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GAO Reports by subject "Public assistance programs"

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Date Report No. Title
Date July 10, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-116 Title

Income Security: Intertitle Transfers--A Way for States To Increase Federal Funding for Social Services

BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Health And Human Services. Intertitle Transfers--A Way For States To Increase Federal Funding For Social Services Title XX of the Social Security Act sets a statutory ceiling on Federal reimbursements to States for social services costs. However, in addition to title XX, similar services to needy people can be provided under other Fed...
Date June 29, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-119 Title

Information Management: HHS Ability To Effectively Implement Incentive Funding for State Information Systems in the Aid to Families With Dependent Children Program

I UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ‘*’ /’ / I” 3647 l4UMAN RESOURCEJt DIVISION June 29,. 1981 B-203774 The Honorab,le Richard S. Schweiker The Secretary of Health and Human Services Dear Mr. Secretary: llllllllllllllll 115697 Subject: Ability to Effectively Concerns about&IS" Implement Incentive Funding for State o Families Information Systems in the Aid with ...
Date May 18, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-51 Title

HHS Moves To Improve Accuracy of AFDC Administrative Cost Allocation: Increased Oversight Needed

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Chairman Subcommittee On Oversight House Committee On Ways And Means OF THE UNITED STATES HHSMoves To Improve Accuracy Of AFDC Administrative Cost Allocation: Increased Oversight Needed In a review of cost-allocation plans for the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program in California, I Ilinois, Massachusetts, and New York, GAO found that the Federa...
Date April 20, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-73 Title

Income Security: Action Needed To Avert Future Overpayments to States for AFDC Foster Care

1 Kl&I I LjL+-/ BYTHE U.S.GEiERiL ACCOUNTING CX?lCE Report To The Secretary Of Health And Human Services Action Needed To Avert ’ Future Overpayments To States ForAFDC Foster Care It is essential that the Department of Health and Human Services promptly audit fiscal year 1978 reimbursements to States under the Aid to Families with Dependent Children foster care program. Payments made during 1978...
Date April 3, 1981 Report No. GGD-81-31 Title

Agriculture and Food: Improved Collections Can Reduce Federal and District Government Food Stamp Program Costs

P REPORT THEUS: BY z, a General Accounting Office Improved Collections Can Reduce Federal And District Government Food Stamp Program Costs Only $650,000 of the $2.7 million owed by food stamp vendors has been collected in the District of Columbia, and the District estimates that only $235,000 of the balance is collectible. Minimal amounts are collected from recipients who are overissued stamps, an...
Date March 6, 1981 Report No. CED-81-54 Title

Housing: How To House More People at Lower Costs Under the Section 8 New Construction Program

REPORTBY THE Comptroller General b OF THE UNITEDSTATES How To House More People At Lower Costs Under The Section 8 New Construction Program The Section 8 New Construction Program is ‘producing very good quality rental housing; housing which is, in fact, often better than most other housing in the general market areas where it is located. GAO found that given the caliber of this housing, developm...
Date March 3, 1981 Report No. OPP-81-2 Title

Budget and Spending: Comments on the President's February 18, 1981, Budget Proposals and Additional Cost-Saving Measures

. I U.S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING COMMENTS FEBRUARY AND OFFICE: ON THE PRESIDENT’S 18,1981, BUDGET PROPOSALS COST-SAVING MEASURES ADDITIONAL MARCH 3, I@81 OPP-81-2 , COMCTROLLER OLNLRAL WASHINOTDN. OF D.C. THE UNITED toll48 cTAl%8 B-198312 PREFACE ~-.This report is designed to further assist the during its consideration of the FY 1982 budget by the views of the General Accounting Office on budget redu...
Date Jan. 26, 1981 Report No. B-200555 Title

Agriculture and Food: Accounting Procedures Used by the Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition Service for the Child Nutrition Programs

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES * .4', .s / ' WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 January 26, 1981 B-200555 The Honorable Jesse Helms Chairman Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: On October 30, 1980, your staff verbally requested that we provide information to supplement our October 9, 1980, letter to you. That letter responded to your request for u...
Date Dec. 31, 1980 Report No. CED-81-26 Title

