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GAO Reports by subject "NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex Computer System"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Sept. 1, 1994 Report No. AIMD-94-175 Title

Attack Warning: Status of the Cheyenne Mountain Upgrade Program

United States GeneraJ Accounting Office GAO .. September 1994 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of ,Repiegentatives AlTACK WARNING. ’Program - GAO/AIMD-94-175 ” . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Information Management Division B-257932 September 1,1994 The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subc...
Date April 10, 1991 Report No. IMTEC-91-23 Title

Attack Warning: Costs to Modernize NORAD's Computer System Significantly Understated

---- ATTACK WARNING Costs to Modernize NORAD’ Computer s System Significantly Understated - ill 11111 III ll 143575 i I’ GAO/‘ MTIX:-9 i-23 1 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Information Management and Technology Division B-242249 April 10,lQQl The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dea...
Date Sept. 13, 1989 Report No. IMTEC-89-74 Title

Attack Warning: Defense Acquisition Board Should Address NORAD's Computer Deficiencies

. _. : : .._ : -. ._.. .:, .._ ~I ., : : _. :.. ;. United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Information Management and Technology Division B-203028 September 13, 1989 The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: At the Committee’s request, we evaluated Department of Defense efforts to ...
Date July 7, 1989 Report No. IMTEC-89-26 Title

Attack Warning: Better Management Required to Resolve NORAD Integration Deficiencies

--s 8,. - t : United States General Accounting Office Washington, DE. 20548 Information Technology Management Division and B-209661 July 7, 1989 The Honorable John P. Murtha Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: At the request of the former Chairman and as agreed with your office, we reviewed the Air Force’s efforts to modernize...
Date Nov. 30, 1988 Report No. IMTEC-89-1 Title

Attack Warning: NORAD's Communications System Segment Replacement Program Should Be Reassessed

United GAO States General Accounting Office Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on” Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives November 1988 ATTACK ‘WARNING NORAD’s Communications System Segnkent Replacement Progrm Should Be Reassessed Ahout Oar NewCover.. . The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO’s efforts to improve the presentation of ou...
Date Aug. 10, 1987 Report No. IMTEC-87-23FS Title

Attack Warning: ADP and Communication Modernization Programs for Warning and Assessment

. _, ’ Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives United States General Accounting Office 13 August 198’ 7 ATTACK WARNING ADP and Communication Modernization Programs for Warning and Assessment 133662 c)3wf-&&k GAO/IMTEC-87-23FS a
Date June 11, 1986 Report No. IMTEC-86-15 Title

Attack Warning: ADP Replacement for Warning and Assessment System Still Years Away

United States &h~~h Accounting Office @A0 J&e 1986 I30807 s Report to the Chairman, Committee on (GovernmentOperations Houseof Representatives ATTACK WARNING ADP Replacementfor Warning and AssessmentSystem Still YearsAway I I I IJnited States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 __ _. - ..----___..-~--(k)mptroller General of the IJnited States -.---___- _-. The 1Ionorablc .Jack 13rooks...