Date |
Report No. |
Title |
Date Sept. 16, 1991 |
Report No. T-HRD-91-48 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at 10~30 a.m. EDT Monday, September 16, 1991 Testimony MANAGED CARE: Oregon Program Appears Successful but Expansions Should Be Implemented Cautiously Statement of Janet L. Shikles, Director Health Financing and Policy Human Resources Division Issues Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Energ... |
Date July 17, 1991 |
Report No. T-HRD-91-40 |
United GAO States General Accounting Office Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EDT Wednesday July 17, 1991 FARMWORKERS FACE GAPS IN PROTECTION AND BARRIERS TO BENEFITS Statement of Joseph F. Delfico Director, Income Security Issues Human Resources Division Before the Select Committee on Aging House of Representatives GAO/T-HRD-91-40 SUMMARY The living and working conditions o... |
Date July 10, 1991 |
Report No. T-HRD-91-43 |
For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday July 10, 1991 #ONPROFIT HOSPITALS: Better Standards Needed for Exemption Tax Statement of Mark V. Nadel, Associate Director, National and Public Health Issues Before the Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives SUMMARY’
In the wake of increasing pressure on hospitals to contain costs, there are concerns that some hoepltals are ... |
Date June 25, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-78 |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
June 1991 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Sentite MEDICAID EXPANSIONS Coverage Improves but State Fiscal Problems Jeopardize Continued Progress Illllllll I
144450 GAO/HRD-91-78 “--_--.-- .._.. .-.-. _. .._ ____.^_.~_~ GAO ~~~~~~~~D.,:~,;,,,
kmwal Acmuntmg, Office , .’ Huruan Resources Division 13-243156 June 25,199l The IIonorablc ... |
Date June 13, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-92 |
_. I” ..“. _ “_ ..-_ ., _._.. ._ll..“,.. ._ I l--.-_-- .-.- .._ .-.-_. ---.-__ JllII4 I!)!)1 SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT Medicaid Allows Some Services but Generally Limits Coverage RELEASED I ’ t _“-. -._---- .---. I~.. -.^.~.-..“.“l”lll-. ^I. I. ..._I “.. l..l. l.l.l _..-. I ---. “...“._. ---...-- -.1---- ~- GAO General Accounting Office Wahington, D.C. 20548
Human Resources... |
Date June 10, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-102FV |
I_.I...” _______~ ..-...-- .Jlrill 14)01 . . _--__~._ ___ ..___._. - DRPENSES DE SANTfi DES ETATS-UNIS Tendances, Facteurs contributifs et Propositions de Reforme 146609 I I;:2o/III~I)-!)l-lo:! ..,. _. _.-.“. ..-._ I._ __ll-- ______-_ - united Waehingtoa, Comptroller
B-243905 le 10 juin Goneral statea Accounting D.C. 20548
06nBral Office Bee Etate-Uaie 1991 L'Honorable Dan Rostenkowski Preside... |
Date June 10, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-102GV |
-~-~~ --------_-- . AUFWENDUNGEN DER VEREINIGTEN STAATEN FUR DIE GESUNDHEITSFURSORGE Tendenzen, beitragende Faktoren und Reformvorschl%ge ill ll 1111111
. _,. ._..__-._.._----.l---.-----lI (~,~2o/III~I)-!)l-Ioz ---_ -___--~--_ ..-- .-. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller General of the United States B-243905 lO.Juni 1991 The Honorable Dan Rostenkow... |
Date June 10, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-102 |
.. United States General Accounting Office ;r ; f GAO
.Juue 1991 Report to the Chairman, Comrnittee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives \ I U.S. HEALTH CARE SPENDING Trends, Contributing Factors, and Proposals for Reform 111ll lllllllllI
144083 \ GAO/HRD-W-102 GAO General Accounting united states Wasihington, 20648 D.C.
Comptroller General of the United States Office B-243906 June lo,1991 ... |
Date June 4, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-90 |
J lltlth l!N 1 CANADIAN HEALTH INSURANCE Lessons for the United States Ill118 II II II
144039 , ‘ ! ._------.CAO/EEKI)-w-!10 GAllIll ~$iz?t&z&Lwmf& , ..
