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GAO Reports by subject "Containerization"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 29, 2010 Report No. GAO-10-887 Title

Supply Chain Security: DHS Should Test and Evaluate Container Security Technologies Consistent with All Identified Operational Scenarios to Ensure the Technologies Will Function as Intended

United States Government Accountability Office GAO September 2010 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives SUPPLY CHAIN SECURITY DHS Should Test and Evaluate Container Security Technologies Consistent with All Identified Operational Scenarios to Ensure the Technologies Will Function as Intended GAO-10-887 September 2010 SUPPLY CHAIN SECURITY Accountability ...
Date Dec. 14, 1988 Report No. RCED-89-61FS Title

Nuclear Materials: Additional Information on Shipments From DOE's Rocky Flats Plant

, P United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1988 Fact Sheet for the Honorable Timothy E. Wirth, U.S. Senate P NUCLEAR MATERIALS Additional Information on Shipments From DOE’s Rocky Flats Plant GAO/RCED-89-61FS Gc) United States General Accounting Offwe Denver Regional Office Suite 300-D 2420 W. 26th Avenue Denver, CO 80211 B-216376 December 14, 1988 Timothy Senate Wirth: E. Wirth Th...
Date March 3, 1983 Report No. PLRD-83-43 Title

Government Operations: Assessment of the General Services Administration's Use of Commercial Item Descriptions

I A* -* UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFKE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 . PROCUREMENT. AND READINESS LoGtsTtcs. DIVISION B-210385 MARCH 3,1983 The Honorable Lee H. Hamilton Chairman, Subcommittee on Economic Goals and Intergovernmental Policy Joint Economic Committee RESTRICIED Congress of the United States Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Not ts be released c&St& the Qenersl Accoamting Office except ora...
Date July 2, 1982 Report No. PAD-82-11 Title

Transportation: Changes in Federal Maritime Regulation Can Increase Efficiency and Reduce Costs in the Ocean Liner Shipping Industry

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Chairman, Committee On Merchant Marine And Fisheries U.S. House Of Representatives OF THE UNITEDSTATES Changes In Federal Maritime Regulation Can Increase Efficiency And Reduce Costs InThe Ocean Liner Shipping Industry The U.S. ocean liner shipping industry is subject to regulation under the Shipping Act. Critics allege that this Act has led tothe decline o...
Date April 28, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-27 Title

National Defense: Weaknesses in Negotiating Rates and Services for Commercial Containerized Sealift

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 OFFICE PROCUREMENT, AND READINESS LOGISTICS. OIVISION APRtL 29.1981 Rear Admiral Bruce Keener Commander Military Sealift Command @cIcop Dear Admiral Subject: 34 3 Keener: in Negotiating Rates and or Commercial Containerized ervices (PLRD-81-27) We have completed our review of the management of commercial containerized sealift service and the ...
Date Dec. 11, 1980 Report No. PAD-81-08 Title

Environmental Protection: States' Experience With Beverage Container Deposit Laws Shows Positive Benefits

. I ’ * 6 . REPORTBY THE Comptroller General Ok THE UNITEDSTATES States’Experience With Beverage dontainer Deposit laws shows Positive Benefits In Irecent years, several States have enacted la@s requiring refundable deposits on beverage containers. Using data based on the experience of Four states--Maine, Michigan, Oregon, and Vermont--GAO updated its 1977 estimates of the impact of a nationwi...
Date Aug. 10, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-212 Title

National Defense: Material Handling Equipment--A Weak Link in the Defense Logistics Chain

.- ~ : r REPORTBY THE U.S. I unting Material Handling Equipment--A Weak Link In The Defense Logistics Chain ti 4 he material handling capability of Army and Air Force units overseas is seriously impaired because of material handling equipment problems/ Much equipment on hand is overaged and overused resulting In severe maintenance problems. In addition, shortages of needed equipment are hindering ...
Date Feb. 7, 1979 Report No. LCD-78-244 Title

National Defense: A Time To Consider Alternative Sources of Quick-Response Sealift Capacity

/ofI? 6ryw REPORTBYTHEU.S. * L/ . 0. General Accounting Office A Time To Consider Alternative Sources Of Quick -Response Sealift Capability The Navy’s Military Sealift Command charters more commercial cargo-carrying ships than needed for normal peacetime operations to ensure quick-response sealift capability in military emergencies. However, the Maritime Administration recently upgraded its Nati...
Date Aug. 18, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-231 Title

Transportation: Revisions Needed in Regulations Governing Use of Foreign-Flag Ocean Transportation

Date Aug. 7, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-222 Title

National Defense: Progress Made and Improvements Needed in Developing a Containerized Ammunition Distribution System

DOCUEB!T BESUME 06780 - t B2267321] (Secret) Proqress Made and Improvements Needez n Devel.oping a Containerized Amunition Distribution System. LCD-78-222; B-176139. August 7, 197e8. Report by Richard . Gutmann, Directcr, Logistics and communications Div. See 06785 for unclassified digest. ilitary Preparedness Plans: Traneportation in Issue Area: Emergency Situations (804). Contact: 'ogistics and ...
Date Aug. 3, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-222A Title

National Defense: Progress Made and Improvements Needed in Developing a Containerized Ammunition System (Unclassified Digest of a Classified Report)