Housing: Similar Business Assistance Programs of Two Federal Agencies Have Potential for Duplication

/A THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL “’ ’ BY Report To The Chairman, Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation United States Senate Two Federal Agencies Have Potential For Duplication Two Federal agencies--the Economic Development Administration and the Small Business Administration--provide business management and technical assistance through universitybased centers. To a large degree, both ...
Date Dec. 30, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-7 Title

Income Security: Guyana Tragedy Points to a Need for Better Care and Protection of Guardianship Children

BY’THE CdMPTROLLER GENEWL OF THE UNITEDSTATES //um ’ Report To The Congress Guyana Tragedy Points To A Need For Better Care And Protection Of Guardianship Children About one-third of the 913 individuals who died in the 1978 Peoples Temple tragedy in Guyana were children, few of whom were wards of adult members of the Peoples Temple. The tragedy raised many questions about the adequacy of prote...
Date Dec. 22, 1980 Report No. HRD-81-23 Title

Income Security: Certain Activities of the Economic Opportunity Commission of Nassau County, New York

h c* GAO -. IIw9~/ Human Resources Diuision .United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 B-201396 outside thy Qd RESTRICTED - Mot to be released Accounting Office except on tie basis Of SPWim WW’@~ by the Office of Congressional Pkhtion& The Honorable John W. Wydler House of Representatives Dear Mr. Wydler: RELEASED DECEMBER 22,198O Subject: pertain Activities of the Economic Op...
Date Dec. 18, 1980 Report No. AFMD-81-16 Title

Information Management: Most Federal Agencies Have Done Little Planning for ADP Disasters

I “4 , -I “m BY THECOMPTROLLE/ Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Most Federal Agencies Have Done Little Planning For ADP Disasters Automatic data processing (ADP) systems are vulnerable to disasters such as fire, power failure, or vandalism, Such occurrences can create havoc with ADP systems. Most Federal organizations are extremely dependent on ADP systems to meet their operational re...
Date Dec. 16, 1980 Report No. PAD-81-11 Title

New York State Public Assistance Cost-Sharing Policies: Implications for Federal Policy

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress O THE UNITED STATES F New York State Public Assistance Cost-Sharing Policies: implications For Federal Policy GAO used New York's cost-sharingpolicy for dividing the State's share of public assistance costs with county governments as a case study of the interaction of Federal and State aid. New York's policy does not consider the geographic distribu...
Date Dec. 16, 1980 Report No. PAD-81-10 Title

The Interaction of Federal and State Aid in New York State: Trends and Patterns, 1969-75

I Las= ii THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES The Interaction Of Federal And State Aid In New York State: Trends And Patterns, 1969-75 While some Federal aid goes directly to local governments, large amounts pass through or are administered by thestates. A better understanding of the States’ role in aid distribution will help the Congress to assess the effectiveness of...
Date Sept. 15, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-121 Title

Income Security: Review of Selected Aspects of Low Income Energy Assistance

GAO United States Gen’eral Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 rr33w Human Resources Division SEPTEMBER 15.1980 B-198839 The Honorable John B. Anderson House of Representatives Dear Mr. Anderson: Subject: zz-eview of Selected Aspects Assistance --3 (HRD-80-121) of Low Income Energy This is in response to your January 10, 1980, letter, asking us to review the 1980 Low Income Energy Assistance ...
Date Sept. 15, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-115 Title

Income Security: Review of Selected Aspects of Low Income Energy Assistance

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 +ggpHuman Resources Division B-198839 SEPTEMBER 15,198O The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Jesse Helms Senate Helms: 1Review of Assistance elected Aspects (~~~-80-115) 113300 of Low Income Energy k.7 This is in response to your January 24, 1980, letter, asking us to review the 1980 Low Income Energy Assistance with Dep...
Date Aug. 28, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-103 Title

Income Security: Review of Legal Services Corporation's Activities Concerning Program Evaluation and Expansion

