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GAO Reports by subject "Water pollution"

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Date Report No. Title
Date June 25, 1992 Report No. RCED-92-135 Title

Drinking Water: Consumers Often Not Well-informed of Potentially Serious Violations

. . I _l.”“,“1 “._I . ..” IJnited _ States General Accounting .-.___._---.--.-.-.-.. Offke GAO June 1992 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Superfund, Ocean, and Water Protection, Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate - -.-----;I* DRINKINGWATER Consumers Often Not Well-informed of Potentially Serious Violations . RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Ac...
Date June 15, 1992 Report No. RCED-92-153 Title

Water Pollution: Pollutant Trading Could Reduce Compliance Costs If Uncertainties Are Resolved

Cniteci Staters (knwal Accounting Ofiice Repok td the Chairman, Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives Pollutant Trading Could Reduce Compliance Costs If Uncertainties Are Resolved ~ 147098 llllllllllllllll RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Offlce unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. RELEl4s _ &W~C:ED-92-...
Date June 10, 1992 Report No. T-RCED-92-54 Title

Coast Guard: Abandoned Vessels Are Polluting the Waterways

United States General Accounting Office Testimony Before the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Navigation, House of Representatives For Release on Delivery Expected at 2 p.m. EDT Wednesday June lo,1992 COAST GUARD Abandoned Vessels Are Polluting the Waterways Statement of John H. Anderson, Jr., Associate Director Transportation Issues, Resources, Community...
Date April 7, 1992 Report No. T-RCED-92-46 Title

Water Pollution: EPA Budget Needs to Place Greater Emphasis on Controlling Nonpoint Source Pollution

United States General Accounting Office /ctb3V3 r, * Testimony Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate 146343 For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Tuesday April 7, 1992 IllI WATER POLLUTION EPA Budget Needs to Place GreaterEmphasison Controlling Nonpoint Source Pollution Statement for the Record by Richard L. Hembra, Director Environmental Protection Issues Resources,Co...
Date March 31, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-95 Title

Military Training: Unexploded Ordnance Found in Lake Michigan

-*l.,----lll.lm linikd States General Accounting Office GAO March 19!)2 Report to the Honorable F James Sensenbrenner, Jr., House of Representatives MILITARY TRAINING Unexploded Ordnance Found in Lake Michigan 146319 RESTRICTED--Not to !be releaseb. outside the General Accounting Wfice unless specifically approved by the W W ’ of Congressional z Relatiotis. .-...GAWNSIAD-92-95 , .---. _______ ,_...
Date Dec. 30, 1991 Report No. RCED-92-47 Title

Water Pollution: More Emphasis Needed on Prevention in EPA's Efforts to Protect Groundwater

IJnited States General Accounting Office 1 / 1 / j11GAO Report to the Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government; Operations, House of Representatives WATER POLLUTION More Emphasis Needed on Prevention in EPA’ Efforts to s Protect Groundwater : 145769 RELEASED RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically ...
Date Dec. 5, 1991 Report No. RCED-92-40 Title

Water Pollution: Nonindustrial Wastewater Pollution Can Be Better Managed

W@wl S$4$es Generd Accmnting Office GAO Report to the Chairman, Ccmmittee onEb-wiroment and Public works, U.S. Sen;xte. GAO/RCED-$240 G-0 E$ZE;itinggfice , *Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-245695 December 5, 1991 The Honorable Quentin N. Burdick Chairman, Committee on Environment and Public Works United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: In response to your request and subs...
Date Nov. 4, 1991 Report No. T-RCED-92-17 Title

Water Pollution: Coordinated Strategy Needed to Address Radioactive and Toxic Wastes in the Massachusetts Bay

United States General Accounting OfRce Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives For Release on Delivery Expcclcd at IO:00 a.m. EST h/londay WATER POLLUTION Coordinated Strategy Needed to Address Radioactive and Toxic Wastes in the Massachusetts Bay Statement of Novcmhcr 4, 1991...
Date Oct. 30, 1991 Report No. T-RCED-92-5 Title

Water Pollution: Ocean Dumping Fee Program Is Meeting Statutory Requirements

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Release Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Oceanography, Great Lakes, and Outer Continental Shelf. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries House of Representatives on Dclivcry Expected at Z:(N) pm. EST Wcdncsday October 30. 1YYl WATER POLLUTION Ocean Dumping Fee Program Is Meeting Statutory Requirements Statement of Richard L. Hernbra, Director ...
Date July 19, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-154 Title

