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GAO Reports by subject "Agency reports"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date July 14, 1980 Report No. HRD-80-96 Title

Health: Management of and Results Obtained From HCFA Demonstrations and Experiments

GAO United States General Accounting OfTice Washington, DC 20548 Human Resources Division B-199414 JULY 14,198O The Honorable Patricia The Secretary of Health Human Services Dear * Mrs. Harris: Roberts and Harris 1111 Ill Ill 11111 112761 Subject: II,,+c lyanagement of and Results Obtained HCFA Demonstrations and Experimen (HRD-80-96) from On May 8, 1980, we testified before the Subcommittee on Ov...
Date May 9, 1980 Report No. PSAD-80-37 Title

National Defense: 'SARs'--Defense Department Reports That Should Provide More Information to the Congress

BY THECOMPTROLLER GENERAL * -’ Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES “SARs”-- Defense Department Reports That Should Provide More Information ToThe Congress Important information which would be useful to the Congress and to top-level Defense Department managers is being omitted from DOD’s selected acquisition reports. These reports tell where a major weapons program stands in relation ...
Date May 1, 1980 Report No. 112510 Title

Special Publications: Federal Government Information Guide

/377p \ FederalGovernment U.S. GeneralAccounting Offbe Office of InformationSystems and Services 1980 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION G U I D E U . S . General Accounting Office Office o f Information Systems and S e r v i c e s T e c h n i c a l Information S o u r c e s and S e r v i c e s Branch Audit Reference S e r v i c e s May 1980 INTRODUCTION --------_____ The --------------__-------------...
Date April 30, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-42 Title

Financial Management: Naval Supply Systems Command Acts To Improve Usefulness of Financial Reports Produced by the Aviation Supply Office's Automated Allotment Accounting System

UNITED STATESGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 DIVISION GENERAL OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND STUDIES APRIL 30,198O g-196862 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Edward Hidalgo of the Navy Secretary: Command Acts fo Improve Naval Supply Systems of Financial Reports Przduced by 6, sefulness the Aviation Supply Office's Automated Allotment Accounting Syste (FGMSD-80-42) '31 This report ...
Date April 18, 1980 Report No. PAD-80-72 Title

Information Management: Analysis of Requirements for Recurring Reports to the Congress

F’ROGRAM ANf.LYSIS &xVl5lON B--198190 ~1~; Honorable William ?J. Roth, Jr. -9 e Ranking Xino r i ty i~lC?.mber ct” Suhcomnittee on Intergovernmental c tJ CP 56 Relations Committee on Governmental Affairs United S tatca Senate Dear Mr. Roth: .N-li nalysis Reports 113345 Subject: of to - for Recurring (PAD-50-72) In response to the letter of November 5, 1979., from the informa&ink Hoewing of .yo...
Date March 14, 1980 Report No. GGD-80-36 Title

Information Management: Program To Follow Up Federal Paperwork Commission Recommendations Is in Trouble

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED STATES 20’348 B-197864 To the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives "7 This report provides the Congress with an independent assessment of the Office of Management and Budget's program to followup recommendations made by the Commiepn Federal Paperwork. We are sending copies to the Chairman of the House Committe...
Date March 10, 1980 Report No. 111856 Title

Financial Management: Opportunities To Achieve Savings Through Legislative Action

Date Feb. 28, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-40 Title

National Defense: Regulations on War Reserve Material Not Followed

,* -“,a IRRllMl 111659 GAO LC~IS:~CS and Ccmmunlc3tiCnj D&ion R-197630 FEBRUARY 28, 1980 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Clifford of the L. Army Alexander, Jr. Secretary: Regulatio L . allowed s On War Reserve LCD-80-40) Material Not war Subject: 3 We recently completed a study of the use of secondary reserve material to satisfy peacetime operating requirements. 4Gc.. Support and Aviation W...
Date Jan. 15, 1980 Report No. FGMSD-80-19 Title

Financial Management: Usefulness of Financial Reports Produced by the Resource Management System

