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GAO Reports by subject "Congressional privileges"

Full-text search of 52,072 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Oct. 12, 1994 Report No. AIMD-95-1 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1993 and 1992

United States General Accounting Office GAO October 1994 Report to Architect of the Capitol FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1993 and 1992 GAO/AIMD-95-1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-114871 October 12, 1994 The Honorable George M. White Architect of the Capitol Dear Mr. White: Pursuant...
Date May 3, 1994 Report No. AIMD-94-81 Title

Financial Audit: House Office of the Sergeant at Arms--Periods Ended December 31, 1992 and June 30, 1992

United States General Accountina Office GAO May 1994 Report to the Speaker and the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives f FINANCIAL AUDIT House Offke of the Sergeant at ArrnsPeriods Ended December 341992 md June 30,19$2 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-1 14854 May 3,1994 To the Speaker and the Sergeant at Arms...
Date April 8, 1994 Report No. AIMD-94-64 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1992 and 1991

United States General Accounting Office GAO April 1994 Report to the Architect of the Capitol FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Restawants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1992 and 1991 > . 1.. ..L’. , . I GAWAIMD-94-64 ,, -. ., ,: .. ‘,,‘. ’ ; t GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United Stakes B-114871 April 8,1994 The Honorable George M. Whi...
Date July 22, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-9 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1991 and 1990

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1993 Report to the Architect of the Capitol FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1991 and 1990 GAOIAIMD-93-9 -- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-114871 July 22,1993 The Honorable George M. White Architect of the Capitol Dear Mr. White: F’ urs...
Date May 26, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-56 Title

Financial Audit: House Office of the Sergeant at Arms--Periods Ended 12-31-91, 6-30-91, and 12-31-90

GAO hl;ry I!)93 Report, to the Speaker and the Sergeant at, Arms of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL, AUDIT House Office of the Sergeant at ArmsPeriods Ended 12-31-91,6-30-91, and 12-31-90 -- -...- - GAO United State8 General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14864 May 26,1993 To the Speaker and the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Represen...
Date April 2, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-55R Title

Financial Management: Cash Management at the House Post Office

. GAO United St&es General Accounting OiTlce Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-248189 April 2, 1992 The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson Clerk of the House of Representatives Dear Mr. Anderson: On March 24, 1992, you requested that we perform a limited review of cash and cash management procedures in effect at which is operated by employees of the the House Post Office...
Date Sept. 24, 1991 Report No. AFMD-91-82 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1989

FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1990 and 1989 144872 -- --- I GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14871 September 24,lQQl The Honorable George M. White Architect of the Capitol Dear Mr. White: Pursuant to your request of September 25,1990, and section 5 of the act of July 6, 1961 (40 USC....
Date Sept. 18, 1991 Report No. AFMD-91-11 Title

Financial Audit: House Office of the Sergeant at Arms--Periods Ended 6-30-90 and 12-31-89

_-...-. “-.”.._,,_ _ .--*--- mle,--__- lJnit.rd - States General Accounting Office ‘ I, 0 11 i / j($$(‘ -J Report to the Speaker and the Sergeant ’ at Arms of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT House Office of th.e Sergeant at Arms Periods Ended 6-30-90 and 12-31-89 144825 ’ -- (;AO,iAtl‘ MI)-!)I-1 1 - GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Compt...
Date Aug. 23, 1990 Report No. AFMD-90-87 Title

Financial Audit: Service America Corporation's 1988 Operation of the House Restaurant System

----” .l_lll.....___-_- --~.~Allk’ lWf I!M) FINANCIAL AUDIT Service America Corporation’ 1988 s Operation of the House Restaurant System GAO,‘ MI)-!N-87 Ak’ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States R-l 14891 August 23,199O The Honorable George M. White Architect of the Capitol Dear Mr. White: Pursuant to your letter of Ma...
Date Aug. 13, 1990 Report No. AFMD-90-92 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1989 and 1988

Arr~llst l!,!ii FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1989 and 1988 141998 GAO,‘AFMI)-W-92 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14871 August 13,199O The Honorable George M. White Architect of the Capitol Dear Mr. White: Pursuant to your request of August 29, 1989, and section 5 of the act of J...
Date Feb. 7, 1990 Report No. AFMD-90-28 Title

Financial Audit: House Office of the Sergeant at Arms--Periods Ended 6-30-89 and 12-31-88

*=?-. .. - PY ,z -2. -z - v V -- . pi. United Statee General Accounting Office Wa&ington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14864 February 7,199O To the Speaker and the Sergeantat Arms of the Houseof Representatives In accordancewith the act of July 26,1949 ‘fr.S.C. 81a), we have audited the balance sheetsof the Office oft i?e Sergeantat Arms, House of Representatives,as of...
Date Jan. 1, 1990 Report No. 142758 Title

