Shale Energy Technology Assessment: Current and Emerging Water Practices (CRS Report for Congress)
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Release Date |
July 14, 2014 |
Report Number |
R43635 |
Report Type |
Report |
Authors |
Mary Tiemann, Specialist in Environmental Policy; Peter Folger, Specialist in Energy and Natural Resources Policy; Nicole T. Carter, Specialist in Natural Resources Policy |
Source Agency |
Congressional Research Service |
Shale oil and gas (collectively referred to as shale energy), long considered "unconventional" hydrocarbon resources, are now being developed rapidly. Economic extraction of shale energy resources typically relies on the use of hydraulic fracturing. This technique often requires significant amounts of freshwater, and fracturing flowback and related wastewaters must be recycled or disposed of after a well is completed. While shale energy presents a significant energy resource, its development has the potential to pose risks to water availability and water quality.
This report provides a technological assessment of existing and emerging water procurement and management practices in shale energy-producing regions of the United States. The intersection of evolving technology, growing environmental concerns, demand for new sources of hydrocarbon energy, and the potential national interests in developing shale oil and gas resources provides the context for this study. Congressional attention has been focused on two key aspects of the issue: shale energy as a growing U.S. energy source, and environmental concerns associated with the development of these resources.
Water for shale energy projects is used most intensely in the fracturing portion of a well's life cycle. Under current practices, fracturing typically is a water-dependent activity, often requiring between a few million and 10 million gallons of water per fractured horizontal well. This water demand often is concentrated geographically and temporally during the development of a particular shale formation. Production activities and management and treatment of the wastewater produced during shale energy production (including flowback from fracturing and water produced from source formations) have raised concerns over the potential contamination of groundwater and surface water and induced seismicity associated with wastewater injection wells.
Water resource issues may pose constraints on the future development of domestic shale oil and gas. Potential negative effects from shale energy extractionâparticularly effects associated with hydraulic fracturing and wastewater managementâhave prompted state and regional regulatory actions to protect water supplies. Future congressional and executive branch actions may influence development of shale oil and shale gas on federal lands and elsewhere through additional regulatory oversight or other policy actions. At the same time, advances in shale energy extraction and wastewater management techniques may reduce some development impacts.
The pace of technological change in water sourcing and water management in the shale energy sector is rapid, but uneven. Trends in water management have generally been influenced by local disposal costs, regulations, and geologic conditions rather than by water scarcity alone. Emerging technologies and practices in water resources management can be divided into those that seek to reduce the amount of consumptive freshwater utilization in the drilling and completion process, and those that seek to lower the costs and/or minimize the potential for negative environmental impacts associated with wastewater management.
Water management issues are relevant to the entire life cycle of shale energy development, because fluids will continue to be produced even after a well is drilled, fractured, and producing oil and/or natural gas. Research that views the shale energy production process in a life-cycle and materials-flow context may facilitate the identification of technologies and processes that can mitigate potential impacts along different stages of shale energy development.