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GAO Reports by subject "Defense budgets"

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Date Report No. Title
Date Oct. 8, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-88-9FS Title

Additional Costs to Government: Reflagging Kuwaiti Ships and Protecting Them in the Persian Gulf

United States General Accountin# Oi!t!ice w&y . Fact Sheet for the Honorable Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate October 1987 ADDITIONAL COSTS TO GOVERNMENT Reflagging Kuwaiti Ships and Protecting Them in the Persian Gulf 134177 RESTFUL-Not to be releavcld outtaldethe Cim& Accounting Officb axcept on the basis of sptil0 fbpproval by the Office of CongressionslRelation& RELEASED c GAO United S...
Date Sept. 10, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-206BR Title

Defense Budget: Potential Reductions to Missile Procurement Budgets

Umhed States General Accounting Off!ice Briefing Report to the Chairmen, Subcommittees on Defense, Senate and House Committees on Appropriations September 1987 DEFENSE BUDGET Potential Reductions to Missile Procurement Budgets 133860 GAO C..nited States General Accounting ~\~ashiqgton, D.C. Office 205-M National Security and International AfTairs Division B-205940 Septenlber LO, 1987 The Honorable...
Date Aug. 31, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-202BR Title

Procurement: Assessment of DOD's Multiyear Contract Candidates

United States General Accounting Offke 1338LpI - Briefing Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate August 1987 PROCUREMENT Assessment of DOD’ s Multiyear Contract Candidates 133841 c;s=-ifyT 7 GAO/NSIAD-87-202BR , GAO ITnited States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International .WaiIs Di\isiou B-215825 August...
Date Aug. 6, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-169BR Title

Army Budget: Potential Reductions to M1 Tank and Bradley Fighting Vehicle Budgets

United States General Accounting Of&e . 1 GAO August 1987 Brietig Report to the Chairmen, Subcommittees on Defense, Senate and House Committees on Appropriations _ ’ ARMY BUDGET Potential Reductions to Ml Tank and Bradley Fighting Vehicle Budgets 133625 GAO/NSIADS7469BR OssQ9 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division R...
Date May 20, 1987 Report No. IMTEC-87-24FS Title

Software Development: Information on Department of Defense Central Design Activities

, , . F GAO May 1987 F a c t S h e e t fo r th e C h a irm a n , S u b c o n u n itte e o n D e fe n s e , C o q u n itte e o n ’ A p p r o p r ia tio n s , H o u s e o f. R e p r e s e n ta tive s S O FTW A R E DEVELO P M E NT' In fo r m a tio io no n D e p a xtm e n t o f D e fe n s e C e n tral D e sig n A c tivitie s d ’ II i 133391 r 03wel G A O /lM T E X - 8 7 - 2 4 F S . -. .’ c i GAO...
Date May 8, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-151 Title

DOD Inflation: DOD's Inflation Dividends and Unobligated Balances--May 1987 Update

United States General Accounting Office 1330~~ “’ GAO May 1987 Report to the Chairman, Committee on ’ BGdget,U.S. Smate DOD INFLATION DOD’ Inflation s Dividends and Unobligated Balances-May 1987 Update llllllll II II IllI 133076 cxfm3\ GAO/NSIAD-87-16 1 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-222917 May 8,198...
Date May 8, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-150 Title

DOD Inflation: DOD's Inflation Dividends--May 1987 Update

United States General Accounting Office l3Yl5.3 . GAO -1987 Re’ to the Ranking Minority Member, poti Committee on Budget, U.S. Senate DOD INFLATION DOD’ Inflation s Dividends-May Update 1987 IllI Ill1 II ll 133053 rx=39cx\ GAO/NSIAD-87-160 \ GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division F&222817 May 8,1987 The Honorable ...
Date April 2, 1987 Report No. T-NSIAD-87-26 Title

National Defense: Observations on the Defense Enterprise Program

United States General Accouming UUIC~ /l)LI , , Testimony For Release on Delivery 2:00 p.m. Thursday April 2, 1987 OBSERVATIONS ON THE DEFENSE ENTERPRISE PROGRAM Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General United States of the Before the Subcommittees on Conventional Forces and Alliance Defense and on Defense Industry and Technology Committee on Armed Services United States Senate _. GAO/T...
Date Feb. 26, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-81FS Title