UNITED STATESGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20!348 I2.538 DlVlSlON GENERAL OF FlNANClALAND MAhiAGEMENT bTUDIB B-115369 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Edward Hidalgo of the Navy JANUARY 15, 1980 Secretary: of Financial cUsefulness the Resource Management Reports System Subject: J Produced by I (FGMSD-80-19) , This is the report on our review of the need for and 1 usefulness of fin...
Date Jan. 9, 1980 Report No. B-197370 Title

International Affairs: Foreign Tax Credit as It Applies to Energy Policy

Date Dec. 26, 1979 Report No. FGMSD-80-23 Title

Financial Management: The Navy's Inspection System Could Be Improved

BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL Report To The Chairman, Subcommittee On Legislation And National Security, qHouse Committee On Government Operations , i ‘OF THE UNITED STATES The Navy’s Inspection Syste’m Could Be Improved The Naval Inspector General inspection system is much smaller than the Air Force or the Army systems, and covers only about 20 percent of the Navy’s activities; the other act...
Date Dec. 1, 1979 Report No. 111122 Title

Special Publications: Report Preparation & Processing Guide

.. FOREWORD This guide was prepared f o r quick and convenient reference to GAO's reporting policies. I t should be useful to report writers and reviewers throughout the o f f i c e . I t is designed t o supplement the R e p r t Manual and make it easier to use. It also should be used i n conjunction with the Checklist f o r R e p o r t Writers and Reviewers. There are two parts-one d e a l s wit...
Date Nov. 1, 1979 Report No. 091096 Title

Special Publications: Checklist for Report Writers and Reviewers

COMPTROLLER GENERAL O F THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20.0648 November 1, 1979 TO ALL GAO PROFESSIONAL, STAFF: Most of the reports that cross m desk are of a high quality y both i n content and form. The exceptions, however, continue to trouble me. Although our traditional strengths i n auditing and analysis continue unabated, the written presentation of our audit results sometimes does not ...
Date Sept. 17, 1979 Report No. 094338 Title

Government Operations: Problems of Achieving Productivity in a Structured Organization

Date Sept. 4, 1979 Report No. B-158552 Title

Government Operations: Followup Efforts on the Recommendations of the Commission on Federal Paperwork]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 B-158552 September 4, 1979 The Honorable Frank Horton House of Representatives Dear Frank: You recently asked about the Gnemea-lA e-eut-if-n Off1inI's ?3 efforts to followup on the recommendations of the Commissionfi4Cl' 4 on Federal Paperwork As you know, the Office of Management A7Coc, 2 and Budget has had followup responsibility fo...
Date Aug. 28, 1979 Report No. FGMSD-79-51 Title

Financial Management: A Look at the Air Force Inspector General's Inspection System

Inspection reports of the Air Force Inspector General provide valuable information, but the reports can be improved by developing more information on the underlying causes of problems disclosed during inspections and by reducing the number of non-mission-related findings. The inspection system could be strengthened by reducing the high turnover of top-level inspection officials, replacing some mil...
Date July 1, 1979 Report No. 113321 Title

Internal Auditing in the Government: An Annotated Bibliography

1 I I INTERNAL AUDITING VERNMENT AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY U.S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN I - I I NT ERNAL AUDIT I NG I N THE GOVERNMENT AN ANNOTATED BILBIOGRAPHY U.S. General Accounting O f f i c e Ti Office o f the L i b r a r i a n eU" R 07 0 July 1979 'Table o f Contents Page I n t rod uc t o ry Note 1 The Historical Context lhe Federal Government Case Studies The Gener...
Date June 30, 1979 Report No. 091613 Title

Special Publications: General Accounting Office Publications

! CONTENTS Comptroller Genom1 Reports lo tho Congnu m d Federal Agondm n How to Obtain Report8 Indexed by Subject Indexed by Agency Congnrrlonrl Tmtlmony by OAO Offklrls Spoachos by tho Comptrdlor Conml Othr Publkrtlonr General Accounting and Auditing Procodurns Office of General Counsel Automatic D i u Procoming Intergovernmental Audit Standards Joint Financial M l n 8 g m m t Improvemont Program...
Date June 5, 1979 Report No. ID-79-37 Title

