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GAO Reports by subject "Sole source procurement"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 24, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-36 Title

Government Operations: GSA Nonstores Procurement Program Falls Far Short of Its Objectives

, c BY THEU.S.GENERALACCOUNTING dFFlCE Report To The Administrator Of General Services GSA Nonstores Procurement Program Falls Far Short Of Its Objectives The GSA nonstores program is a conglomeration of procurement activities designed to provide Federal agencies with a wide variety of items not generally available through other major GSA procurement programs. However, weaknesses in the program’...
Date Jan. 27, 1982 Report No. GGD-82-19 Title

Government Operations: The Postal Service Will Reduce Body Armor Costs by Purchasing Competitively

:OUNTING _. : . .. . *; OlDQllu aovXRwMLNI DIVI. . WASHINGTON, ‘., ,. _ :: . D.C. ‘, .’ ..I 20548 . I ._ -‘I *: ..’ ,t. ,. ;. -_.. l -.r I’- ., -.’ ., .. *. JAN ;r7& ‘I * __” (9E;‘S. . . .. . >_ : ’ . . . .“. ;.-.: . . -:! .,,: .. . . : .* ‘-.. . ‘.T . , /’ I,1.. . . (. _. . , “a . ‘. . . ‘. 1 * ,. The Honorable Jackie A. Str;e'nge A66iUtant POUtrtiaUter General...
Date Dec. 18, 1981 Report No. MASAD-82-11 Title

National Defense: U.S. Airlift Requirements Should Be Satisfied Through Competition

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINC5l’ D.C. 20548 ON, Ml811lON ANALYEllS AND 8YSTtMS ACWllltlON DWWON B-200766 DEC8MBCR 18.1981 Tha Honorabls The Secretary Attentiont Caspar W. Wdnberger of Dafanaa Director, GAO Affairs Daar Mr. Secretary: ':;U.S. Airlift Requirements Should Bf! Satisfied Through Competition ((MASAD-82-11) Subjectr Our ravietw of the Air Force's C-X airlift aircraft p...
Date Oct. 20, 1981 Report No. PLRD-82-14 Title

Government Operations: Comments on Senator Levin's Proposed Amendment to the Fiscal Year 1982 Defense Authorization Act

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 October B-205228 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Carl Levin Senate Levinr 20, 1981 llllllI II 116803 Comments on Senator Levin’s Proposed Amendment to the Fiscal Year 1982 Defense Authorization Act (PLBD 82-14) This report is in response to your letter dated Cctober 15, 1981, requesting our views on your amendment to...
Date Oct. 20, 1981 Report No. 116663 Title

Employment: Department of Labor's Office of National Programs' Administration of Employment and Training Awards

Date Oct. 16, 1981 Report No. AFMD-82-9 Title

Information Management: Misuse of SBA's 8(a) Program Increased Cost for Many ADP Equipment Acquisitions

Report To The Chairman, Committee On Government Operations House Of Representatives OF THEUNITEDSTATES Misuse Of SBA’s 8(a) Program increased Cost For Many ADP Equipment Acquisitions The Small Business Administration, under section 8(a) of the Small Business Act, gives noncompetitive Government contracts and other aid to socially and economically disadvantaged businesses to help them become self...
Date Oct. 15, 1981 Report No. PLRD-82-13 Title

Government Operations: Allegations of an Inappropriate Army Sole-Source Award for Commercial Construction Equipment

UNITED STATES GENER& ACCOUNTING OmcE B-205147 The Honorable Carl Levin Ranking Minority Member, Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Senator Levin: Subject: October 19, 1981 III llllllllll II 1111 116742 Allegations of an Inappropriate Army Sole-Source Award for Commercial Construction Equipment (PLRD-82-13) On April 24, 198...
Date Oct. 6, 1981 Report No. 116596 Title

Economic Development: AID Operations

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY Expected at 1O:OO a.m. October 6, 1981 Tuesday, Statement Samuel Associate Director, before Subcommittee On Legislation of House Government the Operations on AID Operations Mr. Chairman and Members of the the Subcommittee: to provide relative today, to the the Subcommittee foreign emphasizing Committee of W. Bow...
Date Sept. 25, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-92 Title