Space Funding: NASA's Appropriations and DOD's Funding Estimates for Space Programs

United States General Accounting Office GA!0 February 1987 Fact Sheet for Congressional Requesters ’ SPACEFUNDING NASA’s Appropriations and DOD’s Funding Estimates for Space Programs . GAO United States General Accounting Oflice Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division R-226100 February 26, 1987 The Honorable Donald W. Rlegle, Chairman The Honorable Larry P...
Date Feb. 23, 1987 Report No. NSIAD-87-71 Title

DOD Inflation: Updated Estimates of DOD's Fuel Inflation Dividends

United States General Accounting Office ID/q ‘x4 GAO Febiwary 1987 Report to the Honorable Williaim ProxmYe, US. Senate DOD INFLATION Updated Estimates of DOD’s Fuel Inflation Dividends 1 / / 036078 GArC)/NSIAD-87-7\ 1 I. L c . 0 . I’ I GAO United States General Accounting Office Wwhington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division B-222917 February 23,1987 The Honorabl...
Date Feb. 19, 1987 Report No. T-NSIAD-87-3 Title

National Defense: Defense Budget and Program Issues Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989

United States General Accounting Off!ice Testimony For Release on Delivery Expected at 9:30 a.m. Thursday February 19, 1987 'bEFENSEBUDGET AND PROGRAM ISSUES FISCAL YEARS 1988 and 1989 Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States Before the Committee on Armed Services United States Senate II IIII Ill 132188 ma+2 GAO/T-NSIAD-87-3 da /-e Mr. Chairman, allocation strategy....
Date Jan. 1, 1987 Report No. 132828 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Volume 22, Issue 1, Winter 1987

Contents From the Guest Editor - Frank C. Conahan 1 From Our Briefcase On-line Data Bases CRS Bibliographies DOD Statistical Information Special Periodical Issues 2 r On Location GAO’ Class of ‘ Graduates From the Defense s 86 Management Program Overseas and Regionai Offices Support NSIAD Work GAO Observes a Revolution 4 Manager’ s Corner Interviews With Top Level Defense Officials Topics i...
Date Dec. 23, 1986 Report No. GGD-87-18FS Title

Productivity: Selected DOD Capital Investment Projects

GAO -__ _. Subcommittee ( Appropriatiow~ House of Representatives Dekember 19116 ,, % *. *y % PRoDrj”““““““;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;vI~y ‘cted DOD Capital Investment Projects 132020 I . _~~ -~~ GAO United Staten Gerwrul Accounting Office Wanhington, D.C. 20!!i48 General Government Division R-224846 December23, 1986 The Honorable Rill Chappell, Jr. Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense Commi...
Date Sept. 11, 1986 Report No. 131405 Title

Budget and Spending: The General Accounting Office's Review of the OMB/CBO Initial Report Under the Deficit Control Act

Date Sept. 4, 1986 Report No. OCG-86-4 Title

Budget Reductions for FY 1987: Review of Initial OMB/CBO Report Under the Deficit Control Act

I* 1: J III l ’ : I (IS!)!!0 / , / / / , *0 UJE~ itedlt &atss GEe;;era;Aceounthg Offiw IW~U / L’ Report to the Chtirmarl, Corwrdttee on Gove:nwrlent 0peratio:ns Representatives of Septa@er1986 I BUDGET REDUCTIONS I?ORF’Y 1987 Review of Initial OMBb/ CBO Report Under the Deficit Control Act 1111 I 130903 GAO/OCG86-4 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Com...
Date July 18, 1986 Report No. 130530 Title

National Defense: Defense Inflation Budgeting

Date July 16, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-164BR Title

Budget Reprogramming: Department of Defense Process for Reprogramming Funds

l - United States General Accounting OffIce Briefing Report to the Honorable David Pryor United States Senate July 1986 BUDGET REPROGRAMMING Department of Defense Process for Reprogramming Funds GAO,‘NSIAD-86-164BR United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division a-2L3474 July 16, 1986 The Honorable David Pryor United Dear States...
Date July 11, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-173 Title

