Date |
Report No. |
Title |
Date July 29, 1991 |
Report No. RCED-91-159 |
----_-*-_-.---..--.___ --_------ lJnit.eci _-.__ ~- St,;tt,es Genclra.1 Aectonnting Offiw ----e-m GAO
July 1991 Ikport, t,o t,he Chairman, Subcommit,tee ()n ‘ ransport,ation and Related l’ Agencies, Committee on AI>E:>r~opri~t,ions, House of Itepr’ ntat,iv~s cst:‘ AVIATION ACQUISITION Further Changes Needed in FAA’ s Management and Budgeting Practices c;Ao/rt( :Er)-!1 I- 159 GAO United S... |
Date July 25, 1991 |
Report No. T-GGD-91-53 |
! ( GAO Testimony for Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EDT July 25, 1991 DRUG ENFORCEMENT: Improving
High Management Of Assistance Drug Trafficking To
Areas Intensity Statement for the Record Lowell Dodge, Director Administration of Justice Issues General Government Division Before the Select Committee Abuse and Control House of Representatives on Narcotics . GAO/T-GGO-91-53 GAO Form 160 ... |
Date July 25, 1991 |
Report No. RCED-91-192 |
SURFACE MINING -- Management of the Abandoned Mine Land Fund ... ..- . .._ ...__ ._.-..- -__-^ -- I. ..-^ .-_...---._ . --_- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-244654 July 25,199l The Honorable Malcolm Wallop United States Senate The Honorable Conrad Burns United States Senate This report responds to your Jun... |
Date July 25, 1991 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-234 |
.July 1991 NICARAGUAN RESISTANCE Programs for Repatriation and Resettlement
.. RI ll 111111111
144466 ~--_----..--.-_C..l-l^...-__ ---- _.,___ .-“--l..__-. ~.” -_. -- -- (;AO/NSIAI)-!)I-%:),I j L ,” _^ ,..I._ . .._.. _... _.._ -...--.-_l._“__, .---l”“-.ll,-, .__lll.-l.-- F 1; ---.“.-- __-- ._.. “-_-~-_~ -- -~ National Security and International Affairs Division I3-244236 July 2... |
Date July 23, 1991 |
Report No. AFMD-91-37 |
----..-.------ ____--. -- -- IJrrited States Gttneral Accounting Office GAO
*J111,, I!)!)1 Ikport to th(3 Secretary of Veterans A ff’ r’ ai s FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Factors VA Needs to Consider in Implementing the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 -.---.-~. -,_----_- ._-_ ---_I--_-_I_ (;AO/‘ AFMI)-91-37 ..I, .. . ._ ._“.._-._“..i -_.- -- -. _ ..- .._ ..,.._ I .-_ ..-- --- GAO United Sta... |
Date July 19, 1991 |
Report No. AFMD-91-67 |
GA( FINANCIAL AUDIT Statement of Accountability of the House Finance Office for Fiscal Year 1990 144421 _I _-_-_--. “I-_l-l.,..l .I.I___.__ ..____-_ .._^..._..._..” _.-. -..._. .-..-“1-1 - .._. -._ -----.-- (;A()/ AJ~MIW I-67 ._“. “I .- .._” .-. ..---.-. _ - _-.-_l-l_- ..____-.-- ------__ “.I __I_~ ----- --~----_- GAO United States General Accounting Offict! Washington, D.C. 20548 Co... |
Date July 18, 1991 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-226 |
~Jlll\~ l!)!)l EXPIRED APPROPRIATIONS New Limitations on Availability Make Improved Management by DOD Essential Ill II llll~l II11
144394 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-238014 July 18, 1991 The Honorable Andy Ireland House of Representatives Dear Mr. Ireland: This report was prepared in responseto your reque... |
Date July 5, 1991 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-256 |
Ij MI -^..I_-_- ---..._ _-_...__I.._-_ ._....-.. I. .._........-. _-. .._.._^..Iri t .___St.; (;enc~r;tl Awoarlti~ag -.- .._..... Office GAO
-..“I....__. .._, .J II I y I !)!I I . “... ._ Itctport, to the Chairmen, House and . . . _..^.-... ..---....-..-....--.-..” -..-.-..- --_ DEFENSE RESEARCH Funding of the US./ U.S.S.R.Joint Seismic Program (;AO/NSIAI)-!)l-%T,(i GAO Uulted States Ge... |
Date July 3, 1991 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-179 |
,July ._ _. 1Wl _ I . ^... - _ .._ AIR FORCE BUDGET Opportunity~ to Reduce Appropriati.ons Used for Temporary Lodging 144293 _._-._I_ _.-_II__.- i__- lll.l ““._“._.” .-li._.-....._ _-...... -._...... ._“_._“. ----_..-___~ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-238071 July 3, 1991 The Honorable John P. Mu... |
Date June 28, 1991 |
Report No. RCED-91-164BR |
GAO Hrief’ Report to the Chairman, ing Subcotimit,tee on Transportation and Relakd Agencies, Committee on APPY’ oPriat,ions, IJS. Senate BUDGET ISSUES RSPA Funding for Fisca1 Years 199(1 and 1991 -- Ill III llll