Water Pollution: Stronger Efforts Needed by EPA to Control Toxic Water Pollution

~~_----__--- Ii ni t,txl States
Date July 9, 1991 Report No. T-RCED-91-72 Title

Environmental Protection: Opportunities to Better Manage and Control Nonindustrial Wastewater Pollution

t United States General Accounting Of&e /v (G 3 17 , GAO Testimony 144317 For Release on Delivery Expectedat 9:30 a.m. EDT Tuesday Juty 9, 1991 Opportunities to Better Manage and Control Nonindustrial Wastewater Pollution ( Statement of Peter F. Guerrero, Associate Director Environmental Protection Issues Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division Before the Committee on Environment a...
Date May 21, 1991 Report No. T-GGD-91-36 Title

Tax Policy and Administration: Tax Incentives and Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques

United SWes Gened Accounting Omce GAO Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:OO A.M. EDT Tuesday May 21, 1991 Tax Incentives and Enhanced oi.1 Recovery Techniques Jennle S. Stathis, Director Tax Policy and Adtninistrktion General Government Division Stateiment of Issues Before the Subcommittee on Energy and the pNironment Committee on Interior and Snrular Affairs U.S. House of Representat...
Date May 10, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-102 Title

Air Pollution: EPA May Not Fully Achieve Toxic Air Deposition Goals

EPA May Not Fully Achieve Toxic Air Deposition Goals Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division H-243343 May lo,1991 The Honorable Henry A. Waxman Chairman, Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: As you requested, this report provides information on toxic bioaccumulation and the extent to which air deposi...
Date May 10, 1991 Report No. T-RCED-91-47 Title

Environmental Protection: Observations on Compliance and Enforcement in EPA's Drinking Water Program

- United States General Accounting OfRce GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 am. EDT Friday May IO, 1991 Testimony Observations on Compliance and Enforcement in EPA’s Drinking Water Program Statement for the Record by Richard L. Hembra, Director Environmental Protection Issues Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment ...
Date Jan. 28, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-60 Title

Pollution From Pipelines: DOT Lacks Prevention Program and Information for Timely Response

POLLUTION FROM PIPELINES DOT Lacks Prevention Program and Information for Timely Response RELEASED Not to be released outside the RESTRICTED-General Accounting Off&e unless specifically approved by the OfTlce of Congressional Relations. _. ...I_ . I_._. . ..____..___._...__.___. .---l_ll--.-.-ll_--.~~ *--- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and...
Date Aug. 3, 1990 Report No. T-RCED-90-97 Title

Environmental Protection: Compliance Problems Undermine EPA's Drinking Water Program

United States General Accounting OfTice Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EDT Friday August 3, 1990 Compliance Problems Undermine Drinking Water Program EPA's Statement of Richard L. Hembra, Director Environmental Protection Issues Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division Before the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Committee on Government Operations -...
Date July 9, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-167FS Title

Underground Petroleum Tanks: Owners' Ability to Comply With EPA's Financial Responsibility Requirements

GAO .Idy I!)!)0 UNDERGROUND ~PETROLEUM TANKS Owners’ Ability to Comply With EPA’s Financial Responsibility Requirements E 141964 GAO United States General Accounting Of&e Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division July9,1990 The Honorable Max Baucus Chairman, Subcommittee on Environmental Protection Committee on Environment and Public Works United States Sen...
Date June 8, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-127 Title

Drinking Water: Compliance Problems Undermine EPA Program as New Challenges Emerge

_, .-;-\. d n Y Y. 2: i LA. A = iu - J. /I ._._ -___ .__._ -.---.._._ -----.-.._-.-. _ ___ .__..._ _ _ _. ..._ I.. .- -.----. II --.. -- Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-239166 June 8,lQQO The Honorable Mike Synar Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: At your request,...
Date March 28, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-88 Title

Hazardous Waste: Fort Benjamin Harrison's Compliance With Environmental Laws

HAZARDOUS WASTE Fort BenjaYnin Harrison’s Compliance With Environmental Laws 141280 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-213706 March 28,199O The Honorable Dan Burton House of Representatives Dear Mr. Burton: On August 9, 1989, you asked us to determine if the Army is complying with federal and state environmental l...
Date March 21, 1990 Report No. T-RCED-90-48 Title

Financial Management: Underground Petroleum Tank Owners' Ability to Comply With Federal Financial Responsibility Requirements

United States General Accountins! OflIce Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:iO a.m. EST Wednesday March 21, 1990 Underground Ability Responsibility to Petroleum Comply With Tank Owners' Financial Federal Requirements Statement Peter F. Environmental Resources, Development of Guerrero, Associate Director Protection Issues Community, and Economic Division Before the Committee on United ...
Date Feb. 20, 1990 Report No. T-RCED-90-29 Title

