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GAO Reports by subject "Mineralogical research"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 25, 1993 Report No. HRD-93-63 Title

Mine Safety and Health: Tampering Scandal Led to Improved Sampling Devices

rwwllitl*y I !)!):I MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH Tampering Scandal Led to Improved Sampling Devices RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. ~$4~88, RELEASED .“.. I. -.-....--.. . .._ “..“.-. _._ .._. ..” ^..__.... _^... * _...,_.__ - .._..., ^ .._ l_l.-._.------ ._-_- ------- --- GAO United States...
Date May 22, 1989 Report No. RCED-89-148 Title

Nuclear Waste: DOE Has Terminated Research Evaluating Crystalline Rock for a Repository

, United States General Accounting Office GAO May 1989 Report to Congressional Requesters NUCLEAR WASTE DOE Has Teminated Research Evaluating Crystalline Rock for a Repository GAO,‘RCEDf!W148 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division H-202377 May 22,1989 The Honorable William S. Cohen United States Senate The Honora...
Date Aug. 14, 1984 Report No. 125053 Title

Natural Resources: Wilderness Mineral Assessment Reports Could Be Improved To Better Meet Land Use Decisionmaking Needs

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINQTON, O.C. 20648 R@SOURCtl, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOr)rlENT DIVISION August 14, 1984 Mr. Dallas Director, Department Dear Mr. L. Peck U.S. Geological of the Interior Peck: Survey Subject: Wilderness Mineral Assessment Reports Could Be Improved to Better Meet Land Decisionmaking Needs (008483) Use Over the last 2 years the General Accounting Offic...
Date Nov. 18, 1981 Report No. EMD-82-27 Title

Natural Resources: Status Report on Executive Branch Implementation of the National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research and Development Act of 1980

J L F 4 UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C. 20548 ENERGY AND DIYISION MINERALS November 18, 1981 B-205446 The Honorable Don Fuqua Chairman, Committee on Science and Technology House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: SubJect: % J/ Status Report on Executive Branch Implementation of the "Natloral Materials and Minerals Policy, Research and Development Act of 1980" (EMD-82-27)...
Date July 17, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-63-I Title

Domestic Aluminum Resources: Dilemmas of Development

BY THE COMPTROliliER GENERAL * $1 *port To The Congress 1i~~q OF THE UNITEDSTATES Domestic Aluminum Resources: Dilemmas Of Development Volume I Concerns about supply disruptions and price gouging that could endanger aluminum production in the United States have spurred research in this country on processes to manufacture aluminum from ores other than bauxite. The United States has no large bauxite...
Date July 17, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-63-II Title

Domestic Aluminum Resources: Dilemmas of Development

BY THE COMPTROLLEF?GENERAL Report To The Congress “‘i2is OF THE UNITEDSTATES Domestic Aluminum Resources: Dilemmas Of Development Volume II, Appendixes II-VII--Detailed Agency Comments And GAO Response llllllllllllllll 112898 JULY EMD-80-63 17.1980 . . . . For sale by: Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Telephone (202) 783-3238 Members of Congres...
Date Sept. 5, 1979 Report No. EMD-79-B3 Title

Energy: Comments on H.R. 3671 (96th Congress)

t: lslllmlllllllllllllll~llllllllIlllll 4-a .F LMl10281 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON, OF D.C. THE X648 UNITED STATES B-178726 SEP 5 1979 The Honorable Harley 0. Staggers Committee on Interstate Chairman, and Foreign Commerce &O" House of Representatives H I$ Dear Mr, Chairman: This letter provides our ccpmments on B.R. 3671, 96th r" Congress, the "Energy Developme%t and Management Authority Actr...
Date April 17, 1979 Report No. OGC-79-11 Title

Budget and Spending: Deferrals Proposed in President's Eighth Special Message for Fiscal Year 1979

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINCTOFI. Oy.,THE D;fc UNITED ilO¶U STATES tN IILTrY -*~ B-115398 April 17, 1979 h @GO' To The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of On April 4, 1979, we eighth special message for mitted to the Congress Act of 1974. The special message proposed P Development, two/new deferrals President's as follows. DEPARTMENT DEFENSE OF D79-53 Research, Navy 179/01319 T...
Date Feb. 9, 1979 Report No. EMD-79-24 Title

Energy: Two Enhanced Oil Recovery Projects

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 mNRoY AN0 MIDIVISION FEBRUARY 9,1979 B-178205 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. James of R. Schlesinger Energy III llllllll lllllll 108576 Secretary: While reviewing certain aspects of the Department of Energy’s enhanced oil recovery field test program, we noted a contract proposal which is being seriously considered for there are...
Date July 2, 1976 Report No. EMD-76-1 Title

Energy: Certain Actions That Can Be Taken To Help Improve This Nation's Uranium Picture

\\\ 1) 4tq , ‘/ CT : .ue 5 -‘cc,,, s\“ BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES’ LM098252 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll - Certain Actions That en To elp Improve This Nation’s ranium Picture Energy Research and Development Administration Nuclear reactors--using uranium as a fuel--will be used to meet a major part of this country’s future energy needs. Because uranium may ...