144254 - i ._..._. -_ “ -. ___.-..-l...-l __.. .._ ___,.___..___....._..__ .__. I_.“ .._-- _“. _._ -~-----_-- --I 1 7
7 A0 United States Gene4 Accounting OfTIce Washington, D.C. ... |
Date June 26, 1991 |
Report No. RCED-91-143 |
p---w I lnitd SCaks General Accounting Office .4# i GAO
,-_“*I ElI1C’ Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, C.kxnmittee on Energy and Commerce, E-louseof’Represent;atives -... ~-“_.. l!)!) 1 AIR POLLUTION EPA’ Strategy and s ResourcesMay Be Inadequate to Control Air Toxics 144481 . -- . GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Commun... |
Date June 18, 1991 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-238 |
\ I I 11*-1,1 II ,.,- --- ..--.. - -- .--. -- __-.__. -_--- ~- -__I_ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-244269
June 18,lQQl The Honorable Toby Roth Ranking Minority Member Subcommitteeon International Economic Policy and Trade Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives Dear Mr. Roth: This report respo... |
Date June 12, 1991 |
Report No. RCED-91-113 |
.m‘--“- -~-.“_~---,.,,-.____ GAO
---- NATIO N AL F O R ESTS Funding Fish and W ildlife Projec ts 144365 Ill appr4Yved by the ofnca of conlpeeaiond
Bel8tiOn& GAO/KCEI)-91-113 . . _...^ 11111 .I _ “_-“-. .“.~___ GAO GhneralAccountingOffice Was-n, D.C. 20548 united states
June l&l991 lteao-, Community, and Economic Development Division The Honorable Larry E. Craig United States S... |
Date June 12, 1991 |
Report No. T-PEMD-91-9 |
United States General Accounting OflIce /44 13 ;/ Testimony For Release onDelivery The Mmhistration on Aging: Hanmnizing cmwing Demands shrinking Resaun=es$ and June 12, 1991 Statement of Eleanor Chelimsky Assistant Caqkroller General Pmgram Evaluation and Methodology Division Before the Subcannittee on Humn Services House Select Cmrmittee on Aging Y Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: It s... |
Date June 12, 1991 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-117 |
DRUG CONTROL Status Report on DOD support to Counternarcotics Activities
/ Ill #I lllllll Ill
144301 National Security and International Afhim Division B-242664 June 12,199l The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman, Legislation and National Security Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This is the first in a series of reports responding to you... |
Date June 11, 1991 |
Report No. OGC-91-9 |
Comptroller General of the United States Woohingtan,D.C. 20648 c7 B-241514.8 June 11, 1991 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives On April 16, 1991, the President submitted to the Congress his fourth special impoundment message for fiscal year 1991. The message reported one proposed rescission of budget authority totaling $2,400,000 from funds appropria... |
Date June 6, 1991 |
Report No. GGD-91-76 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
June 1991 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on the Civil Service, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, House of Representatives GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN Permanent Funding Lapse Legislation Needed REsrlucrED- Nottoberekmsedo~~the General Accounting Ofbe unless m GAO/GGD-91-76 united states General Accounting Office 'iF!Wm
ERT?!l D.C.20648
Government ... |
Date May 31, 1991 |
Report No. OGC-91-10 |
Comptroller General of t&e United States
Wuh~n, D.C. 20242 B-241514.9 May 31, The the Speaker 1991 President of the Senate and the of the House of Representative This letter reports on the status of budget authority that was proposed for rescission by the President in his third special impoundment message for fiscal year 1991, dated February 28, 1991, but for which the Congress did not pass a resc... |
Date May 30, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-84 |
Mily I!)!) 1 VA HEALTH CARE Delays in Awarding Major Construction Contracts Illlllll Ill