BY THE U,S,CX3JERALACCOUNTIti~’ Report To The President Of OFFlCi The Legal Services Corporation Review Of Legal Services Corporation’s Activities Concerning Program Evaluation And Expansion GAO reviewed the Legal Services Corporation’s activities concerning program evaluation, expansion of the availability of free legal services to the poor, and several other Corporation activities GAO beli...
Date June 6, 1980 Report No. CED-80-59 Title

Housing: Section 8 Subsidized Housing--Some Observations on Its High Rents, Costs, and Inequities

. .. BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Section 8 Subsidized HousingSome Observations On Its High r Rents, Costs, And Inequities Like the subsidized housing programs which preceded it, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Section 8 Rental Assistance Program is costly and serves only a fraction of the millions of households in need. Since its inception ...
Date May 20, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-62 Title

Income Security: Poor Management Has Reduced the Effectiveness of Tulsa Human Services Agency Programs

l pproval waihrg?sn. DC 20548 Human Resources Division B-198024 May 20, 1980 The Honorable James R. Jones House of Representatives Dear Mr. Jones: oar Management Has Reduced the 4- ffectiveness of Tulsa Human 4 Services Agency Programs (HRD-80-62) 3 This report is in response to your April 28, 1979, letter, requesting that we review the administration of the Tulsa Human Services Agency, the commun...
Date April 15, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-22 Title

Employment: Agencies When Providing Federal Financial Assistance Should Ensure Compliance With Title VI

BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES r/243’ Report To The Congress Agencies When Providing Federal Financial Assistance Should Ensure Compliance With Title VI Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in Federal financial assistance programs. Many agencies that provide such assistance were not certain which of their programs...
Date March 21, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-B4 Title

Economic Development: Views on H.R. 6136 and H.R. 6619

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASlilNG XX-d. OfD.C. THE UNITED STl”i’l-ES 2CSSB I:,, The f;onorahlo Mar ley 0. Staggers Cmmittee on Interstate Chairman, Foreign Ccmr~rce iiouse of Representatives znd ( ‘yy . 6 111111111111111111111111111111111111 111874 I am pleased to respond to ycur Icktr3ra of Yznuary in which you rcqu'3sted our ccmnents and Karch 4, 1980, respectively on !!.I?. 5136 and X.R. 562.9...
Date Feb. 29, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-33 Title

Income Security: U.S. Income Security System Needs Leadership, Policy, and Effective Management

BY THECOMPTROLLEi GENERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES II16’19 /w Report ToThe Congress .’ * U.S.Income Security System Needs Leadership, Policy, And Effective Management The costs of income security programs have soared by 250 percent over the past 10 years, makiny them the largest part of the Federal budget. These I)rograms come under constant criticism for being too profuse, inequitable, inefficient,...
Date Feb. 8, 1980 Report No. GGD-80-32 Title

Financial Management: Problems With the Dissemination of Information on Federal Assistance Programs

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 FEBRUARY ““-k,“Y.r”8,198Q B-197586 The Honorable James T. McIntyre, Jr. Director, Office of Management and Budget Problems With the Dissemination G f Information on Federal Assistance Programs GGD-80-32) 3 --2 --:P Dear Mr. McIntyre: Subject: iP 22 ' _- As part of our continuing interest in the program information needs of Fede...
Date Feb. 7, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-48 Title

Income Security: Analysis of Two Studies of Quality in New York City's Aid to Families With Dependent Children Program

I RELEASED, GAO ~~,o~$!$&e by the Office n& b except be rolcased on fhe*bA’dS ouhlde me qene”’ Of specific approva’ of Congressional Relations. Hun?an Resources United States General Accounting Office W~3>hir@~n. 20543 DC Division B-197135 FEBRUARY 7,1980 The Honorable Barber B. Conable, House of Representatives Dear Mr. Conable: Jr. Analysis of Two Studies of Quality in 42ew York City's A...
Date Feb. 7, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-50 Title

Income Security: State Advance Payments to Aid to Families With Dependent Children Recipients Are Inconsistent With Federal Regulations

