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GAO Reports by subject "Office buildings"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Jan. 24, 2008 Report No. GAO-08-197 Title

Federal Real Property: Strategy Needed to Address Agencies' Long-standing Reliance on Costly Leasing

United States Government Accountability Office GAO January 2008 Report to the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate FEDERAL REAL PROPERTY Strategy Needed to Address Agencies’ Long-standing Reliance on Costly Leasing GAO-08-197 January 2008 FEDERAL REA...
Date Sept. 2, 2003 Report No. GAO-03-1061 Title

Overseas Presence: Rightsizing Is Key to Considering Relocation of Regional Staff to New Frankfurt Center

United States General Accounting Office GAO September 2003 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives OVERSEAS PRESENCE Rightsizing Is Key to Considering Relocation of Regional Staff to New Frankfurt Center GAO-03-1061 a September 2003 OVERSEAS PRESENCE Rightsizing Is Key to Cons...
Date Sept. 30, 1996 Report No. AIMD-96-167R Title

Financial Management: DFOH Financial Management

United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Accounting and Information Management Division B-270316 September Congressional 30, 1996 Requesters In accordance with your requests and based on discussions with your offices, this letter provides information on allegations of fiscal mismanagement by the Division of. Federal Occupation Health (DFOH) within the Health Resources and Ser...
Date Sept. 24, 1992 Report No. GGD-92-134BR Title

Resolution Trust Corporation: Survey Results on RTC's Communication and Real Estate Marketing

United Stal,es General Accounting Oflic~ -__ -__ - “A0 d, I I Briefing Report to the Honorable Albert V. Casey, President and Chief Executive Officer, Resolution Trust Corporation RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION Survey Results on RTC’ Communication s and Real Estate .Marketing llllllllllllll ll 147643 GAO [Jnited States General Accounting OffIce Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division ...
Date Oct. 15, 1991 Report No. RCED-92-8 Title

Indoor Air Pollution: Federal Efforts Are Not Effectively Addressing a Growing Problem

z 0 e til r r CD c3 c Ei c . ‘J r c 0CD 3 .” ..-- _I __._ “-,ll..l -....... -I-_.--_ . .._ .--- ..__. --___-.._- ..__-. -- -..___- -_ .-__ -“-“--- ____.. ~---.l-.l_-l-- ---.__ - ---.. -._-- -.-. - -----. - -...--.. --“--- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-246313 October 15,199l The Honorable Fran...
Date April 11, 1989 Report No. RCED-89-85 Title

Urban Action Grants: Lansing, Michigan's Grant Requires Action

United States General Accounting Office -- 5 GAO April 1989 Report to the Honorable Bob Carr, House of Representatives URBAN ACTION GRANTS Lansing, Michigan’s Grant Requires Action GAO/RCED-89-85 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-233030 April 11, 1989 The Honorable Bob Carr House of Representatives Dear Mr...
Date June 15, 1984 Report No. NSIAD-84-133 Title

National Defense: Navy Plan for Providing Centralized Office Space at the Washington Navy Yard Is Cost-Effective

BY THE US GENEPAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Chairman, Committee On Appropriations House Of Representatives Navy Plan For Providing Centralized Office Space At The Washington Navy Yard Is Cost-Effective The Navy plan to redevelop the Washington Navy Yard and move from leased office space has merit GAO estimates the federal government’s costs, in present value terms, would be $263 mIllIon le...
Date May 10, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-46 Title

Government Operations: More Effective Leasing Procedures and Practices Could Help GSA Reduce Delays in Meeting Federal Space Needs

BY THECOMPTiOLLER GENERAL Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES --J \ I / / More Effective Leasing Procedures And Practices Could Help GSA Reduce Delays In Meeting Federal Space Needs Federal agencies have complained for years about GSA’s delays in providing requested space. As a way of overcoming the problem, several agencies have asked the Congress for leasing authority or have requested a...
Date March 2, 1982 Report No. GGD-82-27 Title

Government Operations: The District of Columbia Should Assess Its Needs Before It Makes Major Acquisitions of Space

BYTHEUS GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Mayor Of The District Of Columbia . The District Of Columbia Should Assess Its Needs Before It Makes Major Acquisitions Of Space The District of Columbia government leases about 2.8 million square feet of property and owns more than 30 million square feet of space, but it lacks an adequate space management system and complete information on underused ...
Date Feb. 22, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-39 Title

Government Operations: Foundation Problems Encountered During Construction of the Federal Office Building and Courthouse in Springfield, MA

UNITE&$TA+ESGENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 FnocuRcMLHT. AND READINLU Loe1swcs. DlVlStON B-206021 FEBRUARY 22,1982 The Honorable John G. Fary Chairman, Subcommittee on Public Buildings and Grounds Committee on Public Works and Transportation House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Foundation Problems Encountered During Construction of the Federal Office Building and Co...
Date Feb. 5, 1982 Report No. HRD-82-38 Title

