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GAO Reports by subject "Radioactive wastes"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Aug. 4, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-172 Title

Nuclear Waste: Foreign Countries' Approaches to High-Level Waste Storage and Disposal

. . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-256826 August 4,1994 The Honorable Richard H. Bryan United States Senate Dear Senator Bryan: Permanent disposal of highly radioactive waste presents a.n extremely difficult challenge to countries around the world because the waste will remain dangerous for thousands of y...
Date July 6, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-130FS Title

Nuclear Health and Safety: Sites Used for Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Alaska

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-256471 July 6, 1994 The Honorable John Glenn Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate The Honorable United States Ted Stevens Senate You requested that we determine whether any adverse health and safety consequences are known to have occurred as a re...
Date June 21, 1994 Report No. T-RCED-94-247 Title

Nuclear Regulation: Action Needed to Control Radioactive Contamination at Sewage Treatment Plants

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat 930 am. EDT Tuesday June21, 1994 Testimony Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate,and the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives NUCLEAR REGULATION: Action Needed to Control Radioactive Contamination at Sewage Treat...
Date May 18, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-133 Title

Nuclear Regulation: Action Needed to Control Radioactive Contamination at Sewage Treatment Plants

United St&es General Accounting Office GAO --May 1994 Report to Congkessional Requesters /5/9fa3 NUCLEAR REGULATION Action Needed to Control Radioactive Conixnination at Sewage Treatment Plmts . GMYRCED-94-133 , Notice: This is a reprint of a GAO report. GAO states Of&e Washin@an, D.C. 20648 Resources, Commnaity, and Economic Development Division B-255099 May 18,1!994 The Honorable John...
Date May 17, 1994 Report No. RCED-94-179 Title

Nuclear Waste: Much Effort Needed to Meet Federal Facility Compliance Act's Requirements

United States General Accounting Office GAO May 1994 Report to Congressional Committees h NUCLEARWASTE Much Effort Needed to Meet Federal Facility Compliance Act’ s Requirements GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-256920 May 17,1994 The Honorable Max S. Baucus Chairman The Honorable John H. Chafee Ranking Mi...
Date March 1, 1994 Report No. T-RCED-94-138 Title

Nuclear Health and Safety: Safety and Health Oversight at DOE Defense Nuclear Facilities

United States General Accounting Office Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources Committee on Natural Resources House of Representatives For Releaseon Delivery Expectedat lo:00 EST Tuesday March 1,1994 NUCLEAR HEALTH AND SLLFETY Safety and Health Oversight at DOE Defense Nuclear Facilities Statement of Victor S. Rezendes, Director, Energy and Science Issues, Resources, Com...
Date Dec. 10, 1993 Report No. RCED-94-16 Title

Nuclear Science: Developing Technology to Reduce Radioactive Waste May Take Decades and Be Costly

! ‘ . : : ,:j,: ,’ l’ . ,‘ I i k! I Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-254881 December lo,1993 The Honorable Marilyn Lloyd Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy Committee on Science, Space, and Technology House of Representatives Dear Madam Chairman: As you requested, this report presents the status of U.S. efforts to develop a technology (called waste transmutation) that...
Date Dec. 1, 1993 Report No. RCED-94-16S Title

Nuclear Science: Developing Technology to Reduce Radioactive Waste May Take Decades and Be Costly

United States General Accounting Office GAO Decmeber 1993 Supplement to a Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House of Representatives NUCLEAR SCIENCE Developing Technology to Reduce Radioactive Waste May Take Decades and Be Costly GAOLRCED-94-16s 6 Notice: This is a reprint of a GAO report. FOREWORD A number of concepts technically and econ...
Date July 1, 1993 Report No. T-RCED-93-58 Title

Nuclear Waste: Yucca Mountain Project Management and Funding Issues

, . .- United States General Accounting Office GAO For Rclcase on Deliwry EXpwlCd al 9:4S a.m. EDT Thulxday July 1. 109.7 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, Committee on Natural Resources, House of Representatives NUCLEAR WASTE Yucca Mountain Project Managementand Funding Issues Statement of...
Date June 14, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-154 Title