International Affairs: Price Behavior of Products Under Import Relief

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF 0-c. THE UNITED 20348 S-i-A-I-Es LM109551 The Honorable Charles A. Vanik Chairman, Subcommittee on Trade Committee on Ways and lYeans House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: ill Ill l~lllllll 109551 asked us to comment on a Your March 21, 1979, letter staff study by the Department of Labor's Bureau of Inter-Xgo["ir/f national Labor Affairs which discusses "pr...
Date May 22, 1979 Report No. PAD-79-34 Title

Natural Resources: Comments on the FY 1977 Report of the Forest Service in Connection With the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act

, COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITED :zOS48 STATES ’ IlllllllllllllllllllllllIll1 lllll lllllIll11 Ill Ill1 LM109J42 B-125053 ill l~llllllllll 109442 ‘MAY 22, 1979 ’ I The Honorable Herman E. Talmadge Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: Qf/@o Fd- This letter report responds to your June 8, 1978, request that we c...
Date May 1, 1979 Report No. 091100 Title

Special Publications: Managers Your Accounting System Can Do a Lot for You

Managers Accounting Systems Can Help You: -Plan and control agency operations -Decide on the best ways to use resources to achieve goals -Keep within appropriations and other legal requirements -Safeguard agency resources -Evaluate accomplishments By The Comptroller General Of 'chc United States FOREWORD I ! 1 I 1 I Our growing Federal budget and national debt are a concern to both taxpayer5 and ...
Date March 30, 1979 Report No. HRD-79-51 Title

Health: Operations of the National Cancer Institute's Carcinogenesis Programs

I a ho+ to be rs?ll@ased outside the aeneril I]NlTED STATES GENERALACCOUNTINGOFFICE WASHINGTON, b.C. HUMAN RCSOURCSS DIVISION 20545 RELEASED MARCH 30, 1979 B-164031( 2) The Honorable Henry A. Waxman House of Representatives Dear Mr. Waxman: you asked us to review In your May 2, 1977, letter certain aspects of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) to In our July 26, 1978, report carcinogenesi...
Date March 27, 1979 Report No. B-170612 Title

Government Operations: Comments on H.R. 2 and H.R. 65

Ab March 27, 1979 L k e Richard Bolling C h a i r m a n , Committee o n R u l e s House of R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s Dear P I r . Chairman: Thank you f o r y o u r l e t t e r of e b r u a r y 2 6 , 1 9 7 9 , r e q u e s t i n g o u r comments o n S.K. 2 a n d H.K. 6 5 , p r o p o s a l s t o i m p r o v e conA s you know, w h a v e e g r e s s i o n a l r e v i e w s o f F e d e r a l program...
Date Feb. 16, 1979 Report No. LCD-79-306 Title

National Defense: Navy Anti-Deficiency Act Violations at Bay St. Louis, Mississippi

,” United States General Accounting Office Washington, DC 20548 B-168700 Not to be released outside the G.: ” “’ RESTRICTED Accounting Office except on the basis of SWdib aPP;avG by me Office of Congressional Relations. RELEASED Logistics and Communications Division The Honorable United States Dear Senator As William Senate Proxmire: Proxmire FEBRUARY 16.1979 requested in your letter of Fe...
Date Feb. 6, 1979 Report No. B-118535 Title

Special Publications: Withholding a Draft GAO Report From Public Disclosure

Date Jan. 1, 1979 Report No. 095117 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Vol. 14, Issue 2, Spring 1979

\ The -REVIEW Conbnts . Volume 1 4 Issue 2 From Our Briefcase Fraud Task Force in Business The Many Aspects of Tax and Spending Limitation Proposals Word Ban in Ohio Briefing the Farn\ers Food Issues Newsletter Can No Longer Provide an UPDATE Wider Audience for a GAO Publication Behind the Scenes for the Annual Report Mr. Staats Receives Plaque of Recognition Got-an Idea? . . .. ,. . New EngEand ...
Date Dec. 28, 1978 Report No. B-109650 Title

Environmental Protection: [Concerning a Report to Congress on the Adequacy of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Study]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20548 B-109650 The Honorable Bob Eckhardt Chairman, Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Finance o Comittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: December 28, 1978 The Toxic Substances Control Act (section 25(a)) (15 U.S.C. 2624) requires the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (E...
Date Dec. 19, 1978 Report No. B-161740 Title

