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GAO Reports by subject "International economic relations"

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Date Report No. Title
Date May 3, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-212 Title

U.S.-Mexico Energy: The U.S. Reaction to Recent Reforms in Mexico's Petrochemical Industry

IJnjted States Gemral Accounting Office GAO Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee ‘on International Economic Policy and Tradt:, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Mouse of’ Ikpresentatives U.S.-MEXICO ENERGY The U.S. Reaction to Recent Reforms in Mexico’s Petrochemical Industry GAO General Accounting OffIce Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and Intmnational AiT& Division united states E&243...
Date May 2, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-16 Title

The U.S. Export-Import Bank: Review of a Proposal to Finance Military Exports

United States General Accounting Offhe Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:30 a.m. EDT Thursday May 2, 1991 The U.S. Proposal Export-Import Bank: to Finance Military Review Exports of a , Statement of Allan I, Mendelowitz, Director International Trade, Energy, and Finance National Security and International Affairs Division Issues Before the Subcommittee on International Development, ...
Date May 1, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-173 Title

Trade and Economic Data: Many Federal Agencies Collect and Disseminate Information

United States General Accounting Office GAO’ M&y 1991 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security Economics, Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress TRADE AND ECONOMIC DATA Many Federal Agencies Collect and Disseminate Information ; 8 :, GAO United States General Accountlug Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-24334 1 May 1, 1991 The ...
Date April 30, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-32 Title

International Affairs: Commercialization of Technology by Japanese Companies

United States General Accounting Ofhe 1H 0 jr-r ’ GAO For Rele;ise Testimony llllllllllllll ll 144035 Cmercialization Companies of Technology by Japanese Statement of Allan I. Mendelowitz, Director International Trade, Energy, and Finance Issues National Security and International Affairs Division Before the Subcorrnnittee on Technology and Competitiveness Corranittee on Science, Space, and Tech...
Date April 16, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-22 Title

International Affairs: Reforms in the Mexican Petrochemical Industry Have Not Increased U.S. Investment

United States General Accounting Office GAO Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 2:00 p.m. EST Tuesday April 16, 1991 Retomsinthe&xicanPetrcckm Have Not Increased U.S. Investment 'callrKhs~y Statement of Allan 1. Mendelowitz, Director. lnternational Trade, Energy, and Finance &sues National Security and international Miairs Division Subcoxmittee on lnternational Econcmic Policy and on Wes...
Date April 4, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-167 Title

European Initiatives: Implications for U.S. Defense Trade and Cooperation

-- IJnited States General Accounting Office *,, GAO .- “-.---_~1-.---..---_-.------ Report to the Chairman, Sr.rkmnrni.t.tee~~ on Invest;igations, Chmrnittee on Armed Lcjwvicf’ Ih.xsc~ of‘Representatives s, I-.--..--.--- I April l!)!Pl EUROPEAN INITIATIVES Implications for U.S. Defense Trade and Cooperation GAO/NSIAI)-91-167 11,1” ,I,^.I(, ,,. “.I “.,” “... . -....... ----.. - - .-...
Date March 14, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-126 Title

Inter-American Development Bank: Efforts to Improve Procurement Procedures

United States General Accounting Office - GAO 1 Repcwt to the Honorable Don Nickles, U.S.Senate March 1991 INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENTBANK Efforts to Improve Procurement Procedures GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division R-242692 March 14,1991 The Honorable Don Nickles United States Senate Dear Senator Nicklcs: As you r...
Date March 14, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-13 Title

International Affairs: Iraq's Participation in the Commodity Credit Corporation's GSM-102/103 Export Credit Guarantee Programs

‘ United S ta te s G e n e r a l A c c o u n tin g O fa c e /q 3 GAO For R e l e a s e o n Delivery E xpecte d a t 1 0 :0 0 a .m . E S T Thursday March 14, 1991 T e s tim o n y 143407 ' Iraq's P a r ticipation in th e C o m m o d i ty Credit C o r p o r a tio n 's G S M - 1 0 2 /1 0 3 E xport Credit G u a r a n te e P r o g r a m s S ta te m e n t o f A llan I. M e n d e l o w i tz, Director Fin...
Date Feb. 28, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-10 Title