Income Security: Information on Selected Legal Services Activities in North Carolina

UNITES STAJES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC. 20548 1177y The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Jesse Helms Senate Helms: ,Information on Selected Legal in North Carolina!(HRD-82-38) Services Activities This report presents the resultsof our review of Legal Serv(LSNC), and one of its subgrantees, ices of North Carolina, Inc. Our review focused Eastern Carolina Legal Services,...
Date May 1, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-8 Title

Government Operations: GSA Can Do More To Ensure Leased Federal Office Space Meets Its Firesafety Criteria

Charles k Bswsher Practice : Anchor strategic eustoner needs pkinning in and mission ost every organization hzksmission and ~~~~o~~a~jon phnning processes and plans. But the most effective Leading organizatjons mmage proposed i~fo~~~t~[~r~ systems projects as investments~ rather th expenses. Moreover, senior ~~~a~ej~e~t teams use a disciphed process 1.0select, control: and evahate ;alI major info...
Date Feb. 24, 1981 Report No. B-201033 Title

Government Operations: Proposed Temporary Regulation Covering the Leasing of Space by Executive Agencies

GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 Office of General Counsel In Reply Referto: B-201 033 February 24, 1981 Mr. Philip G. Read Director, Federal Procuremerh ae. Regulations Directorate Office of Acauisition Policy General Services Administration Dear Mr. Read: - By letter dated October 7, 1980, you requested our comments on a proposed Federal Procurement Regulations vo...
Date Aug. 5, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-93 Title

Government Operations: GSA Is Overcharging Some Federal Agencies for Protective Services

United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 B-199760 Logistics and Communications Division AUGUST 5,198O The Ilonorable Administrator Dear Hr. R. G. Freeman III of General Services A&C@ 3 d Freeman: &% is Overchargin Protective Some IlllIIIIIlllI ll 112945 for Agencies Subject: Federal (LCD-80-93) During our review of GSA's management of reimbursable services to Federal agencies i...
Date Feb. 5, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-33 Title

Energy: GSA's Actions To Acquire Leased Space for the Western Area Power Administration

* 18 COMPTROLLER QLNERAL WASNIN5TDN. y OF THE D.G. tow UNlThD rrAIpI l//4/65 FEBRUARY 5,1980 B-196966 The Honorable John L. Burton Chairman, Subcommittee on Government Activities and Transportation Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Subject: -a3 $Ya'3 GSA's Actions to Acquire Leased Space for the Western Area Power Administration (LCD-80-33) Dear !4r. Chairman: On June 6, ...
Date Jan. 28, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-32 Title

Energy: Uncertainties About the Effectiveness of Federal Programs To Make New Buildings More Energy Efficient

COMPTROLLER W34kRAL WASHINQTON, 0F THE UNITED 201110 STATES K2.C. report. presenks the resu1t.s of our evaluat..ion cl!- t.tIr? progress .in developing and implementing t~h~r’~1rca1 raff ic ir?ncy standards for new buildings as part C’) t t I cf s t-iii t: c.t Energy r Conservati.on Program. The report. ifI 1 c;0 (1.i 5;c II :; se 5; certain issues which may impede t.he t.ime....
Date Nov. 7, 1979 Report No. LCD-80-18 Title

Government Operations: Standard Level User Charges Assessed to DOD by GSA

The Honorable Lucien W. Nedzi Chairman, Subcommittee on Military Installations and Facilities ,q?"o Committee on Armed Services psfi House of Representatives Dear Mr. NOVEMBER 7,1979 Chairman: Level User Charges Assessed Department of Defense by the General Administration (LCD-80-18) Subject: Standard to the Services l,'c ill,Cl'\ This report is in response to your June 6, 1979, request ;d" B .(yL...
Date Aug. 7, 1979 Report No. B-152603 Title

Government Operations: [Transfer of Property Owned by the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency]

DECISION THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL O OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 /0D9 73 FILE: B-152603 DATE: August 7, 1979 MATTER OF: Applicability-of Additional House Office Building Act of 1955, to District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency Property DIGEST: Property owned by the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land AgencyJ(RLA), which was an agency of the United States prior to adoption o...
Date April 25, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-325 Title

Government Operations: Review of NASA's Solicitation for the Leasing of Office Space in the Houston, Texas, Area

DCCUMENT RESUME 05806 B1166100 1 (ILeLt d Rt)gAss Review of NASA s Solicitation fcr the Leasing of Office Space in the Houston, Texas, Area. LCD-78-325; B-95136. April 25, 1978. 3 pp. enclosure (4 pp.). Report to Rep. Bob Gasaage; by Fred J. Loqi-tics and Communications Div. Shafer, Director, Contact: Logistics and Communications Div. Budget Function: General Government: General Property and Recor...
Date Feb. 27, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-217 Title

Transportation: Department of Transportation's Decision to Contract Out Travel Office Functions

