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GAO Reports by subject "Standards evaluation"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 15, 1980 Report No. CED-80-32 Title

Health: Delays and Unresolved Issues Plague New Pesticide Protection Programs

The Environmental Protection Agency has several new programs to better regulate pesticides-chemicals which provide great benefits but which can threaten man and the environment. The most recent is a 10 to 15-year program to reassessthe safety of 35,900 federally registered pesticide products. However, the program, which started in October 1978, is already behind schedule and has many unresolved po...
Date Feb. 8, 1980 Report No. CED-80-63 Title

Environmental Protection: What Have HUD and EPA Done To Deal With High Radiation Levels in Two Montana Cities?

Radbtion Levels In Two hlontana Cities? Tests have shown that many houses in Butte and Anziconda, Montana, are exposed to higher than normal levels of radiation. Similar problems may exist elsewhere. In September 1479 the Department of Housing and Urban Development issued a ruling that it would not provide financing for housing t4at did not meet interim Environmental Protection Agency standards. S...
Date Feb. 5, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-22 Title

Policy Conflict--Energy, Environmental, and Materials: Automotive Fuel-Economy Standards' Implications for Materials

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES Policy Conflict--Energy, Environmental, And Materials: Automotive Fuel-Economy Standards’ Implications For Materials The demands for energy conservation, environmental protection, and stable raw material supplies and prices are strongly competitive, and the complexity of this relationship has not been recognized in forming Fede...
Date Jan. 16, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-12 Title

Financial Management: Air Force Civil Engineer Cost Accounting System Reports Should Be Used More Effectively

BY THE US. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Defense Air Force Civil Engineer Cost Accounting System Reports Should Be Used More Effectively Air Force civil engineer cost reports for maintenance and construction at Air Force bases show significant differences between planned and actual labor-hours. These differences are not being analyzed and action is not being taken to determi...
Date Jan. 9, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-10 Title

Financial Management: Defense's Accounting for Its Contracts Has Too Many Errors--Standardized Accounting Procedures Are Needed

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Defense’s Accounting For Its Contracts Has Too Many Errors--Standardized Accounting Procedures Are Needed For 9 years, the military services and Defense Contract Administration Services regions failed to implement effective and efficient standard procedures in contract -accounting systems, Consequently, errors totaling millions of...
Date Nov. 30, 1979 Report No. CED-80-15 Title

Federal Export Grain Inspection and Weighing Programs: Improvements Can Make Them More Effective and Less Costly

& BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL lloqn Report To The Congress OF THE UNITED STATES Federal Export Grain Inspection And Weighing Programs: Improvements Can Make Them More Effective And Less Costly Since the Grain Standards Act of 1976 was passed, some improvements have been made in export grain inspection and weighing operations but more are needed. Some grain standards and inspection procedures are to...
Date Nov. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-80-12 Title

Health: Entering a Nursing Home--Costly Implications for Medicaid and the Elderly

OF THEUNITEDSTATES Entering A Nursing Home-Costly Implications For Medicaid And The Elderly Medicaid has become the chief support of nursing home care for the chronically impaired elderly. However, many of these recipients could have remained in their own homes or communities if long-term health and social services were available to them. Factors leading to premature stitutional care include: or a...
Date Oct. 18, 1979 Report No. FPCD-80-8 Title

Employment: Federal Agency Standards of Employee Conduct Need Improvement

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Congress OF THE UNITED STATES Federal Agency Standards Of Employee Conduct Need Improvement In a review at six Federal agencies, GAO found that the basic philosophy underlying the application of standards of employee conduct places the primary burden of responsibility on employees to know and abide by standards, while agencies assume a passive role usually ...
Date Oct. 1, 1979 Report No. FPCD-79-87 Title

Employment: Actions Needed by the Compliance Board To Make Buildings Accessible to the Handicapped

UNrra3S~~m . GENERAL ACCOUNTING D.C. 20548 OFFICE WASWINC3TON, HUMAN nmouRcu DIVI8IGPl B-182030 ocT0BER 1,1979 The Honorable Arabella Martinez Architectural and Transportation Chairperson, Barriers Compliance Board Dear Chairperson: Subject: @&ions Needed by the Compliance Board to Make Buildings Accessible to the Handicapped 3 (FPCD-79-87) reviewing operations at the ArchiWe are currently tectura...
Date Oct. 1, 1979 Report No. 092317 Title

Special Publications: Review Guide for Federal Agency Statements of Accounting Principles and Standards

Date Sept. 24, 1979 Report No. 110446 Title

International Affairs: Review of the State Department's Office of the Inspector General, Foreign Service