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 HUMAN Ra- Harris: Subject: ._ iState Advance Payments with Dependent Children consistent with Federal (HRD-80-50) to Aid to Families Recipients Are InRegulations7 We recently completed a survey of the Aid to Families The purpose of with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. the survey was to examine the program policies, management and cp...
Date Jan. 22, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-42 Title

Energy: Washington, D.C., Area Home Heating Oil Supplies Adequate But at Escalating Prices

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL II 13vv Report To Senator John W. Warner OF THE UNITED STATES Washington, DC., Area Home Heating Oil Supplies Adequate But At Escalating Prices Although there should be sufficient heating oil in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area during the winter of 1979-1980, prices have escalated during 1979. Retail prices averaged 84 cents a gallon in August--28 cents a gallon h...
Date Nov. 26, 1979 Report No. PAD-80-33 Title

Government Operations: Report on FY 1980 Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill

. . _..f) - t pi %‘I5 L ,,, “’ . &omas F. Eagleton L he Honorable Chairman, Subcorrmittee on Rural DeVelOFment Agriculture, and Related Agencies Committee on Ap-ropriations 3( I * United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: . . . . . 111324 . .. -. -Y I am responding to several items concerning the work Office that were discussed in of the General the Committeels the f-&se&$ear 1980 Agriculture,...
Date Aug. 15, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-22 Title

Economic Development: An Analysis of the Effects of Indexing for Inflation on Federal Expenditures

BY THECOMPTROLLER’GfNERAL OF THEUNITEDSTATES - 1mI lllllllll\llllllllllli\llllllll s’ -’ r LM110151 Report To The Congress An Analysis Of The Effects Of Indexing For Inflation On Mleral Expenditures Over half of all Federal expenditures are indexed for inflation. Indexed expenditures increase automatically when inflation occurs. For a number of reasons, Federal expenditures which are indexed...
Date June 15, 1979 Report No. 109641 Title

Social Services: Comments on GAO Report on the Administrative Efficiency of the Aid to Families With Dependent Children Program in Contra Costa County, California (HRD-78-159)

United States General Accounting D.C. 20548 Office Washington, 1 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY EXPECTED AT 9:OO a.m. EDT JUNE 15, 1979 1 STATEMENT OF Michael Zimmerman, Assistant Division the on Oversight on Ways and Means House of Representatives on +3v/~~ Director Human Resources Before Subcommittee Committee United States Aid To Families In Contra With Costa Dependent County, September Children Calif...
Date June 1, 1979 Report No. 091614 Title

United States General Accounting Office: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Date May 23, 1979 Report No. 094368 Title

Government Operations: Congressional Oversight Reform Legislation

Date April 25, 1979 Report No. CED-79-76 Title

Housing: Evaluation of Agency Comments on GAO's Letter Report to Congressman Harsha

UNITEDSTATES GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE D.C. 20!!!48 WASHINGTON, COMMUNITY OWELOPMENT AND LCCNCMIC DIVISION B-171630 APRIL 25, 1979 The Honorable William House of Representatives Dear Mr. H. Harsha Harsha: (CED-79-7) to of the DePartmenL. of the applicahousina pc?j$ct an opportunrty to report, but we did it in the report. we issued a report On January 10, 1979, you responding to your request for a r...
Date April 10, 1979 Report No. GGD-79-53 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Taxpayer Waiting Time at IRS' Walk-In Service Offices

REPOtiT ii’ THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES ! Taxpayer Waiting Time At IRS’ Walk-in Service Offices At the request of the Operations Subcommittee Consumer and Monetary ducted a nationwide test taxpayers to get help at off ices. House Government on Commerce, Affairs, GAO conof the time it took IRS’ walk-in service Waiting times averaged 9.4 minutes during the first 8 weeks of the ...
Date March 13, 1979 Report No. 108790 Title

Agriculture and Food: Child Nutrition Programs

Date March 1, 1979 Report No. CED-79-51 Title

Housing: Possible Duplicate Payments in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Section 8 Housing Assistance Program