Human Resources Division B-244081 June 4,199l The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This report, prepared at the Committee’ request, reviews Canada’ universal... |
Date May 20, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-66FS |
--.-..._...._---l-.l_---..---“111ll_” -._ - ._._._ l.._--_-._~-- Alternatives for Improving the Distribution of Funds ..*-.” ,I* .” “*“--“.. ..-*_.I l_..-.“,l_.ll. ..- I..I . . . .._..-. -.l- __.. -._-.._ “___. _...._ -..-----_--- .----.-- -.-- --.--v-P GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC. 20648 Human Resources Division B-206047 May 20,lQQl The Honorable Da... |
Date May 17, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-57 |
“-----l ~ l _ ._ M a ,t, l !)!Il T RAUM A CARE L i fe s a v i n g S y s te m T h re a te n e d b y U n re i m b u rs e d C o s ts a- _n d O th e r F a b c to rs
l k E S T E IC I’E D --N o t to b e r & a m d o u te l d e th e G e n e ra l A m o e O ffb u n l e a a e p e d z l c rl l g Human Resources Di v i s i o n B-242661 May 17, 1991 The Honorabl e Donal d W. Ri e gl e , Jr. Chai... |
Date April 23, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-45 |
I.JniCwl Sl,at,w General AceounCing Office Report to Congressional Comrnittees April 19!11 ADMINISTRATION ON AGING More Federal Action Needed to Promote Service Coordination for the Elderly __ .,._ ._._ _. _... _,_ I._ ,.__^ _.__II_ .._..... I _-__,.._ ““.l.“l.~-...* “.I. ._ . . ..II....- -“I ---I .-.. --“-.......Y1----- -_-,l_--ll. --.. _.. I. GAO United States General Accounting Offi... |
Date April 17, 1991 |
Report No. T-HRD-91-16 |
United States General Accounting Office /y 3 b j;-/ t GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EDT Wednesday April 17, 1991 Testimony 143651 U.S. Health Care Spending: Trends, Contributing Factors, and Proposals for Reform Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States Before the Committee on Ways and Means House of Representatives GAO/T-HRD-91-16 GAO Form 160 (... |
Date April 11, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-60 |
April 1991 MEDICAID
HCFA Needs Authority to Enforce Third-Party Requirements on States 143793 II _i _ _ _. . .._ ..-__-- __-. -_. ---_--_--~l.----_-- I--~. / GAO General Accounting Office Wadington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Divieion U&M states B-241141 April 11,lQQl The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman, Committee on GovernmentOperations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This report... |
Date April 2, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-62 |
...-- --..---.. .-- -.l--.-.-_-.."-_ll.I .-.-. ..-._ GAO
~.__.__.--_-.----.------~...-.---.._ --_-_-_““-- April I!l!fI MOTHER-ONLYFAMILIES Low Earnings Will Keep Many Children in Poverty ..--. ..-....- _...._ l_l_ I. .._ “-__-_._- ________” I “” .” . ...-._ --_____ I --~--~..-_---.~ ---_ GAO United States
General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Division B-243... |
Date April 2, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-73 |
--..-April _.._.._... ---. -.-- ----..-I.-_- .-.--” I-. ---_- ---I!)!)1 “----_ WELFARE BENEFITS States Need Social Security’ Death Data s to Avoid Payment Error or Fraud I ,I
143526 ‘ I I/ /I .“.. .I. “I I._. ‘ . ...-I.. ~.. ..‘ ..^........ _ __.._.“.I ^._I” ,, 1 GAO United States General Accounting Office
Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-242904 April 2,lQQl Th... |
Date Feb. 11, 1991 |
Report No. PEMD-91-10 |
.--1. --- ..-.....I .I..I _.11” ..llll”lL”. 1--1” ...-.l.- .._.l”l., “I .,-.--.-.11_.. _- ._I .._.