DOD Financial Management: Improper Use of Foreign Currency Fluctuations Account

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1986 Report to the Honorable David H. Pryor United States Senate DOD FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Improper Use of Foreign Currency Flucttiations Account 130674 RJ%TFK~U- .A& tho C)~XU& &oourWg Office 0~~;~ dA--. .2x3 of speciflo spproval by the Office of Con@Yx?slonal Itelation& GAO/NSIAD-86-173 53cocc GAO unkd states General Accounting Ofl’lce Washington...
Date June 17, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-94 Title

Unit Training: How It Is Evaluated and Reported to the Congress

United States General Accounting Office GAO JUNE 1986 Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Armed Services United States Senate UNIT TRAINING t How It Is Evaluated aYldReported to the Congress RESTEfJC!TlZD-ITot ta ba releasedoutslde the General Accounting OffiCeexcapt on the bash of spedfiu epgroval by the Office of Congress!?r?sl &l&ions. 130 3AO/NSLAD-86-94 as? GAO United States G...
Date May 1, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-125 Title

Budgeting Issues: Budgeting for Inflation in DOD Purchases of Petroleum Products

United States Germ& Acc’ounting Office LYm37 1 ‘;tAO ay 19ss Report to the Congressional Requesters BUDGETING ISSUES Budgeting for Inflation in DOD Purchases of Petroleum Products I I 4 IllII 129937 0354w5 ‘&O/NSW86126 Y . GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 National Security and International Affairs Division May 1, 1986 The IIonorablc David Pryor The IIonorab...
Date March 26, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-87BR Title

National Defense: Information on the Accuracy of Defense Manpower Requirements

9. .I /a9GU United States beneml Accounting OfPIce 3tft34 ’ Briefing Report to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives I- M&h 1986 DOD MANPOWER Information on the Accuracy of Defense Manpower Requirements 129612 I GAD/NSlAD-86-87BR Bras \E * UNITEDSTATESGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20540 NAT’ONAL BLCURITV b IONAL AFFAIR8 INTLllNA AND DIVISION March 26,...
Date March 7, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-81FS Title

Selected Defense Agencies: Current and Historical Information on Missions, Work Force, and Budget

\ $1’ * United St&es General Accoundnti Office Fact Sheet to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services House of Representatives SELECTED DEFENSE ,,,m AGENCIES Current and Historical Information on Missions,Work Force, and Budget, IIlllllll II11 ll 129363 * NSIAD-8&8IFS 03 lc\,El?,J-rI I GAO United States General Accounting office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs...
Date Feb. 26, 1986 Report No. NSIAD-86-51FS Title

Weapons Acquisition: Processes of Selected Foreign Governments

IJnited &&es ie Fact Sheet Committee on Governmental Affairs Uniied States Senate Processesof Selected Foreign Governments 129167 UNITHJ STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASMINOTON, D.C. 20540 NATlqNXL OECVRITY AND INTERNATIONAL AICCAIRI DlVllJlON February 26, 1986 NB-220900 ~The Honorable William V. Roth, Jr. Xhairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: we h...
Date Jan. 17, 1986 Report No. AFMD-86-24BR Title

Budget Issues: Governmentwide Analysis of the Growth in Unexpended Balances

United Statmj ,,$enetaJ Accounting OfIke Briefmg Rerfort to the Chairman, Task u Force on the Budget Process,Committee on the Budget, U.S.House of Representatives 7 i?LLy lam BUDGET ISSUES’ Governmentwide Analysis of the Growth in Unexpended Balances I I llll 129103 GA d /AFMD-W24BR UNITEDSTATESGENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASY%RGTON, D.C. 20548 January 'B-221420 17, 1986 The Honorable Butler Derri...
Date Nov. 22, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-86-8 Title

Support Services: Actions To Gain Management Control Over DOD's Contract Support Services

Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on yi Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives November 1985 SUPPORTSERVICES Actions ,,, Gain to I,,I,y ,,,,, ~,m~*m~“‘,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,m U,,,,,,,,,Y”““““““’ ManagementControl Over DOD’s Contract Support Services 128470 . GAO/NSIAD-86-8 About Our New Look . This GAO report was produced using a new design and printing...
Date June 13, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-85-75 Title

Measures of Military Capability: A Discussion of Their Merits, Limitations, and Interrelationships

