
regulations. Estimations of the social cost of methane (SC-CH4) and the social cost of nitrous
oxide (SC-N2O) have usedmethods similar to those for the SC-CO2. Federal agencies began using
the SC-CO2 in regulatory actions in 2008, the SC-CH4 in 2015, and SC-N2O in 2016. Since
August 2016, federal agencies collectively call these analyses and applications the social cost of
greenhouse gases (SC-GHG).
This report compiles a table of Federal Register notices related to federal regulatory actions that
specifically cite the SC-CO2, SC-CH4, SC-N2O, or SC-GHG. The actions listed in Table 1 were
identified by searches online of the Federal Register5
for the terms “social cost of carbon,”
“social cost of methane,” and “social cost.” The table below reflects searches completed by
December 5, 2016.
Table 1 first lists the actions that used the SC-CO2 estimate and then the actions citing other SCGHG
estimates. The table includes proposed, final and additional actions, sometimes for the same
rule (so a simple count of entries in the table would double-count the number of regulations with
benefits calculated using the SC-GHG estimates). Almost all non-regulatory notices are omitted,
including notices of funding availability for grant programs. A few entries contain commentary
that identifies notices of key stages in development of an interagency SC-GHG—for example,that an interagency process was underway or the first use of an interagency value. One column
identifies which version of the SC-CO2, SC-CH4, or SC-N2O was cited in each regulatory action.
In this report, CRS does not analyze the social cost values or methods used in the cited agency
actions. It does not review or analyze the listed actions.