lccbhrtt;t ry I !)!I I PRENATAL CARE Early Successin Enrolling Women Made Eligible by Medicaid Expansions /
143346 .--- GAO/I”l1:MI)-9 1-l 0 -- _I.I GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division B-242630 February 11,199l T... |
Date Feb. 8, 1991 |
Report No. HRD-91-39 |
United Statqs,Ge+eral Accounting Office GAO
February 199I * -* . Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate COMPUTER MATCHING ACT Many States Did Not Comply With 30-Day Notice or DataVerification Provisions * GAO,‘ BRD91-39 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resour... |
Date Dec. 7, 1990 |
Report No. T-HRD-91-5 |
h United States General Accounting Of!flce / 9 9 7 2 7 Testimony IllI IIII11
142787 For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Friday December 7, 1990 k!EDICAID FORMULA: Fairness Could Be Improved Statement of Janet L. Shikles, Financing and Human Resources Director, Health Policy Issues Division Resources Relations Operations Before the Subcommittee on Human and Intergovernmental Committ... |
Date Nov. 30, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-91-25 |
-- .-_l - l _ “- - . . . --_-_ .--. .l . -.l _““. .- I_ . I_.I. l ” .l . .._. “.I _. ...” ._.- .._. ..--~- N o \~ c ~ tn h r I!)!)0 M E D IC A ID L e g i s l a ti o n N e e d e d to Im p ro v e C o l l e c ti o n s F ro m P ri v a te In s u re rs ; ~-~ ___-_I-_---- _l _ -.“_ _____- - - Orderi_.g n Informati o n I‘h’ e fi r st fi v e copi e s of each GAO report. are free. Addi t i... |
Date Nov. 30, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-91-12 |
United States General Accounting Office I ,- ’ GAO
‘ November 1990 Report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives MEDICYAID Millions of Dollars Not Recovered From Michigan Blue Cross/ Blue Shield . GA!0 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-239899 November 30,199O The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman,... |
Date Oct. 2, 1990 |
Report No. T-HRD-91-2 |
4 United States General Accounting Office I423- GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at IO:00 a.m. EST Tuesday October 2, 1990 Testimony I
142350 HOME VISITING A Promising Service Early Intervention Strategy Delivery Statement of Linda G. Morra, Intergovernmental Human Resources Director and Management Division Issues Before the Subcommittee on Government Activities and Transportation, Committee o... |
Date Sept. 28, 1990 |
Report No. IMTEC-90-67 |
“.I . GAO .II..I . Stat,w “. .“.““.l^l __IJ~kittvl.-...-.“.--.. (;t~wral I_ I... ,,.. ll”.l”--__ _ Acctount,ing Of’f’ictt ----1-1 Report, to tht Chairman, Subcommit,tee on hbor’, Health, and Human Services, ll:duc.;at,ion,and Related Agencies, Committw on Appropriations, I323.Senate sty (~IIIIWl~ 1!1!)0 ADP BUDGET Analysis of HCFA’s Fiscal Year 1991 ADP Budget Request IIlll... |
Date Sept. 14, 1990 |
Report No. T-HRD-90-55 |
United States General Accounting OffIce GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at 11:30 a.m. EDT Friday, September 14, 1990 Testimony IONG-TERN CARE INSURANCE: Proposals To Link Private Insurance and Medicaid Need Close Scrutiny Statement of Lawrence H. Thompson Assistant Comptroller General Human Resources Division Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Energy and Commer... |
Date Sept. 14, 1990 |
Report No. T-HRD-90-54 |
United!3tatesGeneralAccountingOf!fice GAO
For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:45 a.m. EDT Friday, September 14, 1990 Testimony Quality of Care Provided Xedicaid Recipients by Chicago-area HXOs Statement of Janet L. Shikles, Director Health Financing and Policy Human Resources Division Issues Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment Committee on Energy and Commerce House of Represent... |
Date Sept. 10, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-154 |
I :rrikd. St.a .._... .._--..---_-_- -__ . ._l._.-l “_I__ .._..._ . ._.-.. -.....” I..___.._.._... -.- -__...^.._ _ ..__I..._-- Gc~~lt~t’al Awounting -.___. Offiw -..-_ GAO IZt?por*t, t,lre Chairman, Subcommittw t,o on I~ktalt,h and Long-Term Care, Select Committee on Aging, I Iousc of‘ Representatives ^_- LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE Proposals to Link Private Insurance and Medicaid Need ... |
Date Sept. 5, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-135 |
._ _ .._ ...” ..“, I ._. ._l_” ._..,. _^“.-l--l”_. .“.l.. “. .“l_.l~ .^.. l”“. .“-“--.---l..------ -__ _.--I Human Resources Division B-232993 September 5, 1990 The Honorable Howard M. Metzenbaum United States Senate Dear Senator Metzenbaum: This report, prepared at your request, discusses problems Medicaid recipients face when trying to gain admission to nursing homes. It... |
Date Aug. 27, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-81 |
I? United States General Accounting Office GAO
‘. ..E‘4, *,..,:,:,.,’ ,’ .,.I -+‘. ;:: .:_,, ,“,.A,,:_ .,:’.- -,’ : |
Date July 11, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-83 |
--_--- ..” .__.__.._... St~tw ,.__ Il~~ittvJ _- ..__..-__...““_ l-_.“l”_l_--- (ktlr~ral +_c-counting Offiw ~----.-~---~-. .I U. Rcport~t,o that Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Mncation, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, I J.S.Senate HOME VISITING A Promising Early Intervention Strategy for At-Risk Families 141782 , IW3TIU~---Not to be released... |