Report To The Honorable Sam Nunn Ranking Minority Member Committee On Armed Services United States Senate Measures Of Military Capability: A Discussion Of Their Merits, Limitations, And Interrelationships This report discusses the problems of meas- uring military capability and the difficu!ty of quantifying military capability in a smgle, definitive measure. It also discusses various indicators of...
Date March 5, 1985 Report No. NSIAD-85-46 Title

National Defense: Management of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Exercise Program Has Been Strengthened, But More Needs To Be Done

BY THE U.S.GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Defense Management Or: The Joint Chiefs O’i Staff Exercise Program Has Been Strengthened, But More Needs To Be Done The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) exercise program trains U.S. forces, tests forces’ abilities to perform their missions, and prepares the forces of two or more services for joint operations. A GAO review of this progr...
Date Feb. 28, 1985 Report No. OIRM-85-2 Title

National Defense: Summaries of Conclusions and Recommendations on Department of Defense Operations

$Aitd Senate Committees on Appropriations by the Comptroller General of the United States SUMMARIES OF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OPERATIONS I ’ 1 i This is a summary of GAO’s conclusions and recommendations resulting from its audits and other review work in the Department of Defense on which satisfactory legislative or administrative actions have not been taken. ...
Date Oct. 25, 1984 Report No. NSIAD-85-9 Title

National Defense: Analysis of DOD's Fiscal Year 1985 Multiyear Procurement Candidates

/arusQ REPORTBY THEUS General Accounting Office Analysis Of DOD’s Fiscal Year 1985 Multiyear Procurement Candidates Public Law 97-86 established criteria which must be met by DOD multiyear contract candidates. The criteria are that the multiy:ear contracts will benefit the government by saving money and improving contractors’ droductivity, and that the estimated contract c~ost and savings be r...
Date March 20, 1984 Report No. OADPS-84-2 Title

National Defense: Summaries of Conclusions and Recommendations on Department of Defense Operations

This is a summary of GAO’s conclusions and recommendations resulting from its audits and other review work in the Department of Defense on which satisfactory legislative or administrative actions have not been taken. These summaries are compiled to assist congressional committees in their review of budget requests for fiscal year 1985. Previous GAO reports brought these matters to the attention ...
Date Nov. 9, 1983 Report No. AFMD-84-14 Title

Financial Management: Improved Internal Controls Are Needed To Better Assure That Obligations Will Not Be Backdated

LINKED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 ACCDUWTINO MANAOKMKFW AND llNANClAL DIVWON H-208863 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Caspar W . W e inberger Defense DOD O ffice of the Inspector Deputy Assistant Inspector GAO Report Analysis NOVEMBER 9, 1983 of General General for Dear M r. Secretary: Subject: Improved Internal Controls Are Needed to Better Assure That Obligati...
Date Sept. 30, 1983 Report No. NSIAD-83-57 Title

Government Operations: Analysis of FY 1984 Budget Requests for Approved Multiyear Procurements

UNITED STATES GENERALACC~UNTING WASrlINGTCN. D ‘1: 2C548 OFFICE YATIONAL I~TERNATIONAI. SECURITY AFFAIRS AND OWlSION ~-206570 The Honorable Joseph P. Addabbo Chairman, Subcornmlttee on Defense Committee on Appropriat;ons Youse of Represeqtatlves Dear Yr. Chairman: Septetier 30, 1983 SubJect= Analysis of Frscdl Year 1984 Budget for Approved Multiyear Procurements tGAO/XSIAD-83-57) Requests ' TkL;...
Date Sept. 28, 1983 Report No. NSIAD-83-11 Title

National Defense: Recommended Dollar Reductions to DOD's FY 1984 Ammunition Procurement and Production Base Programs

REPORT BY THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITED STATES Recommended Dollar Reductions To DOD's Fiscal Year 1984 Ammunition Procurement And Production Base Programs The President's fiscal year 1984 Defense budget request ciluded $4.3 billion for ammunition items and $277.3 million for enhancing ammunition production facilities . At the request of the Subcommittees on Defense of the House and Senate ...
Date Sept. 15, 1983 Report No. 122334 Title

National Defense: The Defense Production Act

Date Sept. 1, 1983 Report No. OACG-84-5 Title

Special Publications: The DOD Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System