Information Management: Review of a Computer Hardware Acquisition for NOAA in Boulder, Colorado

i-M ,I, COMPTROLLER I’ GEP#&RAL WASMINbTON OF Td’E _,.,~*;;_, ,_..-.- .. - ..II”-. STATES UNITED D.C. 20508 B-201472 RELEASED The Honorable.Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Government House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Operations -the in Review of a Computer Hardware Acquisition for Natfanal Ckeanic and Atmospheric Administration Boulder, Colorado (AFMD-81-92) In your Jan...
Date Sept. 22, 1981 Report No. FPCD-81-75 Title

Health: Management Training Seminars Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health

United Dear The Honorable States Senator Max Baucus Senate Baucus: Subject: LYanagement Training National Institutes Seminars of Health Sponsored by the (FPCD-81-75) This report responds to your April 7, 1981, request and We reviewed management later discussions with your office. training seminars sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) including the procedures NIH used to determine -...
Date Aug. 31, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-145 Title

Education: Information on Funding Commitments From Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Titles III and IV During Fiscal Year 1981

BY THEUS GENERALA;COUNlNG OFFICE Report To The Chairman, Committee On Labor And Human Resources United States Senate ” information On Funding Commitments From Comprehensive Employment And Training Act Titles Ill And IV During Fiscal Year 1981 GAO identified 193 awards administered by Labor’s Office of National Pro rams or Office of Youth Programs totaling 3 102.6 million from Comprehensive Emp...
Date Aug. 31, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-146 Title

Employment: Information on Funding Commitments From Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Titles III and IV During Fiscal Year 1981

, . 1 REPORTBY THE U.S. General Accounting Office Information On Funding Commitments From Comprehensive Employment And Training Act Titles Ill And IV During Fiscal Year 1981 GAO identified 193 awards administered by Labor’s Office of National Pro rams or Office of Youth Programs totaling P102.6 million from Comprehensive Employment and Training Act titles II I and IV discretionary funds that had...
Date Aug. 28, 1981 Report No. HRD-81-111 Title

Employment: Labor Needs To Better Select, Monitor, and Evaluate Its Employment and Training Awardees

M*‘l: tn, b’D ~~#yb& CmWJQ ,gQESTRLCTED -” Accoumt&(:-l (fJpf$& @p;tr*;,; ??# lrbo L “” a’1 ““p” b the ()flicct &)f ~osril~.&&*.Ucwi iwQ**~~ -Q @enera’ ‘BYTHE COMPTROLLERGE Report To The Chairman, Senate Committee On Labor And Human Resources OF THE UNITEDSTATES Labor Needs To Better Select, Monitor, And Evaluate Its Employment And Training Awardees Labor’s Office of Nation...
Date Aug. 21, 1981 Report No. B-204276 Title

Government Operations: [Views on Senate Joint Resolution 93]

_ ('S! x . .' 0 ( 't\f ig t r-~q X. COMPTROLLER GENZRAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON D.C. 20548 B-204276 ~AUG 211981 The Honorable William V. Roth, Jr. Chairman, Committee on Governmental ' - Affairs United States Senate -Dear Mr. Chairman: Your letter of July 16, 1981, requested our views on Senate Joint Resolution 93 ;which will clarify and reaf'frm that it is the "general oolic!"(emphasis pr...
Date July 28, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-74 Title

Information Management: Fragmented Management Hinders GSA Ability To Acquire Internal ADP Resources

. COMPTROLLER a-*_. GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE UN ITED STATES D.C. 20548 RELEASED B-200948 The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Committee on Govern Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: -Management Hinders Subject: 1 Fragmented Acquire Internal ADP Resources 116860 I GSA%+Ability (AFMD-81-74) to J Your July 14, 1980, letter (encl. I) requested that we review the General Services Adm...
Date June 3, 1981 Report No. 115401 Title

Budget and Spending: Increased Emphasis on Improving Procurement Practices

UNIT'SD STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 lllllllllllllll 115401 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY EXPECTED AT 10:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1981 Statement of Thomas D, Morris Special Assistant before Subcommittee to the Comptroller the and National General on Legislation Security Eouse Committee on Government Operations Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: to respond to the Comm...
Date June 2, 1981 Report No. 115371 Title