DCCUMenT RFSUE 05899 - 5] B1285572 ,P rDepartment t of Transportation's Decisic Office Functions). LCD-78-217; -1C3?15. Released March 27, 1978. 2 pp. cicntract Out Travel iruary 27, 1978. G. Bothwell Report to Sen. Charles cC. athias, Jr.; y Rckei and Comeun:ations (for Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics Div.). anagement 700); Federal aterial Issue Area: Facilities and Procurement of Goods and S...
Date Feb. 7, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-313 Title

Government Operations: Leasing of Social Security Administration District and Branch Offices by the General Services Administration

DCCURENT RESUMnE 04937 - B0Q445339) (BRetricted) Leasing of Social SeEi: ty Administration District. and Branch Offices by the General Services AdRinistration. LCD-78-313; B-95136. February 7,'--978. 4 pp. + appendix (14 pp.). Report to Rep. Daniel . Flood, Chairman, House Committee on f Appropriations: LaboFr;Healtt , Education and Welfare Subcommittee; by Elvez B. S taats, Cosptroler General. Is...
Date Jan. 24, 1978 Report No. LCD-77-354 Title

Government Operations: General Services Administration's Practices in Awarding and Administering Leases Could Be Improved

DCCUMENT 04930 E0265136 ] RESUME General Services Admltistration's Practices in Awarding ad Administerinq Lease3iidd Be Improvad. LCD-77-354; B-95136. January 24, 1978. 39 ppi, + 2 appendices (6 pp.). Report to the Conqress; "by imer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Facilities 4nd Material Management: Building, Buying, or Leasing Federal Facilities and Equipment (706). Contact: Logistic...
Date Oct. 9, 1975 Report No. GGD-75-101 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Substantial Losses Projected for the Small Business Administration's Lease Guarantee Program

LIBRARY SYSTEM BYTHECOMPTROLLER GENERAL OFTHE UNITED STATES Isllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll _ LM096805 Substantial Losses Projected For The Small Business Administration’s Lease Guarantee Program The law requires the lease guarantee program to be self-sustaining; however, GAO projects losses of $17 million on policies issued through fiscal year 1’974. Many policies were issued to business...
Date March 12, 1973 Report No. B-178029 Title

Government Operations: Lease With the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey for the New York World Trade Center Building

h The Port Authority ew Jersey For The New York orld Trade Center ulldmg 4 B-778029 Bureau of Customs of the Treasury Department , Y OF TltOLLER GENERAL JJNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHlNGTON OF DC THE UNITED 20542 STATES B-178029 The Honorable George H. Committee on Approprlatlons House of Representatives Mahon, Chairman . p,> - Y- Dear Mr. Chairman I 2, In response to your request of Janu...
Date Nov. 27, 1972 Report No. B-177236 Title

Financial Management: Car-Wash Activities in the Cannon and Rayburn House Office Buildings

COMF’TROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE DC UNITED STATES 20548 B-17 Dear Mr Chairman RELEASED On July 19, 1972, the Select CommIttee on Parking decided that records should be malntarned for car-wash actlvltles in The General the Cannon and Rayburn House Office Buildings Accounting Office was requested to design the appropriate acWe counting forms and to see that they were properly used reviewed ...
Date May 15, 1972 Report No. B-175715 Title

Budget and Spending: Consideration of the Potential of Savings in Major Construction Contracts by Adopting the Contractor's Method of Using Relocatable Buildings for Onsite Office Space

t U~nrm STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTI WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LOGISTICS AND COMMUNlCATlONS DIVISION , 1 We are reviewing the award and administration of contracts by the Corps of Engineers for the construction of Safeguard anti-ballistic-missile (ABM) facilities. During this review we noted that, at the site near Grand Forks) North Dakota, the Corps of Engineers had temporary office buildings constructed...
Date Oct. 6, 1971 Report No. B-173403 Title

Financial Management: Alleged Possible Conflict of Interest and Unnecessary Costs Incident to the Leasing of a Building in Bladensburg, Maryland

WASHINGTON. 0.0. 207jm ,6 . ,J.. @+-JJ B-17340 3 /- IL. ! Dear Senator Proxmire: -\1l\1\\ Ill llllllllllllliillllli~~I.)‘j IllIIllI LMO89714 OCT 6 You requested our response to statements contained in a letter dated June 9, 1971, from an anonymous General Services Administration (GSA) employee alleging possible conflict of --.i--interest and unnecessary costs incident to the leasing of a bp---. ...
Date March 29, 1971 Report No. B-165118 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Building Authorized To Provide Office Space at Manned Spacecraft Center Redesigned To Provide Laboratory Space

RE’PORT To ‘COMITTEE 0~ AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE UNITED STATES SENATE OY~J~-& SCIENCES IllllllllIlllclli~l~ll~lll~llllll~li~el LM090557 ing Authorized To Provide Office Space Manned Spacecraft Center Redes ed To Provide Laboratory Space B-765718 National Aeronautics and Space Administration RGeOoD3~ BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHIN’GTON. OF D.C. THE UN...