IIl1I111111 I l l 1l1111l111111 l1l lI l ll 124415 , ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT DIVISION PROGRAM AND BUDGET INFOR MATION GROUP April 1984 A t the Comptroller General’s urging, and with the cooperation of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, a joint Department of Defense (DOD)/GAO working group was formed t o study DOD‘s Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS). The results of th...
Date April 27, 1983 Report No. PLRD-83-62 Title

The Defense Budget: A Look at Budgetary Resources, Accomplishments, and Problems

i 1 . ~ .#* .P )‘CU>~ BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report ToThe Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES The Defense Budget: A Look At Budgetary Resources, Accomplishments, And Problems * Growth of the defense budget continues at an unprecedented pace. The $240 billion appropriated for fiscal year 1983 is $96 billion, or 68 oercent, laraer than the 1980 defense budget. GAO believes that the services are generall...
Date April 4, 1983 Report No. PLRD-83-61 Title

Employment: Analysis of DOD's Claimed Budgetary Savings Through Management Reforms

COMPTROLLER GENERAL WASHINGTON OF THE D.C. UNITED STATES 2OfM . B-210895 To the president of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representative " The Secretary of Defense has continually reemphasized the importance of achieving savings in the conduct of Department of Defense (DOD) operations. The President's 1983 budget reported that DOD has taken actions to reduce Total Obligational Autho...
Date March 4, 1983 Report No. OPP-83-1 Title

Government Operations: GAO Staff Views on the President's FY 1984 Budget Proposals

1 . I -9 GAO Staff Views On The President’s Fiscal Year 1984 Budget Proposals 120829 GAO United States General Accounting Of’t’ice GAO/OPP-83- 1 March 4,1983 ASBISTANT COMPTROLUER WNERAL O.C. WASHINGTON. OF THE ZOS48 UNITED STATES We thought it would be useful if GAO provided the views of our staff on the President's fiscal year 1984 budget proposals. Our analyses are based on work we have c...
Date March 4, 1983 Report No. OISS-83-2 Title

National Defense: Summaries of Conclusions and Recommendations on Department of Defense Operations

’Report *&the Howe ,* and Senate Committees on Appropriations by the Comptroller General of the United States IlIlllH nllnn 120717 SUMMARIES OF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE mental otficials. OISS-83-2 Requests for copies of GAO reports should be sent to: U.S. General Accounting Office lnformation Handling and Support Facility P.O. Box 6015 Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Telep...
Date Feb. 14, 1983 Report No. PLRD-83-44 Title

National Defense: Improvements in the Data Submitted to the Congress To Justify Transportation Funding Requirements

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFKE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548’ ?ROC’JF!ERlENT. AND READINESS LOGtSTICS, DIVISICN--. Mll!llll llllll# 120784 The Honorable Acting Assistant (Comptroller) Dear Mr. Vincent Puritan0 Secretary of ElaA 4 1983 Defense Secretary: Improvements Congress to Requirements in the Data Submitted Justify Transportation (GAO/PLRD-83-44) to the Funding Subject: We have reviewed ...
Date Jan. 1, 1983 Report No. 121154 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Vol. 18, Issue 1, Winter 1983

The I . I GAO er 1983 REVIEW i f-" . ___ I REVIEW The Winter 1983 Contents 1 Volume 18 Issue 1 From Our Bridcase Accounting Update President Signs Internal Control Legislation GAO StafFAppointed to AICPA Committees and Councils Auditing/Accounting Compendium Available Standards-Setting for Financial Reporting Financial Management Issues of the 1980’s Auditing and Accounting Trends Better Informa...
Date Jan. 1, 1983 Report No. 124336 Title

Special Publications: The GAO Review, Vol. 18, Issue 3, Summer 1983

REVIEW ... . ._ c . . f I I Volume18 I Issue3 1 Pram Our Brsefcase Accounting Update GAO Issues Proposed Standards for Internal Controls OMB Issues Guidelines for Evaluating and Reporting on Internal Controls GAO Will Develop Strategy for Implementation of The Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of 1982 Ten New Directions Bits of Information on Bytes Can You Control Stress? 4 On Iiocation ...
Date Feb. 26, 1982 Report No. OISS-82-2 Title

