H.R. 766 would amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to direct the Congressional Budget Office, at the request of the Chair and Ranking Member of the Committee on the Budget and of the relevant authorizing committee, in each respective chamber, to estimate the budgetary effects over a 30-year period of legislation related to preventive health care services. Under current law, CBO is required to estimate the cost of legislation approved by Congressional committees for the period specified in law, typically 10 years. Under H.R. 766, if CBO determined that a bill would result in preventive health savings sufficient to reduce federal spending in subsequent decades, the agency would provide additional long‑term projections to the Congress. Such long-term estimates could not be used for budget enforcement, however. Because H.R. 766 would not significantly increase the cost of producing legislative cost estimates, CBO estimates that the administrative expenses associated with implementing the bill would total less than $500,000 over the 2024‑2029 period; any spending would be subject to the availability of appropriated funds.
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