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GAO Reports by subject "Naval procurement"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Feb. 27, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-30 Title

Government Operations: Status of the Navy's Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System

DOCUIENT RESUME 05801 - rB10259731 (Restricted/Confidential) Status of the Navy's Light Airborne Multi-Purpcse System. PSAD-78-30; B-163058. February 27, 1978. Report to the Conqress; by Elmer B. Staats, Unclassified Digest Not Available. Comptrcller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Gcods and Services (1900); Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Notifying the Conqress of Status of...
Date Feb. 24, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-29 Title

Government Operations: Status of the Navy's Aegis Weapon System Program

DOCUOEINT BESUB 05058 B05855031 (Restricted/onfidential) P-78-29; Status of the Navy's AEGIS eapon Systae Program. B-163058. February 24. 1978. Report by Richard Acquisition Div. . Gutmann, Directox, Procurement and Sstems Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900); Federal Procurement of Goods and Servicest: otifying the Congress of Status of Iportant Procurement Programs (1905)...
Date Feb. 23, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-61 Title

Government Operations: Status of the Navy's Vertical Short Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

DOCONBIT 135f1fB 05053 B0585501 ] Status of the avyts Vertical Short Takaoff and Landing ircraft. PSD-78-61* -163058. ebruary 23, 197]. 24 pp. + 3 appendices (16 pp.). Report to the Congress; by IBlle D. Statas, Coptroller Ceneral. Issue Area: Federal Procuremen. of goods and Services (1900); Federal Procueseat cf goods end Services* lotifyina the Congress of States of Imsportant Procurement Progr...
Date Feb. 21, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-82 Title

Government Operations: Review of Pricing of Navy Contract

DOCUEENT RZSUIE 05218 - (B05454621 (Review of Pricing of Navy Contract]. PSAD-78-82; 3-168450. February 21, 1978. 3 pp. 4 enclosure (8 pp.). Report to Secretary# Department of Defense; by R. V. Gutmann, Director, Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div. Issue area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900); Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Reasonableness of Prices Under Negotiated...
Date Feb. 8, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-48 Title

National Defense: Should Light-Weight Nuclear Reactors Be Considered for Future Navy Ship Propulsion?

DOCUMENT RESUME 04777 - [B0405291 I (Rsqetricted/Confidential) f Should Li Reactors 8e Considered for Future Rt-Weiqhtliclear Navy Ship PropulsionitIjSAD-78-48; B-.610184. February e,. 1978. Report by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Contact: Procurewent and Systems Acquisition Div. 4 Conqressieial Releva.!e: House Committee on Arlied Services; Senate Committeeown Armed Services. 1;.t' i iI 1...
Date Jan. 31, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-73 Title

Government Operations: Review of Contract for Painting at Marine Corps Air Stations

D 3CUMENT 04932 - RESUME [ B0325199 ] tRevieu of Contract for Painting at sarine Corps Air Stations]. rSAD-78-73; B-146842, January 3', 1978. 6 pp. Report to fiep. Charles R; Comptroller General. Wilson; by Elmer B. Staa+s, Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods ard Services: Reasonableness of Prices Under Negotiated Contracts and Subcontracts (19O4) . .rocurement and Systems Acquisition Div. Co...
Date Jan. 12, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-67 Title

Government Operations: Award and Administration of Navy Contract for Bomb Suspension Lugs

DOCUMENT RESUhE 04691 - [B0125030] teetf±ttW [Award and Administration of lavy Contract for Bcob Suspension Lugs]. 'SAD 78-67; B-190918. January 12, 1978. 4 pp. Report to Rep. Marc Lincoln Harks; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptrcller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Reasonableness of Prices Under Negotiated Contracts and Subcontracts (1904). Contact: Procurement and Syste...
Date Jan. 3, 1978 Report No. PSAD-78-64 Title

Government Operations: The Navy's Proposed Procurement of Oilers

DOCUIENT RESUME 04683 - [B0064548] Proposed Procurement of Oilers. PSAD-78-64; 1978. 5 pp. + 4 enclos:!res (7 pp.). B-133170. The Navy's danuary 3, Report to Scretary, Department of Dfense; by Richard W. Gutrmann, Directoz, Procurement and Sistems Acquisitiin Div. Issue Area: Federal Prccureent of Goods and Services (1900). roLtact: Procuemcnt ardl Systems Acquisition Div. Budget Function: Nationa...
Date Dec. 19, 1977 Report No. PSAD-78-6 Title