Financial Management: Underground Petroleum Storage Tank Owners' Ability to Comply With Federal Financial Responsibility Requirements

United States General Accounting .Office Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 A.M. EST Tuesday, February 20, 1990 Underground Ability Responsibility to Petroleum Comply With Storage Federa, Tank Owners' Financial Requirements Statement of Peter F. Guerrero, Associate Director Environmental Protection Issues Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division Before the Subcommit...
Date Oct. 31, 1989 Report No. T-RCED-90-9 Title

Environmental Protection: Ability of Underground Petroleum Storage Tank Owners to Comply With Federal Financial Responsibility Requirements

United States General Accounting Office Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 A.M. EDT Tuesday, October 31, 1989 Abilit-y to Comply of Underground With Federal Petroleum Financial Storage Tank Owners Responsibility Requirements Statement of Associate Director Peter F. Gucrrero, Environmental Proccction Issues Resources, Community, and Economic Development Divisicn Before the Subcommit...
Date March 30, 1989 Report No. RCED-89-77 Title

Superfund: Analysis of Issues Concerning the Operating Industries Site

t- united States General Accounting Office 6AO March 1989 Report to the Honorable Matthew G. Martinez, House of Representatives SUPERFUND Analysis of Issues Concerning the Operating Industries Site (gL$o ~~2Jj~~~wmf&fi” , .’ Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-232915 March 30, 1989 The Honorable Matthew G. Martinez House of Representatives Dear Mr. Martinez: As requested,...
Date Feb. 22, 1989 Report No. RCED-89-65 Title

Inland Oil Spills: Stronger Regulation and Enforcement Needed to Avoid Future Incidents

United States General Accounting Office I-” (1nn Report to the Honorable A&n Sr>ecter. TM. Senate -------AI ----_-_- February 1989 INLAND OIL SPILLS Stronger Regulation and Enforcement Needed to Avoid Future Incidents I GAO/RCED-W-66 2:- -* ;;: ” ; : > . . . * ‘-I-. _ About Our New Cover... The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO'S efforts to improve the presenta...
Date Dec. 20, 1988 Report No. PEMD-89-1 Title

Groundwater Protection: The Use of Drinking Water Standards by the States

United States General Accounting Office Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on ” ’ Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Substances, Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate December 1988 GROUNDWATER PROTECTION The Use of Drinking Water Standards by the States GAO/PEMD-89-l united States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division B-228844 D...
Date May 25, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-158 Title

Nuclear Waste: DOE's Handling of Hanford Reservation Iodine Information

GAO ’ May 1988 Report to Congressional Requesters NUCLEAR WASTE DOE’s Harding of Hanford Reservation Iodine Information . l Accounting Oilice except on the basis of the specih appswal by the omce of congressional Relation& RlbmmB-Nott6bml~otrEaidetheosnant %aa3\ GAO-168 . Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-224784.2 May 25, 1988 The Honorable Mark 0. Hatfield United State...
Date March 30, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-109FS Title

Superfund: Overview of EPA's Contract Laboratory Program

SPECIAL ANALYTICAL SERVICES When EPA regions request analysis that does not fall under RAS subcontracts with statements of work, the Sample Management Office labs for special analytical services. The SAS solicitation and (1) the Sample award process includes the following steps: Management Office generates a weekly list of RAS labs eligible for SAS subcontracts; (2) regions specify the type of SAS...
Date March 10, 1988 Report No. T-RCED-88-24 Title

Environmental Protection: Hazardous Waste Management at Federal Facilities

United States General Accounting OeRce GAO Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Thursday March 10, 1988 Hazardous Federal Waste Facilities Uanagenent at Statement Assistant Resources, Development of J. Dexter Comptroller Community, Division Peach General and Economic Before the Subcommittee on TransDortation, Tourism and Hazardous Materials, Committee on Fnerqy and Commerce ...
Date Jan. 15, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-39 Title

Superfund: Insuring Underground Petroleum Tanks

United States General Accounting Office GAO J~UW 1988 R&port to the Congress SUPERFUND Insuring Underground Petroleum Tanks c c Comptroller General of the United States B-224651 January 15,1988 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives During the 198586 Superfund reauthorization process in the Congress, concerns were raised about the availability of pollution i...
Date Nov. 5, 1987 Report No. T-NSIAD-88-4 Title

National Defense: Department of Defense Hazardous Waste Management

, 1 ~c :,’ ; I ’ United thads General Accounting OfRce 13c1354 * ;G-II Testimony . . . For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. Thursday November 5, 1987 ' Department of Defense Hazardous Waste Management] Statement of Frank C. Conahan Assistant Comptroller General National Security and International Affairs Before the Subcommittee on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, Committee ...
Date July 17, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-128 Title