Health: Three GAO Reviews of Contract Administration by the National Cancer Institute

Date May 7, 1981 Report No. EMD-81-38 Title

Energy: Improvements Needed in Managing Federal Coal Mapping Contracts

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, MaROY AND MINERAU DIVISION D.C. 20548 R-202946 MAY 7.1981 The Honorable Secretary of Dear Mr. James G. Watt the Interior Secretary: r Improvements Coal Mapping Weeded in ContractsJ Managing Federal (EMD-81-38) Sub3ect: In a recent report, we identified various problems with and usefulness of[Federal coal resource occurrence/ Coal development poten...
Date April 29, 1981 Report No. 115083 Title

National Defense: DOD Use of Consultant Service Contracts

UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE Washington, D.C. FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY EXPECTEDAT 1O:OO a.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1981 Statement Walton of Jr., / H. Sheley, MISSION ANALYSIS AND SYSTEMSACQUISITION DIVISION before Subcommittee House Committee the on Human Resources and Civil Service on Post Office and the Subcommittee on Civil and General Service, Services Post Office Senate Committee on Go...
Date April 27, 1981 Report No. 115034 Title

Economic Development: Small Business Administration Contracting Practices

United / States General Accounting Office Washington, D. C. 20548 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY Monday, April 27, 1981 STATEMENTOF SEYMOUREFROS ASSOCIATE GENERAL COUNSEL BEFORE THE I SENATE COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS ON ?---LSMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTING PRACTICES Mr. Chairman to be here requirements today for and Members of the Committee, to assist competition knowledge actions you . your ...
Date April 24, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-24 Title

Government Operations: Procurement Practices at the Council on Environmental Quality

UW~TED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHIXCTON, I PROCUfQEMINT, AN0 RLADlNLJj LQ~ISTICS, OIVISION D.C. 20548 APRIL 24,1981 B-197868 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Jesse Helms Senate Helms: cProcurement Practices Environmental Qualit. at the Council (PLRD-81-24) on we investigated In response to your August 11, 1980, letter, contracts awarded by the Council on Environmental Q...
Date April 17, 1981 Report No. GGD-81-55 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Use of Consultants by the Department of Justice

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION ~-202816 The Honorable United States Dear Senator APRIL 17.1991 Max’Baucus Senate Baucus: - RELEASED II I 115261 Subject: In accordance with your April 29, 1980, request we reviewed the Department of Justice's use of consultants. Our review included the extent to which the Department used consultants, purpo...
Date March 31, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-19 Title

Government Operations: Controls Over DOD's Management Support Service Contracts Need Strengthening

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To Congresswoman And Senator David Pryor Geraldine Ferraro OF THE UNITEDSTATES Controls Over DOD’s Management Support Service Contracts Need Strengthening This report deals with: --DOD’s weakening in-house capabilities to perform its mission. --Contract awards resulting from unsolicited proposals and the extensive involvement of former DOD officials/ employees...
Date March 24, 1981 Report No. 114791 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Sole-Source Procurement in the Federal System

Date March 11, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-10 Title

Government Operations: Use of Cost-Deferred-Fee Contracts Can Be Costly to the Government

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 MISSION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS ACOUlSltlON AND DIVISION MARCH 11,198l B-202301 The Honorable The Secretary Attentions Dear Mr. Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Assistant for II lllllllll 114570 Audit Reports Secretary: Contracts Can Be G se of Cost-Deferred-Fee Costly to the Governmentl(MASAD-81-10) Subject: , We reviewed the Navy’s use of c...
Date March 9, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-14 Title

Government Operations: Expedited Yearend Contract Award Resulted in Shortcutting Established Regulations and Procedures and Overpricing

UNITEDSTATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHlNGTON, D.C. 20348 MISSION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS ACQUISITION AND DIVISION B-202277 MARCH 9,1981 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Caspar W. Weinberger df Defense Assistant for Audit Reports Secretary: Expedited Yearend Contract Award Resulted in c hortcutting Established Regulations and Procedures and Overpricing (MASAD-81-14) J We have completed...
Date March 5, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-16 Title

