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GAO Reports by subject "Civil audits"

Full-text search of 52,071 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date July 1, 1995 Report No. AA-95-29(3) Title

Civil Financial Audits Issue Area: Active Assignments

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1995 Accounting and Information Management Division Civil Financial Audits Issue Area Active Assignments Ad * GAO/AA-95-29(3) I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8C.4/J f ZI Foreword This report was prepared primarily to inform Congressional members and key staff of ongoing assignments in the General Accounting Office's Civil Financial Audits issue area This report contains...
Date Oct. 12, 1994 Report No. AIMD-95-1 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1993 and 1992

United States General Accounting Office GAO October 1994 Report to Architect of the Capitol FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1993 and 1992 GAO/AIMD-95-1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-114871 October 12, 1994 The Honorable George M. White Architect of the Capitol Dear Mr. White: Pursuant...
Date June 30, 1994 Report No. AIMD-94-131 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Family Education Loan Program's Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 1993 and 1992

Report to the Congress and the Secretary of Education June 1994 FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Family Education Loan Program’ Financial s Statements for Fiscal Years 1993and 1992 GAO/AIMD-94-131 ACN 17-30302 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 U.S. Department of Education Office of Inspector General Washington, D.C. 20202 B-202873 June 30,1994 To the President of the Senate a...
Date May 26, 1994 Report No. AIMD-94-29 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Recording Photographic Studios Revolving Fund for Fiscal Year 1991

‘ , : GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-199745 May 26,1994 The Honorable Robert L, Benoit Sergeant at Arms United States Senate Dear Mr. Benoit: / 1 As requested, we audited the Senate Recording and Photographic Studios Revolving Fund’ financial statements for the year ended March 31,199l. s We found the financial stat...
Date May 3, 1994 Report No. AIMD-94-81 Title

Financial Audit: House Office of the Sergeant at Arms--Periods Ended December 31, 1992 and June 30, 1992

United States General Accountina Office GAO May 1994 Report to the Speaker and the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives f FINANCIAL AUDIT House Offke of the Sergeant at ArrnsPeriods Ended December 341992 md June 30,19$2 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-1 14854 May 3,1994 To the Speaker and the Sergeant at Arms...
Date April 8, 1994 Report No. AIMD-94-64 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1992 and 1991

United States General Accounting Office GAO April 1994 Report to the Architect of the Capitol FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Restawants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1992 and 1991 > . 1.. ..L’. , . I GAWAIMD-94-64 ,, -. ., ,: .. ‘,,‘. ’ ; t GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United Stakes B-114871 April 8,1994 The Honorable George M. Whi...
Date March 18, 1994 Report No. AIMD-94-63 Title

Financial Audit: Statement of Accountability of the House Finance Office for Fiscal Year 1992

United States General Accounting Offhe GAO March 1994 Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT ’ Statement of Accountability of the House Finance Offke for Fiscal Year 1992 GAO/AIMD-94-63 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14864 March l&l994 The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson Clerk of the House...
Date Sept. 13, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-42 Title

Financial Audit: House Beauty Shop Revolving Fund for Periods Ended 9/30/92, 12/31/91, 12/31/90

House Beauty Shop Revolving Fund for Periods Ended g/30/92, 12131191, 12/31/90 149869 1.1 ..-- ..^ - ..-.. I-.._-. --.-. -..-.-.-_..... .-lll” I _- .,.. ..._I .““I. . . ” ,_II ll”.“l--_------- - -_ : GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-202896 September 13,1993 The Honorable James T. Molloy Doorkeeper House of Rep...
Date Sept. 10, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-22 Title

