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GAO Reports by subject "Dam safety"

Full-text search of 52,072 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 11, 1992 Report No. RCED-92-50 Title

Indian Programs: BIA and Indian Tribes Are Taking Action to Address Dam Safety Concerns

IJnited States General Accounting Office GAO Report to Congressional Requesters INDIAN PROGRAMS BIA and Indian Tribes Are Taking Action to Address Dam Safety Concerns GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-241623 February 11,1992 The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye Chairman, Select Committee on Indian Affairs United S...
Date Aug. 28, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-208FS Title

Federal Electric Power: Repairs Made on Turbines at Two Arkansas River Dams

5 uniteaL&a b g Accoun .I I7?q:;$p Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Stitkommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources, Committee on Government Operations, 1 House of Representatives Aujjust 1986 / * ! ‘f.‘ FEDERAL ELECTRIC b POWER Repairs Made on Turbines at Two Arkansas %..r Dams I ’llllllllll ‘IllIIR 131179 i . n , c GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 2054...
Date April 25, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-139BR Title

Natural Resources: Implementation of the Bureau of Reclamation's Safety of Dams Program

.Y ’ D~‘dobf~ United States General Accounting Offlee m * Briefing Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives WATERRESOURCES Implementation of the Bureau of Reclamation’s Safety of Dams Program I ’ II llll 1111111 ll 129806 . ..‘ UNITED STATES GENERAL WASHINGTON, ACCOUNTING D.C. 20648 OFFICE RESOL...
Date Aug. 1, 1983 Report No. RCED-83-209 Title

Natural Resources: Information on Unsafe Conditions at Specific Dams Located on Federal Lands

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING D.C. 20548 OFFICE WASHINGTON, August 1, 1983 ~-211328 The Honorable Jgmes A. McClure Committee on Energy Chairman, and Natural Resources United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: RELEASED Subject: Information on Unsafe Conditions at Specific Located on Federal Lands (GAO/RCED-83-209) Dams letter asked that we provide you with Your June 8, 1983, information on unsafe ...
Date July 10, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-93 Title

Energy: Continuation of Funding for Montana's Libby Dam Project--Is It Warranted?

UNITED STAR GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE D.C. 20548 WASHINGTON, ENEROY AND MINElM&S OlVli?tION JULY lo,1980 B- 199278 The Honorable Secretary of Dear Mr. Clifford L. Alexander, Jr. the Army #. Continuation of f Is It Warranted Secretary: Funding for (EMS80-93) Montana’s Libby Dam Project- Subject: In our recent report “Montana’s Libby Dam Project: More Study Needed Before Adding Generators And A...
Date March 8, 1979 Report No. CED-79-30 Title

Natural Resources: Improving the Safety of Our Nation's Dams--Progress and Issues

BY THE COMPTROLLER’ GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Report ToThe Congress I improving The Safety Of Our Nation’s Dams--Progress And Issues Repeated failures of large dams, more than 100 since 1930, have caused the Federal Government concern over dam safety throughout the country. Since 1977 progress has been made in --inspecting many potentially hazardous dams which the executive branch considers...
Date Sept. 21, 1977 Report No. CED-77-82 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Actions Needed to Improve the Safety of Coal Mine Waste Disposal Sites

REPORT TO THE HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND POWER, COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE i i.2 I BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Actions Needed To Improve The Safety Of Coal Mine Waste Disposa I Sites The Department of the Interior and the States of Kentucky and West Virginia need to do more to correct hazards of coal waste disposal sites. interior should --interpret more...
Date June 29, 1977 Report No. CED-77-94 Title

Natural Resources: Slow Progress in Developing and Implementing a National Dam Safety Program

-- l REPORT TO THE CONGRESS BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES A National Dam Safety Program Department of the Army Corps of Engineers (Civil Functions) The National Dam Inspection Act of 1972 provided, among other things, for the Corps of Engineers to inventory and inspect dam structures throughout the United States. The purpose of the act was to protect life and property and provide...
Date June 3, 1977 Report No. CED-77-85 Title

Natural Resources: Actions Needed to Increase the Safety of Dams Built by the Bureau of Reclamation and the Corps of Engineers

REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES lllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIllR LMl02458 Actions Needed To Increase The Safety Of Dams Built By The Bureau Of Reclamation And The Corps Of Engineers After reviewing procedures and practices used by the Bureau of Reclamation in constructing the Teton Dam which collapsed in 1976, GAO found that the Bureau --used questionable design practices and di...
Date March 15, 1977 Report No. 100522 Title

Government Operations: The Implementation of the National Dam Inspection Act of 1972

DOCUMENT RBSULIE 00522 - [ A1051713 The Implementation of the National Dar Inspection Act of 1972. 1arch 15, 1977. 13 pp. Testimony before the House Committee on Government Operations: Conservation, Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee; by Henry Eschwege, Director, Community and Xconomic Development Div. Issue Area: Water and Water Related Programs (2500). Contact: Community and Sconomic Deve...
Date Dec. 30, 1976 Report No. CED-77-17 Title

Housing: Delayed Redevelopment Was Reasonable After Flood Disaster in West Virginia

E - -. Delayed Redevelopment Was Reasonable After Flood Disaster in Vkst Virginia Multiagency This report examines causes for delays in Buffalo Creek Valley redevelopment projects and responds to the question of ho*r project performance was affected by government coordi. nation . !t a!so 2ns;vers questions raised con‘cerning various other facets of the redeveiopment projects. The report conclude...
Date Sept. 19, 1972 Report No. B-136280 Title

Financial Management: Computation of Flood Control Benefits for the Cascadia Reservoir Project, Oregon, Not Adequately Supported

Computation Of Flood Control Benefits For The Cascadia Reservoir Project, Oregon, Not Adequately Supported B 136280 Corps of Engineers (CM Department of the Army Functions) BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF DC THE UNITED 20548 STATES B-136280 Dear Senator Packwood. This 1s our report on Inadequate computation of flood control benefits for the Cascadl...