DOCnPHNT RESlB3Z 06785 - [B2207219 Progresa Bade and Improvements Heeded in Developing a Containerized Ammunition System (Unclassified Digest of a r;lassified Report). LCD-78-222A B-176139. August 3, '978. PP. 14 Report to Secretary. Devartmert of Lefense; by Donald J. Horan (for Richard W. Gutmann, Director, Logistics and Communications Div.). Issue Area: military Prepa.redness Plans: Transportat...
Date Aug. 1, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-132 Title

Government Operations: GSA's Procurement of Household Goods Containers

DOCUMENT RESUME 06928 - [B2147193] [GSA's Procurement of Household Goods Containers]. PSAD-78-132; B-114807. Auqust 1, !978. 7 pp. + enclosure (1 pp.). Report to Sen. Lawton Chiles, ChairmaL, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs: Federal Spending Practices and Opex Government Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900). Co...
Date April 28, 1978 Report No. CED-78-81 Title

Agriculture and Food: Redesigning Shipping Containers To Reduce Food Costs

DCCUMENT RESUME 06210 - r B17263261 Redesigning Shipping Containers To aeduce food Costs. CED-78-81; B-114824. April 28, 1978. 71 pp. + 4 appendices (8 pp.). Report to the Conqress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Food (1700). Contact: Community and Economic DevelcFuent Div. Budget Function: Commerce and T-ansportation (400); Agriculture (350). Organization Concerned: Departme...
Date Dec. 21, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-234 Title

Container-Oriented Logistics System: Will It Be Ready When Needed by the Department of Defense?

DOCUMENT 04541 - (B3574841] ESUME Container-Oriented Logistics Systema ill It Be eady When NeedeO by the Department of Defense? LCD77-234; B-145455 Decembex 21, 1977. 20 pp. + 6 appendices (12 pp.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccaptroller General. Issue rea: acilitie and Material anagement (700); Transportation Systems and Policies (2400). Contact: Logistics and Communications Div....
Date Nov. 8, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-227 Title

Transportation: Centralized Department of Defense Management of Cargo Shipped in Containers Would Save Millions and Improve Service

DOCUMENT RASOUB 04143 - [B3134407] Centraliza2 Department )f Defense Banaqement of Cargo Shipped in Containers Would Save Millions an4 Improve Service. LCD-77-227; B-181'14. November 8, 1977. 10 pp. * appendix 42 pp.). Report to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Robert G. IoRthwell (for Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and CoUmunicitions Div.). Issue Area: Facilities and rateria.l Banagement...
Date May 11, 1977 Report No. EMD-77-35 Title

Energy: Adequacy of Controls Placed on Radioactive Material Containers

DOCUMENT RESOME 02163 LAd-quacy A1392384 of Controls Placed on Radioactive Material pp. + Containers]. EMD-77-35; B-164105. May 11, 1977. enclosure (2 pp.). Report to Rep. ChristoTher J. Comptroller General. Dodd; by Elmer B. Starts, Issue Area: Energy (16'0); Energy: Making Nuclear Fission a ource (1608). Substantial Energy Contact: Energy and Minerals Div. Budret Function: Natural Resources, Env...
Date May 3, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-226 Title

International Affairs: Recommendations on Containerized Shipping Service to Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Guam

DOCUM3RT RESURE 02327 - [A1332326] (Recommendations on Containerized Shipping Service to Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Guam]. LCD-77-226; B-145455. Ray 3, 1977. 8 PPReport to Secretary, Department of Defense; by Fred J. Shafer, Di rector, Logistics and Communications Div. Issue Area: Facilities and Haterial Managementt Federal Transportation of Things (704); Military Preparedness Plans: Transportation ...
Date July 17, 1973 Report No. B-169391 Title

Government Operations: Use of Protective Plastic Envelopes by Government Printing Office

q The Honorable Robert H. Steele House of Representatives Dear Mr. Steele: 1 .-- In your letter of April 10, 1973, you asked us to examine into a constituent’s statement that he had received ordinary correspondence from the Government Printing Office (GPO) in a pqtec-tive, plastic, envelope. He believed that using a s&a.nd~ a 1.4 ::‘i \ ;,‘.I [Ji)
Date Aug. 28, 1972 Report No. B-159390 Title

Transportation: Report on the Need To Strengthen Controls Over the Procurement and Use of Household Goods Containers

- . s a, 0 0 0 a TJ 0 c UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LOGISTICS AND COMMUNlCATlONS DIVISION B-159390 Dear Mr. Secretary: is our report on the need to strengthen and use of household goods containers. controls over the This procurement l I In responding to our draft report, the Acting Assistant Secre tary of Defense (Installations and Logistics) cited actions taken o...
Date March 29, 1972 Report No. B-145455 Title

Transportation: DOD's Practices and Procedures for the Movement of Container Shipments Under Through Government Bill of Lading Arrangements

-.-. Ic& - *. I a. . . UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OF WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 TRANSPORTATION IU REPLY PLEASE QIVISION OUOTE 7 MA!? ” 9 197 ( B-145455 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: of Defense Assistant z Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Dear Mr. Secretary: We have completed our survey of the Department of De1 f ense (DOD) practices and procedures for the movement of con--. ._, /. t...