Government Operations: [Comments on Draft "Improving Public Policy and the Market System"]

COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES *aw WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 K B-161740 ggo~ng5,on December 19, 1978 &41c 7' gc Ae0 Ate~y /% 40/7' A fof 7e5'~t Mr. Robert C. Holland, President Committee for Economic Development 1700 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 Dear Bob: We have now had a chance to review CED's October 26 draft "Improving Public Policy and the Market System" in some detail. The bo...
Date Oct. 31, 1978 Report No. ID-78-57 Title

International Affairs: Reporting of U.S. International Agreements by Executive Agencies Has Improved

DOCbIENT RESUME 07719 - [C30 4E i Reporting of U.S. International Agreements by Executive Agencies Has Improved. ID-78-57; B-110058. October ]1, 1S78. 42 pE. + appendix (2 pp.). Report to Sen. Haryon Allen, chairanm, Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Separation of Powers Subcommittee; ty Elmer D. Stasts, Comptroller General. Issue Area: International Economic and Military Programs: U.S. Internati...
Date Oct. 16, 1978 Report No. 095079 Title

Special Publications: Report Distribution Instructions

UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE October 16, 1978 Memorandum \ TO : Heads of Divisions and OfPices ' SUBJECE GAO Form 115 Comprehensive Audit Memorandum No. 2, Revised (Preparing Approval for Distribu ion of Report Signed by the Comptroller General or a Division Director) - I( PURPOSE This memorandum contains instructions for preparing GAO Form 115 (Approval for Distribution of ...
Date Oct. 4, 1978 Report No. PAD-78-85 Title

Government Operations: Comments on S. 3262

COIJMROLLER GENfRAL WASHINGTON OF DC THE UN IT&D STATES ZLB48 B-P70612 B-139310 3 The Hondrable Abraham Ribicoff ChaIrman, Senate Commlttee on Govefrnment Affairs United States Senate Bear Chairman Rlblcoff: This letter responds to your request of August 29, 1978, the “Regulatory Cost Reduction Act comments on S-3262, of 978.” This bill T! _roposes to establish a procedure to reduce the costs ...
Date July 31, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-126B Title

Information Management: GSA's Draft Report on Freedom of Information Act Indexing and Publishing Practices

Date July 25, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-120 Title

Information Management: Government Field Offices Should Better Implement the Freedom of Information Act

DCCUhENT RESUME /dckC Dc-1 06524 - fB2087101, Restricted) Y 7- 78 Government Field Offices Should Better Inplement the Freedom of Infcrmation Act. LCD-78-120; B-173761. July 25, 1978. 47 pp. Report to Rep. Richardson Preyer, Chairman, Hcuse Ccmnittee on Government Operations: Government Information and Individual Ri4hts Subcommittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccmptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Inf...
Date July 7, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-229 Title

Government Operations: Federal Agency Participation in the National Supply System

DOCUMENT RESUME 06645 - r 19269541 B-161319. July 7, 1978. 7 pp. rFederal Agency Participatiun in the National Supply System]. LCD-78-229; Report to Joel W. SolcJon, Administratcr, General Services Administration; by Richard W. Gutmanr, Director, logistics and Communications Div. Issue Area: Sinqie Logistics Managers: Govcrnmeut-wide, zor Liscrete Functions. (716). Contact: Loqgtics and Communicat...
Date June 30, 1978 Report No. 095109 Title

Special Publications: General Accounting Office Publications

. I : -~. - , . Accounting Office Publications -. f, 5 t -'. s 1 i CONTENTS Comptroller General Reports to the Congress and Federal Agencies How to Obtain Reports Indexed by Subject Indexed by Agency Congressional Testimony by GAO Officials Speeches by the Comptroller General Other Publications General Accounting and Auditing Procedures Automatic Data Processing Office of General Counsel Intergove...
Date June 8, 1978 Report No. CED-78-116 Title

Transportation: Cargo Preference Programs for Government-Financed Ocean Shipments Could Be Improved