Government Operations: Implications of the National Security Council Study 'U.S. Maritime Strategy and Naval Force Requirements' on the Future Naval Ship Force (Unclassified Digest of a Classified Report)

Date Sept. 28, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-167 Title

Government Operations: Impact of Navy Report of F-18 Ejection Seat Contract

DOCUMENT RESUME 03587 - [A27239411 [Impact of Navy Report of F-18 Ejection Seat Contract]. PSAD-77-167; B-183851. September 28, 1977. 5 pp. Report to Rep. John J. McFall; by Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Feasonableness of Prices Under Negotiated Contracts and Subcontracts (1904). Contact: Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div...
Date Sept. 21, 1977 Report No. 104680 Title

Government Operations: Survey of Defense Accounting System for Assets Returned by Foreign Governments

DOCURBENT ISUV! 04680 B0185072 [Survey of Defense Accounting System for Assets Returned by Foreign Governments]. September 21, 1977. 3 pp. Report to Capt. l. ;.edlanc, Officer, Department of the avy: Internatioaal Logistics Control Office; by Allen R. Voss, Manager, Field Operations Div.: Regional Office (Philadelphia). Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900). Contact...
Date Sept. 7, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-437 Title

National Defense: The Department of Defense Should Increase Efforts To Implement Vertical Controls Over Military Stock Funds

DOCUMENT RESUME 03583 - [A2513643) The Department of Defense Should Increase Efforts to Implement Vertical Controls over Military Stock Funds. LCD-77-437; B-159797. September 7, 1977. Released September 14, 1977. 42 pp. * enclosure (6 FFp-)Report to Sen. John L. McClellan, Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Facilities and Material Man...
Date Aug. 11, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-149 Title

Government Operations: Review of Navy Contracting Procedures and Decision To Overhaul Ship Equipment Using Contractor Rather Than Naval Shipyard Employees

DOCUMENT RESUME 03239 - rA2293420] fReview of Navy Contracting Procedures and Decision to Overhaul Ship Equipment Using Contractor Rather than Naval Shipyard Employees]. PSAD-77-149; PSAD-77150; B-146889. August 11, 1977. 4 pp. + enclosure (9 pp.). .. Udall; Sen. enry M. Jackson; Sen. Report to Rep. Morris Warren G. Magnuson; Rep. Norman D. Dicks; Comptrcller General. y Elmer B. Staats, Issue Area...
Date Aug. 11, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-150 Title

Government Operations: Review of Navy Contracting Procedures and Decision To Overhaul Ship Equipment Using Contractor Rather Than Naval Shipyard Employees

DOCUMENT RESUME 03239 - rA2293420] fReview of Navy Contracting Procedures and Decision to Overhaul Ship Equipment Using Contractor Rather than Naval Shipyard Employees]. PSAD-77-149; PSAD-77150; B-146889. August 11, 1977. 4 pp. + enclosure (9 pp.). .. Udall; Sen. enry M. Jackson; Sen. Report to Rep. Morris Warren G. Magnuson; Rep. Norman D. Dicks; Comptrcller General. y Elmer B. Staats, Issue Area...
Date Aug. 9, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-135 Title

Government Operations: Shipbuilders' Claims--Problems and Solutions

DOCURMPT RBSURE 0r238 - rA22733783 Shipbuilders, Claims--Problems and Solutions. PSAD-77-135; B-133170. August 9, 1977. 27 pp. + 7 appendices (36 r!p.). Report to the Congress; by Elmer 8. Staats, Comptroller General. Tssue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services (1900i. Contc.t: Procurement and Sstems Acquisition Div. Budget Function: National Defense: Department of Defense Procurement $ ...
Date July 27, 1977 Report No. 089006 Title

Government Operations: Alleged Inadequacies and Irregularities in Remodeling an Enlisted Dining Facility at the Naval Base, Norfolk, Virginia

Rear Admiral C. C. Heid, Commander Atlan-tic Division Naval. Facilities Engineering Command Norfolk Naval Base Norfolk, Virginia 23511 Dear Admiral, Heid: We have completed an examination of a project to remodel an enlisted men’s dining facility at the Norfolk Naval Base, Norfolk, Virginia, as requested by membsrs of the congress. Our purpose was to assess the validity of alleged irregularities ...
Date July 11, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-435 Title

National Defense: Transfer of Toolmaking, Toolcutting, and Grinding Functions at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