Financial Audit: Panama Canal Commission's 1992 and 1991 Financial Statements

._^” lll.._ “I_ .I..I._. iZ~‘(‘Olllllitl~ _-. . ..““. ._... -...______..”I_._.. .-l-- StiltC'S _.. -.-.- ‘Ilitcatf -_.-. -__-.__. (ir~rItv*;lf -_-l_-_l__-.---_.~-------------~- Of’f’ic~c~ _._“.^I .-.._..-. ,_l_~~.“l..lll~..I1.-l..~-.~-~-~.~-ll CL!!!!!!. ----11-.--.“.-. .-.. _l~.l-_-.. .__-. -._.~-.-. l--__l~l _---__ !+~),l t~rllt,t*I* 1!f!K3 --I FINANCIAL AUDIT Panama Can...
Date Aug. 13, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-27 Title

Financial Audit: Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition Financial Statements for 1991 and 1990

Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition Financial Statements for 1991 and 1990 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-233862 August 13,1993 The Honorable Dean A. Gallo, Co-Chair The Honorable Marcy Kaptur, Co-Chair Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition Pursuant to your request, we audited the accompanying statements of fi...
Date Aug. 10, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-14 Title

Financial Audit: Capitol Preservation Fund--March 31, 1992 and 1991

United States Genera.1 Accounting Office GAO hlgust Report to the Congress 1993 FINANCIAL AUDIT Capitol Preservation Fund-March 341992 and 1991 -. I \ GAO/AIMD-93-14 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washingtoh, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-251505 August lo,1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives In accordance with 40 U...
Date Aug. 10, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-13 Title

Financial Audit: House Recording Studio Revolving Fund for 1991 and 1990

United States General Accounting Office GAO August 1993 Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT House Recording Studio Revolving Fund for 1991 and 1990 GAO/AIMD-93-13 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-114842 August lo,1993 The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson Clerk of the House of Representatives D...
Date Aug. 6, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-12 Title

Financial Audit: House Office Systems Management Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 1991 and 1990

GAO August 1993 Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT House Office Systems Management Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 1991 and 1990 GAWAIMD-9% 12 GAO United States General Accounting OffIce Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14865 August 6, 1993 The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson Clerk of the House of Representatives Dear Mr. Ande...
Date Aug. 5, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-24 Title

Financial Management: IRS Lacks Accountability Over Its ADP Resources

GAO August. 1993 Report to the Cornmissioner, Internal Revenue Service FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IRS Lacks Accountability Over Its ADP Resources GAO/AIMI)-X3-24 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Information Management Division B-253414 August 5,1993 The Honorable Margaret Milner Richardson Commissioner of Internal Revenue Dear Ms. Richardson: This report ...
Date Aug. 4, 1993 Report No. T-AIMD-93-3 Title

Financial Management: First Financial Audits of IRS and Customs Revealed Serious Problems

United States General Accounting Office - GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 4,1993 Testimony Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT First Financial Audits of IRS and Customs Revealed Serious Problems Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: We a...
Date Aug. 3, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-28 Title

Financial Audit: U.S. Senate Health Promotion Revolving Fund Financial Statements for 1991 and 1990

United States General Accounting Office GAO August 1993 Report to the Sergeant at Arms, U.S. Senate FINANCIAL AUDIT U.S. Senate Health Promotion Revolving Fund Financial Statements for 1991 and 1990 GAO/AIMI)-93-28 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-246090 August 3,1993 The Honorable Martha S. Pope Sergeant at Arms United S...
Date July 22, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-9 Title

Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1991 and 1990

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1993 Report to the Architect of the Capitol FINANCIAL AUDIT Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 1991 and 1990 GAOIAIMD-93-9 -- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-114871 July 22,1993 The Honorable George M. White Architect of the Capitol Dear Mr. White: F’ urs...
Date June 30, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-3 Title

Financial Audit: Examination of Customs' Fiscal Year 1992 Financial Statements

United States Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Examination of Customs’Fiscal Year 1992 Financial Statements GAOIAIMD-93-3 - - 3 United States General Accounting Offlce Washington, DE. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-252376 June 30.1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents the results of our efforts to audit the...
Date June 30, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-2 Title