Agriculture and Food: Agricultural Trade Negotiations at a Crossroads

For Release m Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST -hIday February 28, 1991 statelnent of Allan I. Mendeltitz, Director International Trade, Energy, and Finance Issues National Security and Intematimal Affairs Division Before the on Department Operations, Research, and Foreign Agriculture Wmittee on Agriculture k-ruse of Representatives Subcmittee 1 1 M r. Chairman and Memberti Of the SUbCOlmdttMt: ...
Date Feb. 27, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-7 Title

Latin America: Views on the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative

United States General Accounting Oflice Testimony For Release On Delivery 1:00 p.m. EDT February 27, 1991 LATIN AMERICA: for the Views on the Enterprise Americas Initiative Statement of Harold J. Johnson Director, Foreign National Security Division Economic Assistance and International Issues Affairs Before the Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade Subcommittee on Western Hemisph...
Date Feb. 26, 1991 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-8 Title

International Affairs: National Security Reviews of Foreign Investment

United States General Accounting Office Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 1O:OO a.m. EST Tuesday February 26, 1991 National Security Reviews of Foreign Investment Statement of Allan I. Yendelowitz Director, International Finance Issues Trade, Energy, and Before the Subcorrunittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and Competitiveness House Cukttee on Energy and Commerce House of Represen...
Date Feb. 26, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-110 Title

Eastern Europe: Status of U.S. Assistance Efforts

---- ..--_-~-____-_--.--~- .._. _._._. ---- --__- Ft~lwrl;try I!)!) 1 EASTERN EUROPE Status of U.S. Assistance Efforts llll II 143249 -l..-““-ll~ --._l.“---l.l- --_.-..._--l_“._-l_- --l-.~.._-_ --._- (;AO,‘ NSIAI)-!)I-1 10 . GAO General Accounting Of’ ice f’ Wahington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Aff’ airs Division UnitAbd State8 B-242426 February 26,199l The Hon...
Date Feb. 22, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-104 Title

Deposit Insurance: Overview of Six Foreign Systems

I ,. .-. . ..^ ._. _. ..“.. ..-. “.. ..^. - ..I._.-.._...I_...___... --.-_._-.-...-... ,-. - ._...... “-- --- i I ~ 1 1 -.. ..-...-... _ ..-.._ .._.._ __..._ .-.. ~.._._ ---. in Y I? !; -A ___-_ _ .- _...... I-. --_- -_-- - G A O :f:::,::::D O 5 p 8 c-2
Date Feb. 15, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-97 Title

El Salvador: Aid Compensates for Economic Losses but Achieves Little Growth

EL SALVADOR Aid Compensates for Economic Losses but Achieves Little Growth 143247 __ I HI G=() ~~iZ&z’ uw~fice u’ , .0 National Security and Interuatlonal Affairs Division R-238726 February 15, 1991 The Honorable Robert G. Torricelli Chairman, Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs Committee on Foreign Affairs IIouse of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: This report describes how U.S. econ...
Date Feb. 15, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-78 Title

Foreign Assistance: AID's Implementation of Microenterprise Program Guidance

GAO I --I Report to Congrwsional Iiequc!sters IWwuary 199 1 FOREIGN ASSISTANCE AID’ Implementation s of Microenterprise Program Guidance 143340 to be released outside the General Accounting OII’ unless specifically ice approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. RESTRICTF,D --Not RELEASED GAO,‘ NSIAD-91-78 GAO united Star General Accounting Of’ flce Warhington, D.C. 20548 National b...
Date Feb. 1, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-129 Title

Agricultural Trade Negotiations: Stalemate in the Uruguay Round

AGRICULTURAL TRADE NEGOTIATIONS Stalemate in the Uruguay Round GAO General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Natioual Security and Interuatioml Affairs Division united states B-230627 February 1,199l The Honorable E (Kika) de la Garza Chairman, Committee on Agriculture House of Representatives The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry United ...
Date Jan. 25, 1991 Report No. NSIAD-91-80 Title