DOCUMENT 02958 - [A1953029] ESUME [Trarsfer of Toolmaking, Toolcutting, and Grinding Functions at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard). LCD-77-435; B-168700. Jujy 11, 1977. 3 Dp. Report to Sen. John A. Durkin; by Robert G Rothwell (for Fred J. Shafer, Director, Logistics and Communications Div.). Issue Area: Facilities and Material anagement: Operation and Maintenance of Facilities (708). Contact: Logis...
Date June 22, 1977 Report No. LCD-77-350 Title

National Defense: Review of the Navy's Fiscal Year 1978 Appropriation Request for Trident Support Facilities Construction Program

DOCUMENT RESUE 02439 - [A1812833] ,&a-Z&ret%*- [Review of the Navy's Fiscal Year 1978 Appropriation Request for Trident Support Facilities Construction Program]. LCD-77-350; B-178056. June 22, 1977. 2 pp. + enclosure (10 pp.). Report to Rep. George H. Mahon, Chairman, House Comaittee on Appropriations; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Facilities and Material Nanagement (700); F...
Date June 14, 1977 Report No. 102540 Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act

DOCUmN"T RESUME 02540 - [A1812853] (Restricted) tAdministration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act). June 14, 1977. 6 pp. Report to Officer in Charge of Construction, DepArtment of the Navy: Naval Facilities Engineering Comnand, Western Div., Sen Bruno, CA; by William N. Conrardy, Regional Manager, Field operations Div.. Regional Office (San Franciso). :andu: 'aLaws,m ti~on:z 'Stand'a, .erk::-RIPo...
Date June 14, 1977 Report No. 089002 Title

Justice and Law Enforcement: Review of Administration and Enforcement of Davis-Bacon Act

. . I UN~TEUSTATESGENERA/LACCOUNTING SAN FRANCISCO, (415) OFFICE “IN REPLY REFER TO: C,u.Ir-or?NIA 556-6200 94102 Officer in Charge of Construction Western Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command San Bruno, California Dear Sir: The General Accounting Office is performing a review of the Department of Labor’s (DOL) and Federal contracting agencies’ administration and enforcement of mini...
Date April 11, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-99 Title

Government Operations: Should the Navy Reverse McDonnell Douglas Corporation's Award to the F-18 Ejection Seat Contract?

DOCUMENT RESUME 01143 A10lo2016] Should the Navy Reverse McDonnell Douglas Corporation's Award to the F-18 Ejection Seit Contract? PSAD-77-99; B-1e3851. April 11, 1977. Released April 13, 1977. 5 pp. * appendices (30 pp.). Report to Rep. John J. Comptroller General. cFall; by Robert P. Keller, Acting Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goads and Services: Reasonableness of Prices Under Negutiated C...
Date March 14, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-90 Title

Government Operations: Effective Use of Systems Analysis in the Navy's Decisionmaking Process

DC)CU'BiT RESUBR 01130 - (A1051686] [Effective one of Systems Analysis in the Navy's Decisienmakiug Process]. PSAD-77-90. darch 114, 1977. 6 pp. Report to Secretary, Department of Defense, by Richard V. Gntmanu, Director, Procurement and Systems Aci:isition Div. Issue Area- Federal Pracurement of Goods and Services (1900). Contact: Procurement and 5jstems Acquisition Div. Budget Function: National...
Date March 8, 1977 Report No. PSAD-77-34 Title

Government Operations: Status of the Trident Submarine and Missile Programs

DCOCUelNT RESUtME 0009e - ( 0751627 ] StatuE of the Triden.: Sibmarine and Missile Programs. PS&D-77-34; B-163058, larci 8, 1977. 19 pp. Report to the Congress; hy Robert F. Keller, Acting Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Stervices: iotifying the Congress of Status .f Important Procur£em:nt Programs (1905); Science and Technulogy: Hanageaekt a'Ad Oversight of Prog...
Date Feb. 25, 1977 Report No. 101184 Title

National Defense: CH-53E Helicopter Program

DOCUMENT RESUjE 01181. A08914571 CH-53E Helicopter Program. February 25, 1977. 6 pp. Testimcny before the Senate Committee Federal Spending Practices, Efficiency on Government Operations: and open Government Subcommittee; by J. H. Stolarow, Deputy Directcr, Procurement and Systems Acquisition Div. Issue Area: Federal P:ccurement Contact: Procurement and Systems of Goods and Services (1900). Acquis...
Date Jan. 4, 1977 Report No. LCD-76-450 Title

International Affairs: Problems in Supporting Weapons Systems Produced by Other Countries