LKITET: S'iPTES GELERFL $.CCCU1Z?Ii'-G CFFICE WiSHIK"OP-, I).C. 20548 For Release on fellvery Expected at lo*30 a.n. Ionday, Septenber 24, 1979 Statement J. Cirector, U.S. Kenneth of Faslck Clvlsion Office II 110446 Internatlonal General Accounting the Before Pause Subcorlmlttee and I1atlonal Committee Concernlng&v1ew of fr. Chalrnan the Inspector of II ' on Leglslatlon Security Operations Eepartm...
Date Aug. 24, 1979 Report No. FGMSD-79-40 Title

Financial Management: Status, Progress, and Problems in Federal Agency Accounting During Fiscal Year 1978

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Status, Progress, And Problems In Federal Agency Accounting During Fiscal Year 1978 The Comptroller General approved the designs of seven executive agencies’ accounting systems during fiscal year 1978 Stxty percent of the Government’s accountmg systems have now been approved Seventy-two percent of the 131 unapproved systems are ...
Date July 25, 1979 Report No. FPCD-79-52 Title

Government Operations: Development of the Classification Standard for Flight Service Station Specialists

REPORT B’,’ THE l~lll\illllMlllllllll~llllll LMl09957 IQ 4%?7 eneral OF THE UNITEDSTATES nt Of The Classification t Service The former Civil Service Commission developed classification standards for air traffic controllers and flight service station specialists from 1976 to 1978. The standard for flight service station specialists, issued shortly after the standard for air traffic controllers,...
Date June 18, 1979 Report No. 111772 Title

Special Publications: [Expanding Role of Accounting in Our Economy]

ADDRESS BY ELMER 8 . STAATS COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE 1979 NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTANTS ST. LOUIS MISSOURI Good m o r n i n g l a d i e s and g e n t l e m e n . I would l i k e t o s h a r e w i t h you t o d a y some t h o u g h t s a s t o why t h e r o l e of a c c o u n t i n g i s e x p a n d i n g a n d w h a t some of t h e problems ...
Date May 21, 1979 Report No. 110096 Title

Special Publications: ADP Standards

L ADP STANDARD9 A KEYNOTE ADDRESS by ELMER B. STAATS COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES at THE CONFERENCE ON DATA SYSTEMS LANGUAGES (CODASYL) 20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION May 21, 1979 WASHINGTON, D.C. I appreciate your invitation celebrate your 20th anniversary. to be here today to help You deserve hearty congratThis could ulations for reaching such an eventful milestone. not have happened h...
Date May 8, 1979 Report No. FPCD-79-48 Title

Government Operations: Environmental Protection Agency Standards of Employee Conduct Need Improvement

REPORTBY THE U.S. lIIIIIIIIIllIIlIIllllllllll LMl09283 counting Offi nmental Protection Agency ads Of Employee Conduct provement Standards ot conduct for Environmental Protection Agency employees do not adequately address certain issues facing employees in carrying out their official duties. The Agency could improve its program by (1) making employees aware of their responsibilities under the stan...
Date May 7, 1979 Report No. 109285 Title

Health: Emergency Preparedness Around Nuclear Powerplants

Date April 9, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-48 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: How Effective Are OSHA's Complaint Procedures?

BY THE&h’i’TROLLER Gi!f-JERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES / orolct;3,i., Report To The Congress How Effective Are OSHA’s Complaint Procedures? Virtually every complaint the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and States receive alleging workplace hazards results in an inspection. However, inspectors find that most of these a,lleged hazards do not violate safety or health standards and invol...
Date April 6, 1979 Report No. FPCD-79-41 Title

Government Operations: Practices and Procedures for the Effective Management and Operation of Executive Branch Legislative Liaison Offices

B-194300 RELEASED #SF055@ / ' APRIL 6, 1979 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The Honorable Jack Brooks, Chairman Select Committee on Congressional Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: LM109643 In response to yourrequest of October 31, 1978, we reviewed the operations of 10 executive branch legislative In addition to determining the liaison offices (LLOs). roles and tunctions of LLOs...
Date March 14, 1979 Report No. FPCD-79-29 Title

Government Operations: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Standards of Employee Conduct Need Improvement

. . l 7 ra%?a REPORTB’Y’ U.S. THE . General Accounting Office I 9& . c ’ Department Of Health, Education, And Welfare Standards Of Employee Conduct Need Improvement Standards of conduct for Federal employees in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare do not provide sufficient guidance to enable employees and supervisors to identify and resolve potential ethical problems. The standar...
Date Nov. 2, 1978 Report No. HRD-77-157 Title