Nuclear Nonproliferation: Japan's Shipment of Plutonium Raises Concerns About Reprocessing

United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1993 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION Japan’ Shipment of s Plutonium Raises Concerns About Reprocessing GAO/RCED-93-154 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-253123 June 14,1993 The Honorable John Gl...
Date May 21, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-124 Title

Nuclear Waste: Yucca Mountain Project Behind Schedule and Facing Major Scientific Uncertainties

CJrritt~tl St, Gc?ncv-al Accounting Office #mm-- GAO May l!l!Xl IEeport; to the Chaimm, Subconmitt;ee on Clean Air and Nuclear Reguhtion, Senate Chnmittee on EnvironmentI and Pub1 ie Works NUCLEAR WASTE Yucca Mountain Project Behind Schedule and Facing Major Scientific Uncertainties GAO United States General Accountin OdETce Washington, D.C. 20548 --- Besources, Community, and Economic Develo...
Date April 5, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-81 Title

Nuclear Waste: Connecticut's First Site Selection Process for a Disposal Facility

GAO April 1!I!)3 Report to Congressional Reqwsters NUCLEAR WASTE Connecticut’ First Site s Selection Process for a Disposal Facility II llllllllllllll 148922 - - r to be released outside the RESTRICTEDdQfZ General Accotm Office unless specifically approved by dir:: Office of Congressional Relations. SM. 823 RELEASED GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Co...
Date Sept. 4, 1992 Report No. RCED-92-219 Title

Nuclear Materials: Removing Plutonium Residues From Rocky Flats Will Be Difficult and Costly

* United States General Accounting Office GAO September 1992 Report to Congressional Requesters NUCLEAR MATERIALS Removing Plutonium Residues From Rocky Flats WrlllBe Difficult and Costly :. -. >’ -; , RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. 55-5-30,._ --2&~~AS~~ 7- .-.. Resources, Community, Econ...
Date May 27, 1992 Report No. RCED-92-73 Title

Nuclear Waste: DOE's Repository Site Investigations, a Long and Difficult Task

. , u States General_._Accounting ..._.__~.._ .._.. _.. Office . ..__. - _.___ -.._ ..._... Report to the Congress ._... ..-. .___ _ ._. NUCLEAR WASTE ----- DOE’ Repository Site s Investigations, a Long and Difficult Task i II IR l~llll 146694 -..- United States General Accounting Of&e Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United Staterr B-246468 May 27,1992 To the President...
Date Nov. 4, 1991 Report No. T-RCED-92-17 Title

Water Pollution: Coordinated Strategy Needed to Address Radioactive and Toxic Wastes in the Massachusetts Bay

United States General Accounting OfRce Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives For Release on Delivery Expcclcd at IO:00 a.m. EST h/londay WATER POLLUTION Coordinated Strategy Needed to Address Radioactive and Toxic Wastes in the Massachusetts Bay Statement of Novcmhcr 4, 1991...
Date Oct. 29, 1991 Report No. T-RCED-92-14 Title

Energy: Comments on Proposed Legislation to Restructure DOE's Uranium Enrichment Program

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Rclcase on Deliwry Expcctcd at lo:15 a.m. EST Tuesday Octoht!r 29. 1991 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives Comments on Proposed Legislation to Restructure DOE’s Uranium Enrichment Program Statement of Judy A. England-Joseph Associate Director, Energy I...
Date Oct. 17, 1991 Report No. RCED-92-18 Title

Nuclear Health and Safety: Problems Continue for Rocky Flats Solar Pond Cleanup Program