Government Operations: Contract Overpriced and Established Pricing Regulations and Procedures Not Followed

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 MISSION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS ACQUlSlTlON AND OlVlSlON MARCH 5,198l a-202293 The Honorable The Secretary Subject: Drew L. Lewis of Transportation E- 114504 ontract Overpriced and Established Regulations and Procedures t?ot (NASAD-81-16) Dear Nr . Secretary: In reviewing the pricing of firm-fixed-price contract DOT-FA77tiA-4047, we found tha...
Date Feb. 24, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-24 Title

Information Management: Better Software Planning Needed at the Air Force's Global Weather Central

Report To The Chairman, Committee On Government Operations House Of Representatives OF THE UI’ ITED STATES Better Software Planning Needed At The Air Force’ Global Weather Central s To support its mission responsibilities into the 1990s the Air Force’ Global Weather Central s needs to substantially increase capacity for its general purpose computers. However, in attempting to justify keeping...
Date Dec. 17, 1980 Report No. AFMD-81-21 Title

Information Management: Review of General Services Administration's Acquisition of ADP Resources

December 17, 1980 B-200948 RELEASED The Honorable Jack Brooks Chairman, Commlttee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: k Review of General Services Admlnlstration's Acqulsitron of ADP Resources (AFMD-81-21) a Your July 14, 1980, letter requested that we review the General Services Adminlstratlon's (GSA's) plans to (1) acquire automatic data processing (ADP) resource...
Date Dec. 10, 1980 Report No. ID-81-17 Title

International Affairs: Evaluation of General Binding Corporation Inquiry

Nat to be released outsIde the Generat Accounting Office except on PI-tie kc% of specific approval by the Office of Wngrei;sZe~a! R4akiorns. Rk&ED - tt 3 CT w UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20549 v RELEASED -. DECEMBER lo,1980 _... Tk Honorable Charles H. Percy United States Senate 113978 Dear Senator Percy: Subject: (ID-81-17) I This is in response to your letter of Octo...
Date Dec. 5, 1980 Report No. B-200558 Title

Government Operations: Comments on S. 3051

/ ~ COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-200558 December 5, 1980 The Honorable William S. Cohen United States Senate Dear Senator Cohen: / i 3 .3 This letter is in reference to S. 3051, the Government Management and Year-End Procurement Control Act of 1980. In view of our interest in the subject matter of the bill, we offer the following comments. S. 3051 represents an...
Date Nov. 21, 1980 Report No. B-197868(2) Title

Government Operations: [Issuance of Sole Source Purchase Order and Sole Source Contract by the Council of Environmental Quality]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-197868(2) November 21, 1980 The Honorable Jesse Helms United States Senate Dear Senator Helms: By letter of A ust 11, 1980, you requested that we review the eissuance of X sole-source purchase order and g sole-source contract by the Council on Environmental QualitS (CEQ) to Mr. David Sheridan in connection with a study of "Desertifi...
Date Nov. 21, 1980 Report No. PSAD-81-12 Title

Government Operations: NASA Lewis Research Center Attempts To Procure Suitable Wind Turbine Rotor Blades

REPC ~GeneralAccounting Office /NASA Lewis Research Center ‘Attempts To Procure Suitable ~ Wind Turbine Rotor Blades An economical and serviceable wind turbine rotor blade has yet to be delivered to Lewis Research Center by any contractor. The blades delivered thus far have experienced problems in design, fabrication, or testing. However, Center officials b8li8V8 that two of their recent blade b...
Date Nov. 10, 1980 Report No. PSAD-81-9 Title

Government Operations: Civil Agencies Can Improve the Performance of Technical Evaluations

Date Nov. 7, 1980 Report No. EMD-81-20 Title

Information Management: Review of the Tennessee Valley Authority's Procurements of Automatic Data Processing Equipment