National Defense: Summaries of Conclusions and Recommendations on Department of Defense Operations

SUMMARIES OF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OPERATIONS This is a summaryof GAG’sconclusionsand recommendations resultingfrom its auditsandotherreviewwork in the Department of Defenseon which satisfactorylegislativeor administrative actions have not beentaken.Thesesummaries compiled assistconare to gressional committees their review of budgetrequestsfor fiscal in year 19...
Date Jan. 27, 1982 Report No. MASAD-82-16 Title

National Defense: DOD Instruction 5000.5X, Standard Instruction Set Architectures for Embedded Computers

COMPTROLLER G&JEFiAi WASHJNWDN OF THE UNITED D.C. 2W48 STATES Chairman, Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: DOD Instruction Architectures RELEASED 5000.5X, Standard Instruction Set For Embedded Computers “[(MASAD-82-16) On July 30, 1981, you requested that we review the Department of Defense (DOD) plans to implement proposed DOD Instruction 500...
Date Dec. 22, 1981 Report No. PLRD-82-26 Title

National Defense: The Aviation Supply Office Continues To Have Problems With the Accuracy of Its Requirements Determinations

I 11111 I 117124 Rear Admiral A. A. Giordano Commander, Naval Supply Systems Subject: Command The Aviation Supply Office Continues To Have Problems With the Accuracy of Its Requirements Determinations (PLRD-82-26) Giordano: Dear Admiral We have completed our review of Navy requirements determinations for aeronautical spares and repair parts at the Aviation Supply Office (ASO) in Philadelphia, Penn...
Date Dec. 15, 1981 Report No. MASAD-82-7 Title

National Defense: Large-Scale Production of the M1 Tank Should Be Delayed Until Its Power Train Is Made More Durable

-- / g BY THECOMPTROLL Report ToThe Congress OFTHEUNITEDSTATES LcbrgeScaleProduction Of TheMl Tank Should Be Delayed UntilIts, PowerTrain IsiMade More Durable The Army has requested funds to procure 729 Ml tanks in fiscal year 1982. Although the; tank has met virtually all of its major combat requirements, the tank’s power train durability must be improved so that the tank’s performance can me...
Date Oct. 21, 1981 Report No. 090829 Title

National Defense: DOD Major Weapon Systems Acquisition Procedures

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 FOR RELEASE ON DELIVERY EXPECTED AT 9:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21, 1981 STATEMENT OF CHARLES A. BOWSHER COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES before Governmental United the Committee Senate Affairs States on Department Major of Defense Weapon Systems Procedures Acquisition Mr. Chairman and Members of to have of the the Committee: o...
Date Sept. 10, 1981 Report No. AFMD-81-62 Title

Financial Management: Millions in Losses Continue on Defense Stock Fund Sales to Foreign Customers

OF THE UNITEDSTATES Millions In Losses Continue On Defense Stock Fund Sales To Foreign Customers The Department of Defense continues to sell items to foreign customers from its stock fund inventory for less than estimated replacement cost. As a result, Defense appropriations are subsidizing foreign sales by millions of dollars each year--a practice the Congress wants Defense to avoid. This report,...
Date Sept. 10, 1981 Report No. MASAD-81-41 Title

National Defense: Questionable Use of C-X and Other Air Force Weapon System Funds

1 p-+ L-9 UNITED STATESGENERALACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 -- OFFICE MISSION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS ACQUISITION AND DIVISION B-200766 SEPTEMBER IO,1981 The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Verne Orr of the Air Assistant Force Auditor General II lllllll lllllllll ll 116299 Mr. Secretary: Questionable Use of Weapon System Funds the C-X and Other (MASAD-81-41) Air Force Subject: the Secretary o...
Date Sept. 9, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-60 Title

National Defense: Less Costly Ways To Budget and Provision Spares for New Weapon Systems Should Be Used

d . . . BY THECOMPTROLLERGENERAL Report To The Congress OF THEUNITEDSTATES Less Costly Ways To Budget And Provision Spares For New Weapon Systems Should Be Used Procedures the Army, Navy, and Air Force use for providing spares for new aircraft and helicopters are not achieving optimum support levels. Assuring the timely availability of required spare stocks at using organizations and at maintenanc...