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GAO Reports by subject "Audiovisual aids"

Full-text search of 52,072 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Jan. 1, 1993 Report No. 148760 Title

Government Operations: Visual Communication Standards

United States General Accounting Office GAO Office of Publishing and Communications I111111 Ill1 lllll lllll Ill1 1111111111 lllll 148760 Visual Communication Standards Visual Communication Standards a 51.9 pi. 52.4 pi. : 6 pt. 6 pt. 3.6 pi. 1 pi. @ 2.10 pi. 45.6 pi. 2.2 pi. 1”ytm 14.6 pi. I1 pi.I e , 2.10 pi. , 30 pi. *lpti 2.2 pi. Cover 2 Grid - 8% x 11, Classified 2 pi. 3.6 pi. 1 -15pt. :3pt....
Date Aug. 26, 1986 Report No. GGD-86-125BR Title

Audiovisual Programs: Federal Agencies' Cost Reporting and Management Practices

b L Wted Statis Geheml Accounting Office Briefing Report to Congressional , Requesters A+t 1986 , AuDIovI~SUAL PROGRAMS 8’ Federal Agencies’Cost Reporting and Management Practices I ! 03w+18 GAO/GGD43612BBR R-223490 August 26, 1986 The Honorable Glenn English Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives T...
Date July 11, 1984 Report No. NSIAD-84-140 Title

National Defense: Observations on Army's Plan To Buy an Electronic Video-Disc Delivery System

UNITED STATESGWERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 JUL 11 1984 The Honorable Delbett L. Spurlock The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) Dear Mr. Subject Spurlock: : Observations on Army's plan to buy an electronic video-disc delivery system (GAO/NSIAD-84-140) As part of our current review of the Army’s program for developing soldier training materials (code ...
Date May 27, 1983 Report No. GGD-83-65 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Review and Labeling of Foreign Films by the Justice Department

Office Review And Labeling Of Foreign Films By The Justice Department Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, the Department of Justice, from 1980 through 1982, reviewed 27 foreign films of which 11, or 41 percent, were determined to be propaganda oriented. This report discusses the policies and procedures the Justice Department uses in reviewing and labeling foreign films. GAO-GGD-8366 MAY 27,...
Date Sept. 21, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-61 Title

Government Operations: Review of Government-Wide Contracting Systems for Film and Videotape Productions

UNITE~YSTATES GENERAL ACCCNNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT, AND READINESS LOGISTICS, OlVlSlON B-204450 SEPTEMBER 21, 1981 The Honorable David A. Stockman Director, Office of Management and Budget Dear Mr. Stockman: Subject: I/ " 116513 Review of Government-Wide Contracting Systems for Film and Videotape Productions (PLRD-81-61) We havei/,reviewed the utilization and operation of th...
Date July 7, 1981 Report No. B-203087 Title

Government Operations: [Inquiry Regarding Senate Recording and Photographic Studios]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES -J WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 / In Reply Refer To: B-203087 July 7, 1981 The Honorable Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Rules and Administration United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This responds to your letter attaching an inquiry of- the Senate Sergeant at Arms about (1) whether there is sufficient authority to invest excess funds in the Sen...
Date July 6, 1981 Report No. B-202613 Title

Government Operations: [Comments on S. 421]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 5-202613 The Honorable 1jilliar V. Rcth, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Governimental Pffairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairr.-ian: July 6, 1981 You asked us to review and comment on S. 421, a bill to provide for reductions in oblications for fiscal year 1982 by departments, agencies, and establishments of the executive branch of the ...
Date April 21, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-74 Title

Employment: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Needs To Improve Its Administrative Activities

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 APRIL 21.1981 , B-202785 The Honorable J. Clay Smith, Jr. Equal Employment Acting Chairman, Opportunity Commission Dear Mr. Smith: Equal Employment Opportunity c- mprove Its Administrative Commission Needs to Activities (HRD-81-74) Subject: J The results of our review of the Commission's administrative activities are discussed in the e...
Date Jan. 22, 1975 Report No. GGD-75-51 Title

Financial Management: Audit of the House Recording Studio Revolving Fund for Fiscal Year 1974

RELEASED lIIIllliIIllII1I1Ili~l~li LM090426 Audit Of The House Recording tu evolving Fund Far House of Representatives U‘ITED STATES (COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNlTED POl)lapI STATES B-114842 ,: The Honorable Clerk of the Dear Mr. W. Pat Jennings House of Representatives 2'- . Jennings: Studio Revolving 1974, pursuant to ;' L " We have audited the House Recording Fund for the f...
Date Dec. 30, 1974 Report No. MWD-75-4 Title

Federal Library Support Programs: Progress and Problems

Office of Education Department of Health, and Welfare Education, MWD-75-4 DEC.30,1374 COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED D.C. 20848 STATES B-164031(1) To the Speaker of the and the President pro House of Representatives tempore of the Senate This is our report on the progress and problems of The largest portion of Federal library support programs. Federal support for library programs is...
Date Feb. 22, 1973 Report No. B-176496 Title

National Defense: Navy's Decisions To Acquire In-House Audio-Visual Projection Systems Rather Than Purchase Them From Commercial Sources

18-3.76496 : ‘L l , c . . *. ‘- House “fhe Honorable Joel T, Broyhill of Representatives Dear Mr. .Broyhi.ll: This is our report on our examination made pursuant to a comyour request of June 29, 1972, that we investigate I plaint by the Hoppmann Corporation, Springfie’.l, Virginia, :L concerning two recent decisions by the Navy to acquire audio/ visual projection systems for the conference...
Date Nov. 29, 1972 Report No. B-177350 Title

Education: Lack of Effective Coordinated or Centralized Management Control of Closed-Circuit Television Used in DOD for Training and Education

WASH I NGTON, D.C. 20548 /I FEDERAL PERSONNEL AND COMPENSATION DIVISION 73-oas3 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllullllllllllllllllllll LM096232 B-177350 Dear Mr. Secretary: The purpose of this report is to alert officials in the 1 Department of Defense (DOD) to the lack of effective coordi/nated or centralized management control of closed-circuit television (CCTV) used in DOD for This lack of control ha...
Date July 31, 1972 Report No. 093312 Title

Government Operations: Audit of the Media Activities of the United States Information Agency

033312 lllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll 093312 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 .. INTERNATIONAL DIVISION JUC 3 1 1972 Mr Anthonv Guarco .. 3ear Mr. Guarco: The General Accounting Office, as p a r t of i t s continuin&' of t h e media a c t i v i t i e s of t h e United S t a t e s Information ligenc s: :J d : reviewed t h e procedures employed i n planning, coordin...
Date Feb. 16, 1972 Report No. 092428 Title

National Defense: Production and Utilization of Training Films by the Department of Defense

DEFENSE DIWISION Dear Mr. Moot: We have recently completed a study to determine if the Department of Defense is making progress toward the joint production and use of training films by the military services. me A~~JT, Navy, and Air Force spent an estimated $10.7 million in fiscal year 1971, to produce training films. The cost of a training film in recent years has averaged about $30,000. The Offic...