Date July 6, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-108 |
MEDICARE Comparative Analyses of Payments for Selected Hospital Services 141741 _--“l -.... --.--_ -“-~ - _._. -._-__~--_-_--_-.-..------_-_II-____ _ GAO, IIItI)-!~o-loN L V GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources U-239657 Division July 6, 1990 The Honorable Fortney H. (Pete) Stark Chairman, Subcommittee on Health Committee on Ways and Means House of ... |
Date June 28, 1990 |
Report No. RCED-90-84 |
GAO FOOD STAMP PROGRAM Achieving Cost Neutrality in Washington’s Family Independence Program 1 I Illlllll
141698 - ,(~Ao/lt(::EI)-!m-84 __- Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-237670 June 281990 The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry United States Senate The Honorable E (Kika) de la Garza Chairman, Committee on Agriculture... |
Date June 28, 1990 |
Report No. T-HRD-90-46 |
UnitedSb~~sGenedAccountingOfZice GAO Testimony 1O:OO a.m. EDT Thursday June 28, 1990 For Release on Delivery Sxpected at A Generation DRUG EXPOSEDINFANTS:
at Risk Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States Before the Committee on Finance United States Senate GAO/T-HRD-90-46 GAO Pora 100 (12/87) SuMMARy PN DRUG-EXPOSED INFAmS* . A -RATION AT RISK In 1988, some 5 millio... |
Date June 28, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-138 |
IJnitetd States General Accounting Office * 8 I ! 1 j (-&Q-J Report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, ‘U.S. Senate > *I 1 ~-.I II tt(b 1!I!)0 - DRUG-EXPOSED INFANTS A Generation at Risk 141697 ;;Ao/rrKr,-!,o-l:rH -.-- GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Division B-238209 June 28,199O The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen Chairman, Committee on Finance Un... |
Date June 12, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-67 |
b” United States General Accounting Office .L Report to the Chairman, Committee on * ’ Appropriations, House of Representatives ’ ,. June 1990 RURAL HOSPITALS Federal Leadership and Targeted Programs Needed MO Egz&+~~~ ..
Human Resources Division B-229962 June 12.1990 The Honorable Jamie Whitten Chairman, Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: In response to ... |
Date May 30, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-84 |
Representatives NONPROFIT HOSPITALS Better Standards Needed for Tax Exemption
,’ ., ‘,I ,‘.? L) ,, .I _, +gjg / d p.,,$4 ._. “’ ,.: “,“/ .” .r:\,g’. j) C( \“. :p‘,,,: f ,‘/ i((0,.“\‘I! ,,. 141681 Human Resources Division B-237838 May 30,199O The Honorable Edward R. Roybal Chairman, Select Committee on Aging Houseof Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This report resp... |
Date May 7, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-100 |
0 5 0 r GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-239070 May 7,199O The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye United States Senate Dear Senator Inouye: The availability of mental health services under Medicaid has been a concern to many health experts. In an earlier report, we summarized changesthat state Medicaid and mental health officials believe could i... |
Date April 17, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-30 |
_-...-I -- V --- GAO
A;,riI 1990 Iic3port I)irwt,or, W’f’iw -~ to the and I3udget 01’ Management IJnif.ttd St,a.t,w Gt~l~t~ral Of’l‘iw ~-__._ ..- -.-_(.--~-_I I.--. ’* COMPUTER MATCHING Need for Guidelines on Data Collection and Analysis
141142 I -- GAO/HRD-90-30 , GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Division B-239066 April... |
Date March 8, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-36FS |
; ^*_ i United States General Accounting Office * ; -GA!0 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Select Committee on Hunger, House of ‘;, : .: Representatives .:.i ‘-.‘..,’ ,I,’1 |
Date March 7, 1990 |
Report No. HRD-90-29 |
United States General Accounting Office s- wm GAO
March 1990 Report to the Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration, Department of Health and Human Services 8 ‘1 - MEDICARE AND MEDICAID More Information Exchange Could Improve Detection of Substandard Care GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 2054X Human Resources Division 11-237781 March 7.1990 Gail I Medicaid ... |
Date Feb. 21, 1990 |
Report No. PEMD-90-14BR |
GAO Briefing Report to the Chairman, TJnited States Bipartisan Commission on Comprehensive Health Care s, QUALITY ASSURANCE A Comprehensive, National Strategy for Health Care Is Needed ii4 11111 IIIll
140934 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Program Evaluation and Methodology Division B-237200 February 21,199O The Honorable John D. Rockefeller IV Chairman, The Pepper C... |
Date Jan. 24, 1990 |
Report No. RCED-90-9 |
United States Gene@ Accounting Office Report to i=ongressional Requesters ’, January 1990 F’OODSTAMP AUTOMATION SomeBenefits Achieved; Federal Incentive Funding No Longer Needed GAO/RCED-90-9 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-217883 January 24,199O The Honorable Rudy Boschwitz The Honorable Jesse A. Helms The Honorable Richard G. Lugar United States Senate The Honorable... |
Date Nov. 15, 1989 |
Report No. T-HRD-90-7 |
\ Unite d S ta tes G e n e r a l A c c o u n tin g O ffice lq 0 0 ” -- r” .