Wildlife Management: National Refuge Contamination Is Difficult To Confirm and Clean Up

---+-7-b United Stages G&era1 Accounting Office ,I68 GAO II.*’ Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives July 1987 WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT National Refuge Contamination Is Difficult to Confirm and Clean Up GAO/RCED-87-128 5~9474 Resources, Conuntity, and Economic Development Division B-148898 July 17, 1987 The Hon...
Date May 21, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-88BR Title

Hazardous Waste: Abandoned Disposal Sites May Be Affecting Guam's Water Supply

GAO May 1987 Briefing Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources.Committee on Government Operation& House of Representatives HAZARDOUS WASTE Abandoned Disposal Sites May E3e Affecting Guam’ Water Supply s 133388 53’ lY5% GAO/NSIAlM788BR It RELEASED .* 1 . 1 . United States’ General Accounting O ffice Wmhington, D.C. 20548 National Security and Internati...
Date Dec. 17, 1986 Report No. PEMD-87-4B Title

Water Quality: An Evaluation Method for the Construction Grants Program--Case Studies

--- United Sta&s Geieral Accounting Office GAO ‘. ---- Report to the Administrator Environmental Protection Agency 13/%0,3 -- * December 198A WATER QUALITY An Evaluation Method for the Construction Grants ProgramCase Studies 131803 GAO/PEMD-$~-~B 037u3 Volume 2 , * GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division united states B-221668 December 17,...
Date Sept. 29, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-231BR Title

EPA Construction Grants: Information on the Milwaukee Area Sewerage System Improvement Program

. c United States General Accounting Office I31 se3 GAO September 1986 Briefing Report to the Honorable Gerald D. Kleczka, House of Representatives EPA CONSTRUCTION GRANTS. iB Information on the Milwaukee Area Sewerage System Improvement Program 131318 --- the lU?iSTR,ICTF,D--- got t0 bo relertW 0uW specificGene0:: cl5 sasis of Accounting Office OXCSJ^1 officeof Congressional Relamns. RELEASED 53L...
Date Aug. 12, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-145 Title

Water Resources: Legislation Needed To Extend the Life of Confined Disposal Facilities

__”_- ” ,I__-, _ _I I*L _-m--m * United States General ---m-w Accounting Office rm -L Report to the Honorable Les Aspin House of Represenl;atives Legislation Needed to Extend the Life of Confined Disposal Facilities ’ I ’ 1’:II ] 131040 IIII I ‘IllIllI!l? Ill ---...._I.b”-- GAO/WED-86-146 , “.“mpwe.“.““. -_----__ -- --- - --- _--__-_- -__ -------Resources, Community, and Ec...
Date Dec. 17, 1985 Report No. RCED-86-7 Title

Acid Rain: Federal Research Into Effects on Waters and Forests

united statea Merkl &COMting ofnce Report to the c’hairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Hose of Representatives December 1985 ACID RAIN Federal Research Into Effects on Waters and \ Forests About Our New Look This GAO report was produced using a new design and printing process to help you get the information you need more easily. GAO will phase...
Date April 29, 1985 Report No. 126813 Title

Environmental Protection: EPA's Disposal of Superfund Wastes

Date Nov. 21, 1984 Report No. RCED-85-23 Title

Energy: Department of Energy Acting To Control Hazardous Wastes at Its Savannah River Nuclear Facilities

n 0 c v) [i, 5 v) 0 m 3 CD cz Request for copies of GAO reports should be sent to: I U.S. General Accounting Office Document Handling and information Services Facility P.O. Box 6015 Gaithersburg, Md. 20760 Telephone (202) 2756241 The first five copies of individual reports are copies of bound free of charge. Additional Additional audit reports are $3.25 each. copies of unbound report (i.e., letter...
Date Nov. 16, 1983 Report No. 122839 Title

Environmental Protection: EPA and State Inspection, Enforcement, and Permitting Activities at Hazardous Waste Facilities

Date Sept. 28, 1983 Report No. RCED-83-200 Title

Environmental Protection: Information on Disposal Practices of Generators of Small Quantities of Hazardous Wastes

-REPOK n I Accounting Office LM122687 llllllllllIlllIIIllllllillllllllI Information On Disposal Practices Of Generators f Small uantities Of Hazardous Wastes The Federal Government and most States impose less stringent requirementson firms that generate small amounts of hazardous wastes than on those that generate large amounts. This report provides information on Federal and State efforts to cont...
Date Sept. 21, 1983 Report No. RCED-83-241 Title