International Banking: Implementation of Risk-Based Capital Adequacy Standards

.litllllilrv a, l!Nl Report, to the Chairmen, Committee on I Sanking, Housing and Urban Affairs, 1J.S.Senate, and Committee on Banking, Finance and [Jrban Affairs, House of’ IQxxsentatives .-._..I__.... ----...--I.._ --.,...~-~--~-- GAO INTERNATIONAL BANKING Implementation of Risk-Based Capital Adequacy Standards (;AO/NSIAI)-!j I-80 -I-.-* ~--_----.-------l.--..ll^.-.-_-.__- I .._------____._-_....
Date Nov. 30, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-21 Title

Eastern Europe: Donor Assistance and Reform Efforts

--.l..l.l.-“.-- “--- . . .-~---_--_-- l1 tiittvl St,aks Wnt~ra.1 Accounting Office GAO Report t,o the Chairmen, Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, and Comtiittee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives EASTERN EUROPE Donor Assistance and Reform Efforts 142738 --- 8 National Security and International Affairs Division B-240544 November 30,lQQO The Honorable Claiborne Pell Chairma...
Date Nov. 14, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-76 Title

International Trade: Iraq's Participation in U.S. Agricultural Export Programs

Nownllwr 1990 INTERNATIONAL TRADE Iraq’s Participation in U.S. Agricultural Export Programs 142766 GAO,‘NSIAI)-91-76 --_-.----- ..-. - -..,. --11”1 “. .,,l.,l, “.sl,,“,l*y,*lil ,*,*uIIy,I,,,YI~,I**,,*,,m,lll _----- _--..~- --- - United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-227616 November 14,199O The Honorable Cha...
Date Nov. 8, 1990 Report No. RCED-91-21 Title

Energy Security: Impacts of Lifting Alaskan North Slope Oil Exports Ban

I GA, > United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-241226 November 8,199Q The Honorable Philip R. Sharp ” Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power I, Committee on Energy and Commerce ” ‘. House pf Representatives Dear,Mr! Chairman: : I ”:” / 0 2 your letterof February 9,1989, asked us to assessthe impacts of...
Date Nov. 7, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-59 Title

International Trade: Comparison of U.S. and Foreign Antidumping Practices

United States General Accounting Office GAO November 1990 Report to Congressional Requesters INTERNATIONAL TRADE Comparison of U.S. And Foreign Antidumping Practices GAO/NSLAD-91-59 National Security and International Affairs Division B-240122 November 7,199O The Honorable Bob Packwood Ranking Minority Member Committee on Finance United States Senate The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan United St...
Date Oct. 23, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-32 Title

U.S.-NATO Burden Sharing: Allies' Contributions to Common Defense During the 1980s

, .._____-_1-- ---“..I,- -_---..--._-_--_._ IJnited States General Accounting Office GAO .l_-_._l__-l- Report t,o the Chairmati, Cormnittee on Armed Services, House of liepresentatives Oct.ol,er l!mo U.S.-NATO BURDEN SHARING Allies’ Contributions to Common Defense During the 1980s 142501 -_ GAO,/NSIAI)-!)I -32 National Security and International Affairs Division B-234472 October 23,lQQO The Ho...
Date Oct. 23, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-25FS Title

Foreign Assistance: International Resource Flows and Development Assistance to Developing Countries

GAO Fact, Slwttt for the Honorable I.,w H. Hamilt(jn Chairman, Joint, FOREIGN ASSISTANCE International Resource Flows and Development Assistance to Developing Countries III 142672 .. GAO Uuited States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-240424 October 23,199O The Honorable Lee H. Hamilton Chairman, Joint Economic Committee U.S. Co...
Date Oct. 17, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-91-52 Title

Foreign Investment: Japanese-Affiliated Automakers' 1989 U.S. Production's Impact on Jobs

_l..-l-“..--__. .--- oc’t.ol)~r 1!J!)O FOREIGN INVESTMENT Japanese-Affiliated Automakers’ 1989 U.S. Production’s Impact on Jobs ill Ill1 l0lIll ll 142646 I RE!STRICTED ---Not to be released outside the 1 General Account@ Office unless specifically approved by the OfKce of Congressional I Relations. RELEASED I ‘1 .._.._.. ___.. ___ .._._ .- ._ ._. . .._. _ _ _. .I II.. I. _--_” .._-” ...
Date Oct. 16, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-91-1 Title

International Affairs: Report on the Commodity Credit Corporation's GSM-102/103 Export Credit Guarantee Programs and Iraq's Participation in the Programs