Health: Status of the Implementation of the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974

DOCUMENT RESUME 07709 - [C31 4EZ0 Status of the Implementation of the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974. HRE-77-157; B-164031(5). November 2, 1978. 48 pp. + 3 appendices (16 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area- Health Programs (1200). Contact: HUPDA Resources Div. Budget Function: Health: Health Planning and Construction (5...
Date Oct. 20, 1978 Report No. CED-78-128A Title

Getting a Better Understanding of the Metric System: Implications if Adopted by the United States [Report and Executive Summary]

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES Getting A Better U~nderstanding Of The Metric System-Implications If Adopted By The United States Whether the Nation’s measurement system should be changed is a question still unresolved. GAO has looked into the subject of metrication--conversion to the metric system of measurement. This report provides the Congress, the Administration, the newly forme...
Date Oct. 20, 1978 Report No. CED-78-128 Title

Getting a Better Understanding of the Metric System: Implications if Adopted by the United States [Report and Executive Summary]

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES Getting A Better U~nderstanding Of The Metric System-Implications If Adopted By The United States Whether the Nation’s measurement system should be changed is a question still unresolved. GAO has looked into the subject of metrication--conversion to the metric system of measurement. This report provides the Congress, the Administration, the newly forme...
Date Oct. 12, 1978 Report No. 094697 Title

Special Publications: Conceptual Framework for Financial Accounting and Reporting

COMPTROLLER GENERAL O F T H E UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D C . . m a B 176 544 - J a n u a r y 18, 1979 Ms. J u n e V i t a l e , Manuscript E d i t o r J o u r n a l of A c c o u n t a n c y 1 2 1 1 Avenue of t h e Americas N e w Y o r k , N e w York 1 0 0 3 6 Dear M . V i t a l e : s I a m e n c l o s i n g a r e t y p e d v e r s i o n of my t e s t i m o n y p u r s u a n t t o the l e t t e r ...
Date Oct. 12, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-168 Title

Health: Opportunities To Reduce Administrative Costs of Professional Standards Review Organizations

DOCUHENT RESUOR 07423 - (C2908005] Opportunities To Reduce Administrative Costs of Professional Standards xRview Organizations. BRD-78-168; 8-164031(3). October 12, 1978. Released October 19, 1978. 23 pp. + 5 appendices (5 pp. ). Report to Rep. Sam H. Gibbons, Chairman, Bouse Committee on Ways and deans: Oversight Subuommittee; by Eluer B. Staats, Comptrcller General. Issueo rea: Health Programs: ...
Date Oct. 4, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-16 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Activities of Special Police and Guard Forces in the District of Columbia Can Be Improved

DOCUBEIT RBSURI 07445 - [C28279331 -I Activities of Special Police and guard Forces in the District of Columbia CaD Be Improved. ;GD-78-16; B-118638. October 4, 1978. Released Oct, ber 11, 1978. 3 pp. + 12 appendices (63 pp.). Report to Se . Lawton M. Chiles; by Elmse General. B. St;ats, Comptroller Issue Area: Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention (500); Personl Management and Comperoation (300). ...
Date Aug. 31, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-146 Title

Civil Rights: A Plan for Improving the Disability Determination Process by Bringing It Under Complete Federal Management Should Be Developed

N. CcNm PFV I2 I4by L 3LE- a i~ STRmT'IED Not to be rem d ea GOwM ,, Om enxeepte ,S bld S ,by the Otie Aft r@S5JtVf r3le jj s e * enerMal adtapproval . RL >' LP Fi Comptroller General iQF THE UNITED STATES A Plan For Improving The Disability Determination Process By Bringing It Under Complete Federal Management Should Be Developed The F deral disability insurance program rind the Supplemental Secu...
Date Aug. 7, 1978 Report No. CED-78-127 Title

An Overview of Benefit-Cost Analysis for Water Resources Projects: Improvements Still Needed

DCCUKENT BESUIE 06796 - [B22072481 An Overview of Bsnefir-Cost Analysis for Water Resources Projects: Improvements Still Needed. CED-78-127; B-167941. Auqust 7, 1978. 33 pp. + 4 appendices (9 PFp.) Report to the Congress; by Elser B. Scaats, Comptroller General. issue Area: Water and Water Related £rograms: Federal Agencies' benefit-cost analyses (2506). Contact: Community and Economic DeveloFmen...
Date Aug. 1, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-132 Title