Financial Audit: Examination of IRS' Fiscal Year 1992 Financial Statements

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Examination of IRS’ Fiscal Year 1992 Financial Statements GAO/AIMD-93-2 GAO United States General Accounting Offke Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-250977 June 30,1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents the results of our...
Date June 30, 1993 Report No. AIMD-93-4 Title

Financial Audit: Federal Family Education Loan Program's Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 1992

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Congress FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Family Education Loan Program’ Financial s Statements for Fiscal Year 1992 GAO/AIMD-93-I 14 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-202873 June 30,1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This repor...
Date June 24, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-72 Title

Financial Audit: House Interparliamentary Groups' Financial Statements for 1991 and 1990

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1993 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT House Interparliamentary Groups’Financial Statements for 1991 and 1990 GAO/AFMD-93-72 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-231290 June 24,1993 The Honorable Lee H. Hamilton Cha...
Date June 22, 1993 Report No. T-AFMD-93-8 Title

Financial Management: Status of BIA's Efforts to Resolve Long-Standing Trust Fund Management Problems

\44ccccG ‘
Date June 15, 1993 Report No. OCE-93-1 Title

Dairy Programs: Effects of the Dairy Termination Program and Support Price Reductions

i .I_ _-~_ 1itlit (4 Stat (3 (;c~rrt~r;tl Acwr~nt ing Of’ fiw GAO *)%I .11lflt” I’* Ii-cqmrt,t,o tlhc Scxretary of Agric:ultJurc~ DAIRY PROGRAMS Effects of the Dairy Termination Program and Support Price Reductions .~--,- ..- _-_... ---.” .----. ““-“-~ -,_. ---I--- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Office of the Chief Economist B-21 1447 June 15,1993 ...
Date May 26, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-56 Title

Financial Audit: House Office of the Sergeant at Arms--Periods Ended 12-31-91, 6-30-91, and 12-31-90

GAO hl;ry I!)93 Report, to the Speaker and the Sergeant at, Arms of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL, AUDIT House Office of the Sergeant at ArmsPeriods Ended 12-31-91,6-30-91, and 12-31-90 -- -...- - GAO United State8 General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-l 14864 May 26,1993 To the Speaker and the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Represen...
Date May 17, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-63 Title

Unvouchered Expenditures: Executive Office of the President Fiscal Year 1991 Expenditures Subject to Audit Were Proper

.--__ ---- .--I(- UNVOUCHERED EX PENDITURES Executive Office of the President Fiscal Year 1991 Expenditures Subject to Audit Were Proper _ ,, .,._, _ .- .- -. -I^ -- GAO United States General Accounting OfIke Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller of the United States General B-133209 May17,1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents the res...
Date May 13, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-55 Title

Financial Audit: Customs Forfeiture Fund's Financial Statements for 1991 and 1990

Customs Forfeiture Fund’ Financial s Statements for 1991 and 1990 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-262847 May 13,1993 The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen The Secretaryof the Treasury Dear Mr. Secretary: This report presents the results of our review of the independent certified public accountants’ audits of the Customs Fo...
Date May 11, 1993 Report No. T-AFMD-93-5 Title

Financial Audit: Government Printing Office's Fiscal Year 1992 Financial Statements

United States Genera1Accounting Office I4W *, 1 T GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Testimony Before the Joint Committee on Printing Congressof the United States FINANCIAL AUDIT Government Printing O&e’s Fiscal Year 1992 Financial ’ Statements Statementof David L. Clark Director, Legislative Review and Audit Oversight May 11, 1993 II III lllllll II 149500 Mr. Chairman, V...
Date May 11, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-62 Title

Financial Audit: U.S. Government Printing Office's Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 1992

GAO May b I!)!)3 FINANCIAL AUDIT U.S. Governmen Printing Office’ s r manual statements for Fiscal Year 1992 n* b 1 Tyl 1 ~---~ -- -- - GAO UnitedStates General Accounting OfYice Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States E&204646 May 11,1993 To the President of the Senateand the Speakerof the House of Representatives As requestedby the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Prin...
Date May 6, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-42 Title