DOCUMENT RESOUE 00087 - k0590883] Other Problems in Supportinq eapons Systems Produced by 34 pp. LCD-76-450. January 4, 1977. Countries. B-173850; General. Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Ccptroller acilities and Material Management (700); Federal Issue Area: of Procuremen- of Goods and ervices: Notifying the Congress Status of Important Procurement Programs (801);Military Preparedness...
Date Dec. 10, 1976 Report No. PSAD-77-47 Title

Government Operations: Contracting for Navy Ship Repairs and Overhaul, Need for Change

DOCUMENT RESUME 00085 A05906491 Contracting for Navy Ship Repairs and Overhaul, Need for Change. PSAD-77-47; B-133170. December 10, 1976. 14 pp. + 2 appendices. Report to the Congress; by Elmer B. Staats, Comptroller General. Issue Area: Federal Procurement of Goods and Services: Reasonableness of Prices Under Negotiated Contracts and Subcontracts (1904). Contact: Procurement and Systems Acquisiti...
Date Nov. 29, 1976 Report No. FGMSD-76-48 Title

Financial Management: Navy Needs To Insure That Improper Cost Transfers Stop

i c_ ‘ Navy Needs To Insure That Improper Cost Transfers Stop I -.’ Department .. of Defense Transfer This has Many.-Navy organizations;im&operly costs from one project to another. resulted” in” -distortion of costs of products and services, --unauthorized reprograming actions, and -illegal charging of costs. Navy has prescribed net& controls to stop the improper transfers. GAO recommends ...
Date Aug. 25, 1976 Report No. 098117 Title

National Defense: The Secretary of the Navy's Proposal To Use Public Law 85-804 To Modify the LHA and DD-963 Ship Construction Contracts With Ingalls Shipping Division of Litton Systems, Inc.

. Unib3dStatesGeneralAccolsntirrgoffice &i&in-, D.C. 20548 mRREzasEoNnr;rr;rvEw at m&Y, August 25, I.978 w 1o:oo Al4 JEIMME H. -,DIRECK&P-ANDSY=@S DMSICIN stawt of Thesecretaryof~ NavyJsPmpsaltoUse Public Law 85-804 to Mzdify the LHR and m-963 Skip ~m~~withIngallsS~~gDivision of Litton z3-peKs, Inc. *I ‘. t* 17 . Hr . Chairman and Members of the Committee: He are pleased to appear here today of ...
Date July 1, 1976 Report No. 094656 Title

National Defense: DOD Proposal To Use P.L. 85-804 To Settle Shipbuilders' Claims

Date June 21, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-209 Title

National Defense: Navy Should Reconsider Planned Acquisition of Two Multimission Ships

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Navy Should Reconsider Department of Defense GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE The Military Sealift Command planned to enhance its sealift transportation capability by acquiring two dry-cargo multimission shios. These shies would cost an estimated $160 million or more. GAO recommends that the acquisition of the two ships be reconsidered and that other alternatives to...
Date May 19, 1976 Report No. 094282 Title

Government Operations: Pricing Survey of Contract Award

Date May 19, 1976 Report No. 094284 Title

Government Operations: Review of Contract Award

. UNITED STATES GENERAL AcCUUNTIPE~OFFICE DALLAS SUITE 800, DALLAS, REGIONAL 1200 MAIN TEXAS OFFICE TOWER 75202 Vice Adm. K. L. Lee, U.S. Navy Commander Naval Air Systems Command Room1200, Jefferson Plaza 1 1 ,Washington, D.C. 20361 Dear Admiral lee: This report summarizes the results of our review of contract c N00019-74-C-0131 awarded to Texas Instruments, Inc. (TI), Dallas, Texas,' Fff by the N...
Date May 14, 1976 Report No. LCD-76-313 Title

National Defense: Management of and Plans for the Naval Petroleum Reserves

:.I 1 BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Management Of And Plans For The Naval Petroleum Reserves Department of the Navy The United States owns many billions of’ dollars of petroleum in reserve oilfields which are being maintained by the Navy until needed for defense. This report discusses the Navy’s management of those properties and recommends improvements in Navy contract admin...
Date Oct. 21, 1975 Report No. 094636 Title

National Defense: Review of the Navy's Selection of the F-18

. COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED STATES D.C. 20548 B-163922 04%636 The Honorable Richard S. Schweiker United States Senate Dear Senator Schweiker: This is in response to your request for our opinion as to the legal effect of certain language contained in the House and Senate reports accompanying the Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1975, ap...
Date Oct. 17, 1974 Report No. 093099 Title