. COMMUNITY DLYu.oCMWT ANO LCONOMlC alvlsloN UNITEDSTATES GENU~ALF~CCOUNTING OFFICE WASXINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-118718 MARCH 1, t979 The Honorable The Secretary Development Dear Mrs. Patricia Roberts Harris of Housing and Urban 108718 Harris: Accounting Office is concerned about in the Department of Rousing .(.HUD1s).'lSection 8 Jlousing Assistance We fiade a review to determine that project owners a...
Date Feb. 27, 1979 Report No. 108658 Title

Agriculture and Food: Child Nutrition Programs

Date Feb. 6, 1979 Report No. 120144 Title

Income Security: Improvements Needed in the SSI Oral Inquiry Process

,, (!," l1 " Ioo/- UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE 'WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ~;~'-"' HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION FEB 6 1979 Mr. Stanford G. Ross Commissioner, Social Security A, coo Administration Department of Health, Education, and Welfare -DearMr. Ross: 120144 rityjAdministration (SSA) implemented In April 1978, the Soci a proposed regulation (20 C.F.R. 416.336) which affords persons making ...
Date Feb. 5, 1979 Report No. GGD-78-107 Title

Welfare Payment Reduced: An Improved Method for Detecting Erroneous Welfare Payments

REPORT ES’Tt.-iE ’ II ” y-7 . , Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Welfare Payments Reduced: An Improved Method For Detecting Erroneous Welfare Payments Working together, GAO and the District of Columbia’s Department of Human Resources developed three formulas to identify welfare cases that have a high probability to be in error. The formulas assign Computer-derived numerical scores t...
Date Nov. 6, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-164 Title

Free Legal Services for the Poor: Increased Coordination, Community Legal Education, and Outreach Needed

DOCUMENT RESUME 07901 - rC3128227] Free Legal Services for the Poor: Increased Coordination, Community Legal Education, and Outreach Needed. HRD-78-164; B-130515(6). November 6, 1978. 23 pp. + 4 appendices (112 pp.)Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptrcller General. Issue Area: Federally Sponsored or Assisted Inccie Security Programs: Legal Services for the Economically Disadvantaged ...
Date Sept. 19, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-62 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Federal Agencies Can, and Should, Do More To Combat Fraud in Government Programs

DOCUBENT RESUME 07163 - [B2647697] Federal Agencies Can, and Should, Do Bore Tc Combat Fraud in Government Programs. GGD-78-62; B-171019. Septeater 19, 1978. pp. + 8 appendices (54 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. S+a-.ts, 53 Comptroller General. Issue Area: Law Enforcement and Crime Prevention: Vhite-collar Crime (509). Contact: General Government Div. Budget Function: Law Enforcement an...
Date June 21, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-133 Title

Income Security: Duplicate Welfare Payments in New York Jurisdictions

DOCUMENT RESUME 06440 - [B1746784] Ycxk Jurisdictions]. 1S78. 7 pp. [ Duplicate Welfare Payments in New HRD-78-133; Report B-164C31(3). June 21, to Secretary, 'clfare- by Philip A. Department of Healtbh, Educaticn, and Bernstein (for Gregory J. Ahart, Director, :uman Resources Div.). Issue Area: Federally Sp'nscred or Assisted Income Security Proqrams. Eliqibility Determinations (13C7). Contact: H...
Date June 20, 1978 Report No. HRD-77-124 Title

Health: Are Neighborhood Health Centers Providing Services Efficiently to the Most Needy?

DOCUfEgT RESUME 06272 - (81726768] Are Neighborhood Health Centers Providing $Srvices Bffictently to the Host Needy? HRD-77-124; B-164031(5). June 20, 1978. 33 pp. + 5 appendices (12 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Robert F. Gctneral. Keller, Acting Couptroller Issue Area: Health Programs: Health providers 11202); Health Proqrass: Efficiency and Effectiveness of Grantees and Contractors in Provid...
Date May 2, 1978 Report No. ID-78-40 Title

International Affairs: Federal Assistance to State and Local Governments and Other Organizations for Selected Programs