-_..___ _... __. _._ . .“^.__. -...~^ .-.. GAO (klotwr .._. ._..._ .._ ...” .^.__ ~. ..-_ ._,. I!,!) 1 NUCLEAR HEALTH AND SAFETY Problems Continue for Rocky Flats Solar Pond Cleanup Program GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-245442 October 17,199l The Honorable Mike Synar Chairman, Environment, Energy, an...
Date Jan. 3, 1991 Report No. RCED-91-31 Title

Nuclear Safety and Health: Problems With Cleaning Up the Solar Ponds at Rocky Flats

---- ..-..-. -----_ - .. ..-. ._ _._.. ..” I __I GAO ,-l~__-.l.,lt”“.l. ,,.. ._“_-..__.” -. ..- .-.._.... * -_ __.... - ._.____..._ _____ l littttlilt*j I!)!)1 NUCLEAR SAFETY AND HEALTH Problems W ith Cleaning Up the Solar Ponds at Rocky Flats .__ 143335 IU3STRI~D --Not to be released outside the General Accounting ofplce unless specifically approved by the OfPlce of Congressional Relati...
Date Oct. 10, 1990 Report No. RCED-91-34 Title

Nuclear Energy: Consequences of Explosion of Hanford's Single-Shell Tanks Are Understated

~Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives NUCLEAR ENERGY Consequencesof Explosion of Hanford’s Single-Shell Tanks Are Understated 142478 GAO/ tI(:tm-Y1-:~4 ! ,! GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-241479 October lo,1990 The Honorable Mike Synar Chairman, Environment, Energy,...
Date Feb. 28, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-109 Title

Nuclear Waste: Transuranic Waste Storage Limitations at Rocky Flats Plant

I .-- ._.-.._ ..__ - __._. .._ .__._ -_"__ I I !t')O* __-_. - __._--. ---1- I'~~I)l*llill-\ I k NUCLEAR WASTE Transuranic Waste Storage Limitations at Rocky Flats Plant ‘ . , -7 -.-i---c’ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-221801 February 28,199O The Honorable Mike Synar Chairman, Environment, Energy, and...
Date July 25, 1989 Report No. RCED-89-170BR Title

Uranium Enrichment: Some Impacts of Proposed Legislation on DOE's Program

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1989 Briefing Report to the Congressional Requesters URANIUM ENRICHMENT Some Impacts of Proposed Legislation on DOE’s Program GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development R-235838 and Division July 25, 1989 The Honorable Morris K. Udall Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Aff...
Date May 22, 1989 Report No. RCED-89-148 Title

Nuclear Waste: DOE Has Terminated Research Evaluating Crystalline Rock for a Repository

, United States General Accounting Office GAO May 1989 Report to Congressional Requesters NUCLEAR WASTE DOE Has Teminated Research Evaluating Crystalline Rock for a Repository GAO,‘RCEDf!W148 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division H-202377 May 22,1989 The Honorable William S. Cohen United States Senate The Honora...
Date Dec. 14, 1988 Report No. RCED-89-61FS Title

Nuclear Materials: Additional Information on Shipments From DOE's Rocky Flats Plant

, P United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1988 Fact Sheet for the Honorable Timothy E. Wirth, U.S. Senate P NUCLEAR MATERIALS Additional Information on Shipments From DOE’s Rocky Flats Plant GAO/RCED-89-61FS Gc) United States General Accounting Offwe Denver Regional Office Suite 300-D 2420 W. 26th Avenue Denver, CO 80211 B-216376 December 14, 1988 Timothy Senate Wirth: E. Wirth Th...
Date Sept. 29, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-159 Title

Nuclear Waste: Repository Work Should Not Proceed Until Quality Assurance Is Adequate

United States General Accounting Office GAO. September 1988 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives NUCLEAR WASTE Repository Work Should Not Proceed Until Quality Assurance Is Adequate RESTRICTED-Not to be released outside the Genml Accounting 03ice except on the basis of the specific approval by the Offlce af Ccngessiona...
Date Sept. 13, 1988 Report No. T-RCED-88-63 Title

Environmental Protection: Status of the Department of Energy's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