Government Operations: Review of the Reasonableness of Subcontract Estimates

. . UNITED STATES GENERAL Accou~n~c REGIONAL ROOM 1905 JOHN F. KENNEDY GOVERNMENT OFFICE OFFICE FEDERAL CENTER BUllDING OY309Y Bix-ro~, MASSACHU~E~S 02203 17, 1974 October Vice Admiral R. C. C-ding, USN Coimanaer , Naval Sea Systems Command Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20362 Dear Admiral Gocding: The General Accounting Office is performing a broad examination of the reasonableness of no...
Date Oct. 15, 1974 Report No. 093100 Title

Government Operations: Subcontract Price for Rotodomes in Contract N00019-72-C-0367

~JP~~~EDST~ZE~~~~NE~RALWCCOUNT~NG OFFrcE . REGIONAL ROOM 803 FOX PLAZA BUILDING. OFFICE 1390 MARKET STREET SAN Iti RE?LY R!D?SR TO: F~~~cI~c~,CALIF~~~A 94102 950143 Vice Admiral K.L. Commanding Officer Naval Air-Systems Washington, D.C. Dear Admiral Lee: Lee Command 20360 As part of our continuing examination into contractor compliance with Public Law 87-653, we examined the reasonableness of the ...
Date July 11, 1974 Report No. 093158 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Subcontract Estimate For E-2c Passive Detection Systems in Prime Contract With Grumman Aerospace Corporation

+ c I \ UNITEDSTATES GENERAL WCCOWTWG OFFICE WASHINGTON FIFTH 803 W&ST FALLS CHURCH, REGIQNAL FLOOR BROAD STREET VIRGINIA QFFICE 22046 Vice Adnllral K L Lee Commander, Naval Air Systems Command I , Department of the Navy m 1csJ Washington, D C Attention Dear Admiral NAIR-602 Lee9 043 m of contract prices under Law 87-653, we have examined into the reasonablefor E-2C passive detectlon systems inclu...
Date April 4, 1974 Report No. B-179130 Title

Information Management: Review of Three Navy Activities' Acquisition of Word Processing Equipment

eimbursement From DI5?EST: ‘* Appropriated Funds 3 Nonappropriated cantly from priation and or services is equivalent commercial fund. instrumentaiities differ signifiother Government activities. From approprocurement standpoint, obtaining goods from nonappropriated fund instrumentality to obtaining them. from nongovernmental sources. 2. Although selling goods or providing services to regular go...
Date April 3, 1974 Report No. B-154258 Title

National Defense: Cost Growth on the Department of the Navy's Contract With the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, Newport News, Virginia

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON. OF D.C. THE UNITE 202498 4258 The Ilonorablc Lcs Aspin c, IIouse of Representatives Dear Mr.‘ Aspin: Your letter of October 2, 1973, asked us to examine the -1 cost growth on the Department of the with the d- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, Newport News, Virginia, for the Nimitz and Eiscnhowcr aircraft carriers (CVRNs 68 and 69). This cost g,rowth,...
Date March 1, 1974 Report No. 093516 Title

National Defense: F-14/Phoenix Weapon System

U, S. GEMBAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE SW STUDY ON THE F-lb/T)HOENIX FTEASON SYSTEM DEPARTMENT THE NAVY OF MARCH1974 CONTENTS M-m----S-Y CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION System descrlptlon Scope lEAPON SYSTEMSTATUS cost F-14A F-14B PHOE3lIX Escalation Other costs Contract data AIrframe Grumman fuxxxzxal problems TF30-P-412 engxne F-401~PW-400 engine AWG-9 weapon control system PHOENIX Schedule Au9rame Engines Nav...
Date Nov. 5, 1973 Report No. B-177349 Title

National Defense: Procurement Procedures of the Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane, Indiana

B-177349 The Honorable Charles ;,. United ,“I States Senate 1” k Dear Senator Percy: H. Percy we examine Your letter of May 31, 1973, requested,that into complaints from your constituent about !p-rocu.r:,em.en.t~ pro1 ce$ the, Naval Ammunitio.n~,,De,p,~t (NAD) , Crane, Indiana .1 .-’ who represents the HLC Manufacturing Your constituent, Company, raised a number of questions concern...
Date July 24, 1973 Report No. B-146872 Title

