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GAO Reports by subject "Age discrimination"

Full-text search of 51,869 reports from the Government Accountability Office
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Date Report No. Title
Date Jan. 12, 2009 Report No. GAO-09-255R Title

U.S. Postal Service: Age and Disability in the Executive Service

United States Government Accountability Office Washington, DC 20548 January 12, 2009 The Honorable Danny K. Davis House of Representatives Subject: U.S. Postal Service: Age and Disability Diversity in the Executive Service Dear Mr. Davis: Equal opportunity in the federal workplace is intended to result in a diverse and highly qualified workforce. Such a workplace uses the talents of all employees...
Date Feb. 28, 2003 Report No. GAO-03-364 Title

Financial Regulation: Review of Selected Operations of the Federal Housing Finance Board

United States General Accounting Office GAO February 2003 Report to Congressional Requesters FINANCIAL REGULATION Review of Selected Operations of the Federal Housing Finance Board GAO-03-364 a February 2003 FINANCIAL REGULATION Review of Selected Operations of the Federal Housing Finance Board Highlights of GAO-03-364, a report to the Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urba...
Date Aug. 14, 1996 Report No. GGD-96-138BR Title

Federal Employees' Compensation Act: Issues Associated With Changing Benefits for Older Beneficiaries

United States General Accounting Office GAO August 1996 Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters FEDERAL EMPLOYEES’ COMPENSATION ACT Issues Associated With Changing Benefits for Older Beneficiaries G A O years 1921 - 1996 GAO/GGD-96-138BR GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-271742 August 14, 1996 The Honorable Mark O. Hatfield Chair...
Date March 30, 1994 Report No. HEHS-94-17 Title

Employment Discrimination: How Registered Representatives Fare In Discrimination Disputes

United States General Accounting Office GAO March 1994 Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee oq Telecommunications and Finance, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION How Registered Representatives Fare in Discrimination ” Disputes . GAWHEHS-94-17 ,: 3. .,,I. United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 26548 Health, Education, and H~~UIJI...
Date Feb. 9, 1994 Report No. HEHS-94-32 Title

EEOC's Expanding Workload: Increases in Age Discrimination and Other Charges Call for New Approach

United States General Accounting Office GAO February 1994 Report to the Chairman, Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate EEOC'SEXIXNDING WORKLOAD Increases in Age Discrimination and Other Charges Call for New Approach /508!< GAWEIEHS-9432 Notice: This is a reprint of a GAO report. GAO United States Accounting Offlce Washington, D.C. 20648 General Health, Education, and Human Services Division B-2...
Date Sept. 4, 1992 Report No. HRD-92-82 Title

Age Employment Discrimination: EEOC's Investigation of Charges Under 1967 Law

ScpWmber 1992 AGE EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION EEOC’s Investigation of Charges Under 1967 Law I RESTRICTED--Not to be releasebl outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Offke of Congressional Relations. RELEASED 55s3os GAwIIKI~-!)2-82 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-242929 September 4, 1992 The Honorable ...
Date Dec. 14, 1990 Report No. HRD-91-47 Title

Aging Issues: Related GAO Reports and Activities in Fiscal Year 1990

~-__ AGING ISSUES Related GAO Reports and Activities in Fiscal Year 1990 .“. _... _. _ .-- .-.--. .-_ .^I.. -I_ -. . .._....._.I GAO United States General Acco&ting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-242250 December 14,199O The Honorable David Pryor Chairman, Special Committee on Aging United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This report is in response to the Committee’ Se...
Date Feb. 27, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-87BR Title

Age Discrimination: Use of Age-Specific Provisions in Company Exit Incentive Programs

United States General Accounting Office GAO February 1990 Briefing Report to Congressional Requesters AGE DISCRIMINATION Use of Age-Specific Provisions in Company Exit Incentive Programs GAO/HRIWO-87BR GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-234436 February 27, 1990 Congressional Requesters:’ On December 11,1989, you requested information on ...
Date Jan. 12, 1990 Report No. HRD-90-56 Title