Financial Audit: IRS Significantly Overstated Its Accounts Receivable Balance

----I_ l_.l”-.-ll-.l_“l.-*_(“I .-.- .._l-” ..---_. _-......... .._....” GAO IRS Significantly Overstated Its Accounts Receivable Balance ___.. ..“” I-“_.-( ;A( WA k’ hl ---.l_-l--l.l-- ” ....____.._I_._ __.- . .. _-II-. - -.__ -_ lb-!):3-4 2 _“^l .._ _ _..__ ._.- -... ____.._ “.. -.-.__. _-_-__ Accounting and Financial Management Division B-262330 May 6,1993 Mr. Michael P. ...
Date May 5, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-33 Title

Financial Audit: Ninety-eighth Democratic New Members Caucus Financial Statements--March '85-April '92

m-------e. --1Ir~itvd St,at,w General Accounting Office GAO May 1 W3 Report t,o the Chairwoman, Ninety-eighth Democratic New Members Caucus, House of Representati.ves FINANCIAL AUD Ninety-eighth Democratic New Members Caucus Financial StatementsMarch ‘ - April ‘ 85 92 _“.l”“” ._, I_-_-_.-.._--_-._.----_- --..-- _..-.__ __... ..“I... .l-.” . .__..._.. _- GAO United States General Ac...
Date April 27, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-45 Title

Financial Audit: Statement of Accountability of the House Finance Office for Fiscal Year 1991

1 1 ; _-, -_ _.”l..-~ .,.-_.^ .” ..-.- --.” .__..__ ..--.. _--_~ April I!l!Kl -1 F INANCIAL AUDIT Statement of Accountability of: the House F inance for F iscal Year 1991 ,--_-_~ (;A( VAI’ I)-!I345 M ---__-. ~----- _ ..__._. . _~ ._ - ._.._ .._“..I_. . .“. ...._..- _...._.... __ -“-.~-- -_-.-~.-.- ---_“.-.I~ .“._ “. . “._I- “.l.. . - I^ . _... . ---.-_-- -- GAO United State...
Date April 14, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-32 Title

Financial Audit: Capitol Preservation Fund--March 31, 1991 and 1990

GAO FINANCIAL AUDIT - Capitol Preservation Fund-March 341991 and 1990 United Statee General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-261606 April 14,1993 To the Presidentof the Senateand the Speakerof the House of Representatives In accordancewith 40 U.S.C.lsSa-3,we have audited the accompanying statementsof financial position of the Capitol PreservationF...
Date March 16, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-20 Title

Financial Audit: Guaranteed Student Loan Program's Internal Controls and Structure Need Improvement

Mill’ Ch 109:~ (I * FINANCIAL AUDIT Guaranteed Student Loan Program’ s Internal Controls and Structure Need Improvement 148658 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-202873 March 16, 1993 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents the results of our study and evaluati...
Date March 10, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-47R Title

Financial Management: Customs Performance Measures

WaaMngton, D.C.20648 Accoun~andFinan~ Mmagexnent I&Won B-252376 March 10, 1993 General kwxmnting W&w2 unitedButsa 148661 Mr. Carlton L. Bralnard Chief Financial Officer U.S. Customs Service Dear Mr. Bralnard: part of our ongoing financial audit of the U.S. Customs Service (Customs) under the mChlef Flnanclal'Offlcers (CFO) Act of 1990, we identified performance indicators' currently available or b...
Date Jan. 6, 1993 Report No. AFMD-93-17 Title

Federal Credit Programs: Agencies Had Serious Problems Meeting Credit Reform Accounting Requirements

--I FEDERAL CREDIT PROGRAM S Agencies Had Serious Problems Meeting Credit Reform Accounting Requirements RI I llllllIllM 148213 ~-” I (;A(: )/A f~‘ I I-!W 17 kl -.. “” ._. ..---. I.. ..-.-._.. ..^ .._- ._..._. ._.._ ..-..- -.__--.- ---.-_- --_.-I__ GAO United States General Accounting OfTice Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-251537 January 6, 1993 The Ho...
Date Nov. 19, 1992 Report No. RCED-93-8 Title