GAO ilnited States Testimony General Accounting Office For Release on Delivery Expected at lo:00 a.m. EST Tuesday September 13, 1988 Status Waste of the Isolation Department of Pilot Plant Energy's Statement of Senior Keith 0. Fultz, Resources, Community, Development Division Associate Director and Economic Before the Subcommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Committee on Governme...
Date Sept. 12, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-229FS Title

Nuclear Waste: Supplementary Information on Problems at DOE's Inactive Waste Sites

United States General Accounting Office ‘GAO September 1988 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate 1. NUCLEAR WASTE Supplementary Information on Problems at DOE’s Inactive W&e Sites 1 GAO/RCED438229F’S 043aospm I GAO UnitedStates General Accounting Oflice Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-222195 September 12,...
Date Aug. 23, 1988 Report No. T-RCED-88-61 Title

National Defense: Extent of Problems and Cost to Revitalize the Nation's Nuclear Defense Complex

United States General Accbnting Office / c x 79x? GAO Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Tuesday, August 23, 1988 Extent of Revitalize Nuclear Problems and Cost the Nation's Complex To Defense Statement J. Dexter Resources, Division of Peach, Assistant Comptroller General and Economic Development Community, Academy of Sciences' Interim Oversight Weapons Complex Before the ...
Date July 26, 1988 Report No. T-RCED-88-55 Title

Energy: GAO Views on Monitored Retrievable Storage of Nuclear Waste

United&atesGeneralAccomlingomCe Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 1:30 p.m. MT Tuesday July 26, 1988 cAoViewsonMnitired Retrievable Storage of Nuclear Waste SwzelEntof Keith 0. F'ultz, Senior Associate Resources,CcnmunityandFzconanic Developrrent Division Before the Mnitored Retrievable Carmission Director Storage Review Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commission: We are pleased to be ...
Date May 19, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-163BR Title

Nuclear Waste: Quarterly Report on DOE's Nuclear Waste Program as of March 31, 1988

13584 United States General Accounting Office Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters May 1988 NUCLEAR WASTE. Quarterly Report on I DOE’ Nuclear Waste s Program as of March 31,1988 135846 oJ.GxsQ GAO/RCED-8%163BR GAO lJnited States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development B-202377 and Division hlay19: 1988 The Honorable J. Bennett Johnston C...
Date Feb. 18, 1988 Report No. RCED-88-99FS Title

Nuclear Waste: Quarterly Report on DOE's Nuclear Waste Program as of December 31, 1987

Fact Sheet for CongressionalRequesters ~yl__l- lll,*_l,,,ll,-,ll------ FebniT"ry1988 r NUCLEARWASTE Quarterly Report on DOE’ Nuclear ‘ s waste Program as of December31,1987 135069 * 1. _ _. . . . “., ““1 . --. *_ . -~ ---- 1 Inked S tates (kneral Accounting O ffIce Wwhington, D.C. 2 0 5 4 8 .“.-..-.-~ Henources, Community, a n d t2conomic D e v e l o p m e n t Division R-202377 Februar...
Date Nov. 19, 1987 Report No. RCED-88-56FS Title

Nuclear Waste: Quarterly Report on DOE's Nuclear Waste Program as of September 30, 1987

United --- States __._ General Accpunting Office GAO ’ NW &wr 1987 __. A.- * Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters NUCLEAR WASTE Quarterly Report on DOE’ Nuclear Waste s Program as of September 30, 1987 II IIIIll Ill II 134477 . -_ GAO lrnlted States General Accounting OfPlce Wwhington, DC. 20548 Renourcen,
Date Aug. 11, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-186FS Title

Nuclear Waste: Quarterly Report on DOE's Nuclear Waste Program as of June 30, 1987

* * United fib&es GempI AccmWing OffIde . I GCAO August 1987 Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters +‘ , I NUCLEAR WASTE Quarterly Report on DOE’ Nuclear Waste s Program as of June 30,1987 a . . , i :. :, United States General Acco@ing Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic D&velopment and Division B-202377 August 11,1987 The Honorable J. Bennett Johnston Chairman, Commi...
Date June 18, 1987 Report No. T-RCED-87-35 Title