United states General Accounting Omce GAO Testimony - For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. ED Report on the Cmmdity Credit Corporation’ s GSPt102/UI3 Ezpxt Credit Guarantee Programs and Iraq’ P2rticipation s in tfn Programs Tuesday October 16, 1990 Stab3nenc of Allan 1. Xendeltitz, Director Trade, Energy, and Finance Issues National Security and International Division Af fait-s Before...
Date Sept. 26, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-58 Title

Foreign Assistance: AID's Microenterprise Assistance Program

United States General Accounting Office GAO For Release On Delivery 9:15 a.m. EDT September 26, 1990 Testimony FOWEIGW ASSISTANCE AID's Microenterprise Assistance Program , Statement of Harold J. Johnson Director, Foreign National Security Division Economic Assistance and International Issues Affairs Before the Subcommittee on International Policy and Trade Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of R...
Date Sept. 25, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-210BR Title

Foreign Assistance: Use of Host Country-Owned Local Currencies

-..--_.._...__..ll”“. ..-.--.“_. I. _ . ..-.._ .._. GAO -.._ Stk[)i ,~._._.I~....^... .._.-.” -.- .--..--.__~-_-I__l.“.l”.- _...-.^..-._” .-_..-. _.I”..*._ Plklf)t’l’ I!)!)() -- F’OREIGN ASSISTANCE Use of Host CountryOwned Local Currencies i-3 Ill llllII II v) 142506 General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Office of Congressional Relations. GAO/NSIAI)-!M...
Date Sept. 21, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-132 Title

El Salvador: Accountability for U.S. Military and Economic Aid

z I, 4 \ -. lJtritcx1 States (hwrul Accounting Office ’ / I, !I , GAO Ii ;I --- Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of IZepreseritatives ---- i Sc~ptc~mlwr I !t!)O h 1 EL SALVADOR Accountability for U.S. Military and Economic Aid ?a #I ll lllllllllll 142266 National Security and International Affalrs Division R-238726 September ...
Date Sept. 20, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-298BR Title

International Trade: Czech Trade Data

-C-*l_~l.“^-l.--.e---- stq,t t~IrlIwr l!MI INTERNATIONAL TRADE Czech Trade Data El ill Ill llll~lll ll 142516 --..-- -_l__ll.-----.--ew (;AO/NSIAI)-90-8!)8f~K _“_ 1”” ._..., ~__- _- 1 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-241103 September 20,199O The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen Chairman, Committee on Finance United...
Date Sept. 13, 1990 Report No. RCED-90-236 Title

Federal Research: SEMATECH's Efforts to Strengthen the U.S. Semiconductor Industry

CnitedAccountinlOf StatesGeneral Representatives September1990 FEDERAL RESEARCH SEMATECH’s Efforts to Strengthen the U.S. Semiconductor Industry Itesonrcea, Community, and Economic Development Division B-236639 September 13,199O The Honorable Robert A. Roe, Chairman The Honorable Robert S. Walker, Ranking Minority Member Committee on Science,Space,and Technology House of Representatives In respo...
Date Sept. 5, 1990 Report No. T-RCED-90-105 Title

Energy: Long-Term Policies Needed to Address Energy Use and Price Volatility

United States General Accounting Ofhe / y &c 1 y 0 “,_ *GAO - Testimony R IllI Ill 142140 For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EDT Wednesday September 5, 1990 Long-term Policies Needed to Address Energy Use.and Price Volatility Statement of Victor S. Rezendes, Director, Energy Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division Before the Committee on Government House of Representa...
Date Aug. 14, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-61 Title

International Affairs: Treasury's Sale of Zero-Coupon Bonds to Mexico

United States General Accounting Oflice / 42 ”u 3 ’ Testimony 11111 Ill II 142003 For Release on Delivery Expected at 10:00 a.m. EDT Tuesday August 14, 1990 Treasury's Sale to Mexico of Zero-Coupon Bonds Statement of Allan I. Mendelowitz Director, International Finance Issues Trade, Energy and Before the Finance Committee on Banking, House of Representatives and Urban Affairs w GAO/T-NSIAD-90-...
Date Aug. 1, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-206FS Title