National Defense: Navy's Development of Telecommunications Equipment

CQM~RDLIER GENERAL WdASHlNGTQN. OF ‘XC. THE UNlTED 20548 STATES RELEASED B-146872 I E* The Honorable Edwin B. Forsythe l-louse of Representatives Dear Mr. Forsythe: This is in reply to your request of March 15, 1 the complaint from Comdata Syst ms, Inc., about the, of telecommunications equipment: -7 Comdata said the Wavy was incurring ;i~ii:&~~~~arji CQStS !jy develoP"%%'display-editor consoles...
Date June 22, 1973 Report No. B-168482 Title

National Defense: Navy's Current Cost Estimates of Building Project Sanguine

COMPTROLLER GENl?RAL WASHINGTON. OF THE UNITED D.C. 20548 STATES B-168482 The Honorable Les Aspin House of Representatives Dear Mr. Aspin: lllllllll lllllllllllllll IIIll Ill11 Ill11 111 LM096320 On December 19, 1972, you requested that we examine the of . Navy's current coslf..~~~,~-~~~,m_ates b~i-~~~-~~~g,o-~-~,c-t~~~~~=g~ine you expressed-~~‘lnterest in -‘our’*ovaluating (1) the Navy’s ...
Date May 15, 1973 Report No. B-176834 Title

Financial Management: Examination of the Circumstances Surrounding the Navy's Settlement of Four Claims During June 1972

- -II COMPT WASHINGMtd. D-C. ZOSM B-176834 ,I, ’ The Honorable Les Aspin House of Representatives Dear Mr. Aspin: Pursuant to your letter of August 7, 1972, we examined I ttlement of four mm”ms-*ll”rmm the Icircums tances surrounding the re made by e 19.72.: The cla2 -/ t “_ ?%?Tb%lding and Dry Dock Company, (2) North:>. *- : (3) Westinghouse Electric Cor- .’ i American Rockwell Corporat...
Date May 2, 1973 Report No. B-164630 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Alleged Violation of the General Services Administration Regulations by the Navy in the Purchase of IBM Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Typewriters

f#‘d 2 1973 ,.iF, --. B-164630 r The Honorable William -1 United States Senate d’ .q-c Dear- Senator Proxmire 2.J1 I &#/$ Proxmire : Your letter of February 16, 1973, requested that we review. ., L the Olivetti Corporation’s c&rges,,,..t.hat. theA Na~yis v~iolating I G~~~,~~ral.,,.S,ervice.~s.,~Admi~strat8.oa (GSA) regulations by purchas ing IBM-&tical Character ~~,~“;ir9nri~y.~I1~,~~~~,~ ...
Date April 30, 1973 Report No. B-178452 Title

Government Operations: Possible Infringement of Patent Rights

Date April 24, 1973 Report No. B-177699 Title

Special Publications: Bid Rejection Protest

Date March 1, 1973 Report No. 093820 Title

National Defense: General Purpose Amphibious Assault Ship and the DD-963 Antisubmarine Warfare Destroyer Shipbuilding Program

Jl~~lllffllf IfIll lllfllllllllf1fflllf~l 093820 r- URBANAND RURAL OLDER PEOPLE: THEIR WELL-BEING AND NEEDS J Presented by: William M. Shook, Jr. U.S. General Accounting Room 2933 1240 East Ninth Street Cleveland, Ohio 44199 (216-522-4892) Gerontological Society 33rd Annual Scientific November 1980 San Diego, California Office Presented at: Meeting URBAN AND RURAL OLDER PEOPLE: THEIR WELL-BEING AN...
Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 093816 Title

Government Operations: DE-1052

U.S. GENERALACCOIJKE-HG OFFIC?3 DEPAR?MENT 'l'l F NAVY OF DE-1052 CLASS OCEAN ESCORT PROGRAM ' SYSTEM DESCRU'TION STATUS AND The DE-1052 Cl.ass Ocean Escort Ships are designed to operate offensively sgainst submarines and to protect support forces and-eonvoys. Original plans were to equip these ships with long-range sonar, varlable depth sonar, deck gun, anti-submarine rocket launcher, antIsubmarm...
Date Feb. 1, 1973 Report No. 092648 Title

National Defense: Patrol Frigate

U. S. GENERAI, ACCGU.NTXNG OFFXE SG STUDY -- DEPARTMENT THENAVY OF FEBRUARY 1973 Page SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 Eistory Responsibdities Scope 2 WEAPON SYSTEM STATUS System cost experience Possible aaddl0nal program COSTS Economic escalation -Design-to-cost concept Program funalng Contract data System performance experience System schedule eqenence Relationship to other ships Selected Acqtisdion Reporting ...