Government Operations: GSA's Procurement of Household Goods Containers

DOCUMENT RESUME 06928 - [B2147193] [GSA's Procurement of Household Goods Containers]. PSAD-78-132; B-114807. Auqust 1, !978. 7 pp. + enclosure (1 pp.). Report to Sen. Lawton Chiles, ChairmaL, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs: Federal Spending Practices and Opex Government Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900). Co...
Date July 25, 1978 Report No. 106842 Title

Health: Survey of Dietetic Services in Selected Nursing Homes in Georgia and South Carolina

DOCUMENT RESUME 06842 - [B2207252] (Restricted) rSurvey of Dietetic Services in Selected Nursing Homes in Georgia and South Carolina]. July 25, 1978. 6 pp. (2 pp.). + 2 appendices Report to Virginia S. Smyth, Regional Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration: Region IV, Atlanta, GA; by Marvin Colbs, Regional Manager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (Atlanta). Contact: Field Opera...
Date July 21, 1978 Report No. CED-78-141 Title

Department of Agriculture's Beef Grading: Accuracy and Uniformity Need To Be Improved

DOCUMENT 06470 B20670O6 RESIE Ljepartimnt of Aqriculture's Beef Grading: Accuracy and Uniformity h.eed To Be Improved. CED-78-141; B-136868. July 21, 1978. 4 pp. + 5 appendices (12 pp.). rhport to the ongress; by Elmer . Staats, Cptrcller General. Issue Are&: Food: Grain Inspection and Commodity Grading Proqrams ( 709) . Contct: Community and Economic Development Div. budget function: Agriculture:...
Date July 20, 1978 Report No. EMD-78-89 Title

Energy: The Department of Energy's Development of a 10-Year Plan for Federal Buildings

DOCUMENT RESLP!E f The Department cf Energy's Develcpment f a 1C-Year Plan for Federal uildinis i. £MD-78-89; B-178205. jOiy 0, 178. 6 pp. + enclosure (6 pp.j Report to Secretary, Department of Energy; by Jr., Director, Eergy and Minerals iv. onte Canfield, Issue Area: Energy: Effect of Federal fforts on Energy Conservation (1607); Facilities and aterial anagement: Cperation and ainteaance of Fac...
Date July 18, 1978 Report No. EMD-78-87 Title

Energy: Possible Improprieties in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Revision of Its Minimum Property Standards

. . lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LMi06545 CDMPTWClmLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF TXE O.C. UNITED STATES :O#Js #tESTRICTED Office of Not except to be refersed on the ba3is Refdtionr outsida of cpr:iflc the Genera; B-l.14860 AccouWng by th0 office approval ConZreosionai _.- - .- The Honor& le John D. Chairman, S ubcommittee and Power Committee on Interstate Foreign Commerce House of Representative...
Date May 20, 1978 Report No. 094712 Title

Financial Management: Accounting Profession Federal Regulation and Paperwork

Date May 12, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-105 Title

Government Operations: Improvements Needed in Avionics/Electronics Equipment Acquisition Management

DOCUOBUT RBSOBE 06093 - (B13663721 (Improvements eeded in Avionics/Electronics Equipment Acquisition lanagenent]. PSAD-78-105; B-163058. lay 12, 1978. 5 pp. * enclosure (3 pp.). Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by ichard . Gutmann Director, Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div. Issue Area: Provide Congress ith Accurate and Objective Information on ndividual lajor Systems for hich Fun...
Date April 27, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-90 Title

Income Security: Effect of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act on the Termination of Single Employer Defined Benefit Pension Plans

DOCUMENT RESUBE 05894 - (812261701 Effect of the Employee Retirement Incose Security Act on the Termination of Single Employer Defined Benefit Pension Plans. 35 HRD-78-90; B-164292. April 21, 1978. 31 ppF + 4 appendices pp.). Report to the Congress; by Blmer E. Strats, Comptrcller General. Issue Area: Income Security Prog:raas: rograms to Protect Workers* Income (1306). Contact: Human Resources Di...
Date April 10, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-88 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Improvements Needed in Administering the Flammable Fabrics Act

Date April 7, 1978 Report No. 094713 Title

Special Publications: Disciplining the Professions--How Much Should the Government Be Involved

Date Feb. 27, 1978 Report No. 105324 Title

Income Security: Effect of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 on Termination of Pension Plans

Date Jan. 1, 1978 Report No. 091116 Title

Standard Definitions: Missing and Needed Software Tools

Date Oct. 17, 1977 Report No. GGD-78-3 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Managers Need Comprehensive Systems for Assessing Effectiveness and Operation of Inmate Grievance Mechanisms