Environmental Protection: Interim Report on Inspection, Enforcement, and Permitting Activities at Hazardous Waste Facilities

_-- - ..~ BY THEu.S.--@Ni!l-?~ii ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Chairman, Subcommittee On Commerce, Transportation And Tourism Committee On Energy And Commerce House Of Representatives Interim Report On inspection, Enforcement, And Permitting Activities At Hazardous Waste Facilities Owners or operators of facilities where hazardous waste is treated, stored, or disposed of are subject to federal c...
Date Aug. 31, 1983 Report No. RCED-83-167 Title

Environmental Protection: Status of Commerce's Implementation of the Chesapeake Bay Research Coordination Act of 1980

General Accounting Office Status Of The Department Of Commerce’s Implementation Of The Chesapeake Bay Research Coordination Act Of 1980 The act was passed to improve coordrnation of Federal and State marine research In the Chesapeake Bay area. To provide a mechanism for accomplishing this objective, the act called for the establishment of a Chesapeake Bay Research Board, comprised of Federal and...
Date May 18, 1983 Report No. RCED-83-161 Title

Environmental Protection: Information on Ocean Disposal of Municipal and Industrial Waste

BY3-E 1l.S GENERAL ACCOUNTiNG OFFICE Report To The Chairman, Committee Merchant Marine And Fisheries House Of Representatives On Information On Ocean Disposal Of Municipal And Industrial Waste The ocean continues to be used for the disposal of municipal and industrial wastes. Ocean dumping could increase in the future depending on economic and environmental considerations and problems with disposa...
Date Feb. 3, 1983 Report No. ID-83-19 Title

International Oil Pollution: Liability and Compensation Arrangements Affecting the United States

STUDY BY THE STAFF OF THE U.S. General Accounting Office International Oil Pollution: Current And Alternative Liability And Compensation Arrangements Affecting The United States A patchwork of international, national, and State arrangements currently governs liability and compensation for cleanup and damages resulting from oil spills by seagoing tankers. This study discusses the present arrangemen...
Date Aug. 19, 1982 Report No. 119342 Title

Environmental Protection: GAO's Work on the Acid Rain Issue

4 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY August 19, 1982, 1O:OO a.m. Statement of Donald 2. Forcier Senior Group Director Energy and Minerals Division Before the Committee on Energy and Natural the rain. opportunity to be here me are who have acid rain Ford *a, IV3 . Senate We appreciate GAO's work and Mr. responsible are doing is Resources e today D...
Date Nov. 9, 1981 Report No. CED-82-13 Title

Environmental Protection: Information on a Hazardous Waste Facility Containing Chromium Lead Sludge

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 _. /-| November 9, 1981 COMMUNlTY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION F ' " ' .nesoa:"CSar n" 1U c CC- a; as, The Honorable James J. Florio Chairman, Subcommittee on Commerce, Transportation and Tourism Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: RELEASED Information on a Hazardous Waste Facility...
Date Nov. 5, 1981 Report No. EMD-82-B2 Title

Environmental Protection: Comments on H.R. 1720

-f--j;-- COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTC>N OF K3.c. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-202929 NOVEMBER 5,198l The Honorable Walter B. Jones Chairman, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Comments on H.R. 1720, a bill to establish a task force to study past radioactive waste ocean dumpsites 116823 Your letter of April 3, 1981, requested our views and ...
Date May 22, 1981 Report No. 115366 Title

Environmental Protection: Marine Discharge Waivers for Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Date May 13, 1981 Report No. OGC-81-8 Title

Budget and Spending: President's Seventh Special Message for FY 1981

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20548 B-200685 May 13, 1981 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives seventh special message On March 17, 1981, the& resident's for f&%&& ye 1981 was transmitted to the Congress pursuant Act of 1974. The special message to tHe Impoundment 2ontrol proposes 81 rescissions of budget authority totalling $11....
Date April 30, 1981 Report No. CED-81-30 Title

Better Monitoring Techniques Are Needed To Assess the Quality of Rivers and Streams: Volumes I and II

Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITED STATES 1 lll~ll~l~ll(lli M ~llll~ulllll~lll~l~ 15081 LMI Better Monitoring Techniques Are Needed To Assess The Quality Of Rivers And Streams: Volume II This volume contains detailed agency comments and evaluation by GAO and its consultant, CED-81-30 APRIL 30,198t Request sent to: for copies of GAO reports should be U.S. General Accounting Off ice Document Handlin...