DOCU MBNT 06445 - [B1606646] ISU0R Car:gq, Preference Programs for Govermaent-PFiancd ocean Shipments Could Be Improved. CBD-78-116; D-95832. June 8, 1978. 49 pp. + 7 appendices (7 pp.). Report to the Congress; by BEler 8. Staats, Coaptrcller Genesrl. Issue Area: Transportation Systems and Policies: National Policies and Programs (2406); Facilitiea and Materiel Ka nagement (700). Contact: Communit...
Date June 5, 1978 Report No. ID-78-14 Title

International Affairs: Effectiveness of the World Bank's Independent Review and Evaluation System

DOCUMENT RESUBE 06281 I'B15866031 Effectiveness of the Wo.-ld Bank's Independent eview and Evaluation System. ID-78-14; B-161470. June 5, 1978. 3C pp.FF appendices (10 pp.). Report to the Conqress; y Elmer B. + 3 Staats, Ccapticller Generdl. Issue Area: International Economic ad ilitary Programs: U.S. Participation in Activities of International Organizations (609). Contact: International Div. Bud...
Date May 30, 1978 Report No. PAD-78-35 Title

Budget and Spending: Better Information Needed for Oversight and Evaluation of Selected Elementary and Secondary Education Programs

DOCUMENT RESUME 05932 - 815666011 (Restricted) Better Information Needed for Oversight and Evaluation of Selected Elementary and Secondary Education Prograss. PAD-78-35; B-164031(1) . ay 30, 1978. 4 pp. + appendix (47 p.) . Report to Sen. Harrison . illiams, Jr., Chairman, Senate Cosaittee on Human Resources; by Bluer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Program and Budget Information for C...
Date May 22, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-75 Title

Budget and Spending: Review of the Reimbursement and Reporting Requirement of the Presidential Protection Assistance Act of 1976

DOCU SE T RBSUBE 06019 - [81446493] (Review of the Reimbursement and Reporting Requirement of the Presidential Protection Assistance Act of 1976]. GGD-78-75: B-15595C. Say 22, 1978. 3 pp. + ecclosure (13 pp.). Report to Sen. Lawton Chiles, Chairman, Senate Committee on Approjriations: Treasury, Postel Service, i-neral Government Subcommittee; by EBler B. Staats, Comptroller Geceral. Contact: Gener...
Date May 17, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-54 Title

Data Collected from Non-Federal Sources: Statistical and Paperwork Implications

DOCUME NT RESUME 05924 - 81386434] Data Collected from Non-Federal Sources: Statistical and Paperwork Implications. GGD-78-54; B-153509; B-158552. ay 17, 1978. 40 pp. + 3 appendices (2c ro-). Staff study by Victor L. Lowe, Director, General Government Div. Issue Area: Statistical and Paper.ork Implications of Non-Federal Data (3100). Contact: General Government Div. Budget Function: General Govern...
Date May 15, 1978 Report No. PAD-78-59 Title

Government Operations: Reporting Requirements of Programs Involving Population

DOMCW asmI 07051 - (526977651 [teporting ileqIeeatn of oqgzaus lSolTlang Ppulpatis]+ a : B-163518. ETy 15, 1l8. 2 pp. * 3 *lo plD-7S-597 Coammittee on Populaticvs by Htrry S. p. Report to Rep. Jame B. ,chuer, Analysis Div. ChirzUenso DU iaVenlt Se'ect Dirctorz. PZogEt Contact: frogram Analysis Div. s. p1~pualt CAoM"E-t" S orooMSect lelvancet ougesaAomal c aobver. !e4. 4e B. sU 3071 t4 U.SC.10*04)....
Date May 5, 1978 Report No. EMD-78-58 Title

Energy: Reconciliation of Special Nuclear Material Unaccounted For

DCCURENT RESUHE 05659 - [B1285236] r Reconciliation END-78-58; of Special Nuclear aterial Unaccounted B-157767. ay 5, 1978. 5- pp. For]. Report to Rep. John D. Dingell, Chairman, House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce: Energy and Power Sutcosuittee; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptraller General. Issue Area: Energy: aking Nuclear Fission a Substantial Energy Source (1608). Contact: Energy and...
Date April 13, 1978 Report No. GGD-78-29 Title