International Trade: GATT Treatment of Nonmarket Economy Countries

R239423 Evaluator. If you or your staff have any questions about the contents of this fact sheet, please contact me on (202) 2754812. Sincerely yours, Allan I. Mendelowitz, Director Trade, Energy, and Finance Issues Page 3 GAO/NSIALWO-206FS International Trade Page 5 GAO/NSIAD-W-206FS International Trade -. -Appendix I GATf Provisions for Nonmarket Ermmnirs Five East European countries--Czechoslov...
Date July 31, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-203FS Title

Foreign Investment: Aspects of the U.S.-Japan Relationship

United States General Accaunting Office 2 1 GiO July 1990 Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Senate FOREIGN INVESTMENT Aspects of the U.S.Japan Relationship to be released outside RESTRIcTE;D --Not General Accountiug Oftice unless specifwally apgmved by the Offke of Congressional Relations. the . United States General Accounting Office Washington,...
Date July 31, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-264 Title

International Trade: Export of Wood Products Under Federally Assisted Export Programs

4 · -,· : ": '.I.. :GAO -: i· United States. General AccoAnting Office Repo't. to the Chairman, Subcommittee "on Regulatiqn, Business Oppounity -. .t and Energy" Coittee on Small Business, House of'.Representatives . - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. j. . . . ~ m . . 4R ' J l990dey : lly . ; :Export 'g i.. . of Wood Ass'ted . ·. E . '. · . ' ' ' '-' *- ~' * ' ~ ' "' , . . q * ;/- 0 . T \ . . R* 5. , 4. ' :....
Date July 30, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-250 Title

Foreign Agent Registration: Justice Needs to Improve Program Administration

. I:n ted __-.. f-..--- Star t’s General . Accounting Office i GAO --_. Rqxxt, 1 the Chairman, Subcommittee o on Oversight of Government Management, Committee on Gwernmental Affairs, U.S. Senate .------_.-.. -. ._-__-,_-.. ._- ..,-...“. -. ..- __-- *July 1990 FOREIGN AGENT REGISTWTION Justice Needs to Improve Program Administration RESTRICTED--Not to be released outside the General Accounting ...
Date July 25, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-238FS Title

International Trade: Use of the GATT Antidumping Code

- .’ > United States’General Accounting Office . GAO July 1990 Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters .* INTERNATIONAL TRADE Use of the GATT Antidumping Code -- - GAO/NSIAD-90-238FS GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-2401 22 July 25, 1990 The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan The Honorable Bob Packwood Unit...
Date July 19, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-54 Title

Foreign Investment: Difficulties in Addressing Public Policy Concerns

Release on Expected at ;O:Xl a.m. EL'7 Thursday July i?, 1392 Dellvery For FOREIGN INVSSTME3T: Difficulties Public i'ol Icy Concerns in Addressing p Ztaiement cf Allan I. Mendelowitz Iirector, International and Tinancz Issues Zefcre the Zcnr,ittee i=~: Csmmerco, Yri r.~aortaiian .. 0.5 * ienate Trade, Energy, Sciexe, and GAO/T-NSIAD-90-54 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: I am pleased for...
Date July 18, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-209BR Title

International Trade: Soviet Export Data

x 2 / .’ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-239716 July 18, 1990 The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen Chairman, Committee on Finance United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: As you requested, this briefing report provides information on Soviet exports which may be useful in evaluating the impact of the trade agreement b...
Date July 1, 1990 Report No. 141933 Title

International Affairs: Plan to Address Changing East-West Security and Economic Relationships

United States General Accounting Office GAO National Security and International Affairs Division July I990 Plan to Address Changing East-West Security and Economic Relationships Foreword The collapse of the Warsaw Pact, continuing political and economic reforms in the Soviet Union, and rapid movement toward a unified Germany offer opportunities for improved East-West relations and for reduced defe...
Date June 28, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-53 Title

International Affairs: Status Report on GAO's Reviews of the Targeted Export Assistance Program, the Export Enhancement Program, and the GSM-102/103 Export Credit Guarantee Programs

‘ e .’ United St&es General Accounting Office GAO For Release on Delivery Exoected at 1:OO p.m. EST Thursday June 28, 1990 Testimony Status Report Assistance Program, Guarantee and on GAO's Program, Reviews of the Targeted Export the Export Enhancement Export Credit the GSM-102/103 Programs Statement of Allan I. Mendelowitz, Director Trade, Energy and F inanse Issues Natio+ Security and Intern...
Date June 27, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-52 Title