144036 i -- -___. .l._i._“~ _._. __-._” _.-_...____-.___ l-.l-.--.^-----.“.l .._-.-_-. (;Ao~IIl~I)-!~l-H~.I “..” .I ““,,““U,. “” ,_... .._ ^_.. ---- .- - .--.--... ----. - . . .._.-.. -..II -___.. ” -__(-ll-,.“,ll -” .%--w-m- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D... |
Date May 23, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-109 |
-----_l~ May I!~!~1 -.--.. ~~.-.---.--~ HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES finding for State Legalization Impact Assistance Grants Program 1~11 llllll~ Ill\1
144214 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Division B-244166 May 23,199l The Honorable Tom Harkin Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Committee on Appropriations Unite... |
Date May 22, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-93FS |
IJnited States Geueral Accounting Office GAO
-May 1991 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Iluman Services, Education, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate -FEDERAL AID Programs Available to State and Local Governments llllllllIIllllll
143936 ., ): i ---.---.---.-^-_-____ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human R... |
Date May 21, 1991 |
Report No. RCED-91-77 |
-_--_ 1Jnittvf States Wneral Accounting Office GAO
--- Iieport to the Chairman, Select; Commit~tee on lntlian Affairs, U.S. SW3 ate May 199 1 INDIAN ISSUES Compensation Claims Analyses Overstate Economic Losses
,- llllllll llllll 16
143943 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-242426 May 21,lQQl The Honorable Dan... |
Date May 21, 1991 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-181 |
,, .““. -.“..,” “.“I-.- -__--_--.,I _.ll.. ._... IJnil.c~cl Statw |
Date May 15, 1991 |
Report No. RCED-91-111 |
Ikpresentatives Lack of Internal Control at Two Special Law Enforcement Units GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-242272 May 15, 1991 The Honorable GeorgeMiller Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: In a May 23,1990, letter from the former Chairman of y... |
Date May 8, 1991 |
Report No. GGD-91-62FS |
_---- linited States: General Accounting Office GAO
~~-~M;ly I!)91 .------_._--..-.._-.--_----_-.~. CONSULTING SERVICES Contract Obligations for Fiscal Years 1987, 1988, and 1989 143992 lRES’ lWI~--Notto be mleased outdde the oeneralAccountlngomceunlel?KI@pedfl~ g~:bythe Offlce of Ckmgmdonal )” .I _I _._ _,- 1”“11 ” “I” ..“...” . ““.l..l ..-- --.._ --_-..~I”_ -.. .- I 1 GAO... |
Date May 7, 1991 |
Report No. OGC-91-8 |
Comptroller General of the United States
Washington, D.C. 20548 B-241514.5 May 7, 1991 The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives llllllllllllll Ill
144013 This letter reports a deferral of Department of Defense (Department) budget authority that should have been, but was to the Congress by the President under the not, reported Section 1015(a) of the Impoundment Co... |
Date May 1, 1991 |
Report No. RCED-91-126 |
# P- ___,_ -.^___.-.- .11-- IJni@i States General Accounting Office 4? Report to Congressional Committees --.--mm.
May 1991 HOMELESSNESS MeKinney Act Programs and Funding Through F iscal Year
1990 143779 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division , B-229004 May 1,199l The Honorable Donald W. Riegle, Jr. Chairman, Commi... |
Date April 30, 1991 |
Report No. T-AFMD-91-5 |
I . s United States General Accounting Office / q 37’ 734 ’ GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at 2 p.m . Tuesday, April 30, 1991 Testimony lllllll I II
Defense's of the Business Planned $77 Billion Operations Implementation Defense Fund Statem ent of Donald H. Chapin Assistant Com ptroller General Accounting and Financial M anagem ent Before the Subcom m ittee on Readiness Com m itte... |
Date April 23, 1991 |
Report No. T-GGD-91-24 |
United States General Accounting Office - GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at 2:30 p.m. EDT Tuesday April 23, 1991 Testimony .- Christopher Columbus Jubilee Commission Quincentenary Statement of Director L. Nye Stevens, Government Business Operations General Government Division Issues Before the Subcommittee on Census and Population Committee on Post Office and Civil Service House of Represent... |
Date April 18, 1991 |
Report No. T-RCED-91-37 |
,, .