Mass Transit Grants: If Properly Implemented, FTA Initiatives Should Improve Oversight

United States General Accountmg Office Report to Selected Members of Congress ’ November 1992 MASS TRANSIT GRANTS If Properly Implemented, FTA Initiatives Should Improve Oversight (4A(1MECED-93-8 GAO United States General Accounting OfIke Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-248900 November 19, 1992 Congressional Recipients In January 1990 we implement...
Date Nov. 5, 1992 Report No. AFMD-93-23R Title

Financial Management: IRS Performance Measures

._---.-~ “.--.___ ' GAo 1.nited States (lenera Accounting O fflce iuhin~on * DC'."0548 . Accounting and Financial Management Div is ion B-250977 November 5, 1992 Mr. Phil Brand Chief F inanc ial O fficer Internal Revenue Service Dear Mr. Brand: As part of our ongoing financ ial audit of IRS under the Chief F inanc ial O fficers (CFO) Act of 1990, we have compiled a lis t of performance indicator...
Date Oct. 21, 1992 Report No. AFMD-93-2 Title

Financial Audit: House Stationery Revolving Fund Statements--June 30, 1991 and 1990

.a& United States General Accounting Office - ;I ; GAO j October 1992 Report to the Clerk of the House of Representatives FINANCIAL AUDIT House Stationery Revolving Fund Statements-June 30, 1991 and 1990 147780 GAO/AFMD-93-2 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-114862 October 21, 1992 The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson Clerk o...
Date Sept. 18, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-88 Title

Financial Audit: House Child Care Center Financial Statements for the Years Ending 8-31-91 and 8-30-90

House Child Care Center Financial Statements for the Years Ending 8-3L91 and 8-3l-90 147553 GAO United Statee General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United Statee R-234458 September 18, 1992 The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson Clerk of the House of Representatives Dear Mr. Anderson: As required by section 2(d) of H.R. Res. 21,99th Congress, 1st Sess., (1986), whi...
Date Sept. 14, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-54 Title

Treasury Tax and Loan Accounts: Changes in Collateral Practices Could Reduce the Federal Government's Risk of Loss

IJtritcd States Gmrtral Accounting Offiw GAO Septcrtzlx!r 1992 Report to the Secretary of the ‘Treasury TREASURY TAX .,r-iND LOAN ACCOUNTS Changes in Collateral Practices Could Reduce the Federal Government’s Risk of 147527 - - I’ GAO United States Qeneral Accounting O!Xke Washington, D.C. 20648 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-248490 September 14, 1992 The Honorable Nicholas F...
Date Aug. 6, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-63 Title

OMB's High Risk Program: Benefits Found but Greater Oversight Needed

7 I. F IJnit cd Stutcts (;cneral Accounting Office Report to the Chairman Committee on Government 0peratioi-E House of Representatives *,I 1 1’. ~ , 1 ,$ ‘f ,! ol$!IB’SHIGH RISK PROGRAM . Benefits Found But Greater Oversight Needed wRESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. : GAWAFMD-92-W _"..._...
Date Aug. 6, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-59 Title

Financial Audit: Civic Achievement Award Program Financial Statements for September 30, 1990 and 1989

3) 0 GAO United States General Accountiug OfYice Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of’the United States B-236316 August 6, 1992 To the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Librarian of Congress This report presents our opinion on the financial statements of the Civic Achievement Award Program in Honor of the Office of Speaker of the House of Representatives for fiscal years 1...
Date July 22, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-66FS Title

Financial Management: Federal Entities With Treasury and Federal Financing Bank Borrowing Authority