DOCUIElT RESUHE 06006 - 81366386] Federal Assistance to State and Local Governments and Other D-78-40; B-162222; organizations for Selected rograms. 2 enclosures (27 p.) ay 2 1978. 2 pp. B-156489. Report to Rep. Charles J. Carney, Chairman, Hous of Representatives: Congressional Steel Caucus; tk J. Kennetb Fasick, Director, International Div. Issue Area: International Economic and military Program...
Date April 17, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-61 Title

Income Security: Review of INS's Contract with J. A. Reyes Associates, Inc., for a Residential Study of Illegal Aliens

DOCUMENT RESUmE 05804 - 81226186] Whrt REWaS4*ctV- rReview of INS's Contract with J. A. Bayes associates,-lnc., for a Residential Stvdy of Illegal Aliens]. GGI-78-61; B-125051. April 17, 1978. 15 pp. + 2 enclosures (9 pp.). Report to Rep. Joshua Eilberg, Chairuar, Hcuse Committee on the Judiciary: Immigration, Citizenship and International Law Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General,...
Date April 5, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-65 Title

Income Security: Should Emergency Assistance for Needy Families Be Continued? If So, Program Improvements Are Needed

DOCOIUlT a1S39l 05615 - (B1005951] Should ]mergenc7 Amsistance for Needy Families Be Continuedw# If So, Prograa Improvements Are Needed, 1iD-78-65; 3-164031 (3). April 5, 1978. 23 pp. + 4 appendices (11 pp.). Report to the Congress; by flnor B. Jtaats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federally Sponsored or assisted Incose seuerity Prograes: Eligibility Determinations (1307). Contact: Hosan Resour...
Date March 22, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-81 Title

Income Security: Opportunities for HEW To Improve the Administration of Day Care Programs

Date March 8, 1978 Report No. 105326 Title

Social Services: HEW's Proposed Legislation To Settle Certain Disputed State Claims for Reimbursement of Social Services Costs

aOCUim.w 05326 - [B06855961 RBSOIZ HEW's Proposed Legislation To Settle Certain Disputed State Claims for ieimbursement of Social Services Costs.. arch 6, 1978. 7 pp. + 2 enclosures (2 pp.!. Tiestiony before the House Comittee cr the Judiciary: Administrative Law and Governmental Belations Subcommsttee; by Greqory J. Ahart, Director, Human Bescurces DiW, Contact: Human Resources Div. ducation, and...
Date March 6, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-80 Title

Income Security: HEW's Proposed Settlement of Outstanding Disputed State Claims for Social Services

DCCUMBIT 05321 [B0685598] BBESUB tHEMs Proposed Settlement of Outstanding Disputed State Claims for Social Seavi-es]. HD-78-78; RD-78-80; B-164031(3). arch 6, 1978. 7 pp. 3 enclosures (4 pp.). Report to Rep. l Ullman, Chairman, ou-se Committee on the Judiciary; ep. Peter . Rodinc, Jr., Chairman, House Committee on ays and eans; Sen. Russell . Long, Chairman, Seaate Committee on Finance; by Gregory...
Date March 6, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-78 Title

Income Security: HEW's Proposed Settlement of Outstanding Disputed State Claims for Social Services

DCCUMBIT 05321 [B0685598] BBESUB tHEMs Proposed Settlement of Outstanding Disputed State Claims for Social Seavi-es]. HD-78-78; RD-78-80; B-164031(3). arch 6, 1978. 7 pp. 3 enclosures (4 pp.). Report to Rep. l Ullman, Chairman, ou-se Committee on the Judiciary; ep. Peter . Rodinc, Jr., Chairman, House Committee on ays and eans; Sen. Russell . Long, Chairman, Seaate Committee on Finance; by Gregory...
Date Feb. 22, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-50 Title

Income Security: Number of Newly Arrived Aliens Who Receive Supplemental Security Income Needs To Be Reduced

DOCUKENT RB 01 05318 - rb05855051 Number of Nawly Arrived liens ho eceive Supplemental Secrity Income Needs To Be Reduced. RD-78-50; -164031¢4). ebruary 22, 1978. 21 pp. + 3 appendicei (3 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller 6eneral, Issae Area: Income Security Programs (1300); Income Security Programs: ligibility Determination (1301). Contact: Human Resources Div. Dudget...