’ 4 United States General Accounting OflIce /~?&GiT Testimony 143658 For Release on Delivery
Expected at 9:30 p.m. EDT Thursday April 18, 1991 DOE Expenditures On The Yucca Mountain Project Statementof Judy England-Joseph, Associate Director, Energy Issues Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division
Eefore the Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulation Committee on Environment and Publi... |
Date April 18, 1991 |
Report No. AFMD-91-51 |
-L-Y.- -,-- .,..- --f_“-l -.._ l - ._ .-._ - ..___ .--_-.-.--.-.-.-__-. -*_ A p ri l 199 1 F IN A N C IA L A U D IT Ho u se In te rp a rl i a m e n ta ry G ro u p s ’ F i n a n c i a l S ta te m e n ts fo r 1 9 8 9 and 1988 HIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 I1
143652 1 .l ”“- l _ l - l ” .-....- ”l “.“l I-. . “^ -“_ .I . .._ -.. ..“_ _l l -_._ __-._. ._.--l ~ -._...“l--..“” -,.._... ---... |
Date April 17, 1991 |
Report No. T-RCED-91-36 |
United states General Accounting mce GAO ’
For Release on Delivery
Expected at Testimony 9:30 a.m. EDT Wednesday April 17, 1991 Balanced Approach and Improved R&D Management Needed to Achieve Energy Efficiency Objectives Staremenr of Judy A. England-Joseph Associate Director, Energy Issues Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division
Before the Subcommittee on Environment Committee on... |
Date April 15, 1991 |
Report No. RCED-91-115 |
: ?’ y’ ” :* ,.: 1,;. A.,‘ , ‘ , Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-242583 April 15, 1991 The Honorable Bruce F. Vento Chairman, Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: From September 1989 through January 1991, we have issued reports on the Forest Service’ s recreation ... |
Date April 12, 1991 |
Report No. T-RCED-91-30 |
United States General Accounting Office /yyds (0 GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at 2:&I p.m. EDT Friday Apriil2,1991 Testimony HI11111 IllI ll
143656 INDIAN ISSUES GAO’ Assessmentof Economic Analyses s of Fort Berthold and Standing Rock Reservations’ Compensation Claims Statement of Harry R. Finley, Director of Operations, Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division
Before th... |
Date April 10, 1991 |
Report No. OGC-91-7 |
Comptroller General of the United State8
Washington, D.C. 20648 B-241514.6 April 10, 1991 II Ill III lllll
143612 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives On February 28, 1991, the President submitted to the Congress his third special impoundment message for fiscal year 1991. This message reports 26 proposed rescissions of budget , authority, one new deferral ... |
Date April 9, 1991 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-123 |
-“r-----w-- - ‘. I. _.. ; ,_I ..’ ” ., -:, .. :’ ~ : _’ ‘ . .,i ’ .’ .’ , , I_. .‘ . . . j. : : ;
; ..‘.__. ,‘, ‘_ : : .I;: 1. .’ y . .. .’ , “.; ‘ l,; I’ ,> ‘ . : : : -: I : :, ,‘ i. \ ‘ ,. ,, _.. .,, “L’ _. .. National !Secu.rity and International Affairs Division B-242580 April 9,1991 The Honorable Dante B. Fascell Chairman, Committee on Foreign A... |
Date April 8, 1991 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-168 |
____--. _I --.__ - ._I ____ -_I._- _-.,-.... “I _..._.llll _..l.“l”l.l” .,_“_“_, .._“*,--_ .-.-.- -__“....--- _--~--~-.-----.“------ April I!)91 AID “Iy) PANAMA Status of Emergenc y As s is tance to Rev italize the Economy *i ,I _ .__,. _ .__ .__ .” ._.________.__.__.._,~.~~ .._.._ I ___.._,.___ __“_l_ ----- 11 11 /‘ * ,i GAO United States General Accounting Office Washin... |
Date March 27, 1991 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-151 |
on Foreign Operations, Committee on Appropriat,ions, U.S. Senate
..----_----_-.-- Mm-c-11 1!I!) X EL SALVADOR Flow of U.S. Military Aid -- GAO/NSIAI)-91-151 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-242967 March 27,1991 The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy Chairman, Subcommittee on Foreign Operations Committee on Appropriati... |
Date Feb. 26, 1991 |
Report No. T-RCED-91-11 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO Testimony For Relemc on Deliver) Erpecled nl 1:30 p.m. EST Tuesdq Febnrmy 26, 1991 Forest Service Wilderness Management Funding Sfcllcwenr of James Duffus III, Director Natural Resources Management Issues Resources, Community, and Economic Development Dhrision
Before lhc Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands Committee on Interior and Insular Af... |
Date Feb. 25, 1991 |
Report No. OGC-91-4 |
Cornptrolltr General
of the United States