International Affairs: Restrictions on U.S. Aid to Bolivia for Crop Development Competing With U.S. Agricultural Exports and their Relationship to U.S. Anti-Drug Efforts

United States General Accounting ORice Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. EST Wednesday 1990 June 27, Restrictions Development Exports and on U.S. Competing their Aid with to Bolivia U.S. for Agricultural Crop Relationship to U.S. Anti-Drug Efforts Statement of Allan I. Mendelowitz, Director International Trade, Energy, and Finance Issues National Security and International Af...
Date June 21, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-167 Title

European Single Market: U.S. Government Efforts to Assist Small and Medium-Sized Exporters

. IJnitml States
Date June 12, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-169 Title

Export Controls: Commerce Department Has Improved Its Foreign Policy Reports to Congress

.. .JII Ilf’ I !)!10 .._..-.-...- l___.__l_-_ll__l ..-_-..-..-- EXPORT CONTROLS Commerce Department Has Improved Its Foreign Policy Reports to Congress .- 4 IIlllllll II11 s 141559 -_.. ll_.-“.- . . --.- .-..I-.. .-.-.” -.._ (;A(), NSIAI)-!Wlti!b “--...._..._-- -__- .___._._____..-.._____._.._.______ -__.-.--_ _._ United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Comptroller G...
Date June 7, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-189 Title

South Africa: Relationship With Western Financial Institutions

r i United States General Accounting Office GAO June 1990 Report to Congressional Requesters ,. SOUTH AFRI, Relationship With Western Financial Institutions Not to be released outside the RESTRICTED-General Accounting OfIke unless specifically apprwed by the Office of Congressional Relationa I GAO/NSIAD-90-189 340&-k--( m National !Security and International Affairs Division B-226687 June 7,199O T...
Date May 30, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-129 Title

Foreign Investment: Concerns in the Banking, Petroleum, Chemicals, and Biotechnology Sectors

IJrrittxl States General Accounting Office GA6 May 1990 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives r , : FOREIGN INVESTMENT Concerns in the Banking, Petroleum, Chemicals, and Biotechnology Sectors I II I 141682 zh
Date May 24, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-149 Title

Economic Assistance: Integration of Japanese Aid and Trade Policies

ivhy IWO ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE Integration of Japanese Aid and Trade Policies 6 llllllllllll Ill 141650 ~-“- (;AO/NSIAI)-!)0-1,1!, . . ,,,_,.,... C..-,..,_ ,. _,.,..., ,_,. United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-239036 May 24,199O The Honorable David R. Obey Chairman, Subcommittee on Economic Resources and Competitivene...
Date May 24, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-185FS Title

Export Controls: U.S. Policies and Procedures Regarding the Soviet Union

May I!J!)O EXPORT CONTROLS U.S. Policies and Procedures Regarding the Soviet Union 141545 _--__--~ (;A( ,/‘NSIAI)-90- 1r(T,I”S GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-239423 May 24,199O The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen Chairman, Committee on Finance United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: As requested, this fact sheet...
Date May 23, 1990 Report No. T-NSIAD-90-45 Title

European Community: U.S. Financial Services' Competitiveness Under the Single Market Program

I L United States General Accounting Office /PwF~ -‘ GAO - Testimony 141440 For Release OI 1 Del ivery Expected at Cl:33 a.m . EDT Wed,lesday M ay 23, 1990 European Community; U.S. Financial Services’ Competitiveness under the Single.Market Program S ta ternent of Allan I. Mendelowitz, Director Trade, Energy, and Finance Issues National Security ELInternational Affairs Division Before the Subc...
Date May 21, 1990 Report No. NSIAD-90-99 Title

European Community: U.S. Financial Services' Competitiveness Under the Single Market Program

United States General Accounting Office GAO llay 1990 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Comrkerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives EUROPEAN COMMUNITY U.S. Financial Services’ Competitiveness Under the Single Market Program ~AO/NSIAD-90-W National Security and International Affairs Division B-23877 1 May 21, 1990 The Honorable Dou...