Energy: DOE Should Provide More Information On Monitored Retrievable Storage

.. United States Testimony General Accounting Office GAO For Release Delivery Expected at : 9:30 a.m. EST Thursday June 18, 1987 on -DOE Should On Monitored Provide More Information Storage Retrievable Statement of Keith 0. Fultz, Associate Director Resources, Community, and Economic Division Before the Subcommittee on Nuclear Committee on Environment United States Senate Regulation and Public . D...
Date June 11, 1987 Report No. T-RCED-87-30 Title

Energy: DOE Should Provide More Information on Monitored Retrievable Storage

United States Testimony General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery Expected at IO:00 a.m. EST Thursday June 11, 1987 DOB Should Provide On Monitored More Information Storage Retrievable Statement of Associate Director Keith 0. Fultz, Resources, Community, and Economic Division Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Representatives Developme...
Date June 1, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-92 Title

Nuclear Waste: DOE Should Provide More Information on Monitored Retrievable Storage

United -.----I_----..--- States Report to Congressional Requesters General -- Accounting Office /3m._ .- _._.-__-__ June IN7 NUCLEAR WASTE ~~ ~-- DOE Should Provide More Information on Monitored Retrievable Storage Illlllll Ill11 133202 .- I -87-9~ RELEASED GAO/@ED , ___-.- .-. ------.----------- __-__._.__ Unitwl States Gneral Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 _I_-__-_-Hwourcw, Community, ...
Date May 13, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-139FS Title

Nuclear Waste: Quarterly Report on DOE's Nuclear Waste Program as of March 31, 1987

. United States General Accounting omct?jQ 4 GAO May 1987 Falct Shkeet Congressional Requesters for NUCLEAR WASTE Quarterly Report on DOE’sNuclear Waste Program as of March 31,1987 ;Illilllll II Nll 132947 iAOJ&CED-87-139FS c->~Y%-Nd GAO Unlted States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20540 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-202377 m!r' 13, 1987 The Honorable J. B...
Date April 15, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-17 Title

Nuclear Waste: Status of DOE's Implementation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act

United States ---.--General Accounting Office~-- ,GAO -- Report to the Congress April 1987 NUCLEAR WASTE Status of DOE’s Implementation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act GAO/RCED-87-17 _-. _-I_- Y. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Comptroller General of the United States B-202377 Aplrll5,1987 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Represent...
Date March 20, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-103FS Title

Nuclear Waste: Status of DOE's Nuclear Waste Site Characterization Activities

. . 4. -* United States General Accounting Office GAO . March 1987 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives LM132594 lllllllll1llllllllllllllllllll NUCLEAR WASTE Status of DOE’ s Nuclear Waste Site Characterization Activities RELEASED B-202377 testing necessary for the selection of the site is completed (1992 for Ne...
Date Feb. 19, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-95FS Title

Nuclear Waste: Quarterly Report on DOE's Nuclear Waste Program as of December 31, 1986

United States General Accounting Office GAO February 1987 Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters NUCIEAR WASTE Quarterly Report on DOE’s Nuclear Waste Program as of December 31,1986 GAO/BCED-87-9SFS 03 UICL GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-202377 February19,1987 The Honorable J. Bennett Johnston Committe...
Date Feb. 9, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-14 Title

Nuclear Waste: Institutional Relations Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982

* _ 2 -United States &enerh Accounting Office / **GAO February 1987 Report to Congressional Requesters NUCLEARWASTE Institutional Relations Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 I a3rq98 GAO)RCED-87-14 GAO united states General Accounting Offlce Washington, D.C. 20648 ltesources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-202377 February 9,1987 The Honorable J. Bennett Johnston Chairman, ...
Date Aug. 11, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-206FS Title