Waahbqton, D.C. 20648 February B-241514.3 25, 1991 143298 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives submitted to the Congress On January 9, 1991, the President his second special impoundment message for fiscal year 1991. This message reports two new deferrals and revises the amounts of four deferrals previously reported... |
Date Feb. 8, 1991 |
Report No. GGD-91-32 |
0 c
‘ h :. i/I :, U I t % 0 I I __., -lllll^._l”..._., --. ..I”_ II.” ..,.. ._... .” . . .._ --_____- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-227366 February 8,199l The Honorable Robert C. Byrd Chairman, Committee on Appropriations United States Senate The Honorable Jamie L. Whitten Chairman, Committee on Appropriations House of... |
Date Feb. 6, 1991 |
Report No. T-OCG-91-2 |
+ : United States General Accounting Office /y ?/ r”-o GAO Testimony lllllIll
143150 for For Release on Delivery Wednesday, February 6, 1991 Fiscal Year 1992 Budget Estimates General Accounting Office " the Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States Before the Subcomittee on Legislative Committee on Appropriations U.S. House of Representatives .. GAO/T-OCG-91-2 GAO ... |
Date Dec. 19, 1990 |
Report No. RCED-91-50 |
..-.--- I~., -._. __. ..--... . ...___ _..- “ll.-“.” ..-.. ._ ---.. I Ini(,td St,a(,es Gtbnt~ral Accounting Office _ GiO
_._... . .l,l-. -~-_.-” Ih’ t~Illfwr (‘ I!MO Ik port t,o t I&! Honorable .Junes A. McClure, U.S. Senate *ul r MINERAL REVENUES Funding for the Idaho Initiative Project ill ll 111111
142966 Not to be released outside the RESTRICTED-General Accounting Offh unless specl... |
Date Dec. 14, 1990 |
Report No. NSIAD-91-34 |
r I ! . i I _j : ! : i : 1 =f . 0 -“~.l”l.“_“..l_.l.l”~~“--~..l-----ll.-.-.” . .._.. .““.“--. ._---_-_-.-__-_- .--. -- National Security and International Affairs Division n-240547 December 14, 1990 The Honorable Barbara A. Mikulski Chair, Subcommittee on VA, HUD and Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations IJnited States Senate Dear Madam Chair: As requested, we review... |
Date Nov. 20, 1990 |
Report No. OGC-91-2 |
Comptroller General of the United States Wuhln@on, D.C.20542 B-241514.1 November 20, 1990 of the House of Senate and the Representatives To the President Speaker of the On October 4, 1990, the President submitted to the Congress his first special impoundment message for fiscal year 1991. This message reports seven deferrals of budget authority. We have reviewed these deferrals and found them to be... |
Date Oct. 4, 1990 |
Report No. OGC-90-12 |
Comptroller General
of the United States
Washington, D.C. 20648 B-237297.18 October 4, 1990 II llllll
142405 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This letter reports on the status of budget authority that was proposed for rescission by the President in his seventh special impoundment message for fiscal year 1990, dated June 28, 1990, but for which the Cong... |
Date Oct. 1, 1990 |
Report No. 143345 |
S * *a -~~~~~~~~~a a _E _ Current GAO Officials
Comptroller General of the United States Charles A. Bowsher Deputy Comptroller General of the United States Vacant Special Assistant to the Comptroller General Milton J. Socolar General Counsel James F. Hinchman Deputy General Counsel Vacant Page i Contents Preface Table of Decision Numbers Digests Appropriations/Financial Management Civilian Personn... |
Date Sept. 28, 1990 |
Report No. AFMD-90-95 |
_...-__-..ll_-____.-.. -1 ...l.l.l” ” “l,l”.ll-l ,_.._.,._.-. “..“_ “._ ..“l.l”.” .__. l.l~.--“-- st*pt VIllh~r- IWO FINANCIAL AUDIT Statement of Accountability of the House Finance Office for Fiscal Year 1989 III I lllll
142332 -3 -- ------ -.~-- ---._-.__-________ -..-....___ (;AO/‘AFMI)-!)O-!G c GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Compt... |
Date Sept. 19, 1990 |
Report No. NSIAD-90-285FS |
---- ‘ Ilnit,ed States Gr~uc~ral Accounting Office GAO
SPl;~t,f’ nIfwr 1990 Fact Sheet for t,he Honorable &.lward M. Kennedy, U.S. Senate EL SALVADOR Pipeline of U.S. Aid as of August 1990 -““.-.-.l _--l__.-.----“-. --- GAO General Accounting OfYice Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Af’ aim Division f’ united states
B-240989 September 19, 1990 The Honorable E... |
Date Sept. 6, 1990 |
Report No. NSIAD-90-247 |
-* b United States General Accounting Office GAO
September 1990 Report to the Honorable John Heinz, U.S. Senate .’ _. TRADE ADJUSTMENT Funding Status of Commerce’s Trade Adjustment Assistance Program RJ!23TR1m ---Not to be released outside the General Accounting Ofl’ice unless specifically apprvved by the OfIke of Congressional Relations. ‘. . ‘. : : $. &A@'NSIAD-90-247 United States Gen... |