Aging Issues: Related GAO Reports and Activities in Fiscal Year 1989

General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Division united states B-217196 January 12,lDDO The Honorable David H. Pryor Chairman, Special Committee I on Aging United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This report is in responseto the Committee’s October 11, 1989, requestfor a compilation of our fiscal year 1989 activities regarding older Americans. . _. .ll.^*.....l,ll ..10 ...
Date Dec. 12, 1989 Report No. IMTEC-90-5 Title

ADP Systems: EEOC's Charge Data System Contains Errors But System Satisfies Users

c United States General Accounting Office GAO December 1989 Report to the Chairman, Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate ADPSYSTEMS EEOC’s Charge Data System Contains Errors but System Satisfies Users GAO/IMTEC-90-5 GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20548 Information Technology Management Division and B-233325 December 12, 1989 The Honorable David Pryor Chairman, Sp...
Date April 18, 1989 Report No. HRD-89-87 Title

Age Discrimination: Use of Waivers by Large Companies Offering Exit Incentives to Employees

GAO April .._.-. ._" I I.. .-. .".-I 1!r8!) .-.-I. "--_.-. _ __._^._... _-___.___ __ AGE DISCRIMINATION Use of Waivers by Large Companies Offering Exit Incentives to Employees _.... ,____._- ...-.-.-- -_-“... .-“...- .^.I _ .I. (iA0 IfRIb#!&X7 --- ‘GAO . United States General Accounting Office Washington, D.C. 20648 Human Resources Division B-234436 April 18, 1989 CongressionalRequesters? On...
Date March 16, 1989 Report No. T-HRD-89-11 Title

Age Discrimination: Use of ADEA Waivers by Large Corporations

, . United States General Accounting Oflke Testimony 13 b/l ‘ I y IIlllllll a Ill Illl 138194 For Release on Delivery Expected at lo:15 a.m. EST Thursday, March 16, 1989 AGE DISCRIHIIJATIOR Use of ADBA Waivers by Large Corporations Statement of Director Joseph F. Delfico, Income Security Issues Human Resources Division Before the Committee on -Labor and Human Resourced Subcommittee on Labor Unit...
Date Jan. 26, 1989 Report No. HRD-89-38 Title

Aging Issues: Related GAO Reports and Activities in Fiscal Year 1988

United States G@neJgl~&ebunting Office Report to the Chairman, Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate January1989 :AGING ISSUES Related GAO Reports and Activities in Fiscal Year 1988 GAO/HRD-8938 About Our New Cover... The new color of our report covers represents the latest step in GAO'S efforts to improve the presentation of our reports. GAO United States General Accounting Office Washington, D...
Date Nov. 30, 1984 Report No. HRD-85-27 Title

Income Security: GAO Aging Activities in Fiscal Year 1984

UNITED STATES GENERALACCOUNTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 2OJ48 NOVEMBER 30,1984 B-217195 The Honorable John Heinz Chairman, Special Committee United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: on Aging Subject: GAO Aging Activities (GAO/HFS-85-27) in Fiscal Year 1984 On October 17, 1984, you requested us to submit describing our fiscal year 1984 activities regarding Americans. The enclasures respond to your r...
Date Nov. 20, 1981 Report No. FPCD-82-6 Title

Employment: Age Discrimination and Other Equal Employment Opportunity Issues in the Federal Work Force

UNITED STATES GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE WASH _ ,... 1_ FEDERAL COMPENSATION PERSONNEL DIVISION AND p,;, :i I NGTON. D.C. 20548 .‘L,-+J siR% .- NOVEMBER 20.1981 D-205303 The Honorable Claude Pepper Chairman, Select Committee on Aging House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Subject: Age Discrimination and Other Equal Employment Opportunity Issues in the Federal Work Force (FPCD-82-6) This repo...
Date Aug. 2, 1978 Report No. HRD-78-138 Title

Civil Rights: A Compilation of Federal Laws and Executive Orders for Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Programs

.,- . .ir . .,; ,. . :! i r-. ; During spend an estimated and equal year 1978 the Federal Government will. $467 million to promote nondiscriminatron opportunity for all. Americans. fiscal, The study idenrifies 87 Federal laws and Executive The study was prepared by our orders related to this area. Civil Rights Group. Questions regarding this study should be directed to either Joseph J. Dglin, Assi...