---_ .lUllV I!)!)2 FINANCIAL WAGEMENT Federal Entities With Treasury and Federal Financing Bank Borrowing Authority RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressio Relations. %LE;Y GAO United States General Accounting Office Watshington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Financial Management Division B-24888 1 July 22, 1992 The ...
Date June 18, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-38 Title

Financial Management: BIA Has Made Limited Progress in Reconciling Trust Accounts and Developing a Strategic Plan

~--. Jww 1 w2 -. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BIA Has Made Limited Progress in Reconciling Trust Accounts and Developing a Strategic Plan 146989 1111111 ll RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 554693 - GAOlAFMD-92-38 GAO United States General Accounting OfTice Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Financ...
Date May 20, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-18 Title

Financial Audit: House Recording Studio Revolving Fund for 1990 and 1989

_..-.-l _ .“_ _..__- - -.-. ----- . .._--__.... --^_ .-. .__ .-_ n -i _ ^ - U.-..^te _d _ -- S ta te s G e n e ra l A c c o u n ti n g O ffi c e -- G AO .I,” ,,,. II._ “. * l ” “.“li -. -. ..--I... .........~ -.-.-..--.--..-------~-- R e p o rt to th e C l e rk o f th e H o u s e o f R e p re s e n ta ti v e s ‘1 I i I_---- May 1992 F ’IN A N C IA L A U D IT H o u s e R e c o rd i ...
Date April 9, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-44 Title

Financial Audit: Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition Financial Statements for 1990 and 1989

GAO .. . . April 1 !W I^ _”. . ..^....-.-....... ..._. _- .._._.__...___ l__-ll____ FINANCIAL AUD Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition Financial Statements for 1990 and 1989 .,-146274 ..-_... ..-..-.--.....-- --._ ._ -__----^l_--.-... .-__-.._ -.-___..__ -. (;A.O/Ak’ Ml)-!U-44 Jr “___l-l_-“-- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Financial M...
Date April 2, 1992 Report No. T-AFMD-92-6 Title

Financial Management: BIA Has Made Limited Progress in Reconciling Indian Trust Fund Accounts and Developing a Strategic Plan

. United States General Accounting OflIce /416 35”--3 GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 1O:OO a.m., EST Thursday April 2, 1992 Testimony Beforethe Committeeon Appropriations Subcommittee Interior and RelatedAgencies on Houseof Representatives FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT -- ..-. 146353 ,.., BIA Has Made Limited Progressin Reconciling Indian Trust Fund Accounts . And Developing A Strategic Plan Sta...
Date Feb. 18, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-17 Title

Financial Audit: U.S. Senate Health Promotion Revolving Fund's Financial Statements for 1990

GAO _l_,..” I I .“._ ..-__I. ...-.... I:ck”ltary ._I .__I_-...-..-..-.-.” .--. ~---I--.-..-. ...-...~~-. ---e-P 1 !N:! FINANCIAL-AUDIT U.S. Senate Health Promotion Revolving Fund’s Financial Statements for 1990 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-246090 February 18,1992 The Honorable Martha S. Pope Sergeant at Arms...
Date Jan. 24, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-11 Title

Financial Audit: Office of Thrift Supervision's 1989 Financial Statements

FINANCIAL AUDIT Office of Thrift Supervision’s 1989 Financial Statements GAO/AFMI)-92-I 1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-242241 January 24,1992 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives This report presents our opinion on the Office of Thrift Supervision’s (UN) financial statemen...
Date Jan. 17, 1992 Report No. AFMD-92-29 Title

Financial Audit: Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund

! IllriltLrl l‘ ..“-I.- -....--...... .._ ._._ ..____.__._-.. ..-.“lll.. .Stattbs. - ..^... --....” At*t*ort~~tirlg Ol’ iw - -- -I- ._..,.. 111 “I.__... (;t~~It~ral -.-.. -.-.--_-.- ~.-.-_.------.“--_II. I - _...-.. -ll.~..“--.l~l”ll~--l.+,-. .” -~__--_ __.. FINANCIAL AUDIT Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund 145673 GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptrol...