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GAO Reports by subject "Common carrier operations"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Nov. 10, 2009 Report No. GAO-10-34 Title

Telecommunications: FCC Needs to Improve Oversight of Wireless Phone Service

United States Government Accountability Office GAO November 2009 Report to Congressional Requesters TELECOMMUNICATIONS FCC Needs to Improve Oversight of Wireless Phone Service GAO-10-34 November 2009 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Highlights Highlights of GAO-10-34, a report to congressional requesters Accountability Integrity Reliability FCC Needs to Improve Oversight of Wireless Phone Service Why GAO Did Th...
Date Nov. 10, 2009 Report No. GAO-10-35SP Title

Telecommunications: Surveys of Consumers and of State Utility Commissions about Wireless Phone Service (GAO-10-35SP, November 2009), an E-supplement to GAO-10-34

Date May 8, 1998 Report No. NSIAD-98-99 Title

Defense Transportation: Status of U.S. Transportation Command Savings Initiatives

United States General Accounting Office GAO May 1998 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Military Readiness, Committee on National Security, House of Representatives DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION Status of U.S. Transportation Command Savings Initiatives GAO/NSIAD-98-99 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 National Security and International Affairs Division B-279252 May ...
Date March 31, 1998 Report No. T-RCED-98-127 Title

Surface Transportation: Issues Associated With Pipeline Regulation by the Surface Transportation Board

United States General Accounting Office GAO Not to Be Released Before 2:30 p.m. EST Tuesday March 31, 1998 Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Senate SURFACE TRANSPORTATION Issues Associated With Pipeline Regulation by the Surface Transportation Board Statement for the Record by Phyllis F. Scheinb...
Date May 22, 1995 Report No. GGD-95-138 Title

Customs Service: Passenger User Fee Needs to Be Reevaluated

United States General Accounting Office GAO May 1995 Report to the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, and Subcommittee on Trade, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives CUSTOMS SERVICE Passenger User Fee Collection Needs To Be Reevaluated GAO/GGD-95-138 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-260120 May 22, 1995 The Honorable B...
Date Nov. 26, 1993 Report No. NSIAD-94-26 Title

Defense Transportation: Commercial Practices Offer Improvement Opportunities

I fit. i :. : ! ,, / : j, ‘ . I . . ,:, ’ ,.’ ...iG ,:..i .I .; ; ‘1 ::. I:. : National Security and International Affairs Division B-25 1208 November 26,1993 The Honorable Les Aspin The Secretary of Defense Dear Mr. Secretary: This report was conducted to assist the Department of Defense (DOD) in its efforts to improve its domestic motor freight transportation management practices. The re...
Date Nov. 16, 1993 Report No. NSIAD-94-66R Title

National Defense: European Transportation

GAO United States General Accounting Of&e Washington, D.C. 20548 NationaJ Security and International Affairs Division B-255563 November 16, 1993 General George A. Joulwan Commander-in-Chief U.S. European Command Dear General Joulwan: I This letter is the result of our review of freight traffic Our objectives management practices in the European theater. were to examine the Department of Defense's ...
Date July 29, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-164 Title

Rural Electrification: REA Borrowers' Investments in Cable and Satellite Television Services

United States General Accounting Office GAO July 1993 Report to the Honorable John E. Porter, House of Representatives RURAL ELECTRIFICATION REA Borrowers’ Investments in Cable and Satellite Television Services GAO/RCED-93-164 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-253315 July 29,1993 The Honorable John E. Port...
Date April 8, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-69 Title

Trans-Alaska Pipeline: Projections of Long-Term Viability Are Uncertain

1 Jni ted States General Accounting Office GAO Report to the Chairman, Committee on d~ Natural Resources, House of Representatives TRANS-ALASKA PIPELINE Projections of Long-Term Viability Are Uncertain GAO United States General Accounting OfTlce Washington, D.C. 20648 Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division B-261216 April 8, 1993 The Honorable GeorgeMiller Chairman,Committee on Nat...
Date March 18, 1993 Report No. RCED-93-83 Title

Telecommunications: FCC's Handling of Formal Complaints Filed Against Common Carriers

._ llrri~c~tl L, Stales -.___..“. . ..-_--.._ Ac* -... l_...“_ (hknc~rxl --.-_“_---- Ol’ iw l’ ..-.__.-.. - I’ $ort to the Chairman, Inf’ cmnalion, .Justice, Transportation, and Agriculture Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House 01’ Representatives TELECOMMUNICATIONS FCC’ Handling of s Formal Complaints Filed Against Common Carriers -. ,..._- ..--- I lll...
Date June 3, 1992 Report No. NSIAD-92-157 Title

GSA Transportation Audits: Contract Costs Can Be Reduced

United States Gcsuxal Accounting Office GAO Report to the Honorable ,Jon Kyl, House of Representatives ,; I I 1; TRANSPORTATION AUDITS Contract Costs Can Be Reduced 1111111 Ill 146651 GAO/NSIAD-92-157 United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Natlcnal Security and International Affairs Division B-214149 June 3,1992 The Honorable Jon Kyl House of Representatives Dear Mr. Kyl: T...
Date June 18, 1987 Report No. RCED-87-109 Title

Railroad Regulation: Competitive Access and Its Effects on Selected Railroads and Shippers

on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives June 1987 RAILROAD REGULATION Competitive Access and Its Effects on SelectedRailroads and Shippers GAO/RCEDS7-109 539=Q I,. &llllll giiiiEb%gfice , .. Resources, Community, Economic Development and Division B-226509 June 18, 1987 The Honorable John D. Dingell Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Energy and Commerce Hou...
Date April 26, 1983 Report No. RCED-83-90 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Federal Communications Commission Can Further Improve Its Licensing Activities

RitPORT BY THE Comptroller General OF THE UNITEDSTATES FCC Can Further Improve Its Licensing Activities During the past 5 years, the Federal Communications Commission has considerably improved the efficiency of its licensing procedures. However, the introduction of new communications services and growth in existing services have created processing delays, GAO is recommending additional improvement...
Date May 27, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-70 Title

National Defense: DOD's Revised Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System May Not Be Needed

1* *T (-.g+++ UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT. ANDREADINESS DIVISION LOGISTICS, B-200212 MAY 27,1982 The Ilonorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Director, GAO Affairs Secretary: DOD's Revised Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System May Not Be Needed (GAO/PLRD-82-70) Subject: In October 1980 we reported 1,' on our obser...
Date April 6, 1982 Report No. PLRD-82-61 Title

National Defense: Use of Shipper Associations Would Reduce DOD's Transportation Costs

UNITE? STAT& GEN~AI. ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, 20548 D.C. IV?98 B-159783 . The Honorable The Secretary Attention: Dear Mr. Secretary: Subject: Use of Shipper Transportation Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Director, GAO Affairs APRIL 9,1982 Associations Would Reduce DOD's Costs (PLRD-82-61) Our recent survey of the Department of Defense's (DOD's) freight consolidation practices indicated that t...
Date Jan. 29, 1982 Report No. CED-82-38 Title

Science, Space, and Technology: Can the Federal Communications Commission Successfully Implement Its Computer II Decision?

. REPORT THEU.S. BY - 1.17YYq General Accounting Office Can The Federal Communications Commission Successfully Implement Its Computer II Decision? The Federal Communications Commission must carry out a variety of complex tasks to implement its Computer II decision, involving the regulatory problems raised by the convergence of data processing and communications technologies. The Commission has mad...
Date June 22, 1981 Report No. PLRD-81-44 Title

National Defense: Use of Air Carriers for Freight Shipments

UNIT& STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 PROCUREMENT, AND REAOINESS LOGISTICS. DlVtSlON B-203234 JUNE 22,1981 The Honorable The Secretary Dear Mr. Caspar W. Weinberger of Defense Secretary: r-'" Subject: LUse of Air Carriers (PLRD-81-44) for Freight Shipments/ During our review of the use of air carriers for freight shipments by the Department of Defense, we observed several matters ...
Date Sept. 30, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-110 Title

National Defense: If Excess Chartered Sealift Capacity Is Needed for Contingencies, It Should Be Put to Maximum Peacetime Use

BY THE U.S.GENERALACCOUNTiNG OFFICE Report To The Secretary Of Defense . If Excess Chartered Seatift Capacity Is Needed For Contingencies, It Shokl Be Put To Maximum Peacetime Use The Navy’s Military Sealift Command charters ships to carry military cargo. These ships USLJally sail more than half empty. At the same time, the Navy is buying space on regularly scheduled commercial ships. The Navy j...
Date Feb. 28, 1980 Report No. LCD-80-37 Title

National Defense: GPO Can Improve Traffic Management Practices

UN!TED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20548 LOGISTlcs AN0 COMMUNlcATlONs OIVISION n-196922 FEBRUARY 28,198O John J. 3oyle The Honorable Puollc Printer United States Government Printing Office Dear Hr. 'b' IIlllllllllll 111658 Boyle: Can Improve Traffic Management ractices (LCD-an-371 7 J Ve have completed our study of traffic managenent This report in the Government Printing Off...
Date Aug. 9, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-216 Title

National Defense: Evaluation of Constituent's Rebuttal to GAO Report on DOD's Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System

DOCUMEIT RESUME ('7021 - [B2227279] of Constituent's Rebuttal to Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System]. GAO Report on CaCDs LCD-78-;16; B-152283. Auqust 9, 1978. 3 pp. f Evaluation Transportation of Things (704). Contact: Logistics and Cormun..cations Civ. Budget FUL :ion: National Defense: Department Hilitary (except procure..t' S contracts) of Defense Organization Coucarne.&: Department of ro...
Date June 29, 1978 Report No. LCD-78-218 Title

Transportation: Summary of Actions Taken To Implement the Recommendations of the Joint Agency Transportation Study

DOCUMENT RESUBE 06~50 - [B1846865] Summary of Actions Taken To Implement t'e 8ecoxsevdaticns cf the Joint Agency Transportation Study. LCD-7E-i18; B-163736. uune 29, 1978. 22 pp. + 2 appendices (8 pF.). Staff study by Fred J. Shafer, Directcr, Lcgistics and Communica tions Div. Issue Area: Facilities and Material fmanagement (7CO). Contact: Logistics and Conaunicaticna Div. Budget Function: Genera...
Date April 10, 1978 Report No. LCD-77-232 Title

Transportation: DOD's Use of Commercial Documentation and Procedures for Common Carrier Domestic Freight Transportation

DOCUMENT 05790 [B1086039] ESUME rDOD's Use f Commercial Documentation and Procedures Carrier Domestic Freight Transportaticr]. LCD-,77-232. for Common pril 10, 1978. 6 pp. Beport to John P. hite, Department of Defense: Assistant Secretary of Defense (Marnpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics); by Henry W. Connor, Associate Director, ogistics and Communications Div. Contact: Logistics and Communicat...
Date April 10, 1978 Report No. 090238 Title

National Defense: The Department of Defense Can Make Greater Use of Commercial Carrier Shipping Forms

UNITEI) STATES*GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D C 20548 LOGlSTlCS AND COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION The Honorahle John P, Whzte Assistant Secretary (Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics) Dear Mr. Whxte, We have completed a study of the Department of Defense"& :DOD) use of commercial documentatzon and procedures to purchase and pay for common carrier domes&c frezght transportation Since 1969 th...
Date Oct. 31, 1977 Report No. LCD-78-203 Title

Information Management: Department of Defense's Carrier Evaluation and Reporting System for Measuring the Performance of Household Goods Carriers

DOCUMENT RESUME 0993i f.3074j2]9 If DeLamnt o Detense's Carrier Evaluation and Pepcrtir.g System ror ;d.usurinq tnh Periormauice of Household. Goods CazrierE]. £bL-7d -; r-15.z83. October 31, 177. 9 F. r'e!ort to ep. Melvin Price, Chairmarl, r. vice_; by Robert F. Keiler, Acting House Committee on Armed omptrolle Gneral. Issu- Area: FaCilities and Material Managewent. Federal transportation of Th...
Date Aug. 1, 1977 Report No. CED-77-104 Title

Transportation: Improvements Needed in Regulating Household Goods Carriers

DOCUMENT RBSUME 03062 - [A2153254] Improvements Needed in Regulatinc' Household Goods Carriers, CED-77-104; B-187797. August 1, 1,77. 0 pp. Report to A. Daniel ONeal, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission; by Baltas E. -ir.kle (for Henry Eschwege, Director, Community and Economic Development Div.). Issue Area: Transportation Systems and Policies: Commercial Trucking Industry Regulation (2410). ...
Date June 8, 1977 Report No. CED-77-67 Title

Amtrak's Incentive Contracts with Railroads: Considerable Cost, Few Benefits

..a. . QRT TO THE CONGRESS 1) \/,.q A\.\\’ --,*:I ; ‘i’. ‘;[._ ,. tl Y/ _;‘ivj d( c c il ‘r ” -- BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES LM102749 lllllllllllllllllllllllll~~ Amtrak’s Incentive Contracts With RailroadsConsiderable Cost, Few Benefits National Railroad Passenger Corporation Since July 1974 Amtrak, under its performance incentive contracts with 10 railroads, ha...
Date May 16, 1977 Report No. CED-77-62 Title

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Program: Not Yet Achieving What the Congress Wanted

5-64iIj7 REPORT TO kIiE CONGRE?i!i BY THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES LM102422 IllllllllIll11 Ill1 11111 llll Ill 11111 Ill11 11111111 THEFEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY PROGRAM: NOT YET ACHIEVING WHAT THE CONGRESS WANTED Federal Highway Administration Of Transportation Department Highway safety has increased since 1966. But in 1977 the Federal motor carrier safety program had Itot been ...
Date Feb. 25, 1977 Report No. GGD-77-23 Title

Government Operations: The U.S. Postal Service's Use of Railroads to Transport Mail

. !hITED 1 SAYS CEiiEiiX ACCCUNTIE;G OFFICE D.C. 2051i3 WASHINGTGN, B-114874 I The Honorable Paul Simon Aouse of Fe?rescntatives i -. . recyested that we review your July 1, 1976, letter Service's use cf the railroads for transthe U.S. Festal porting the mails. E.ased cn ycur iotter and subsecruent discussions with your staff, we focused our revie-4 on (1) why the Service's use of the railroads ha...
Date Jan. 5, 1977 Report No. 102750 Title

Financial Management: Implementation of Section 5 of the Fly America Act

Date Nov. 16, 1976 Report No. B-185135-O.M. Title

Business, Industry, and Consumers: Aero Mayflower Transit Company, Inc., Loss and Damage Claim

C UNmTED STATES GOvERNMENT Kenneeth Siegel Transp/ G;NERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Memorandum 01X : Director, CD FA o fxeral Counsel - Paul G. 'De bling SUIJECt. B-185135-O.M. Aero Mayflower Transit Company, Inc. Loss and Damage claim papers pertaining We refer to the attached claim file and related (Mayflower); by letter of to Aero Mayflower Transit Company, Inc. deducted by the June 19, 1974, it in ef...