COMPTROLLERoFTHE STA,ES GC,,ERA~ UN,TEo 0~ 205,8 WASHINGTON November7, 1980 B-201063 The Honorable Jack Brooks, Chairman Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: #II HI II Ill 113929 beview of the Tennessee Valley Authority's Procurements of Automatic Data Processing Equipment (EMD-81-20) -.I In your letter of March 25, 1980 (see enc. I) you expressed concern ...
Date Oct. 31, 1980 Report No. B-200136 Title

Government Operations: Noncompetitive Procurement of Aeronautical Spare Parts at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center

UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE REGIONAL ROOM KANSAS 10. OFFICE 66101 GATEWAY II BLJILDIN~ 4m AND 8TATL CITy, UNSAS October B-200136 31, 1980 Lb0 LYajor General Jay T. Edwards Commander, Oklahoma City AirqCcCj6%';, Logistics Center Dear General: /3 Procurement of Aeronautical Spare Parts at Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center 9 We have completed our survey of the noncompetitive procurement of...
Date Oct. 24, 1980 Report No. AFMD-81-15 Title

Information Management: Review of GSA's Acquisition of ADP Resources

COM~ROLLER GENKRAL WASHINQTON. ‘. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20540 STATES . B-200948 The Honorable Jack Brooks, Chairman Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: L eview of GSA's Acquisition (AFMD-81-15) of ADP Resources a da 24 tw Your July 14, 1980, letter requested that we review the General Services Administration (GSA) plans to acquire automatic data p...
Date Sept. 5, 1980 Report No. EMD-80-114 Title

Government Operations: Department of Energy Procurement Activities

4, Y I ” I r3a3y 20548 UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DAL EN&ROY AND MlNERAUt DlVlsloN R-199916 SEPTEMBER 5.1980 ,The Honorable John D. Dingell ""' Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power Committee On Interstate and Foreign Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: epartment of Energy (EMD-80-114) Procurement llllllllll~llu II1 113234 Activities the Co...
Date Sept. 4, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-69 Title

Government Operations: Air Force C-130 Contract Price Is Overstated and Proper Action Has Not Been Taken To Improve Lockheed's Cost Accounting and Estimating Systems

etary Of Defense Air Force C-l 30 Contract Price Is Overstated roper Action Has Not Been Taken To Improve Lockheed’s Cost Accounting And Estimating Systems l-he price of a contract the Air Force awarded !o Lxkheec: for C-l 30 airplanes is overstated :~y abou! $4.2 tnillion. Fcrce personnel have not adequately to contract audit reports of weakwssfs III l.ockhef?d’s accounting and estimatin
Date Aug. 21, 1980 Report No. ID-80-56 Title

International Affairs: Sole-Source Passport Office Lamination Contract

INTERNATIONAL DIVISION August 21, 1980 B-199954 The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject; lllllllllllllll 113189 Charles Senate Percy: H. Percy &le-Source (ID-80-56) Passport Office Lamination J12&&mrJ$2 This is in response to your letter of July 22, 1980, requesting our assistance in obtaining answers from the State p&h Department to five questions posed by the General Bi,n"di,ng COrpoca~...
Date Aug. 18, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-66 Title

Government Operations: Need For and Plans To Strengthen Procurement and Property Management Controls at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Laboratories

1. II*. II”-,/ 1Q m I BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFIC’E Report To The Secretciry Of Commerce ~~___ _ - Need ForAnd PlansTo Strengthen Procurement And Property Management Controls At National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration Laboratories GAO found that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has weaknesses in its local laboratory procurement operations. Procurement officia...
Date July 14, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-59 Title

Government Operations: Air Force Procurements of Spare and Repair Parts for the ARC-164 Radio

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED 20548 STATES JULY14.1980 B-198680 ~/*“‘The Honorable United States Dear Senator Subject: Sam Nunn Senate Nunn: ir Force arts for Procurements the ARC-164 of Radi are and Repair (PSAD-80-59) On February 5, 1980, you -quested that we determine why certain ARC-164 components and parts are procured from Magnavox Government and Industrial the prime...
Date June 27, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-72 Title

Government Operations: GSA'S Planned Procurement of a Consolidated Telephone System for the Washington, D.C., Area