. GAO T e s tim o n y For R e l e a s e o n Delivery E x p e c te d a t IO :0 0 a .m . E S T Wednesday November 15, 1989 P U E R T O R ICO: B a c k g r o u n d In fo r m a tio n on Applicable F e d e r a l Legislation, Its G o v e r n m e n tal S tructure, a n d Its F i n a n c e s S ta te m e n t o f L i n d a G . Mor... |
Date Nov. 6, 1989 |
Report No. HRD-90-48FS |
United States General Accounting Office GAO
November 1989 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Health, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives MEDICARE CATASTROPHIC ACT Estimated Effects of Repeal on Medigap FVemiums and Medicaid Costs GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-236852 November 6.1989 The Honorable Fortney H. ... |
Date Sept. 29, 1989 |
Report No. HRD-89-85 |
rt 0 ‘J _.. _. ..” I. . II.. .-.. .._._” ,I_. .__- __“l_“_._. -I-_ .--- _.----~_-ll-“~-l”--ll”“---,~,~---l-_ Human Resources Division H-230468 September 29, 1989 The Honorable Tom Harkin Chairman, Subcommittee on the Handicapped Committee on Labor and Human Resources I Jnited States Senate The IIonorable Dave Durenburger Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on the IIandicapped C... |
Date Sept. 13, 1989 |
Report No. HRD-89-120 |
United StatesGeneral to Accounting Office GAO
September 1989 Report Congressional Committees - AIDS General Accounting Office Human Resources Division B-236204 September 13,1989 The Honorable Edward M. Kennedy Chairman, Committee on Labor and Human Resources United States Senate The Honorable Henry A. Waxman Chairman, Subcommittee on Iicalth and the Environment Committ,ec on Energy and Commerce II... |
Date Aug. 17, 1989 |
Report No. HRD-89-129BR |
United States Genera1 Accounting Office GAO
August 1989 Briefing Report to the Honorable Ronnie G. Flippo, House of Representatives WELFARE REFORM Alabama’s Demonstration Project 1’ ,.\ GAO/HRD-89-129BR GAO United States
General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-235216 August 17, 1989 The Honorable Ronnie G. Flippo House of Representatives Dear Mr. Flippo: In ... |
Date Aug. 16, 1989 |
Report No. HRD-89-90 |
33 s. ‘1 United States General Accounting Office GAO
August 1989 Report to the Honorable Ronnie G. Flippo, House of Representatives MEDICAID States Expand Coverage for Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children GAO/HRD-89-90 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-236032 August 16, 1989 The Honorable Ronnie G. Flippo House of Representatives Dear ... |
Date Aug. 11, 1989 |
Report No. IMTEC-89-31 |
United States General Accounting Office * i,. 3 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations
August 1989 TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION. Health Care Financing Administration’s Budget Process Needs Improvement GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Information Technology Management Divis... |
Date Aug. 2, 1989 |
Report No. IMTEC-89-19 |
Information Technology Management Division and August 2, 1989 The Honorable Louis W. Sullivan, M.D. The Secretary of Health and Human Services Dear Mr. Secretary: This report presents the results of our evaluation of the Health Care Financing Administration’s management and control over federal funds used to acquire and operate states’ automated Medicaid systems. We reviewed this program under... |
Date July 14, 1989 |
Report No. HRD-89-95 |
United States General Accounting Office Report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate July 1989 HEALTH CARE Nine States’ Experiences With Home Care Waivers GAO/HRD-89-95 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-23 1228 July 14, 1989 The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen Chairman, Committee on Finance United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: T... |