Nuclear Waste: Quarterly Report on DOE's Nuclear Waste Program as of June 30, 1986

* * . UnitedStatmGeneral AccountingOfTice Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters Auguslt 1986 NUCLEAR WASTE Quarterly Report on DOE’s Nuclear Waste Program as of June 30,1986 130696 GAO/RCED-86-206FS 03G3zy B-202377 The Honorable
Date July 29, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-143 Title

Nuclear Waste: Impact of Savannah River Plant's Radioactive Waste Management Practices

* -% United States General Acconntiqg-Office GAO Report to the Honorable Ernest F. Hollings United States Senate July 1986 NUCLEAR WASTE Impact of Samnnah River Plant’s Radioactive Waste Management Practices RESTRICTED-Accounting Not to be released outside the General except on the basis of specific approval by the Office of Congrcsx:rrzzl %!- ‘~75 Office GAO/WED-86143 53w- GAO United States G...
Date June 16, 1986 Report No. RCED-86-175 Title

Nuclear Safety: Safety Analysis Reviews for DOE's Defense Facilities Can Be Improved

. United States General . Accounting Office 3 GAO June 1986 Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation, and Government Processes, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate NUCLEAR SAFETY Safety Analysis Reviews for DOE’s Defense Facilities Cm Be Improved 53577Ltct GAO/BCED436176 i --- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D...
Date Dec. 13, 1985 Report No. RCED-86-61 Title

Environment, Safety, and Health: Environment and Workers Could Be Better Protected at Ohio Defense Plants

Report to the Ranking Minority Member, . Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation, and Government Processes Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate December1985 ENVIRONMENT SAFETY, & HEAhH Environment and Workers Could Be : Better Pro&c&&at 4 Ohio DefensePlants GAO united stae!s B-221188 December 13, 1985 Gened Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and ...
Date Nov. 29, 1985 Report No. RCED-86-51FS Title

Environment, Safety, and Health: Information on Three Ohio Defense Facilities

~litqwng.Minori~ mber, Subconkhtee on Energy, Nuclear ‘Proliferation, and Government Processes,Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate November 1985 ’ ENVIRONMENT, - SAFETY, & HEALTH Information on Three L Ohio DefenseFacilities UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 RESOURCES COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION B-221188 November 29, The Honorable John G...
Date Sept. 30, 1985 Report No. RCED-85-100 Title

The Nuclear Waste Policy Act: 1984 Implementation Status, Progress, and Problems

< * wb23 r .T ,lyuJ 1 ~IOU BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THE UNITEDSTATES The Nuclear Waste Policy Act: 1984 Implementation Status, Progress, And Problems The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 established federal responsibility and policy for the permanent disposal of highly radioactive materials. The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Mana...
Date Sept. 21, 1981 Report No. EMD-81-132 Title

Energy: Coal and Nuclear Wastes--Both Potential Contributors to Environmental and Health Problems

* General Accounting Office Coal And Nuclear Wastes -- Both Potential Contributors To Environmental And Health Problems The Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy COnWvation and Power, House Committee on Energy and Commerce, asked GAO to answer eight questions regarding waste produced by coal and nuclear fuels during the generation of electricity. This report primarily discusses the first two items in t...
Date July 28, 1980 Report No. 112946 Title

Energy: Nuclear Issues at Western New York Nuclear Service Center

Date June 6, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-69 Title

Energy: Status of Efforts To Clean Up the Shut-Down Western New York Nuclear Service Center

1 BY THE LrOMPTROLLER GENERAL Report ToThe Chairman, Subcommittee On Energy And Power, Committee On Interstate And Foreign Commerce, House Of Representatives Status Of EffortsTo Clean- Up The Shut-Down -... _ erations at West Valley, New York, neither the industrial operator, the State of New York, nor the Federat Government has accepted responsibility for dealing with 600,000 gallons of high-leve...
Date July 5, 1979 Report No. 109846 Title

Environmental Protection: Senate Bill 742