Special Publications: GAO Electronic Document Request Service

THE GAO ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT REQUEST SERVICE SYSTEM AVAILABILITY The system is available (Eastern Time): 7:00 AM until Midnight, Monday through Friday 9:00 AM until 8:00 PM, Weekends and Holidays You will be advised of any changes to this schedule with online system messages. SIGNING ON H.I.S. can be accessed by virtually any terminal or personal computer with communications capability. Check with ...
Date June 2, 1989 Report No. AFMD-89-57 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1987

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Date Dec. 21, 1988 Report No. AFMD-89-29 Title

Revolving Funds: Office of the Attending Physician Revolving Fund Can Be Terminated

United States General Accounting Office Y’ GAO December 1988 Report to the Attending Physician, Congress of the United States f ’ REVOLVING FUNDS Office of the Attending Physician Revolving F’und Can Be Terminated United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and F’inancial Management Division B-206277 December 2 1, 1988 . The Honorable William M. Narva Attendin...
Date Jan. 18, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-85-40 Title

National Defense: Defense-Arranged Flights for Members of Congress To Vote on the Peacekeeper (MX) Program

NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS AN0 DlVlSlON B-215746 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Proxmire: Defense-Arranged Flights for Members of Congress to Vote on the Peacekeeper (MX) Program '(GAO/NSIAD-85-40) On June 4, 1984, you asked us to answer the following questions about flights that the Department of Defense (DOD) arranged for certain members of Congress so that they w...
Date Nov. 2, 1979 Report No. GGD-80-1 Title

Financial Management: Audit of Financial Transactions of the Sergeant at Arms for the 12 Months Ended June 30, 1979

REPORT BY THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITED STATES Audit Of Financial Transactions Of The Sergeant At Arms For The 12 Months Ended June 30, 1979 House Of Representatives ZeND Seo10767 , - .- "~'C'COL~~~~~~TI4 ~ ~ NOVEMBER$ 2, GGD-80-1 NOVEMBER 2, 1979 COMPTROLLER GENERAL Of THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-114854 To the Speaker and the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives...
Date Oct. 12, 1979 Report No. GGD-80-2 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the Senate Building Beauty Shop, for the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 1979

BY THE:~ COMPTROLLER GENERAL '-j OF THEUNITEDSTATES I io?rra I. Report ToThe Congress Audit Of The Senate Building Beauty Shop, For The Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 1979 ’ . 1111111 ll 110576 GGD-80-2 OCTOBER 12,197Q WASWINQTON. O.C. 2011411 8-133046 To the President of the Senate and the I Building 1979, 1970 (40 u.s.c* 193m-l), on this organization. GENERAL COMMENTS This is our first audit B...
Date April 26, 1979 Report No. GGD-79-50 Title

Government Operations: Postal Service's Method of Billing the Congress for Postage

*. . UNITED STATES GENERAL WASHINGTON, ACCOUNTING OFFICE D.C. 20548 QlENrrUL GOVPRNMDNT DIVISION APRIL 26, 7979 B-114874 William F. Bolger The Honorable Postmaster General United States Postal Service Dear Mr. Bolger: The Senate Appropriations Committee asked us to review Service's method of billing the Cc&%&s for theEosta1 We were to determine if the quarterly bills sent postag+ to the Congress r...
Date April 17, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-61 Title

Health: Military Hospitals Need Stronger Guidance on Presidential, VIP, and Officer Accommodations

REPORTBY THE I Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES Military Hospitals Need Stronger Guidia8nceOn Presidential, VIP, And Ofker Accommodations The Department of Defense has not carried out GAD’s December 1974 recommendations that the Secretary of Defense establish criteria for Presidential and other VIP accommodations in military hospitals and instruct the military departments to discon tinue ...
Date Jan. 3, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-18 Title

Government Operations: Analysis of Members' New Allowance System

DOCUMENT RESUME 00307 - [A0590880] (Restricted) (Analysis of Members' New Allcwance System]. B-145u92; GGD-77-18. January 3, 1977. 9 pp. + enclosure (2 pp.). Report to Rep. David B. Obey, Chairman, Mouse of Representatives: Commission on Administrative Review; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Contact: Office of the Comptroller General. Budget Function: General Government: Legislative Funct...
Date May 21, 1976 Report No. GGD-76-86 Title

Government Operations: Alleged Irregularities in Travel Billing by a Member of Congress

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED WASHINGTON, D.C. 20568 STATES 5.. 2/c -~- .- -7L B-129650 The Honorable Lee Metcalf Subcommittee on Reports, Chairman, Accounting, and Management Committee on Government Operations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: - i a This is in response to your March 25, 1976, letter concerning alleged irregularities in travel billing by a Member of Congress. You request...