DOCUMENT BISPME 03767,.[B2974225] Managers Need Comprehensive Systems for Assessing Effectiveness and Operation of Inmate Grievance Mechanisms. GGD-78-3; B-171019. October 17, 1977. 3 pp. + appendix (13 pp.). Report to Rep. Robert W. Kastenmeier, Chairman, House Committee on the Judiciary: Courts, Civil Liberties and the Administration of Justice Subcommittee; by Elmer E. Staats, Ccmptroller Gener...
Date Aug. 1, 1977 Report No. CED-77-104 Title

Transportation: Improvements Needed in Regulating Household Goods Carriers

DOCUMENT RBSUME 03062 - [A2153254] Improvements Needed in Regulatinc' Household Goods Carriers, CED-77-104; B-187797. August 1, 1,77. 0 pp. Report to A. Daniel ONeal, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission; by Baltas E. -ir.kle (for Henry Eschwege, Director, Community and Economic Development Div.). Issue Area: Transportation Systems and Policies: Commercial Trucking Industry Regulation (2410). ...
Date July 20, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-220 Title

Transportation: Continuing Need to Establish Uniform Guidelines for Controlling and Accounting for Ground Vehicle Fuels

DOCUMENT RESUME 02786 - [A2033126] Continuing Need to Establish Uniform Guidelines for Controlling and Accounting for Ground Vehicle Fuels. LCD-77-220; B-163928. Jujy 20, 1977. 18 pp. + 2 appendices (2 pp.). Report to Secretary, Dopartment of Defense; by Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and Communications Div. Issue Areaa: Facilities and Material Management (700); Facilities and .aterial Manage...
Date May 26, 1977 Report No. 094681 Title

Government Operations: Subcommittee Staff Study on the Accounting Establishment

. Elmer Statement of Chairman, Cost Accounting Standards Before the Subcommittee on Reports, Accounting & Management of the Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate on * ithe Subcommittee Staff Study on : The Accounting Establishment' -J May 26, 1977 B. Staats, Board MR. CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE SUBCOMMITTEE: I am appearing Chairman various counting of the Cost of the before you t...
Date May 5, 1977 Report No. 102268 Title

Employment: S. 555, Public Officials Integrity Act of 1977

DOCUMENT RESUME 02268 Ai372335] fficials Integrity Act of 1977. May 5, 1977. 11 S. 555, Public pp. Testimony before the 3enate Committee on Governmental Affairs; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Personnel Management and Compensation: Employee Conflicts of Interast (301). Contact: Office of the Comptroller General. Budget Function: General Government: Central Personnel Managemen...
Date April 25, 1977 Report No. 094682 Title

Special Publications: How GAO's Audit Standards, Policies and Practices Evolved

Date April 4, 1977 Report No. 100525 Title

Government Operations: Implementation of the Professional Standards Review Organization Program

DOCUEBNT RESURE 00525 - [A10519041 Implementation of the Professional Standards Review Organization Program. April 4, 1977. 19 pp. Testimony before the Hcase Committee on Ways and eans: hart, Director, Human Oversight Subcommittee; by Gregory J. Resources Div. Issue Area: Health Programs (1200). Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Health: Health Care Services (551). Organization Concarn...
Date April 1, 1977 Report No. CED-77-53 Title

Income Security: Testing Various Alternative Identification Requirements for Food Stamp Recipients

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES APRf 1977 A-51604 lllll~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM101744 The Honorable Herman E. Talmadge Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry g3dQm-o United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: As discussed with your office, we are presenting information on demonstration project-authority for testing alternative food stamp...
Date April 1, 1977 Report No. CED-77-54 Title

Income Security: Testing Various Alternative Identification Requirements for Food Stamp Recipients

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES APRf 1977 A-51604 lllll~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LM101744 The Honorable Herman E. Talmadge Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry g3dQm-o United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: As discussed with your office, we are presenting information on demonstration project-authority for testing alternative food stamp...
Date Feb. 22, 1977 Report No. HRD-77-40 Title

Children in Foster Care Institutions: Steps Government Can Take to Improve Their Care

DOCUMENT RESUME 01743-- (A0891458J Children in Poster Care Institutions: teps Goveruent an Take to Improve Their Care. B-164031(5); BRD-77-40. February 229 1977. 39 pp. Report to the Congress; by Bluer B. Staats, Comptroller General. issue Area: Tncome Security Programs: Program onitoring and Administrat 4 on (1303). Contact: Human Resources Div. Budget Function: Education, anpower, and Sccial Ser...