Information Management: The Statistical Reporting Service's Crop Reports Could Be of More Use to Farmers

DOCUMENT RESUME 05630 r B104 5986l|/J The Statistical Reporting Service's Crop Reports Could Be of More Use to Farmers. GGD-78-29; B-137762.34. hpril 13, 1978. Geleased April 19, 1978. 29 pp. + 6 appendices (15 pp.), Report to Sen. George McGovern; by Slmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area, Statistical and Paperwork Implications of bon-Federal Data (3100); Food (17C0). Contact: General G...
Date March 21, 1978 Report No. PAD-78-64 Title

Government Operations: Program Evaluation Reports on Federally Supported Human Resource Programs

Date March 10, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-80 Title

Government Operations: Reporting of Nuclear Weapons Projects Can Be Improved

DOCmUNBT R SGa 05056 - (B0735662] Reporting of Nuclear Yeapors Project* Can Be Improved. ?SAD-7e880; 5 165546. larch 10. 1978. 6 pp. + appendix (1 pp.).. Report to SecretaLy, Department of Inergy; by lonte Canfield, Jr.. sizactor. inergy and ineorals Div. Isue Area: Pederal Procureonnt of Goods and Servic": Notifying the Congress of Status of Important PrEcurement Programs (1905); Science and Tech...
Date Jan. 31, 1978 Report No. 089018 Title

Transportation: Internal Controls of the Transportation Computer Center and Pollution Reporting Incident Reporting System

UNITEDSTATES GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC 20548 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DIVISION The Honorable Edward W. Scott, Jr. Assistant Secretary of Admlnlstratlon Department of Transportation Dear the Mr. Scott: in Enclosed is a copy of our rep rt on improvements I&d needed Coast Guard's computer-based Pollution Incident Reporting The report discusses inadequate and ineffective System...
Date Dec. 31, 1977 Report No. 095110 Title

Special Publications: General Accounting Office Publications

. General Accounting' Office Pubiications December 31.1977 -. . I CONTENTS Cornptrolier General Reports to the Congress and Federal Agencies HGW Obtain Reports to Indexed by Subject Indexed by Agency Congressional Testimony by the Comptroller General and other GAO Officials Speeches by the Comptroller General I - 4 5 81 86 93 I Other Publications General Accounting and Auditing Procedures Automati...
Date Dec. 21, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-442 Title

National Defense: Military Readiness Reporting Improvements

DOCUMENT 42L48 - RESUME [b 35S4806] (Military Feadiress Reporting Imprcvements]. LCD-77-442; B-146896. December 21, 1977. 3 pp. + 2 enclosures (15 pp.). to Secretary, Department of Defense; Repor Director, Logistics and Communications Div. Tssue by Fr=d J. Shafer, Area: Military Preparedness Plans: Military Communications and Information Processing Needs (803) cortact: Logistics and Communications...
Date Nov. 25, 1977 Report No. EMD-78-20 Title

Energy: Concerns regarding Report on the Solar Energy Research Institute

DOCUMENT 04255 - [B3334564] iRESUM (Concerns regarding Report on the Solar Energy Research Institute]. EMD-78-20; B-186105. NcveQ.Ner 25, 1977. 3 pp. + 2 enclosures (9 pp.). Report to Rep. Timothy E. Wirth; Sen. Floyd K. Haskell; Sen. Gary W. Hart; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Araa: Energy: Exi.cutive Branch Organization and Processes for Dealing with Energy Problems (1611); Scie...
Date Nov. 25, 1977 Report No. FOD-77-5 Title

Financial Management: Examination of Financial Statements, Government Printing Office, Fiscal Year 1976

DOCUMENT FESOJE 04271 - [B333t4i65] Examination of Finhacial Statements, Fiscal Ya..' 1976. FOD-77-5; B-114829. 8 enclosures (13 pp.l,. .overnment Printing Office, Novcimber 25, 1977. 8 pp. + Comptroller General. Report tc the Congrass; by Elmer B. Stauts, Issue Area: Accounting and Financial Peporting (2800). Contact: Fiell Ope:rations Div. Budget Fun:ction: ZY-eral Government: Other General Gove...