RLSTRlCTEO +'" RELEASED Accounting & - Not to be released outsldo t)re Qenoral Office except on the bawls q? qpcJfiq &pprora the Qffico ~f.,~qgm~iona~~ -~ek~onr. “.---e-L .-.. .I COMICIROUR GENERAL WMHIMQTOH. OF THE iwI UNITED STATES D.C. B-197814 June 27, 1980 The Honorable Subcommittee Max Baucus, on Limitations Contracted and Delegated Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Dear Mr. ...
Date April 30, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-48 Title

Government Operations: Allegations of Improper Procedures and Waste in Air Force Flight Simulator Operation and Maintenance Contracts

UNITEDSTATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20348 PROCUREMENT ACQUISITION AND SYSTXMS DIVISION General Alton D. Slay Command Base 20334 A J E c lY :!IJyY3-i? 112217 Commander Air Force Systems Andrews Air Force Washington, D.C. Dear General Subject: Slay: and Waste 3#7 760 0 -;l53.y of Improper Procedures in Air Force Flight Maintenance We have completed a limited review of alleged impro...
Date March 27, 1980 Report No. 111915 Title

Employment: Federal Agencies' Use of Consultant Service Contracts

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20548 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY EXPECTED AT 10:00 a.m. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1980 Statement Jerome Of H. Stolarow DIVISION PROCUREMENT AND SYSTEMS ACQUISITION before Subcommittee Committee on Post the on Human Resources Office and Civil Service Mr. Chairman At your and members of request, the Subcommittee: an examination contract our -88 recent...
Date March 25, 1980 Report No. B-197844 Title

Government Operations: [Impact on Employment in Federal Contract Operations (H.R. 6425)]

CONP7 i / '. - .v THE UNt 5_M -'
Date March 20, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-35 Title

Government Operations: Controls Over Consulting Service Contracts at Federal Agencies Need Tightening

Hu6an Resources, Committee Qn kst Office And ‘Civil -pervice, House Of Representatives OF THE UNITED STATES Controls Over Consulting Service~Contr&ts .-. At Federal Agencies Need Tightening. Which of the following best describes ccmsuiting service contracts awarded by Federal agencies? (Check one) ( ( ( ( ( Perhaps unnecessary. Extensive sole-source awards. Lots of modifications, End products no...
Date Jan. 24, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-30 Title

Information Management: Air Force Sole Source Computer Acquisitions Not Warranted

m&Me the - Not to be rdsarsd OPfilce except on the basis of specific P;a!~wntiuig bv the Office of Congressional Relations. RbSTRlCTEb aeneral approvd B-197338 , JANUARY 24,198O The Honorable Jack Srooks Chairman, Committee on Government Operations /Mw Xouse of Representatives Dear G+ 111469 Mr. Chairman: ir Force Sole Source Computer Acuuisitions Not Warranted1 ( FdMSD-80-30) - Subject: that we i...
Date Dec. 7, 1979 Report No. EMD-80-37 Title

Energy: Planned Contract Award for the Fort Hood Solar Project Should Be Reconsidered

The HanorabLe The Secretary Charles W. Duncan, of Energy Jr. .', I ", N,,, Dear ?Ilr. Secretary: Subject: Planned Contract Award for the Fort Hood c alar Project Should Be Reconsidered _3 (END-80-37) The General Accounting Office is currently reviewing the Department of Energy's (DOE's) management of solar energy During our review, research and development (R&D) projects. we identified a planned c...
Date Oct. 18, 1979 Report No. PSAD-80-3 Title

Government Operations: Opportunity To Reduce Cost of the Navy's Contract for Patrol Hydrofoil Missile Ships

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE .,.-~-..,y · ir WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 PROCURCM LNT AND SYSTtMS ACQUISITION DIVISION B-16F450 OCTOBER 18. 1979 The Honorable Harold Brown The Secretary of Defense Attention: Assistant for Audit Recorts Room 3A336 ASD (ComDtroller) Dear Mr. Secretary: Opportunity to Reduce Cost of the Navy's Contract for Patrol Combatant Hydrofoil Missile Ships (PSAD-80-3) S...